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Luna Viera

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Luna Viera Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 5:54 am



Name: Luna Viera

Age: April 30th, X769

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexuality

Ethnicity, Father: Seven

Ethnicity, Mother: Seven

Class: Berserker

Race: Demi-Human

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Paradise Dawn

Tattoo: Nape; red

Face: Rumi Usagiyama - My Hero Academia.


Height: 5'2"

Weight: 120 lbs

Hair: White

Eyes: Red

Overall: Luna is a tan-skinned woman of average height. She has narrow red eyes with long, defined eyelashes, and straight white hair reaching her thighs with bangs that extend to the left of her face. While slender and curvaceous in frame, she also sports a lean, athletic, and well-defined build, especially in her arms and legs. As a Demihuman, Luna has long white rabbit ears pointing upwards above her head, along with a small and white round tail, giving her an overall resemblance to an albino rabbit.

Luna Viera 5LfEU8Q


Personality: Luna is tough and always speaks her mind, even if it causes confrontation, and she respects those who do the same. Despite her brash demeanor, Luna isn't above assisting others, as she likes to come to the aid of others and to be of use. She also knows her limits and isn't above showing showing some humility and isn't unwilling to ask for help from others despite her solo disposition. Over all Luna has a fierce and combative attitude but is helpful in actions.

She is the type of person who embraces life-threatening situations with a bright grin and is constantly searching for the next big adrenaline kick, smiling in the face of danger. She does not back down, even when she is overpowered by stronger enemies, claiming to only be getting warmed up. Luna also appears to take every day of her life with no regrets, admitting she'd risk her life for the greater good. She prides herself on her great devotion and bravery and dislikes those who are overly cautious.

  • Carrots: Who wouldn't like these tasty delicacies.
  • Fighting: She loves to fight and test her skills, to grow and even learn from defeat. More that that, as an viera warrior, Luna is as much at ease with a sword as she is her bare hands.

  • Liars: Luna can't stand liars. She doesn't understand why people just can't be blunt, open and honest.
  • Mornings: Luna hates waking up early and is a bit of a nightowl. She loves the moonlight and would spend every waking moment basking in its glow if she could.

  • Legendary: To become a legendary weapons master like her great great grandfather.

  • Expectations: Luna has lofty goals for herself and her greatest fear is not living long enough to make one of them happen.
  • Yuan-ti: Luna fears that the feud between her Demi human clan and the Demi human snake people of the Yuan-ti will never end and that one will wipe out the other. Though her greatest fear is that the Viera will be the ones to perish.


Strength: 10

Speed: 9

Constitution: 5

Endurance: 5

Intelligence: 1


Magic Name: Saiyan Magic

Magic Element: Arcane

Magic Description: Saiyan Magic is a powerful magic that allows the user to transform into different forms that boost the user's statistics immensely. The most common change throughout these forms is that they change the user's hair color, as well as surround them in a unique aura. The transformations buff the users strength, speed, constitution and endurance while costing the same as doing a single buff per post. Only a single of these transformations can be used at a time.


History: The Viera are a small demi human race of rabbitfolk who hail from the country of Seven. The Viera are known for their agility, sharp senses, and deep connection to the natural world. Their long ears, keen eyes, and lithe bodies make them exceptional adventures in their sacred homeland, with few ever becoming mages.

The Viera are believed to have been created by the ancient gods of Seven, specifically Aphrodite whose sacred animal is a hare. The Viera have always been cautious of outsiders, preferring to keep to themselves and only venturing out of their homeland when absolutely necessary. The Viera society is matriarchal, with the eldest and wisest females leading their clans. They live in tightly-knit communities, where they pass down ancient traditions, rituals, and knowledge from one generation to the next.

For the past 20 years, the Viera have been locked in a bitter feud with the Yuan-ti, a demi-human race of snake people. The conflict began when the Yuan-ti, seeking to expand their territory, encroached upon the those of the Viera. The Yuan-ti have been relentless in their attempts to subjugate the Viera, using their dark magic bestoyed by the goddess Hecate. In response, the Viera have fiercely defended their territory, relying on their agility, knowledge of the terrain, and superior combat skills. This ongoing conflict has taken a toll on both sides, and is how she lost her grandparent who was known to be a Legendary weapon user with the spear.

A few years after Luna’s birth, her parents made the difficult decision to leave their homeland and move to Fiore. They wanted to raise Luna away from the constant fighting and danger of the feud with the Yuan-ti, hoping to protect her from the harsh realities of war and ensure she wouldn’t become an orphan like so many other Viera children. In Fiore, they settled in a quiet, rural area where they could live peacefully and raise Luna in safety. Despite being far from their homeland, Luna’s parents continued to teach her combat and it over time she developed a magic, the Saiyan magic. Something very uncommon to a Viera.

Luna decided to join a guild and chose Paradise Dawn as her new home after growing up and starting to hone her skills. Luna picked Paradise Dawn since it allowed her to stay somewhat close to her family in addition to its amazing resources and infrastructure. Her parents, who were still worried about her doing it alone, were relieved that she wasn't traveling far away to another country.

Discord: ZenithSage


Luna Viera Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:20 pm


@LunaViera is approved!

Luna Viera GPIjkMz

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