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Drifting Diplomacy [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride]

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Drifting Diplomacy [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:51 am


WORDS: 400 | Snow Legs

Always nice to know the right people in this game, isn’t it~? The fingers of the fuchsia fox seeming to idly trace the shape of a pink pony which was emblazoned upon her thigh thanks to the breezy brevity which her shorts provided, Sophie Sauveterre seemed rather undaunted by the chilliness which accompanied the falling snow as she mused to herself over the boons of joining the ranks of the Fiorian guild best known for its skills in hosting and humanities as she waited for an appointment which she had requested the master to make for her, and took to it with almost a jolt when she spotted a soul who resembled what she knew of the woman who knew ruled paradise.
“Aha~! The our hostess with the mostest, or one of them at least?” Perhaps that something of a misnomer now that she had heard that their group had elected to transfer to the chilliness held in Iceberg, all the same the perky pinkette was keen to meet someone who Alisa had spoken of so very highly, and so met her would-be appointment not only with a spring in her step but a smile as well as she marched briefly away from the spot next to the jetty where she had set herself up prior to this moment.

“I hope you can forgive the ambush, with any luck Alisa told you to expect me~? Sophie, Sophie Sauveterre.” As usual seeming to be all business when it had come to networking but on this occasion and with what her empyreal friend had told her this one she might enjoy mixing a little pleasure with, she proved as pushy as ever as she extended a hand to her guest and offered up both an apology and introduction for the time she would likely be taking from their day, but all too quickly seemed to steer both their conversation and their company back to the edge of the water.
“Fancy joining me for a little tour~? A gondola driver to be found waiting there to ferry them on a little tour about the waterways of Hargeon, the leggy lady seemed eager to have her new acquaintance all to herself or at least relatively so as she intended to pick the woman’s brains on the matters which interested her, and felt hopeful that her expectations wouldn’t prove disappointing either. Lisa was usually a good judge of character, right~?

Smart is the new Sexy

- Sophie Sauveterre

credit to nat of adoxography.


Drifting Diplomacy [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 8:25 pm



Lumikki of Iceberg


"One is an Omen, Eight for a wish"


   The day was a chilly one but that was intentional. Of course, being in the south of Fiore, everything that was not the usual hot enough to sweat temperatures simply seemed far too cold or the inhabitants. All we so used to their endless summers, from this respite of heat was a mixed reception.

Lumikki, the cause to the slight snow storm, did not care. It was her gift to Alisa upon arrival. A promise made in the land further to the east when the two were drunk but pleased in the other company. In that time, there was an amusing idea shared between them. The notion for the North to meet the South in snow and beach, and Lumikki would find it too exciting not to entertain. Dressed in a laced, black crop top and long trailing black skirt. Her hair was slightly braided but bunched in two low hanging buns that allowed her to wear a wide brimmed hat. Her lips a shade of blue and her eyes lined with darkness.

Now the Demoness found herself walking along the noted water canals of Hargeon as she watched the gondolas go by lazily with their passengers inside. She never seen boats so small, or to be used in such a prospect, but she was throughly excited to become one of them. Of course this would have to wait until—

Lumikki rapidly turned her head to a boisterous but endearing voice, that she had assumed was calling out to her. Sure enough, it was the pink hair woman that Alisa had mentioned through message. A note carried over by one of her ravens just the night before, and it would be through such birds that she knew where to entertain her walk.

”Oy!” Lumikki waved back, Sophie was lightly jogging her way over now and the two got acquainted. ”Aye, the Empress gave word of ya, and I’m happy to meet ye. The lass told me the gist of coming, but never filled me in on what more to expect. But for the day, I know I’m yers. What did ye have in mind?”

That was when Sophie pointed over to a reserved gondola and invited the Demoness aboard. The little raven smiled with much glee and happily walked over. ”Perfect, just what I wanted.”




"Pity those who hold the gaze of me flock."

Drifting Diplomacy [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Drifting Diplomacy [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 11:44 am


WORDS: 480 | Snow Legs

“It’s nice to finally put a face to the name, Miss Lumikki.” The blue eyed belle bowing forward in a show of good manners as her guest arrived on scene, though Miss Sauveterre hated to be one who judged another based on their appearance she had to confess that she hadn’t quite expected one who carried so lofty a reputation as this one to be quite so diminutive, especially given certain other mistresses of the guild with whom she was acquainted, but by no means disliked that fact. It set her nicely apart, didn’t it?

“I’ve heard a lot about you, and Paradise Dawn, since returning to Fiore…?” Smiling both because of that and since she bore neither this woman nor the faction which she represented much in the way of ill will, though they had both found their name whilst Sophie had been enjoying more distant realms she was ever the one who liked to keep herself informed, and much of what she had heard about their organization had met with approval really.
“Apparently your guild has been making some major waves on this side of the sea since I’ve been gone~? Battling beats and dragons, and I even heard a rumour one among your number even had the favour of the king himself~?” Certainly finding little reason to disagree with a group who chose to hunt down dangerous monsters and supposedly also proved invaluable during the crisis with the dragons, the web of information to which this perky pinkette was privy revealed itself a little as she listed the accolades which were associated with their achievements, frankly she had been most surprised when Rey had told her that been granted a status as an agent of the highest power in the land, and felt a particular curiosity over said party in fact for that.

“Heehee, the boat, or the company~?” Not that she wanted to be all business however and perhaps the reason through which she seemed to find herself best acclimatised with the preening Pegasi revealed when Lumikki spoke of her desire for their rendezvous, the fuchsia fox couldn’t help but smirk and raise a brow as she asked whether she meant the tour or something else, perhaps in a playful means of getting a read on the woman.
“I hope you don’t mind my having an ulterior motive here~? Given my family business, I like to make sure I have the measure of the major players around me?” Settling into place on the gondola and nodding to their pilot to get them underway once her fellow femme was comfortable, Miss Sauveterre looked over the features of Hargeon and the snow which drifted down serenely onto it and then turned back to the belle with whom she shared this trip, admitting rather candidly that her motivation was as much about networking as it was anything else. Though, that didn’t mean they couldn’t have fun, right?

Smart is the new Sexy

- Sophie Sauveterre

credit to nat of adoxography.


Drifting Diplomacy [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:13 am


Lumikki of Iceberg

"One is an Omen, Eight for a wish"

Lumikki nodded along, confirming Sophie’s simple remark. The man working the gondola got out enough to hold the boat in place. With foot firmly on the ground, he clung to the mass as he held out a hand for the ladies to get on steady. Lumikki entertained his gesture, letting him assist her as she stepped in before gracefully taking a seat toward the back. She wanted to see the sights moving forward rather from behind.

”Oh is the so? Aye the guild makes its share of splashes in these ponds. Have been since before I came around, so I could hardly take credit for that.” Lumikki who was once proud of the valor and feats of the guild, would somewhat lose that pride over time. And almost entirely as she took over, accepting Paradise Dawn to simply be what it was. ”King’s favor?” Lumikki leaned back with a puzzling look on her face. It took her a moment of sorting her thoughts before she could fully understand just what Sophie was referring to. ”Aaaah, ye mean the blasted Angel don’t ya? Aye, that one has the King’s…title, favor, whatever ye make of it. He’s the Warden of the North, and I only keep an eye on it. As for the rest of me blokes, ye they’re a bit of a storm. Though there is no reason to find those feats so impressive, it’s simply the job.”

When Sophie settled down properly, the man retracted into the gondola as well, kicking the boat back into the currents using a long wooden pole. The vessel shook profusely in the transition, falling into a nice steady flow once they were finally moving. The man kept to the head, directing the path, and the pair would return to talking at their leisure. ”I don’t particular mind, it’s to be expected and what more, I could see the excitement of it.” She flashed Sophie a playful grin. The trio was drifting along the current now, all while light but chilly breezes passed them by. Lumikki adjusted her fringe as they kept getting pushed in front of her eyes. Eventually deciding to push them back and tuck them under her hat.


"Pity those who hold the gaze of me flock."

Drifting Diplomacy [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Drifting Diplomacy [PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 3:54 pm


WORDS: 390 | Snow Legs

“Warden of the North~? That’s quite the lofty title…” The brow of the blue eyed beauty lifting as her guest confirmed her suspicions and the title which one of her members had been given by their good monarch, Sophie couldn’t help but to wonder just what was involved in the responsibilities of a figure of such an authoritative term, and made a mental note to ask her cousin about it when next they met. After all, it wasn’t something she expected to be given out all too readily, was it?

“Oh, so modest~! Are all of you that way or just the woman who runs the place~?” The leggy lass left to smile however when soon after it seemed that the woman was rather dismissive of the impressive achievements of her group, the perky pinkette couldn’t help but to cock her head and eye this apparently humble heroine, and asked if the attitude she showed was something which she had in common with those she represented. After all, it was a rare thing not to see celebrity going to peoples heads, wasn’t it?

“To be honest, I think my parents enjoy the thrill of networking more than I do~?” The fuchsia femme left to let loose a breath however when Lumikki mentioned the excitement from meetings like this, while Miss Sauveterre had made it a habit to better acquaint herself with the power players in the places she landed she could not say that she always felt a thrill toward doing so, and in fact often felt the opposite when she saw the manner in which that kind of ‘business’ was conducted.
“They’re always happy to go to gala’s and balls and things, but for me, it always seems like money which could be better spent elsewhere? Nothing like a taste of power to feel like throwing your wealth at an unworthy cause…” As such found shaking her head a little as she remembered all the events she had attended where folk seemed to practically toss their money away for the sake of extravagance, the sweetness she showed thus far seemed to shift slightly as the political Pegasi denounced the excess of those in power, in part in an act of venting but perhaps also to get the measure of how the young woman who she sat next to felt about the issue…

Smart is the new Sexy

- Sophie Sauveterre

credit to nat of adoxography.

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