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Whispers of the Faithful 4

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 Whispers of the Faithful 4 Empty Sun Sep 22, 2024 8:17 pm


Lumikki was escorted to an office that occupied the end of the hall. The walk over displayed a series of desks for those who came and went often for the job, but the rooms to the side were for the maintain detectives that pieced a lot of their cases together. At the time, Ava Tikata, one of their more prominent and eager detectives was out of town, looking into some matters what were perplexing those of the Wood Worthsea. The other two more active and ambitious of the team had also stepped out for briefings being held in central. That would only leave Ryker Adamese left.

He was somewhat notorious among the station. A once honored man turned putrid over time. Was it from the work, or the happenings of time itself? It was hard to say, but it was an apparent problem. Usually he kept to himself, toiling in his work. It was almost neurotic how he’d go over his reports over and over again. Like just by reading them for a fifth time can grant him insight that the first few passings could not. Yet he was the only one available, and as anxious as the front desk man was to send her over, he’d simply point her the way.


 Whispers of the Faithful 4 Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

 Whispers of the Faithful 4 Empty Sun Sep 22, 2024 9:10 pm


”Who are you? What do you want?!….” His gruff voice flooded the silence of his room. His disgruntled welcoming to the turning of the knob. Lumikki didn’t quite care, she didn’t flinch to his words or tone, like she didn’t hesitate to walk over despite the man at the desk’s warning. There was work to be done, and he was the only one left to do it.

”I come bringing ye purpose lad, we got work to do.” Lumikki’s voice was matter-of-factly while his was apprehensive and annoyed. She took the seat in front of his desk before he even invited her to sit down, clearing the of the stack of papers and reports discarded on top.

”—What the! Don’t touch tha—“ Ryker rose from his chair to somewhat swat Lumikki away, but the Demoness wasn’t having it. Her eyes now blazing a Demonic glow, was giving away just where her patience was now. He looked her in the eyes and caught a chill, too stunned in the moment to go on until finally he dropped back in his seat with a defeated grunting and an oblivious look on his face.

”So ya see, I found a weird journal in me hands.”


 Whispers of the Faithful 4 Nerili11

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 Whispers of the Faithful 4 Empty Sun Sep 22, 2024 10:24 pm


Lumikki dropped the journal onto his desk. Slips of colorful papers stuck out from the sides, markings the pages where she took notes. Lumikki took her seat with a sigh, she was already tired of this case but there was no one left to leave it to. Even if she could have left it to the detective, this one was in a sorry state.

Ryker took a deep sigh,”Now, again….who are you?” Lumikki who was leaning forward on top his desk and flipping through her notes, finally paused. Leaning back in her seat, she finally looked him in the eye once more. ”Lumikki of the Dawn. Some lass came to me for help and I figured I’d enlist the Rune Knights into it too. Gotta cover me bases as ye know and Ittindi would appreciate I kept yer like informed.” With impatience, Lumikki leaned forward and began tapping the page insistently with her long talon-like nail. ”The bloke sister enlisted me. Said he’s been acting strange. Aye, the pages could confirm it but it’s easy not to care about it right? But it’s not all she said. The lass also let me know that there’s been missing people amid them as well. Following me?”

Ryker eyes studied the pages as she yammered on. It was clear he was lost and displeased, but this was his job so he stilled his tongue for now. ”Yea and why me?” Though he feigned disinterest, his eyes couldn’t leave the pages. And the more he skimmed over, the more appalled he seemed.


 Whispers of the Faithful 4 Nerili11

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 Whispers of the Faithful 4 Empty Sun Sep 22, 2024 10:34 pm


”Yer the only one here. But do ye see why I need yer help? Granted, ya don’t have to do much, but I can’t keep working this nonsense alone with no lifeline. If me guild don’t notice something odd in me absence, I’d hope ya do. Now I’ve been reading over the pages for the last three days and it’s a mess. Doesn’t get any clearer either, lemme tell ye. But I did cross reference a lot of what I could with books in me guild’s library for the symbols. It’s some old stuff, deep into the Illumin faith when things were still taking form. And rightly, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was mixed with things from the Abyssal, I see a lot of similarities here. But this is all I could note for now, I’ll leave the book for a moment for ye to look over but I’ll be having it back in two days.”

Ryker’s face was heavily confused, it scrunched further his squarish features. ”What do you mean you’ll have it back in two days. This is now a Rune Knight investigation—we keep it now!” Just as he spoke, darkness flooded the table like ink spilling atop his desk. It’s in inkiness staining all beneath, even the journal. Ryker fell back into his seat, confused and disturbed. When he looked back to Lumikki, her face was warped into something more Demonic.


 Whispers of the Faithful 4 Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

 Whispers of the Faithful 4 Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 8:09 am


”I’m ok with playing nice love, but until I am sure things are resolved, I could only share. Now~ let me in on those thoughts of yers. Odd isn’t it?” The darkness fell away as if nothing happened, the things beneath her magic were left untouched of the stain of black. Ryker, who was already getting. Far too tired of everything, took a deep sip of his long chilled coffee. The taste was spoiled, but the effects were not, and he’d let the moment linger as she tried to refresh. Somewhat hoping that the pause would summon the patience he was scrambling to gather before. Did it work however? He would pretend it did. It had been some time since a person challenged him to be social again. Most were fine with leaving him to his fixations. He was a hallowed man, burned from too many mistakes and regrets of the past, too many cases unfulfilled. He often battled with the notion, what was the value of his life? His efforts? Would it even matter? But his conclusion was always the same, like the weak man that he was, toil away in work until it is no longer a thought.

”Are we sure he’s just not unwell in the head?” Though he said that, his tone wasn’t even convincing himself. Clearly something is wrong and the myriads of notes Lumikki neatly condensed wasn’t helping him think otherwise. ”But….I’ll have to look further….to be sure…”

”Aye, to be expected. But don’t stare too long onto those pages, it’s like staring into the Abyss. Ye could get lost in his madness, or a hankering migraine at the least. We’ll be in touch Ryker, and if we’re not—assume the worst. In truth, that’s partly why I came.”

294_1201 +40%wcr due to ring and companion.

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Curtain Call
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 Whispers of the Faithful 4 Nerili11

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