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Mountain Climbing [B Rank-Solo]

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#1Salem E. 

Mountain Climbing [B Rank-Solo] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 8:24 pm

Salem E.

Salem spit in the sink and checked out his teeth. It was the last thing he needed to do before he made sure he was ready. He felt like he was ready to go and did not need to wait much longer. Frosch was already dressed, cleaned and ready to go as well. The happy little exceed traveled with Salem to the mess hall.

The breakfast this morning was different. It had less meat but it was really tasty. A nice selection of ripe fruit that was practically bursting with juice. Salem took one bite then helped clear out the entire table. “Let’s go, Sadiq. We have an appointment at the mountain I do not want to miss.” The two headed out of the hotel towards Ahi Mountain. Salem was asked to participate in a trial. It was a type of game that was meant to help people grow and get along. It was really explained to Salem differently but that was all he could remember.


#2Salem E. 

Mountain Climbing [B Rank-Solo] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 8:37 pm

Salem E.

Salem made it to the mountain in great time. He really sat on his staff and flew over which made it easy. He greeted the Chief and Kohana with a smile. The duo was happy to see him. They were waiting for him to start the climb. Salem went over a few details about the trial with the Chief. Then the newly formed trio said goodbye to him as they started to ascend up the mountain.

“So, was growing up on the island a great experience?” Salem was making small talk. He had a great impression of the island. If it was possible he would not have minded getting a property in such a great place. The nature mana from the lush vegetation and the water mana from the ocean was so abundant. Salem noticed both of which were starting to thin the more the three of them got to the top. The hot stuffiness of the air was making Salem feel bad. He could sense the water mana fleeing first.


#3Salem E. 

Mountain Climbing [B Rank-Solo] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 8:51 pm

Salem E.

The moment they reached the top Salem was able to figure out why he was feeling stuffy. They mountain was really the top of a volcano. The heat fromm excited the fire mana and must have been sucking the moisture out of the air. It would not be a place Salem would be happy to visit under normal circumstances. It was why Salem tended to avoid leaving water sources behind in Desierto. He picked the flower and the trio started to head back down.

A quarter of the way down a snapped branch grabbed his attention. His intuition told him that something was wrong. He gave the signal that told Frosch to fall back. Salem took his staff off his back and lashed out. A thunk could be heard that was followed by a shout. Next five people jumped from out of the brush and kept the three of them surrounded. It looked like Salem was in for a good time.


#4Salem E. 

Mountain Climbing [B Rank-Solo] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:28 pm

Salem E.

“Get him!” Those were the words that were shouted before Salem went into battle mode. He tapped his staff on the ground. A great mist rose out of the point and spread out. The magic covered everyone that was present. It looked like it did nothing at first till the first man that Salem hit passed out.

“I would suggest you guys leave while you are still conscious of the world around you.” That did not stop them from attacking him. Salem barely had time to dodge the one coming from the left side of him. He ran his staff into the one coming from the right. It went directly into the chest knocking him unconscious. Salem managed to take out two of the five attackers within moments. Salem wanted to take out the remaining three in a moment. He was just not sure if he would be able to. He had already lost the element of surprise.


#5Salem E. 

Mountain Climbing [B Rank-Solo] Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:09 am

Salem E.

Salem pivoted on his foot and tried whacking the one that previously attacked him. This one seemed more skilled and put up the shield that blocked his next strike. Salem would have preferred to use more magic for this bout but he lacked spells that could be strong enough to help him end it. His best bet was to rely on the changes in his body.

The Fairy godfather felt lucky that he spent time in group fights before. His situational awareness would not have gotten him far otherwise. He was able to dodge an incoming thrust by ducking. Then returning the attack with a thrust of his own. Salem could not dodge the next strike and believed it was going to hurt. He regretted not putting up some defense earlier. It did not help that a scream came out to distract him. Making the situation even worse. Salem got knocked on the head and could see that Kohana had taken a bad spill.


#6Salem E. 

Mountain Climbing [B Rank-Solo] Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:28 am

Salem E.

Fury. This was the emotion that started to overwhelm him. Salem had neglected to use his Fairy form in battle in a long time. This could probably count as the first. His blue incandescent wings came out. He hovered in the air giving the remaining attackers some time. Then he got to work. It was a headshot to each of them with aerial maneuvers. The unexpected attackers did not expect that Salem could fly like this. The increase to his physical body made it even easier for him to pound down on them.

Salem was worried after he calmed down. He went to check on Kohana and noticed her injury. For a healer like Salem it was really not even a small deal. A wave and she was already healed up. He decided it would be easier to pick her up and fly back down with Frosch. The trio took less time to go down then it did for them to go up. The Chief was impressed and welcomed Salem into the tribe, They had a heck of a party to celebrate and welcome him.



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