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Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline]

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Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 6:06 am


WORDS: 450 | TOTAL: 450 | White Wedding

“Eheheheh, pretty weird for one gal to walk another down the ailse, huh?” Never before in her life having a reason to where white lace and never before feeling so very nervous as she did now, Nikki Marcello let loose a breath and looked to the emerald eyed woman with whom she stood wearing a veil and something that most might have likely seen more fit for the bedroom than anywhere else, though found her apprehension had little to do with either her garb or the girl with who she currently stood.
“Pretty weird wedding on the whole huh?” Instead the woman who would throw herself into hell just to gain the privilege of kicking the devil in his bright red dick feeling butterflies in her belly because of the event which was to follow, she had hardly believed her luck when she had run into the young woman who had known her longer than anyone and to her great surprise discovered her helping to run a battered old church, and though the venue was by now a little run down had immediately jumped upon the chance to share a very special day with an even more special someone in it.

”Even if it's weird it's also wonderful~?
I'm so proud of you, Christina.
Oh wait, you like Nikki now, don't you~? Sorry.”

“Ehehehe, n-no worries, I suppose. You know, Anna, when we were kids, I always thought… I might marry you? Crazy, huh?” Only able to blush a little though when she remembered the crush she had carried on the proper and polite Annamaria or 'Annie the Angel' as she was known while they had been kids in the orphanage and such, it had been nice to reconnect with a figure who had drifted in and out of her life but always had time for her, and with the black belle now looking at her happily forever after she couldn't help but confess the feeling she had since she was a kid. Not like it would make much of a difference now, eh?
“Oh, thank fuuuuu…udge!” All the same feeling rather glad however the soul they had rustled up to play on the worn down organ in the place finally got the march down the aisle started, the relief of the one man band winding up almost seemed to prompt the raven to say something she suspected might make their host feel a little miffed with her, and so she skirted away from it with perhaps her grace a little lacking but gratitude from the girl with the green gaze all the same, and then began to make her long awaited appearance. After all, it was time to get this show on the road, right~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#2Kanna Kusanagi 

Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 4:44 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | WEDDING | @Nikki

"Shit... Lookin back, hard to believe I made it this far?", as the blonde looked at herself in the mirror, adjusting that lacy, rather revealing white dress over her curvaceous frame, she couldn't help but feel astonished at the sight before her.

Unlike Nikki, Kanna didn't really have anyone with her... She had her own acquaintances in the past, maybe even friend, but Nikki was the only woman she'd well and truly opened up to. Her heart was racing... For someone who always refused long term relationships, the idea of marriage seemed almost alien, far beyond anything in her wildest dreams. But here she was, running a hand down her usually messy blonde hair, now properly combed and straightened, the torn denims and crop tops replaced by a revealing, white dress that looked skimpier than what she might wear to the club, form fitting, with a deep, plunging neckline running all the way down to her navel, flaunting a short hem cut a few inches above her stockings and showing but a hint of the garter belt below:

"Wonder what she'll think of this~...?", Kanna bit her lip, practically fantasizing about how stunning Nikki would look. Far beyond the purity expected of a bride, Kanna practically flaunted the lascivousness which Nikki had grown to love about her, for which she loved her right back. And yet Kanna couldn't help but gulp as her heart fluttered, butterflies in her stomach...

This was the beginning of their life together~ The two had agreed not to see each other before the ceremony, if one could even call it that. They really didn't have that many people to watch them, if for no reason other that neither of them had much in the way of family. Kanna, having none, got ready all by herself, arranging a small veil over her ponytail before her chest heaved with a deep, anxious but excited breath. And as she stepped out of her room and walked over to what they'd passed for an altar, her eyes flared at the sight of her beloved bride, jaw dropping as time stood still for a moment:

"H-Holy... Hoooly shit babe... You... F-fucking sexy~...", she was practically chewing her bottom lip the whole way as she walked down the aisle, the tail of her dress fluttering with every step, all but blushing as she walked up to her bewitching beauty, until she was close for her words to reach her. Even Nikki's rather gorgeous friend Christina earned little more than an acknowledging smile, when the blonde only had eyes for her woman, "...Fuck, you look stunning babe...~"


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 4:46 pm


WORDS: 310 | TOTAL: 760 | White Wedding

“Hot Fuuuudge uh… Sundae!” The butterflies in the belly of the brunette seeming to linger all the while and nearly make her turn back until she clapped her eyes upon her beloved blonde, Nikki showed an uncharacteristic inclination toward curbing her typically sailor-like talk as she looked at the lass and the whiteness she was wearing both for the sake of their day and the old friend who had helped to arrange it, but sufficed to say she was as impressed as her lover was and then some.
“Man, you sure know how to make a girl feel welcome at the end of the aisle, huh?” Unable to fully convey that verbally without likely making the angel of the orphanage and her pastor friend blush and maybe even kick them right out but the way in which her eyes seemed to bulge saying plenty, the brawling belle barely had time to even glance toward the green gaze of the girl as she took in so enchanting an ensemble, and found something cold and sweet making a rather jiggly dance move up her spine as she focused upon that neckline especially. Damn, that pair had never looked better, had they~?

“Can't wait for the wedding night, if that's what you wear to the chapel, babe~” The dark dish doing her best to keep things suitable for the folk about them but at the same time unable to fully supress the depth of desire which her would-be bride had seemed to inspire with her outfit, as good as Miss Marcello was trying to be she still couldn't help but confess a relish for the spectacle which was to follow this matter of formality, and did so with a wink and a grin which said that regardless of how good that dress looked she would not leave much of it intact when she finally had the chance to ravish her wife…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#4Kanna Kusanagi 

Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 4:48 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | WEDDING | @Nikki  

She handled it better than Kanna clearly, who struggled to contain her usual foul mouth even in the House of the Lord, after all, no way she could help it as her eyes washed over that sinuous shape, and at this rate, there would be nothing left of her bottom lip as she chewed it so vehemently at the sight of her, feeling a tingle shoot up her spine more and more the closer she got:

"Oh you're one to talk babe~... I never thought I'd enjoy the views at the church this much... You might even make a holy woman outta me, Nikki~", Kanna reached out when Nikki strode closer to her, offering her hand and gently squeezing hers in turn, slipping her fingers between Nikki's as she fought back the urge to pull her into her arms for a kiss... This may be far from the most typical wedding, but even Kanna wasn't so boorish as to skip over their vows, "Mmm, neither can I babe~... Can only imagine what you're wearing under that dress~?"

Still didn't stop her expressing that want as she fought off the urge to pull her woman into the kiss, her eyes lingering on those plush, glossy red lips, so inviting~... And yet nothing made her heart race like the thought of having Nikki as her wife... To the point that she turned to the pastor with a smile:

"Then I guess we should get this show on the road, huh father?", she asked, squeezing gently on Nikki's hand as they stood side by side at the altar.


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 4:50 pm


WORDS: 340 | TOTAL: 1100 | White Wedding

“Not too holy, I hope~?” Even Miss Marcello herself surprised by the influence of their locale and the friend she had known since childhood but largely staying true to form, it was with no shortage of relish that she welcomed the nod of the man in front of them and stepped forward to lift up the veil that the vixen was wearing to see her pretty face, and as she let her lover do the same tilted her head and grinned as she hinted that neither of them would manage to become all that pious with one another for company.
“If anything…?” The scarlet eyed stunner certainly seeming to exemplify such a fact when the fairer fox made a comment about what she had on beneath her dress, even with Annamaria and the pastor so close she couldn't help but let loose a hushed but teasing line to really drive Kanna's mind wild, and then retreated a little ways as her beloved blonde told the man in charge to get things under way.

"Dearly beloved…!
We are gathered here today to witness the joining of two souls,
our faithful daughters, Nicole and Kanna,
In holy matrimony…!"

The man needing no more cue than that to embark upon their ceremony proper and perhaps doing so in part because of a concern at just what such a raucous duo might get up to if left to their own devices here, after clearing his throat the minister raised a voice and spoke in vows which were well practiced, but sweet all the same. Nikki left simply to look between him and the face of the beauty whom she wished to make her bride, she couldn't help but to feel a little distracted by the latter, though perhaps not entirely just because of what she was wearing. Honestly, she couldn't believe she had been lucky enough to find a woman so lovely as this who wanted to put up with her forever. After all, she was damn sure she wouldn't ever allow death to part them now, wasn't she~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#6Kanna Kusanagi 

Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 4:51 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | WEDDING | @Nikki  

"Depends on what Goddess we talkin about here~...", Kanna purred as she squeezed that marvellous mitt, and yet she couldn't help but blush as Nikki lifted her veil, surprising how such a simple gesture could leave her heart racing as such, but that thumping only grew faster at the words her woman said next, "Mmmmf~... God, when I get my hands on you~..."

Her voice practically turned into a growl as her heart skipped a beat, and yet for all the building want setting her skin ablaze, nothing could distract her from the fluttering in her stomach... Even as the friendly pastor started speaking, Kanna could hardly peel her gaze away from that breathtaking vision of pure white, enthralled by how even a libidinous duo like the two of them went the extra mile for one another... After all, Kanna wouldn't have easily been caught dead in a dress, let alone a wedding dress of all things... But here she was, and she couldn't be happier~... She could stare at this woman for hours.


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 4:52 pm


WORDS: 340 | TOTAL: 1440 | White Wedding

"…And now comes the exchange of vows.
If you will repeat after me, Nicole…"

The dark dish so dazzled by the visage of the vixen which she wished to make her own that she scarcely even noticed as their minister seemed to wheel his way through the ceremony, in all honesty Miss Marcello would have had no idea just how much time had passed or exactly what had been said until she was roused just a little bit from her sublime stupor by the sound of her name, and perhaps the green eyed girl with whom she had been raised nudging her gently as well.
“R-Right…!” Once more seeming to flash with a little colour in her cheeks which emphasized not only by the brightness of her ensemble but also the recent return she had to the ranks of mortality, all that she could do was blink as Annamaria offered her the shining band which she was to offer to her beloved blonde and take it into hand, before offering her other to the stunning siren from whom she could scarcely seem to peel her scarlet stare…

“I, Nicole, take you, Kanna
to be my wife,
to have and to hold
from this day forward;
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
till death us do part,
according to Illumin’s holy law.
In the presence of Illumin I make this vow.”

Following after the man at the front accordingly all the same, though the words themselves were somewhat parroted the promise behind them was something that even this bawdy brawler would not soon forget. Ultimately offering herself to the woman and vowing that she would keep her well and keep her safe no matter what, the particulars beyond their love and the bond they shared would never be much of an issue for the raven. As long as she had Kanna Kusanagi in her life she would be happy, she would be loved, and she would want for nothing…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#8Kanna Kusanagi 

Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 4:53 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | WEDDING | @Nikki  

Kanna just stood there, hypnotized, hanging off her beloved bride's every word... Taking in that stunning hue of her eyes, every gorgeous outline of her face... Her heart hammering the whole time... She'd been keeping it cool at first, but once Nikki took her hand and slipped that ring onto her finger, Kanna's cheeks flushed a deep red as her heart skipped a beat:

"W-Wow babe~...", she rose her hand and admired the glimmering golden band, and had to gulp, resisting the urge to pull her woman into her arms, "M-My turn, yeah...?"

She shot a glance at the pastor who simply smiled and nodded his assent... Kanna couldn't believe how much her hands were trembling. Not even the most daring of heists had this effect on her! As she reached for the ring Annamaria was offering her, she recited those very same vows as she took Nikki's hand in her own, looking up into her eyes the whole way:

“I, Kanna, take you, Nicole
to be my wife,
 to have and to hold
  from this day forward;
   for better, for worse,
    for richer, for poorer,
     in sickness and in health,
      to love and to cherish,
       till death us do part,
         according to Illumin’s holy law.
          In the presence of Illumin I make this vow.”

The only piece of jewelry Kanna Kusanagi had ever spent money on, now adorning her woman's finger. She was utterly incapable to buying jewelry for herself, and if she ever needed to wear it, she'd steal it... But not hers. Far be it from her to call it the proof of a love that needed nothing of the sort, but... The bond between them was worth more than any amount of money ever could.


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 4:56 pm


WORDS: 400 | TOTAL: 1840 | White Wedding

“Hehehehe…” The dark dish offering the destined digit to the delight before her, Nikki never realised just how much she had missed her heart beat during those years she had spent as a vampire as she did in this moment with her pulse pounding in her throat and her ears, and then all of it melting away when she felt the fair femme slip that ring onto her finger. Everything around her seeming to fall away from the fiery fox as she looked toward the green gaze before her, the brunette had never wanted to feel claimed by anyone in her life and thought that she never would, until this moment.

"It is my pleasure to now call you… Woman and wife~?"

“I love you so much babe…!” Now belonging to the blonde in mind, body and soul, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, and with that felt a stinging in her eye which told her that those dewy crystals known as tears were forming in the corners of her eyes, though none born of sorrow. In fact the only thing which the scarlet eyed siren could feel being an overwhelming sense of joy, even the day before she had looked to this event like some sort of silly formality and yet now she was here she wouldn't trade the moment for the world, or at least she thought that she wouldn't until what the minister said next, that was.

"You may kiss your bride…!"

One simple sentence sounding like a starter pistol which she had waited all her day and more for, though a second seemed to pass which felt like an eternity that was all which Miss Marcello would allow before she practically leapt upon her love, the ebony enchantress would need no encouragement to dive for the perfect pout which her partner possessed and pull it into her own, and felt her spine dancing as she did so.
“Mn-nnmmmm~!” Never before feeling such sweetness in a kiss either and the fact that she had had been made to wait for it only making the matter even more so, the now married minx could do little to stifle a mewl as she tasted and felt the pillowy lips of her beloved against her own, and suckled on them greedily and with so little restraint that she might even have made a few close to her blush because of it…!

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#10Kanna Kusanagi 

Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 4:58 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | WEDDING | @Nikki  

Gods, Kanna could hardly look away... She just held on to Nikki's hand like a young girl swooning at her first love, utterly bewtiched by the sight of her... Fighting the urge to pull her into her arms... But she needed to fight no longer:

"Mmmmnnfh~...!", no sooner than the pastor said those words, Kanna leapt into Nikki's arms almost on reflex, moving in perfect unison with her beloved as her arms wrapped tightly around that sinuous shape.

Squeezing her close, holding her tightly without leaving even an inch between them as she dove for those lips like they water after a long desert trip, suckling ravenously on that plush pillowy pout... Her nails clutching at the straps of Nikki's dress... Her heart hammering in her chest as her bust squished oh so sublimely against hers, enough that she could feel that racing heartbeat of her lover's... Now that she thought about it... She'd never quite felt that herself had she? After all Nikki had always been a Vampire since they day they met... The thought alone left her clinging to her lover, nipping, suckling, practically worshipping that perfect pout without barely taking even a second to breathe:

"Mmmmn~... I love you even more babe~... Godddd I've been... smooch... waiting for this moment all day~", she purredinto the kiss, letting it part for just a few seconds to brush those loose black locks away from Nikki's eyes, their lips glossy and shimmering from that ravenous kiss, letting Kanna just take a moment to admire her beautiful woman, cupping her cheek, before she dove right in for those lips again.


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 2:37 pm


WORDS: 400 | TOTAL: 2240 | White Wedding

“F-Fuck, Kanna, I…” The taste of the temptress in white something which she knew all too well and yet in this moment never seeming more succulent or more addictive than it was in that moment, had the blonde not beaten her to it then Nikki might very well have been the one lurching in for a second and more kiss from the woman that she loved, the woman whom she could now call her bride now in fact. And more than that as well.
“Can't wait…” Longing for the wanton warmth which her wife gave off and seeming to have forgotten just where she was the very moment that perfectly pillowy pout had been presented to her, passion guided the hand of our darker haired vision in white and seemed to do so enough that she was clawing at the curves of her lover eagerly and hungrily, and as she did so she felt like a fire was building up within her chest which would make it feel as if her every breath was the bellow of a dragon.


Certainly seeming to find herself rather carried away by the whole thing in fact and as such it needing the gesture of the minister to remind our ravaging raven of just where she was standing at the moment, a loud and sharp clearing of the throat reminded Miss Marcello of the fact that she was currently stood in church, and so she seemed to show a rare bashfulness for a moment as she peeked from the lips of her lover and looked across the faces about them.
“Guess we should save that part for the honeymoon, eh~?” At the very least feeling glad to see that her act had seemed to draw more amusement in the rolls of the eyes this daring duo was given than admonishment, all that she could do was grin and shake her head as she admitted that this might just be the one day and one place where she might for the sake of spectacle be able to contain herself, with a sigh the scarlet eyed siren shook her head and then planted one last smooch upon the lusciousness of her lady, and then she swept the mitt of her mate up with every intent of marching out of the place with her head held high. After all, she was a happily married woman now, right~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#12Kanna Kusanagi 

Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 2:41 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | WEDDING | @Nikki  

"S-shit... Sorry about that~...", that sudden clearing throat snapped her back to reality as the bodacious blonde was suddenly reminded where they were, and how they had yet to stumble their way into the bedroom.

What should have been a chaste, wholesome kiss had all but turned into a desperate, ravenous makeout, Kanna utterly enthralled by those soft, luscious lips as she suckled hungrily, and even as she peeled away she couldn't help but give her another peck, letting her hands linger around Nikki's waist, toying with the hem of that sinfully short dress:

"In that case... We should probably get going, don'tcha think...? I dunno just how much longer I can handle it~...", Kanna purred, biting her luscious bottom lip as her smokey gaze narrowed, looking deeply and longingly into those vibrant ruby hues as she held her woman close to her, smooching her right back and squeezing that marvellous mitt as she followed her beloved to their long awaited destination~


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 2:42 pm


WORDS: 280 | TOTAL: 2520 | White Wedding

“Y-Yeah, the longer we wait, the worse it's gonna get huh?” Nikki found nodding as her beautiful blonde bride suggested that they leave the place sooner rather than later, she could not deny that she was rather keen on the idea of having her wonderful new wife all to herself after spending all this time staring at the stunning figure and dress that she was wearing, and as such agreed to the idea with an exhilarated sense of eagerness.
“Come on, babe~?” For that reason the raven holding out her hand for her luscious lover as she encouraged her to march out with their heads held high before they drifted down to more inviting places inevitably, the dark dish was practically quivering with excitement at the idea of what was to follow, and could not deny that there was perhaps an uncommon spring in her step because of it.

“Heeheehee, just wait til you see the lil surprise I've got waiting for ya~!” Leaning into Kanna as they moved toward the door and grinning as she did so, Miss Marcello licks her lips with excitement at the prospect of what was to follow, and could feel her heart pounding as she thinks about the 'wedding gift' which she had arranged to be awaiting outside for them upon their departure.
“Thanks everyone! So much!” Stopping in the doorway however and turning around to the faces which had made this magical moment occur, she lifted a hand and waved to those who had gathered for the event, before skipping out of the door giddily and waiting for the woman she had married to see the 'getaway vehicle' she had parked outside for the pair of them…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#14Kanna Kusanagi 

Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 2:43 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | WEDDING | @Nikki  

"Yeah, let's... Wait any longer and we're gonna end up fucking on the alter... I bet the pastor wouldn't be too happy about that~", Kanna teased, biting her lip as her spine tingled with excitement, even as that raunchy line left her lips as the priest practically rolled his eyes as he heard her.

But when Nikki offered her hand like that... Kanna's cheeks reddened instantly as she nodded and held it firmly, slipping her fingers between Nikki's as she she squeezed that marvellous mitt in an intimate, loving hold. Hard to believe a woman this incredible, so breathtaking and stunning, was actually her wife? Shit... Kanna almost feared this was some sweet dream and she was going to wake up at any second:

"Oh yeah~... Am I gonna get to unwrap it~...?", and even with those words making every inch of her tingle with want, Kanna couldn't help but bite her lip as she turned around and waved that bouquet of flowers she'd put aside for a while, before tossing it at the few people waiting for them, "When we get back, we'll treat ya all to a proper banquet yeah? Just not right now, can't really keep it in my pants that long~"

And with a sly, salacious snicker, she tossed the bouquet, wondering if any of the girls would catch it, before running after Nikki, until she came face to face with their getaway vehicle:

"Whoaaa...! Babe where the hell did ya get this?!"


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 2:45 pm


WORDS: 310 | TOTAL: 2830 | White Wedding

“Gonna have to unwrap something babe~!” The scarlet eyed siren cocking her head and grinning at the question of her comely companion about tearing open the gift which she had for her, Miss Marcello could definitely tell that one or two things were about to get rather rigorously unsheathed when they were given time and privacy, though in this case it wouldn't be the treat which she had laid out for the lass outside. After all, it would have been rather a struggle to get a bow around it, no?
“Eheheheh, a not-friend of a friend~?” The fiery fox feeling delighted at the amazement which her blonde bride showed when she finally laid her eyes upon the proverbial prize however, she bobs her brow as she hints that their shiny and perhaps not so new chariot was not obtained entirely legally, and then tugged on the hand of the emerald eyed enchantress and ushered them closer to the hovering shape of what would not only carry them from the church but also far, far beyond it as well.

“You like it? Kinda reminded me of that cabin we nabbed that one time~? But on wings~?” The ladies left to look over the size and shape of a reasonably spacious airship which Miss Marcello had managed to bring through some means of bartering and borrowing, the dark dish was most proud of the living space within it which she had reckoned was spacious enough for the pair to treat like a mobile home going forward, not just for their heavenly honeymoon but for as long after it as they demanded as well. After all, it had always felt like it had been the two of them against the world, and now they owned a piece of it that they could share with no one else, and move to wherever their whimsy might have taken them…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#16Kanna Kusanagi 

Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 2:46 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | WEDDING | @Nikki  

"Yeeeeah bet your sweet ass I am~", Kanna replied, bobbing her brows as her luscious lover as she nibbled her bottom lip, already looking forward to their wedding night, longing for the chance to have her sinuous siren all to herself

Yet for the time being, she couldn't help but feel distracted by the bewildering sight in front of her. She knew Dragons were rare, nearly mythical creatures who'd only recently returned to Earthland. But out of their closest relatives, the Wyverns stood out as popular mounts, rare and difficult to tame. The only vehicle that even came close to their rarity... Was an aerial ship not unlike the one now hovering in front of them:

"Gods~... You're just... Fucking full of surprises today, aint'cha?", Kanna approached the flying vehicle with admiration, squeezing Nikki's hand, following her until she could lay a hand on that wooden hull, "Mmmm, you're right... And y'know... Just like in that cabin, we can be as loud as we want while we're up here~? Just you and me babe, and nobody else~"

Even with that salacious undertone, Kanna couldn't help but tug Nikki closer for a loving, sizzling smooch, before the two set sail on their maiden voyage~


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 2:47 pm


WORDS: 320 | TOTAL: 3150 | White Wedding

“Mannnn, if you like surprises, you're gonna love getting me outta this dress~?” The brunette bobbing her brow as she looked toward her beautiful bride and watched just how blown away she was by the sight, Nikki snickered at her comment about it and bit into her bottom lip as she hinted at further highlights to come, though found one arriving sooner than she expected. All too readily welcoming her wonder of a woman into her arms and sharing both the taste of her kiss and her tongue with her, the buxom belle beamed as she returned that show of affection and then some by mauling the frame of her fellow femme in the way she had wanted in the church, and then lifted the lass into her arms and made a beeline for a long overdue chance to fully express their current feeling.

“Fuck yeah, we can go where we want, do what we want~?” Marching toward the airship and booting the door open with a sense of authoritative aplomb, all that Miss Marcello could do was purr and growl between the kisses she shared with her wonderful wife, and swung her hips backward to shut the door behind her with her rump as she wasted no time in making the most of the amenities.
“Hehehehe, pretty sure I know what that might be a lot of the time~?” Perhaps decorum saying that she should probably give Kanna a tour of the facilities and that but for the moment the only thing that she guessed the two of them would be interested in being the bed, the scarlet eyed siren half sprinted her way toward the living space within that had a nice big and even better sturdy frame and mattress atop it and lunged for it, burying them both in the sheets as she wrestled with her woman wantonly, desperate to finally scratch an itch which had been building ever since she first saw that white dress…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#18Kanna Kusanagi 

Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 2:49 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | WEDDING | @Nikki  

"Yeeeeah~... I got something good for ya too~?"

Kanna bit her lip as she couldn't help but growl at Nikki's lustful little tease, already counting down the minutes until she could have her woman all to herself, feeling an excited tingle shooting up her spine as she pulled Nikki into her arms and held her there, losing track of time in that kiss until she finally made her move:

"You and me both babe~... And for staters... C'mere hot stuff... Hup...!", and with a sudden heave, Kanna leaned down and scooped her bewitching beauty into her arms, lingering on those lips for a longing smooch, enthralled by the taste of that pillowy pout as she pulled out a little trick from her proverbial sleeve


Even with the two star crossed lovers preoccupied with the kiss, Nikki would feel herself being lifted off the ground, the tell tale sound of those mana poured jets feeling the air as the blonde bride manifested a part of her armor, or rather, just the lower half of her legs, encasing them in that skintight nanite suit from which those thrusters shot forth slowly, alongside the stabilizers in her back to keep her steady, the wind leaving their hair whipping about as Kanna slowly princess carried her beautiful bride into the air until she landed perfectly on the Aerial Ship's wooden deck:

"Now... About time we got... Our honeymoon underway, don'tcha think~...?", she purred, nibbling that luscious bottom lip... Finding it awfully hard to put her woman down.


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 2:50 pm


WORDS: 300 | TOTAL: 3450 | White Wedding

“Damn, talk about flying me to the moon babe~” Those ruby red irises seeming to widen as Nikki found herself being hoisted into the arms of her beautiful blonde bride, all that she could do was gasp as the thrusters of her magnificent mate seemed to cast them skyward in a fashion which somehow found a way to make her pulse beat all the quicker, and left the pair of them now about a rather isolated locale in which they could readily make all the noise they wished to and never need worry about the neighbours. Not that this was often all that much of a concern for them anyway, mind you.

“Teehee, wow, we're alone at last, hm~?” Even so there seeming to be something so exciting and more personal about the air of privacy which their situation loaned to them, Miss Marcello batted her lashes with a sense of amusement which rather unstated the thrill she felt of which was to follow, and sank into the sheets of their bed with a smirk as she pointed out how there would be no need for consideration or courtesy given their new locale.
“Fancy consummating the fuck outta this union, waifu~?” Meanwhile seeming to roll onto her back and lift her hands into that silky soft mane of hers and gently prize the veil which had been kept within it away from her as she waited to see which of their lusts would let them lunge at the other first, she could scarcely remember the last time that her heart was hammering quite so hard with want and excitement for a roll in the proverbial hay, and had every intention of indulging the event for everything she could get from it. After all, by now she had certainly earned her reward, no~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#20Kanna Kusanagi 

Dearly Beloved... [Kanna - Storyline] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 3:04 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | WEDDING | @Nikki  

"Oh you ain't seen nothin yet Nikki~...", She purred, shooting her a teasing little wink as she finally landed on the deck of their getaway ship, and quickly unsummoned the pieces of her armor as quickly as she conjured them, having served their purpose well. At any other time, she might have taken a moment to appreciate her growing mastery of Heinrich's powers, but...

Right now, her mind was nowhere near that... She spared but a single glance at their surroundings as the ship would soon begin taking flight, carrying the two newlyweds off to their long awaited honeymoon:

"About damn time if ya ask me~...", though appreciating the company of the witnesses to their union, Kanna had been craving a chance to have her beloved all to herself ever since she laid eyes on her, and with her heart hammering more and more as time went on, Kanna wasted no time pouncing her woman into their marital bed as her hands washed over that irresistible frame, her fingertips savouring that silky smooth skin which she couldn't deny, felt even better now that she was warm to the touch, wasting no time lunging for those lips as she dove into her arms, squeezing her close, her chest pressing firmly into hers until her wife could feel how her heart was racing madly, her pulse rising with every passing moment, "Mmmmnfh~... God Nikki~... No wonder... I fell in love with you~... Keep that up and I might... Mmmn~... Fall for you all over again~"


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.

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