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IV Roku-bi no Tsukiko

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IV Roku-bi no Tsukiko Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 4:13 pm



Name: Roku-bi no Tsukiko

Slot: Necklace

Class: Legendary 30pts

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Durability: 2S rank


Description: Six beads, five of which containing a Kistune’s soul which was plucked and sealed by the cruel and clever Tsukiko who stole the pearls of her kin with hopes of ascending in power. Her plans worked, and she quickly garnered six tails while on the cusp of growing her seventh. But it was here that the greedy Kitsune make her mistake. In luring many humans and causing alarm, a request was make for her exorcism. The monk called for the task sent word to a guild which harbored a Demon of their own, with the intention of allowing her to finish the Kitsune for good.

Equipped with a talisman to stave off the illusions of the Fox Yokai, the Raven Demon stalked the Fox’s lair with the aid of her flock. Forcing the Kitsune into a corner she could not slip and pushing her back into a wall. The two battled something fierce, both trickster beings trying to get the upper hand. With one conjuring illusions and the other disappearing in thin air, it was chaotic battle; but the Raven came out the victor, and for her reward she feasted on the Kitsune’s very soul. Devouring whatever magic and power held by the Demon of another name and culture and taking the Fox’s power as her own. It was then that the fallen beads rose to encircle their new master. Lightly hovering and rotating the Raven’s neck as they bewitched her with the lost Kitsune’s powers. Embedding the Demon with some new trickster spells as they attuned to her.  

They will always be six beads that rotate and hover in their defaulted form. Often in the appearance of purplish blue beads in the likeness of swirling clouds but they have four other appearances as well to align with each fallen Kitsune.


Requirements: None.


  • Hidden Fox Den: The illusive fox always knows how to hide their treasure, and its a secret that passed on with the beads. Allowing the user to open their own pocket dimension whichever way suits them best.



  • Name: Five Souls Bound
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Roku-bi no Tsukiko
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 1
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Tsukiko was as clever as she was cruel. The hungry Kitsune stopped at nothing for the power she sought, even going so far as to steal the fox pearls of other Kitsune if it meant exasperating her power. The cruel deeds worked, at the expense of others she was able to claim their power and absorb their tails. Holding on to their precious power and taking it as her own as she ascended to six tails rather quickly. Each fox slain still exists as a faint whisper through their pearl, and with a small bit of mana the necklace can shift to reflect one of the many other Kitsune’s treasure. Each pearl has their own detailed markings to decorate the user’s skin and slight elemental effects to them that present on the user as well. Ex small sparks for the pearl of lighting, or a small flurry of snow floating by the user with the pearl of forst.

IV Roku-bi no Tsukiko Giphy
  • Name: Playful Trickster
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Roku-bi no Tsukiko
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 10 meters
    Cooldown: 2
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Kitsune with enough tails and power were known to have illusions so intricately woven that they rival reality. Tsukiko, a six tailed fox and thief of five fox pearls, was able to surmount that much power. To a weakened degree, the wearers of the Roku-bi no Tsukiko beads that remain of the fox and her magic would be able to implement such a power. With a wave of the users hand, one can create a myriad of things ranging from simple to intricate. Depending on the purpose, they may create flimsy small tools, butterflies, or even larger things such as a feline beast who are only there as company or better yet, simply a distraction. This can be the means of help as well, conjuring things like a rope, flowers, music, or something to drink for those hot or cold days. These do not have spells or stats but can be destroyed by a C rank damage and follow normal spell regulations in terms of size. This spell is not to be used to create weapons of any sort. When it comes to living figures, they are not to be used in combat and are only elaborate illusions. Area of effects(2 meters) can be made to alter an area for distraction but can be destroyed with C rank damage or negated by sensory means.

  • Name: Fox’s Mask
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Roku-bi no Tsukiko
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 2
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: As the fox changes their form to perform mischief, so would the user. To a lesser degree, the one using the beads could invoke such powers by clapping their hands. Sadly, there are limitations to the spell, as one could not assume the mastery of a fox themselves. As such, there will always be a flaw in the disguise, whether they can’t change the color of their eyes or hair, or any other noteworthy trait of the user. Causing them to have to hide the flaw to some degree or risk being reveled. The beads that are usually large and floating around the user, would also remain visible as a giveaway, but now they would appear shrunk and mundane. This spell is an illusionary spell and therefore doesn’t change the physique or voice of the caster and they can’t use the spell to copy another PC. If the user is hit, the disguise fades away.

  • Name: Will O’ Wisp
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Roku-bi no Tsukiko
    Type: Offense
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 meters
    Cooldown: 5
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The burning flames of fox fire is a staple weapon in an Kitsune’s arsenal. One that Tsukiko used to charm, bewilder, and lure her victims into her domain so that she may syphon their life force to gather the strength for her new tail. But now it is in a new users hands, and so it shifts to suit their new yielder, their purpose, and aura. So while these were known and seen as flames, in this caster’s hands they are now concentrated orbs of frost instead, so cold that they burn. Orbs aren’t the only form they take, but also the shape of small prancing foxes as well. When cast with the intention for battle, at the snap of their fingers the user conjures 8(C rank) orbs or foxes made for frozen blue flame. Each are like a projectile that soars toward their target and explode on impact(2 meter diameter) searing their foes with frozen flames. Each shot does 1C rank damage for a total of 1S.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Legendary
  • Accessory
  • Effects (Pocket Dimension 10pts)
  • Spells (Will O’ Wisp(10pts) Fox’s Mask(4pts) Playful Trickster(4pts) Five Souls. Bound(2pts))

Total points Acquired:30
Total Points Spent:30
Paying with my Legendary ticket in inventory

IV Roku-bi no Tsukiko Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

IV Roku-bi no Tsukiko Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 4:16 pm



I claim my tom foolery.

IV Roku-bi no Tsukiko Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

IV Roku-bi no Tsukiko Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:16 am


@Lumikki has claimed Roku-bi no Tsukiko as her necklace and obtained the power to unleash more shenanigans.

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