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Sophie Sauveterre

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Sophie Sauveterre Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 5:44 pm



Name: Sophie Eleanor Jolie Sauveterre

Age: 24 (X772)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Ethnicity, Father: Minstreli

Ethnicity, Mother: Fiorian

Class: Adventurer

Race: Human

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Blue Pegasus

Emblem: Pink – Outer Right Thigh

Face: Vinsmoke Reiju – One Piece


Height: 179cm

Weight: 67kg

Hair: Pink

Eyes: Cyan

Overall: An attractive and tall woman with a light complexion, Sophie Sauveterre has wavy bubble gum pink hair of length just below her shoulders which tends to be somewhat messy, though more often than not she will wear it in a simple tail at the back of her head. Parting her hair from the left side of her head and leaving some or all of her right eye often hidden by her long bangs, the locks of this lady are a little on the wavy side and curl up at the tips, and long enough to reach the upper part of her back.

Large eyed, Miss Sauveterre has vibrant sky blue irises , and her overall facial structure is slender and refined. Sporting lips that are naturally rosy even without being coloured, this pink beauty has a noticeable pout that only seems to add to an overall sense of mature appeal, looking more like a woman than a girl and a little older than her age. Suffering from myopia, while she tends to habitually wear contact lenses, there are times when she is at home or feeling a casual vibe that Sophie tends to prefer the comfort and ease of a pair of spectacles. Fair in terms of her complexion, Sophie has Swiss ancestry which is reflected in her light skin and soft features, though certainly is not pale as she well appreciates the value of getting one’s vitamin D from the sun.

The style of clothing that Sophie prefers tending to be on the smart but feminine side of the spectrum, she likes blouses and sweaters, though climate permitting can often choose things that are short or sleeveless so they are functional. Generally more of a fan of a dress or skirt as she likes to highlight her long legs with the way she dresses and prefers simple displays of elegant jewellery with a quality over quantity approach, enjoying pearls, diamonds and sapphires as her favourite gems. A fan of jeans and turtlenecks, when relaxing at home she will often wear just this and some jeans or shorts as she lets her hair down and wears her glasses, perhaps never looking ‘geekier’ than when she is like this.

Extra: Ear, Navel & Tongue Piercings



Confident and plenty assertive in fact, Sophie Sauveterre has a frank manner which often leaves little room for interpretation, and can be considered largely simple and honest in how she comports herself. Friendly and social, while she has little trouble engaging others and seems to often enjoy company there are times when she can be a little too forward for some, and might shock people with how readily she seems to emphasize her interests or desires.

Hardly a loner but typically seen as highly self-sufficient, Sophie can tend to show a single mindedness which tends to leave her to pursue her goals alone but doesn't really mind that. Never one who would let the pressures of companionship dominate her viewpoint, she would consider camaraderie to be more a bonus than a necessity to her life, and typically does not wait for others to make up their mind before acting on her own.

A girl who finds herself daunted little by challenges or obstacles, in fact Miss Sauveterre seems to enjoy new or taxing experiences, since they provide her with the opportunity for greater discovery. Happy to explore a place which someone says is dangerous, she also tends not to judge books by their covers, and finds the process of exploring her own and others interests rather thrilling. In fact seeming to like those of a similar ilk and who challenge her, due to her opinionated nature she likes those who are honest and clear in their convictions even if they do not run parallel to her own, and is often disappointed when she thinks folk are skirting issues or just telling her what she wants to hear.

On the whole rather a wilful character who knows her own mind well, some might come to see her as somewhat confrontational and argumentative, and it perhaps is true that Sophie tends to be someone who rarely shies away from sharing an opinion or belief. A woman of conviction and candour though on the whole a good one, she can prove to be something of a busybody since she is both happy to involve herself in other peoples concerns and demonstrates a firm and fair moral standing, believing that justice should be applied evenly without matters of bias or prejudice regardless of subject

Perhaps this making her seem something of a hypocrite given the high level of social standing from which Miss Sauveterre hails, some might accuse her of preaching from some kind of gold plated soap box when they know the sort of family from which she comes, though this would greatly undervalue her fondness and sympathy for the common folk. Typically the type who would rather be laughing in a tavern on the road than strutting through a ballroom, while she would probably turn heads in either this perky pinkette rarely tends to pay much attention toward airs and graces, and would more typically deploy them sardonically or to hammer home a point toward those who cling to status and standing.

Raised with a strong emphasis on moral responsibility, while Sophie is known to bend rules to suit her aims at times, at her core she maintains a strong sense of ethics in regard to how people should and shouldn't be treated. Hating to see people bullied or otherwise harmed and abused, she would stand up for her fellow man, and believes it to be the responsibility of those with high status to look out for those who are forgotten or downtrodden, and can be known to take this belief rather literally.

One who is more than happy to roll up her sleeves for her cause, though Miss Sauveterre is an eager debater she is just as much a woman of action, especially so in the face of inaction, and at times to the point that she can be reckless and headstrong. Showing her usual dauntlessness when tackling what might be considered 'ground level' problems, there are times when she can prove something of a magnet for trouble, and can have a tendency to sweep the people she is close to into potential danger when she feels the need to act.

Not one who can sit on her hands idly when she sees something amiss, Sophie is well known to push her luck and at times has nearly paid a grievous price for it, but her strong sense of justice and inherent charisma can make it easy for her to win those to her cause as well. More often than not wearing her heart upon her sleeve, the empathy which she shows toward others often works both ways, and she can be good at finding or inspiring the decency in folk around her thanks to this.

More of an adrenaline junkie than she might like others to believe however, while there is no denying that Miss Sauveterre can be courageous and compassionate, sometimes one might doubt if her deeds are quite as altruistic as they might appear. The fuchsia femme finding that she enjoys the rush she gets from doing something which feels righteous and equally relishing the thrills of riskier activities, she likes to push herself and can show an uncommon fondness for things like shooting and racing, having an appreciation for the skill involved and perhaps a pride in the result as well.

✔ Debate, Marksmanship, Gymnastics, New Discoveries, Acculturation

✖ Bullies, Corruption, Injustice, Snootiness, Mushrooms

  • Understanding: An inquisitive and intellectual young woman, Sophie thirsts for discovery and comprehension of the world and people around her.
  • Decency: Raised with a strong moral core, Sophie believes the world should be fair and kind, and does what she can to champion that.

  • Incapacity: Prizing her intellect and independence, Sophie's greatest fear would be losing her mind or the means to act upon it.
  • Loss: Prizing the people she is close to, Sophie would find great anguish in seeing her friends and loved ones be harmed or killed.


Strength: 6

Speed: 11

Constitution: 11

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 1



A girl of mixed heritage who has seen more of the world in the two decades she has been alive than many have in a lifetime, Sophie Sauveterre was born from the union between an ambassador from Minstrel and the Fiorian woman with whom he fell in love, and ultimately started a family. For that reason spending her earliest years in the land of her mother though making regular trips across the bay to her patriarch's homeland, the earliest memories of the girl come from Hargeon and the southern lands where they lived on the estate of her mother's family, though in time her life and being would become something of a cultural melting pot.

Some combination of the loftiness from which she hails and a largely dauntless spirit has seen Sophie as a colourful character even from a young age, even if she was something of a tomboy in her youngest days, the girl tended to be rather inquisitive and precocious, though typically pleasantly so. Rarely seeming to see much of a divide between matters of social class or age and treating those who were adults as much as friends as anyone, she was usually interested in what others were up to and especially so if their work or habits were new to her, and though it raised some eyebrows at times happy to pitch in as well with tasks like making desserts or putting the washing on the line.

Not that all of her free time was spent in some form of servitude, Miss Sauveterre was most fond of riding horses and ballet dancing as her hobbies, though the latter seemed to slowly transform into a fondness for acrobatics. Ever the active little tomboy and using walls and branches like bars and pommels, even after one ill fated attempt saw her break an arm she was scarcely deterred, and liked to show off what she could do both for her own sake and others.

The fuchsia femme often finding that her parents were busy and father especially so given his work, though the pair were far from neglectful this offered her plenty of opportunity to indulge her independence, as well as seek a wider array of friends and role models. Seeming to foster a rather close connection with her cousin, Rey, despite there being a decade or more of difference in age she was in many ways more like a little sister to him, and Sophie hardly let the differences between their ages bother who too much since she tended to usually prove rather mature for her age, and also sympathetic as well.

Liking to offer him her company and stories where she could, the little lass tended to live a somewhat liberated life considering the demands of her cousins upbringing, from what Miss Sauveterre saw he was far more limited in his lifestyle, and so she often tried to bridge the gap with her own experience and anecdotes. Humourously, when she was little she in fact wanted to marry him in that way little girls often tended to crush upon older boys who were sweet to them, though as she has grown older such an impulse has become amusing but ultimately undesirable.

As time went on however the chances to meet Rey becoming fewer and further between, not only did he become busier as he inherited more and more duties but so too did Sophie seem to find her destiny pulling her away from home as well, and before the age of ten it was deemed that she was old and mature enough to handle travelling with her parents. As such the family moving about every few years as part of the missives her father received, the girl began to discover other cultures as they moved from place to place, a habit which she seemed well prepared for given how they had already been migrating between estates in Fiore and Minstrel for as long as she could recall.

Perhaps such a lifestyle something which might see some children suffering but in the case of Miss Sauveterre the lass seeming to instead thrive, while departures were always sad and often brought the perky pinkette to tears she has always been the sort who seemed to embrace new discoveries, and possessed the kind of self confidence needed to blossom needed to thrive. Quick witted and at times hot spirited, she tended to be independent though not asocial, and often the experience which she had of foreign lands or her headstrong nature has tended to be a quality which has won her friends and popularity. Though, it has to be said that her good looks have not hurt either, as she has grown older and prettier.

Not that Sophie tended to be one who got all that wrapped up in her own image and even at her youngest preferring the boons provided by scenery, culture and company, no matter where she and her family ended up she usually dove head long into both her environment and the people around her. Perhaps in some places seen as a little pushy in her way and absolutely tomboyish, in warm lands she was usually running to the nearest beach or lake to swim or explore, and was no stranger either to woodlands or other areas which lay off the beaten track.

Even when she was little seeming to prize the importance of her own mind and her own experience, she was rarely satisfied with being told about an experience and instead preferred to enjoy her own. Typically imagining herself as the protagonist in the novels she read as a child, though possessing a healthy imagination she grew out of books quickly as a child, because she wanted to go out and have her own adventures. This quality by no means hindered by her lifestyle either, what with her parents tending to venture to new realms for their job she saw no reason why she could not, and often envisioned herself heading to lost lands or unusual cultures for adventure.

Blossoming as a young woman in the interim and slowly that emphasis seeming to change as well, the ever-adventurous nature which Miss Sauveterre possessed was something which meant she typically liked to slip away from the more sheltered scenarios which the diplomatic effort were encouraged to enjoy, and instead blend fully with the cultures she immersed herself in. A bright and daring girl who tended to find the rigmarole and routine of functions a little on the dull side, while she tended to be smart and sassy enough to divulge discourse the lass rarely found those who challenged her, and more often than not seemed to frustrate her with their tediously traditional viewpoints and too often seen self-serving nature.

As such seeming to be practically encouraged to seek greater thrills outside of the consular spectrum, she would slip away with increasing frequency to better explore and excite herself, though through doing so began to see the world through a rather different light than that of her social sphere. Able to see the starker realities of those who lived under the rule of folk who attended social soirees and unwilling to turn a blind eye to it either, there were many times she had to be rebuked by her father for cutting too close to the bone with her comments against those who she saw as ignorant or inept.

Not that she particularly minded being barred from events in the feistier period of her teenage years, that just meant that she had greater chance to enjoy her own things, or do what she thought was right. Once more getting chided for taking the silverware to sell in order to buy bread for hungry orphans and things, she reasoned that there was little point in them living in luxury while the needy starved, and though she often proved a headache for the more apathetic among the privileged she instead garnered popularity with those of humbler origin, who respected someone willing to do something about the suffering folk endured.

In time seeming to take things a step further in fact by not only providing what acts of charity she could to worthy causes but even going so far as to engage in more radical interventions, Miss Sauveterre would engage in little exposé's about corrupt institutions and mistreatment, earning herself a note of celebrity and some ire as well. The latter even getting so out of hand that she saw her fair share of threats both verbally and more direct, a bruise or two was not enough to deter one so headstrong and seemed to only sharpen her resolve, both to see justice done and do it herself.

Certainly seeming to roll with the punches as it were in this way a lot better than her parents seemed to, Sophie remained defiant despite their pleas for her to back off from things for fear for her safety, and perhaps that was the reason she has returned to the land of her birth now. The both of them seeming to be worried after her safety given the recklessness she has shown and tendency to throw herself into trouble and danger, they have hoped that a return to Fiore might not only keep the girl safe but also help her to grow past this more rebellious stage as well. Sophie, however, has other plans.

Discord: Jessu

Reference: Alisa


Sophie Sauveterre Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 9:26 pm


This character is approved for roleplaying.

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