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What's Written in Stone [Rania]

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#1Kenzo Valens 

What's Written in Stone [Rania] Empty Today at 5:35 pm

Kenzo Valens
Drip… Drip… An uncanny silence drowned the noise beneath a thick, dense fog. The moon shone brightly against the dark, starless sky, desperately fighting against the mists to reach the thickets of an elder Minstreli forest. Almost like if swallowed whole by nature, a large statue stood watch along the entrance to forgotten ruins. It had undoubtedly been a masterwork sculpture at one point, but the passage of time had completely destroyed its visage; moss and vines coiled and covered most of its existence, as if they desperately tried to consume it whole. One would have needed to know where to look to even notice there was a statue at the entrance of the large cavern - it could have been easily mistaken as yet another shrub. The faint noise of water hitting the ground though, managed to trickle out of the entrance.

Drip… Drip… Drip… the echoing sounds of droplets falling into a small puddle broke the silence reigning over a large room deep inside the cavern. Mist and shadows trickled and danced as the water droplets fell from the ceiling, following along their paths to the ground, twisting as if making way through the air. The ripples in the water formed ripples in the mist, slowly making the scenery feel as if the deserted cavern pulsed with abated breath, almost as if it was trying to come alive.

Ancient, runic sigils flooded the edges of the large room, running down the walls and flowing into the floor in twisting patterns. The river of runes coalesced into the center of the large cavern, climbing up five large pillars and seemingly covering their entire marble surface. The five pillars were placed in a star pattern, surrounding a large circular altar at the very center of the room. The marble slabs towered along the imposing height of the cavern, almost as if they carried the entire weight of its stone ceiling. Cracks and gashes covered all of them, evident traces of a fierce battle fought long ago.

A large stone statue rested at one of the steps going up to the altar. The figure was frozen in place, almost as if time had been completely set still while it ran up the steps. Its right arm held a large, thin blade behind it, whilst its left arm was extended over his body and towards the slab at the top of the altar, almost as if it tried to reach for something. For five years the statue had stayed still, light traces of moss and nature had started the conquest of yet another victim, slowly taking over some of the detailed ridges of the perfectly carved stone boots.

Drip… Drip… Crack… A breaking sound clashed against the droplets falling to the ground. The floor trembled slightly beneath the stone statue as a thin line cracked and ran across the arm holding the sword. Settled dust was shaken off the figure’s surface, mixing with the thick mist and sending the cavern into yet again another deafening silence. After what seemed like an eternity, a sudden flash of golden light enveloped the entire statue, filling the silent cavern with a blinding light and dispelling the fog at last.

“Huuff” The statue panted heavily as it came back to life, almost as if trying to catch up on 5 lost years of breathing. The stone cracked and fell into the ground like a shell, finally liberating the captive figure. The blue haired mercenary was finally back.

Kenzo’s memory was jumbled, mixed details flashed through his head as he felt a strong numbness. There was little he remembered, for he had spent his entire time as a statue with one goal in mind. Little by little, trickling mana like watching paint dry, the Bellan swordsman had spent every ounce of his concentration gathering enough mana within Masamune. After what seemed like an eternity, he was finally able to dispel the petrification cast on him. Taking his hand to his head, Kenzo continued breathing with difficulty as he tried to calm himself down. It was almost as if he’d woken up from a bad dream. Except – this hadn’t been a dream at all.

Blocking the rushing stream of memories from his mind, a single thought prevailed, waking him up from his lethargy. ”Rania… he muttered in a slight breath. Adjusting his vision to the darkness, his aquamarine eyes were drawn immediately towards the top of the flight of stairs; his heart skipped a beat as he noticed the statue at the top of the altar. Petrified just as he’d been, a petite figure was frozen almost as if she’d been in midair – strands of the statue’s hair fluttered and flowed gracefully, the folds of its clothing fluttered almost like if it was alive.

Memories finally started clicking together in the warrior’s mind, trickling back in order. A memory of Rania casting a powerful light magic spell materialized, cut shut before fading into darkness. Relieved at seeing her in one piece, literally, the merc made his way towards the top of the altar. A tender smile formed on his lips as he carefully touched the statue with his golden sword. Coursing mana through the blade, Kenzo finally nullified her petrification. Grabbing her carefully, he placed his arm around her, helping her as she regained consciousness. Her signature golden scepter disintegrated into dust as color began coming back to her visage.

A wave of relief washed over Kenzo as he felt the worst to have passed. Against all odds, both of them had apparently managed to come out of their ordeal unscathed.

“Time to wake up sleeping beauty.” The man flashed a cheeky smile at the girl.

What's Written in Stone [Rania] IgtZBYS

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