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Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap]

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Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:23 am

Yijun had heard that the person that the rioters and knights were talking about was from the west of the country and so he set out this way and he thought Iza was coming with him but he was not sure where in the crowd the Jester had gotten to as he was not sure there if he might have found a lead but Yijun was trying to blend in himself so he can find out if he heard anything of the person they were looking for and if they were here in one of the clubs or off hiding somewhere. So Yijun was going through a few shady clubs or that is the plan. He wasn't hearing much just getting strange looks from some people that were walking around in the club so he kind of wondered if he had been made when a couple of hot wood elf girls sat near Yijun and they seemed to be sizing him up for what he was not sure but he was acting like he didn't see them.

#2Iza Bicdic 

Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:38 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza had heard things about someone in the West who had started all of this. How he or she did that, he didn’t know. It was quite questionable that it affected the North, but here he was. Still, he was intrigued to see if they could find who was responsible for all of this right? Well as time went by, he would make his way to Oak Town. This is where they would start and he was not too far behind Yijun, but he would keep himself away for the time being. He was trying to see if he could find somebody who was actually a part of this fiasco that was going on.

He would hear the conversation of others go on, but it was just that conversation. It was nothing important, which he was disappointed in. He wondered if Yijun was having a better time in gathering information than him. Still, he knew he would head over to him soon, he just needed more time.



Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Today at 8:46 am

Yijun looked at them and then he spoke. "Is there something I can help you with?" The two women looked at him with a grin and one bit her lip as she did. Yijun was not sure if he was gonna get hit on or taken at this look that she was giving him but he needed to think of a way to stay here and not be taken off and away. The wood elf with black hair spoke with the red haired one kept an eye on him. "Yeah we were wondering how you feel about having a night with two lovely ladies all to yourself~" The red haired wood elf that had been biting her lip was now beat red and Yijun thinks he sees it, they were aiming to wing man for the red haired elf to try and make a move on him while testing if he was a guy that was moral or not.

Yijun spoke back and he smirked as he was going to act a bit out of character like he would be into it to see how they react. "Well I am young and you both are quite beautiful, I guess I could allow you two a good work out~" His voice was charming and smooth and now even the black haired elf had gone beat red in the face from it.
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