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Bottoms Up [RANK - C SOLO]

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Bottoms Up [RANK - C SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 3:37 pm

Zerutod stood before the local board, his pale lavender eyes scanning the neatly pinned requests. A particular notice caught his attention: “Watch over Rander’s shop while he attends a drinking contest. Good pay.” He smirked, a flicker of mischief igniting within him. “Why not?” he murmured to himself, adjusting the collar of his black trench coat. With a purposeful stride, he made his way to the smithy, the rhythmic clang of metal echoing in the air.

As he approached, the scent of hot iron and sweat enveloped him. Rander, a hulking figure with arms like tree trunks, was hammering away at a glowing piece of metal. The giant paused, wiping his brow with a forearm, and turned to face Zerutod. “Ah, you’re here!” Rander boomed, his voice deep and rumbling like distant thunder. “I appreciate you taking this on. I can’t leave my shop unattended, not with those ruffians lurking about.”

“Ruffians?” Zerutod feigned innocence, tilting his head slightly. “You mean the ones who think vandalism is a sport?”

Rander chuckled, a sound that vibrated through the air. “Exactly! They think they can just come in and ruin my hard work. I need you to keep an eye out. Can you do that?”

“Of course, Rander,” Zerutod replied, his tone soft yet confident. “I’ll make sure your shop remains intact. Just enjoy your contest.”

“Right! Just keep the place safe, will you?” Rander’s eyes narrowed, a hint of concern creeping into his expression. “If they show up, don’t hesitate to call for help.”

Zerutod waved a dismissive hand. “Oh, I’ll be fine. Just a little chat, perhaps? I’m quite good at diffusing situations.”

Rander raised an eyebrow, skepticism etched on his face. “You? Diffuse? Just don’t get yourself hurt, alright?”

“Me? Hurt?” Zerutod laughed lightly, the sound almost melodic.  “I’m as harmless as a kitten. Just a little blind man trying to make his way in the world.”

Rander shook his head, a smile breaking through his worry. “You’re a strange one, Zerutod. But I trust you. I’ll be back before you know it.”

With that, Rander clapped a massive hand on Zerutod’s shoulder, the weight of it grounding him. As the giant strode away, Zerutod turned to the shop, a flicker of determination igniting within him. Let them come, he thought, a smirk playing on his lips. I’ll show them just how harmless I can be.



Bottoms Up [RANK - C SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 3:53 pm

Zerutod stood outside Rander’s shop, the sun casting long shadows across the cobblestone street. The air was thick with the scent of smoke and iron, but something felt off. He tilted his head, listening intently. The rhythmic clang of metal had faded, replaced by an unsettling silence. As he stepped closer, the crunch of broken glass underfoot sent a jolt through him. “What in the world…?” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. He reached out, fingers brushing against the rough wooden door, and felt the jagged edges of shattered glass. “Ugh, these idiots,” he muttered, his brow furrowing. “Vandalism is not a sport, you know.”

He took a deep breath, steadying himself. The shop’s exterior was marred with crude graffiti, the paint still fresh and glistening in the sunlight. “Looks like they had a field day,”[/color] he said, shaking his head. “Rander’s not going to like this.”

Zerutod knelt down, carefully picking up the shards of glass, his fingers deftly navigating the sharp edges. “Just a little clean-up,” he reassured himself, though a flicker of anger simmered beneath his calm facade. “Nothing I can’t handle.”

As he worked, he kept his senses sharp, listening for any signs of trouble. The quiet was oppressive, and he could almost feel the tension in the air. “Come on,” he whispered, a smirk creeping onto his lips. “Show yourselves.”

Hours passed, and the sun began its descent, casting an orange hue over the town. Just as he finished sweeping the last of the glass into a pile, a rustle caught his attention. He turned sharply, his heart racing. “Hey! What do you think you’re doing?”[/color] a voice sneered from the shadows.

Zerutod’s lips curled into a smile, though his heart pounded. “Just tidying up, you know. Can’t have a shop looking like a pigsty, can we?”

Three figures emerged, their faces twisted with malice. One brandished a knife, the blade glinting ominously. “You’re in the wrong place, blind man. This is our turf now.”

“Is it?” Zerutod replied, his voice steady. “I must have missed the memo.”

With a swift motion, he drew his katana, the blade humming as it sliced through the air. “I suggest you leave before I make this a very unpleasant evening for you.”

The thugs exchanged glances, uncertainty flickering in their eyes. “You think you can scare us?” one of them laughed, though it lacked conviction.

“Scare?” Zerutod echoed, his tone playful yet edged with steel. “Oh no, I’m just getting started.”

As the tension crackled, Zerutod felt the familiar rush of adrenaline. The night was just beginning, and he was ready to show them just how harmless he could be.



Bottoms Up [RANK - C SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 4:02 pm

From the shadows, the same three figures emerged, their faces twisted into sneers. This time, they were armed—knives glinting menacingly in the dim light. “Look who’s playing hero,” one of them taunted, brandishing his weapon. “You think you can stop us, blind man?”

Zerutod chuckled softly, the sound almost mocking. “You really should consider a new hobby. Vandalism is so last season.”

“Shut up!” another thug spat lunging forward. The blade sliced through the air, but Zerutod was ready. He sidestepped, the movement fluid, and countered with a swift arc of his katana. The blade hummed as it met the thug’s knife, sending a shockwave through the air.

“Nice try,” Zerutod said, his voice laced with amusement. “But you’ll need to do better than that.”

The thugs exchanged glances, uncertainty creeping into their bravado. “You think you’re tough?” the leader sneered, stepping forward. “We’ll show you what tough really is!”

With a sudden burst of speed, he charged, but Zerutod was already moving. He pivoted, using the momentum to swing his katana in a wide arc. The blade whistled as it sliced through the air, narrowly missing the thug’s shoulder. “Careful now,” Zerutod warned, his tone playful. “You wouldn’t want to lose a limb.”

The remaining two thugs hesitated, their confidence wavering. “Let’s get out of here!” one shouted, but it was too late. Zerutod was upon them, his movements a blur. He disarmed the second thug with a swift kick, sending the knife clattering to the ground.

“Now, now,” he said, his voice low and calm. “Let’s not make this any messier than it needs to be.”

In a matter of moments, he had them pinned, expertly tying their hands with the remnants of the shop’s awning. “You’ll be needing these,” he said, gesturing to their weapons. “But I think I’ll keep the shop intact.”

With the thugs secured, Zerutod pulled out a small crystal from his pocket, activating it with a flick of his wrist. “Authorities, I have a situation at Rander’s shop,” he reported, his voice steady. “Three vandals apprehended. Send someone quickly.”

As he waited, he couldn’t help but smile. “You know,” he said, glancing at the thugs, “this really isn’t how I envisioned my day going.”



Bottoms Up [RANK - C SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 4:17 pm

Zerutod leaned against the sturdy wooden counter of Rander’s shop, the scent of iron and smoke lingering in the air. The thugs lay bound in a heap, their earlier bravado replaced by sullen silence. He could hear the distant sounds of laughter and clinking mugs from the tavern where Rander had gone to celebrate.

Ugh, I can’t believe we got caught by a blind man,” one of the thugs muttered, his voice laced with bitterness.

Zerutod chuckled softly, shaking his head. “You really should have picked a better target. I’m not just a pretty face, you know.”

Just then, the door swung open with a creak, and Rander burst in, his face flushed from drink and laughter. The giant’s eyes widened as he took in the scene—the thugs, the mess, and Zerutod standing tall, katana sheathed at his side.

“By the gods!” Rander exclaimed, his voice booming. “What happened here?”

“Just a little welcoming committee,” Zerutod replied, gesturing to the thugs. “They thought vandalism was a good idea. I thought it was a terrible one.”

Rander’s expression shifted from shock to admiration. “You handled them all by yourself?”

“Of course,” Zerutod said, a hint of pride creeping into his tone. “I couldn’t let your shop suffer, could I?”

Rander stepped closer, inspecting the thugs. “You’ve got a knack for this, Zerutod. I owe you one.”

“Just doing my part,” Zerutod replied, feigning modesty. “But if you insist on rewarding me, I wouldn’t say no to a drink.”

Rander laughed, the sound deep and hearty. “You’ve earned more than that. Here.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pouch, tossing it to Zerutod. “A little something for your trouble.”[/color]

Zerutod caught it deftly, the clink of coins echoing in the shop. “I appreciate it, Rander. But I’d rather have a good story to tell.”

“Then let’s make one,” Rander said, clapping Zerutod on the back. “You and I, we’ll show these thugs what happens when they mess around in Oak.”

As the authorities arrived, the tension in the air dissipated, replaced by a sense of camaraderie. Rander and Zerutod exchanged knowing glances, a bond forged in the heat of conflict.

“Next time, I’ll bring the drinks,” Rander said, grinning. “You bring the heroics.”

“Deal,” Zerutod replied, a smile breaking through his usual facade. “But let’s hope there isn’t a next time.”

With the thugs taken away, the shop stood safe, a testament to their unexpected partnership.



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