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Whispers of the Faithful 5

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 Whispers of the Faithful 5 Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 7:14 pm


”Have he noticed anything since I’ve sent ye?” Lumikki began speaking the moment one of her ravens perched upon her shoulder. With her hood up and a thin layer of darkness to obscure her face, she was hard to make out for the moment as she walked the streets towards the church grounds.

”Many of us noticed nothing of note. For the last few days, things have seemed normal…well mostly. We can say that from our accounts, the number of people who enter the church don’t always leave….at least not at that day. There were three cases where we’ve noticed them finally leaving much later.” Lumikki let out a sigh because she couldn’t understand, though it was not like anyone can notice. Instead, she maintain her stride as she thought more about it.

”Could ye take me to the three?” She inquired, not sure if this would be her next lead. Lonu after long finally answered. ”I will see if the other ravens still know where they are now.” He replied before taking off. Lumikki’s gaze followed until she couldn’t see him any longer. For now, she has decided that she will spend time at the church. At least until she can find something suspicious herself.


 Whispers of the Faithful 5 Nerili11

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 Whispers of the Faithful 5 Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 7:15 pm


The sun was no longer at the highest point of the sky, but the day was still quite warm. Though as Lumikki walked she let out a nice cold chill. Most of the passerby’s did not notice her as she walked by. Most went along with their day. And as she approached the church, she could see that there were not many people here, at least not outside. So she took a moment to step in and sit at one of the seats to the back.

A few people occupied adventures, mostly sitting towards the front. While a priest occupied the front reading out loud. Lumikki didn’t gain the same courtesy that she had outside for those within, noticed that she entered, but as soon as they turn to look upon her, their gaze went back towards the priest in the front. For the moment, it seemed like nothing was wrong.

Lumikki herself said nothing instead of sitting in silence as she observed. It would go on like this for another hour by then the priest was now wrapping up his sermon, and the visitors were approaching the stage to gather a blessing. All but Lumikki who stood behind and stayed within her seat. It would seem that her gesture was odd enough to get the attention of some priest to stood towards the side, one approaching to ask if she was new. ”Oh, as it turns out, I am.” Lumikki would reply in a voice that’s not hers. She was taking on the guys of another so not to be noticed right away. ”Actually I moved here not two weeks ago was recommended to come here from by new neighbor after I told her about my worries about being alone. She assured me that I would find good friends here, at least a nice community. So I was inclined to give it a try though admittedly I’m nervous. I guess that’s why you approached me huh?” Lumikki gave out awkward chuckle towards the end of words. Selling the part as someone quite clueless. But it could only go so far as long as she kept the hood on, and she knew that.

 Whispers of the Faithful 5 Nerili11

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 Whispers of the Faithful 5 Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 7:15 pm


But if the priest was bothered by it, Lumikki wouldn’t know just yet as he seemed to put on a friendly presentation. ”Is that so child? Another new among the flock it would seem. How glorious and bless the Divine. What more, you had someone kind enough to point you the way. Perhaps the light truly is marking your path.” His candid voice gave a warmth in its tone that did not match how Lumikki felt about it but she wouldn’t let it be known. Instead she would continue to play alone.

”Quite so…the place I came from before you seem, was much smaller. I’m not yet used to all these buildings and streets. It had me worried for my safety—and maybe even my sanity—so I decided to seek the warmth of the Lucent instead. Thank you priest for being so welcoming in the Father’s stead. I hope to acclimate very soon.” It was like the Demoness managed to feed the man everything he wanted to hear. His grin though muted at first, grew wider with every praise and promise for acceptance. What he thought of her or wanted from the proclamation, she didn’t quite know. But she spent enough time here as it was, it would be best for her to retreat for now.

 Whispers of the Faithful 5 Nerili11

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 Whispers of the Faithful 5 Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 7:16 pm


See, Lumikki was not just sitting and listening to the nonsense of the priest on the higher stage, she was observing all those who sat in the pews and the setting quite closely. Making note of all the doors, the ins and outs of the priests, and the clergy that made their faces known. She wanted a base line understanding before she dug further, which would probably be tonight as she stalked all the placed that the guest could not easily enter.

”That brings me so much joy child! Come, we should introduce you to the head of the church.” Lumikki in response, tried to maintain a shy but respectful facade. ”Forgive me or I will have to reject your offer. At least for the moment. I really can’t stay much longer, and I have reached the limits of my heart to stay out any longer. I wish to be home before dark you see, and the sun is soon to set. So if you would excuse me priest, I would like to enjoy the little bit of Lucent’s remaining light on my trip back to the residence.—Of course, would it be possible to meet with him again tomorrow? Perhaps during a time before he starts his sermons as I wouldn’t want to infringe on his very important work you see.” Lumikki’s hangs grasped at her cloak as if her terror was growing. A show for the anxiety of staying longer than this. The Priest would look her over as he listed to her words with an expression that was losing its enthusiasm but not yet its warmth.


 Whispers of the Faithful 5 Nerili11

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 Whispers of the Faithful 5 Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 7:17 pm


”You know dear, they say no time is like the present….but if I cannot keep you then it would be far better to arrange for a splendid time tomorrow. I think I could get something arranged….perhaps at eight if you could muster it. But be sure to arrive one time see! The head of the church is quite busy you see, and it would be quite distasteful to keep him waiting. Since I will tell him he’ll be having a guest, he might even arrange something nice. What have you? Do you think that would work for you?”

Lumikki nodded enthusiastically as if the news made her day. ”Oh thank you priest, I think it just might.” Before he could say more however, Lumikki would get up and rush out. From which she would keep her hood up tight before walking thought the residential district, on the very chance someone from the church had bothered to follow her.

158_1200+40%wcr due to ring and companion.

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Curtain Call
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝

 Whispers of the Faithful 5 Nerili11

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