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The Great Hunt [Deadliest Catch ft. Ghost]

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The Great Hunt [Deadliest Catch ft. Ghost]  Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 1:37 pm

As Tōga soared across the clear sky, his Birdman's cape unfurled, allowing him the freedom to glide over the churning ocean below. His eyes, sharp as a hawk's, focused on the colossal octopus emerging from the depths, its tentacles thrashing wildly as it propelled itself through the water. Below him, Ghost, the enigmatic swordsman with whom Tōga had recently crossed blades, manned a small vessel that bobbed precariously on the turbulent sea.

Do you see that octopus?!” Tōga bellowed, the wind carrying his voice down to the ship where Ghost navigated through the swelling waves. Their recent duel had opened a window into Ghost’s mysterious past, revealing a man timeless yet amnesic, his life a puzzle missing crucial pieces except for his uncanny ability to wield the arcane forces within him. This same prowess now guided him as he steered through the ocean's caprice, his silhouette a steady force against the aquatic behemoth they pursued.

Their mission was clear, yet daunting. The colossal creature before them was the key to fulfilling a quest that promised not only reward but also the vital resources Ghost needed to reclaim his lost identity. Tōga, driven by camaraderie and the thrill of the hunt, had eagerly agreed to this venture, albeit from a different vantage point—aloft, where his stomach could withstand the journey.

How’s the ship handling the waves? Can you see over them?” Tōga called out again, his concern palpable even from his lofty perch. The sea was unforgiving today, its waves mountainous and menacing, challenging even the most seasoned of sailors. Tōga’s unique perspective from the air offered him a view of the looming threats and the undulating vastness that surrounded their quarry. Though he longed to be more directly involved, Tōga knew his place was in the sky. His battles with motion sickness were well-documented amongst his comrades, a trait humorously at odds with his otherwise formidable nature. Fortunately, Ghost’s posture on the deck spoke volumes of his ability to weather not just the physical tumult but the responsibility of their mission.

wc: 364/1250


The Great Hunt [Deadliest Catch ft. Ghost]  Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 4:42 am

Ghost looked on as he stood on top of the small ship. Truly the gear that was on it was quite useless to say less. It was a good thing that he did not rely on such things. Nothing that was not his own power if not the Grace he was granted. As the ship rocked back and forth Ghost would watch the waters with big eyes. The waves of water were quite Hugh and one would be afaird if they was a normal person. Looking up sky high to see the Dragon Slayer Toga flying was a sight to see. Ghost wonder did Toga know that he can fly as well?
It was a borderline mystery but one that would come to the light soon. Looking on he would hear what the man had to say and then respond to him. With a calm voice he did not know if he could be heard or not.

"I cannot see it Toga but I can feel something is close by. No other marine life is around which means the apex predator is here. If this octopus is a thing to be feared as they say. Then we must trend lightly and tightly." Just as he said that he could see the tide in the waters change a bit. It was as if something was starting to get closer and closer to his ship. As Ghost would look down he could see a large shadow play the waters. This had to be who they was looking for. This beast was known to sink ships that was much bigger then Ghost poor little ship. At the end of the day it was show time. As the wind started to pick up amd clouds would hit the sky turning day into night time.

As Toga was then asked did the ship take well to the waves. To which Ghost would respond to him with a simple answers. "Well how could I put this its not waves that I should be worried about. More or less it is our eigth armed friend that just showed up." Just ashe said that the ship would take a mighty hit that sent the ship rocking and Ghost falling back. But he was quick enough to catch himself only to get back up to the rocking ship and a smile on his face. "OK it's gonna be one of those fights."

As he looked on he ready himself truly not knowing what to expect. But he was prepared for it as he slowly reached for his blade. It was basically nearly broken and it was on the edge of dying. He would simply put it back up as he let it go. "Looks like I might have to freeze this water over to the Tee." Just as he said that he would stop mid way to think about what he just said. Freezing bodies of water seem familiar to him but he could not understand why and that was a problem for him.



The Great Hunt [Deadliest Catch ft. Ghost]  Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 4:42 am

The member 'Ghost' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 3


The Great Hunt [Deadliest Catch ft. Ghost]  Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 12:08 pm

High above the tumultuous sea, Tōga surveyed the expanse with the keen gaze of an eagle. The vast ocean stretched endlessly below him, its surface shimmering under the sun's relentless scrutiny. He could clearly see the small boat bobbing precariously as Ghost, his snow-haired companion, prepared for what was to come. The looming shadow beneath the waves grew larger and more menacing with each passing moment, confirming the local tales of a leviathan lurking deep beneath the surface.

Well, Ghost-san! I am a Fire Dragon Slayer, so I don’t know how much use I’ll be—so I’ll leave this all to you!” Tōga called out with a laugh that carried across the wind, his words tinged with irony. While he spoke in jest, claiming an elemental disadvantage, he knew full well the breadth of his abilities. His command over fire was formidable, capable of challenging the very seas themselves. Yet today, his role was different; he was here not as the hero but as a mentor and observer.

It’s here!” he shouted as the sea erupted in a spectacular display of nature's raw power. Massive tendrils, dark and terrifying, broke through the ocean's surface like the arms of a colossal deity, reaching skyward with ominous intent. The giant octopus, a creature of myth and nightmare, revealed itself in full, its gargantuan body dwarfing the boat as it surfaced with a display of primal strength. From his aerial vantage point, Tōga remained a vigilant spectator, his eyes wide with a mixture of awe and strategic calculation. This was Ghost’s trial by water and beast, a test of his mettle and magic against the ancient and powerful octopus. Tōga’s role was to guide and support, to ensure the challenge was met but not to overshadow the moment of learning and growth for his companion.

wc: 330 [694/1250]


The Great Hunt [Deadliest Catch ft. Ghost]  Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 12:16 am

Ghost would be all smiles as this reminded him of something. But he could not put his finger on it. As he saw the incoming ship of poachers his eyes would beam with fear. This was not fear of them but for them. If they was to come and take this thing down without remorse then the job was a fail. Ghost could not have that. To make matters worse the wind itself have gotten worse. Ghost knew he had to do something and do something quick. Looking on as he grabbed his sword again it was like second nature to him at this point. Only for his heart to start to beat fast and for him to have a small smile on his face. "If only I was wielidng my blade Shu this would be so easy and done before I know it." Just then it hit him he did have a sword of his own.

"Shu was its name but I feel there is more to that. But I can't think of that right now. I will need to focus on this upcoming match if anything."Toga please I need you to keep that group of poachers out of harms way. They may be losers but we still got a job to do if anything. I need to concentrate on ending this entire mission with one single attack." As he said that the ship would be rocked yet again. The beast was truly something to be recognize as a threat. If it can knock metal around like this then there is no wonder it's labeled a beast and freak of nature. Ghost had his work cut out for him but he knew what he had to do. By simply freezing this thing he will be able to give it to the island folk in one piece.

Soon he would sit down and he got on his knees as he closed his eyes. Ghost had plans to freeze this entire area. But in order to do that he will need to gather up more and more mana and energy. The giant octopus and it's eigth tentacles strong enough to literally bend a ship and not a weak one. But one made of metal that was a real problem and a new problem just came up. The giant beast decided it wanted to attack rather now then later. Ghost body would start to glow up a bit as it was gathering more and more mana. His face literally would be covered in ice. Within his mindset the old wizard would be standing in the middle of a summoning spell circle. With that being said it wouldn't be long for two dragons that were Chinese dragons to appear before him. It was as if they were apart of his soul. Ghost would look on as the dragons came and then would say to him. "Besseth be to thou whom follows the righteousness of OUR LADY." Soon Ghost eyes would open up as his eyes were now a golden color. As the temperature would doep down increasingly beyond cold.

W 516


The Great Hunt [Deadliest Catch ft. Ghost]  Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 11:31 am

From his vantage point in the sky, Tōga observed the poachers, their ship hovering ominously close to the unsuspecting giant octopus. A wave of disgust washed over him. "Tch, I despise poachers," he muttered, his multicolored eyes narrowing in disapproval. He'd crossed paths with these exploiters before, witnessing their cruelty towards the magnificent creatures of the sea. The memory of rescuing his companion, Strigr, from such a group still burned brightly in his mind.

As a Rune Knight, Tōga felt a duty to intervene. If he didn't act, these men would surely fall prey to the kraken's wrath, a stain on his honor and a scar on his conscience. "Alright, alright, I'm on it!" With a determined cry, he descended from the heavens, swooping down towards the poachers like a bird of prey. His presence was a distraction, keeping the men occupied while Ghost focused on the endangered creature.

A sudden chill pierced the air, and Tōga shivered involuntarily. "It's gotten awfully cold," he mumbled, watching as the snow-haired warrior conjured a magic circle, summoning his icy powers. A sense of curiosity mingled with anticipation as Tōga wondered what Ghost had planned.

wc: 217 [911]


The Great Hunt [Deadliest Catch ft. Ghost]  Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 11:47 pm

The octopus is a truly fantastic creature to say the least because of blue plimates in thier blood they can quickly adopt to any weather be it warm or cold. But not even a ice mage can survive in the cold of Ghost Grace. As the sky and the very weather itself started to change. It was quickly known to that things were about to get chilly. As ice started to form around the area Ghost was sitting down on. He would give a smile as he stood up.

Still with his eyes closed he would open them. Soon he would walk towards the edge of the ship. As the giant creature had six of its eight tentacles around the ship. Ghost would look down at it. True he truly forgotten how to use his lost magic and he do not know how to control it. The last time he used this magic he turned a topical island into a winter wonderland. Thank goodness nobody was around to get hurt. Ghost would soon look down at the ocean water. As yet another wave started to form.

Ghost would look up and be a bit surprised that a tidal wave would dare show its face. Especially when the king of the Frost was standing right here. As he took his right hand he would start to Crack his knuckles. That was a clear sign that he was about to make his move. He was not at all worried about what was about to happen next. Just as the giant beast launched its attack at him. It would take its remaining two tentacles to grab Ghost quickly and with full power. It would let out a mighty roar as it grabbed hold of him.

The winter mage did nothing but wait for his moment. Looking on he would see that Toga took heed of his warning and went after the other ship. They were armed and clearly was not rookies. As Ghost said to himself. "Do becareful even a pro could make a rookie error." Soon the octopus beast would start to drag Ghost under the water but Ghost body being so cold caused the octopus hold on him to slightly decrease. After all how many people you know can hold on to dry ice. With a smile on his face Ghost would say to the large beast up ahead.

"Didn't you hear the news,hell just frozen over." That was a pun that the impossible van become the possible. But maybe there was more truth to that then one may think at first. Soon enough the Octopus would start to go back under the water as the other Six tentacles would start to crush the ship. As Ghost body started to enter the water. It was like his game was being played. This misson would soon be over as his eyes started to glow. But not because he was going into bloom mode more or so was because he was about to unleash a ice age.



The Great Hunt [Deadliest Catch ft. Ghost]  Empty Sat Aug 17, 2024 9:46 am

"Relax, these guys are nothing to worry about!" Toga chuckled, his nonchalance a stark contrast to the high-stakes situation. While Ghost grappled with the colossal octopus threatening to drag their ship into the depths, Toga had taken it upon himself to handle the poachers. Over the months, he'd encountered so many of these maritime marauders that it had become almost routine. He could practically deal with them in his sleep.

As Ghost's icy magic caused the temperature to plummet to near-freezing levels, Toga simply stoked his internal dragon flames, maintaining a comfortable warmth as he turned his attention to the poachers' ship. With practiced precision, he unleashed a series of fiery blasts, puncturing the hull and effectively trapping them in place while Ghost worked his magic on the monstrous cephalopod.

"End this soon, I'm starting to get hungry and we need to turn these poachers in, hahaha!"

wc: 157 [1,068/1250]


The Great Hunt [Deadliest Catch ft. Ghost]  Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 12:34 am

It's shows to truly pay attention and this is one of the reason why Ghost is still ahead. He looked on as he was being knocked around under the waters. Ghost would be all smiles as he enjoyed this game. True he was getting banged up but it was still up in the air. He was thinking of how to go about ending such a game. He truly did not want to kill the poor beast for well being a beast. As he truly was getting tired of this. Soon ice would start to come about the waters. As he looked on the magical circles would come about and just like that he would flick his risk. With a full force of things the water itself would become a sea of ice. The sheer power of Ghost GRACE was not one to be underestimated and that tend to be the case.

As Ghost looked on he would not be standing on stop of the ice as the water pushed him up. As he froze the water within mere seconds.

Giant octopus point of view and from what the beast was seeing was nothing more then a snack. True to his grace name the octopus could not touch Ghost rather he could not hold him properly. As he was sinoly too cold t touch as it looked on it would knock Ghost back amd forth like a pinball. Ghost would start to light up as the giant creature tried to slam his tentacles on Ghost. The last thing it saw was Ghost shooting up out of the water. As it was now frozen inside and out.

Back to Ghost point of view and at this moment he was looking up to the sky. Wasting for Toga to clear the way. "Hey let's get going I need to get more missions done-" He would stop to see what his ice truly did. He realized that he froze thier ship and the ship of the poachers. Ghost would look on as he looked at his hands and then back to the sky and would say out loud. "Great I did it again damn it all. This ocean will be frozen for about a week." He would say as he started to rub the back of his head. But it was a good thing he was starting to use his grace a bit more.


Name: Below Zero:Flash Freeze
Rank: S
Mana Cost: 500
Requirements: Sub-Zero Magic
Type: Supportive-AOE
Element: Ice
Range: 50 Meters
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: By simply flicking his fingers in a fast motion. A Magic seal that is 20 Meters long and 16 Diameter will appear. Everything within the range of this spell will become frozen to the touch and bind by Frost Magic for a post count of 4.


The Great Hunt [Deadliest Catch ft. Ghost]  Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:44 am

For the poachers and the giant octopus, it was like a scene from a nightmare – a flash freeze, instant and unforgiving. Ghost's icy magic, setting a true example for everyone to see his mastery, seized the ocean's surface and everything that dared rise above it. A shimmering sheet of ice, a crystalline shroud, encased them all, freezing them in their moment of desperate struggle. High above, safe within his domain of heat and flight, the dragon slayer let out a sigh. The spectacle below, a frozen tableau of his making, elicited a wry grin.

"You know," he mused aloud, his voice echoing through the crisp air, "I could melt this for you, but I think a little lesson in control is in order."

A playful chuckle escaped his lips as he swooped down, a streak of fiery brilliance against the pale sky. Circling the frozen scene, he surveyed Ghost’s handiwork with a touch of mischievous satisfaction.

"I'll meet you back on shore!" he called down, his voice carrying across the icy expanse. "It's up to you to figure out how to bring those poachers and their oversized friend back with you."

wc: 212 [1280/1250]


The Great Hunt [Deadliest Catch ft. Ghost]  Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 2:45 pm

There was ice as far as the eyes can see. The weather went from a sunny Day into a frozen wonderland and it was all thanks to Ghost powess. His Grace not many could withstand the frigid might of it. But as he looked on he would see Toga and all his Glory. It didn't seem to bother him much. But at the same token he wasn't moving as fast as he should. As Ghost looked on he would be noted that he Mohave have to find a way to bring the giant octopus in.

That was all fine and dandy but the thing was he did his job and that was to stop the beast. As he watched Toga fly away all he could is laugh at what just happened. But he wad not mad or anything just a bit on edge at his powess and that's when he would sit down and he would start to think. However his mind eye would take his imagination to a whole new level. Seeing as he would start to see a strang place with what appeared to be ice versions of different people. But who where they and what did this even means? As Ghost opened his eyes it was a blurr for him but it was all he had for the moment.

As he would stand up he would see in the distance that the island folk was starring to come onto the frozen waters. This saved him a lot of Time if anything. As he looked on he would began to think to himself as he saw the village chief and those that followed him out to see what caused such a ice storm. A smile would come over his face as it reminded him of someone himself. "I can't put my finger on it but this old guy reminds me of someone very important to me." Ghost would say with glee in his voice. Soon he would kneel down as he looked on and saw that his shoulder was bleeding. But how in the world did that even happened? Could it have been from the beast itself or something else entirely? Ghost would look around but did not see anyone amd thing besides the usual. He did not say anything as this was was a head shaker if anything.

Soon the village chief would arrive and the people of the island would start to get things back under control. Ghost would look on and then he would sit down as he saw the village medics come over to him. Soon that would put a banket over him as it had healing Porperties. Ghost would be all smiles as this soft and warm cover hit him. This is strange because he lives for the cold but it is OK to get warmed up ever now and thing. As he looked on he would brace himself for the end results as he did the misson and it was now completed.

A day later...

Ghost would be in the collection office going over the paper work. The job was easy enough but he could have done better. He was lacking and he was out of breath after he cast that spell. Granted it was not an easy spell to grant it still took more out of him then he thought. As he stood up he would collect his earnings as Rayne was next to him. He would give her a wink and the two would be off. "I wonder where did that dragon slayer head off to we have unfinished work."

Twc 2,529


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