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The dance of the mage and her Serpent. (NQ B-Rank)

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The dance of the mage and her Serpent. (NQ B-Rank)  Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:56 pm

Carmina was going to battle at the Great Baska rock today to get some practice with fighting by her companions side and it was really over due though she was still recovering from her fight with that troublesome yet handsome dragon slayer that she fought at the seven arena but she needed to make sure that she could stand up and brush herself off as she needed to really knuckle down and get her self back on track she needed to get spells as soon as she can but she wanted to be stronger before she got to actually stealing from people but it was getting closer and closer to that time as she gets more skilled and her heart is racing that is when she noticed the other men that were around and she was not so sure that she would be able to handle it but she was going to do it.


The dance of the mage and her Serpent. (NQ B-Rank)  Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:56 pm

She signed up for herself and her companion that would be joining her and the people there laughed about it but she wanted to make sure they knew she was going to be having work with him in the fights and they clearly didn't know what they were laughing at and she knew her companion would be here soon so she would wait cause they had already agreed to him being allowed to join as the huge creature came flying in and the people that said yes had gone pale as they had not expected this would to bring a pseudo dragon with her to the battles but they were already signed in and accepted so they couldn't take it back and the shady ground were looking at her and the companion that had just joined in Carmina was sure that they were bad guys so she would make sure to stop them.


The dance of the mage and her Serpent. (NQ B-Rank)  Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:56 pm

As she walked to the tent she got into better gear for fighting as she was not going to fight in a dress as it would just get in the way of her movement and she needed to make sure that if she was going to ride the creature that she was not having to worry about perverts that were hoping to get a look and then she was called out and she made her way out to the arena and she looked at her opponents and it seemed the bad guys were taking the fights over and she was in her first fight against one of them of that team and they looked very cocky about dealing with her. They didn't seem worried about the big creature that she was with and she told him to send them flying and the creature smirked then sent out a blast of wind magic.


The dance of the mage and her Serpent. (NQ B-Rank)  Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:56 pm

The wind blast knocked the two back and out of the arena to the wall landing them out of bounds for the fight and the woman smirked at them and they try to cast a spell to attack her but they were shut down by the knights who couldn't interfere with the tournament but now that they lost they were able to take them in. Carmina was told to stay as the next group were coming out and she was the first fight up again as it seemed they were not going to give her a break ground and the Serpent looked at the new two that where coming out into the ring and they seemed ready for the beast they were going to be facing but she knows that she needed to make sure to not let them get anything out of the way to attack them so she was ready.


The dance of the mage and her Serpent. (NQ B-Rank)  Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:56 pm

As the two moved toward them Carmina would ready herself and jumped onto the winded serpents back and they took off into the sky and the creatures mouth glowed and then fired a beam of lightning down on them that cased both of them to drop to the floor of the ring fully hindered from the attack and they could only look up at the woman that the monster that had just shocked them to their core and the ref counted to ten and counted them out as they couldn't get up under their own power and they were not happy as they as well were taken off by the Rune Knights for their loss in the fight against her and then she was asked to please come down and then they would call her back out when it was their time again. Carmina got a small drink and gave it to the companion that seemed happy with himself.


The dance of the mage and her Serpent. (NQ B-Rank)  Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:56 pm

Carmina got her own drink and she saw one of the bad guys looking at her and they seemed mad at her but they had just won their fight and she was going to have to do the same as well and she was not going to back down and she wondered if she could steal anything from them in the next fight and Carmina was ready again but it seemed they were leaving her for last the next round as she watched the other fights on the viewing orb of the fight she was not really worried about it and she was going to do her best as she was not going to give up at least not yet as this was her time to shine and she needed to make sure that she kept at it. Carmina was called again and she and her companion made their way out to the ring.


The dance of the mage and her Serpent. (NQ B-Rank)  Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:57 pm

The two that were there before her and the companion were two huge men and they had a scary aura around them and she needed to make sure that she didn't look right at them as they were seeming to be attempting to meet eyes with her and she knew that couldn't mean anything good. The fight started and they came at her and the companion acted quick and released a jet of water that they both dodged that hit right between them and then exploded and the two fell forward toward her and they casted spells one of acid and the other of darkness and she copied them as she moved out of the way of the clumsily placed spells and the creature as well had gotten out of the way and in sync the memory mage and the creature hit them at the same time knocking them out.


The dance of the mage and her Serpent. (NQ B-Rank)  Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:57 pm

She went back as it was over and the creature seemed to look at her with a smirk as she had stolen their spells but she hadn't used them yet so she was saving them for the next fight vs them it seemed and the serpent hoped they could handle it in the next fight as it was seeming like it was the last one and the team they beat was just taken as well. So the one that was stink eyeing Carmina this whole time she seemed to be the muscle of the dark group they were fighting and she needed to be able to handle it if she could and that was something that Carmina was thinking about as she went past the woman that seemed to be working on her own taking on two people at once herself and that was scary. Carmina would need to not let herself lose focus or she would probably be eaten up.


The dance of the mage and her Serpent. (NQ B-Rank)  Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:57 pm

As the last woman of the dark group finished her fight Carmina was called out to fight her and she looked fully ready to take her on and Carmina was getting a strange feeling that she was seeing what might happen and could happen if she wasn't careful of them and she was going to give it her all and the winged serpent went to the sky without her as Carmina ran at the woman and the serpent above let up a beam of lightning at the other woman who opened her mouth and ate the lightning getting charged up and then looking at Carmina releasing a spell that was darkness and lightning toward her and the woman fired off the two spells she had seen earlier that barely stopped the spell and then Carmina had copied the new spell that the woman had used toward her and she hoped that meant that she would be able to keep matching her.


The dance of the mage and her Serpent. (NQ B-Rank)  Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:57 pm

Carmina knows that she will run out of mana first before the other woman would run out and that was when the serpent from above swung his tail down as a strike toward the woman and she was clearly caught off guard by it and didn't dodge it in time as she had been a bit amazed that the woman had used her crew mates spells. The woman took the hit but she also got one back on the serpent who was thrown back by the strike and she moved forward toward Carmina as the serpent hit just outside of the ring and was rung out. Carmina ducked under the hint and kicked the other woman where the serpent had hit her and let loose the spell at close range on her the woman seemed to collapse from that hit from the kick and the spell and she smirked and then was taken away and Carmina was called the winner and she took her money and left to treat her friend to something good and to tend to his wounds.
(180) (1,576) (Exit)

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