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V. Forward onto Liberty

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V. Forward onto Liberty Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 2:33 pm



Name: Forward onto Liberty

Slot: Ring

Type: Ring

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Limited

Element: Arcane

Durability: 2x S-Rank


Description: A symbol for the Third movement's philosophies of liberty and freedom, Forward onto Liberty encourages the wearer to fight against their oppressors and those that might otherwise seek to stop them. Unable to fulfil its full mission, Forward onto Liberty became accessible to the larger Talaz Lagaarian community.



  • If the user was a member of the Third Movement or the Loyalists they will receive a 20% discount.

Note: While listed as a limited item, this can be bought an unlimited amount of times as a member of the Third Movement and only reflects the total cost of the item.


  • Fighting the Oppressors: The user receives an additional 10% Jewels and Experience bonus when fighting opponents, this increases relative to the difference in the reputation tiers with the user receiving an additional 5% for each reputation tier that their opponent has compared to the user.
  • Power to the People: The user's physical strikes cause their targets to be knocked back relative to the difference in reputation between the two, at a minimum will push them back 5 meters and a further 5 meters for every tier that the target is higher up to 25 meters back. This effect ignores knock-back mitigation and reduces knock-back immunity to halving the relative distance knocked back.


  • Name: Pushing into the Future
    Rank: D-S
    Mana Cost: 100-500
    Requirements: Forward onto Liberty
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 10-50M
    Cooldown: 1 - 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user may reinforce the effect of Power to the People using the Pushing into the future which will double the relative distance that targets would have otherwise been knock-backed by. This spell will also bind the target for the relative rank and require them to have a higher Constitution than the user to break or they must pay double the relative mana cost associated with the spell cast.

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