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The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief

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The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:03 pm

It has been quite some time since Zeta slept in the Hunter’s Manor. The once lovely home of Zeta's and Zeno's family was that of hunters of the dark race. Now the estate was owned by fairies of the winter court, fairies of the Unseelie. They continued taking on requests with the Hunter’s Manor name to keep things from being suspicious but they also were selling valuable relics to high-paying buyers.

Aster would find Zeta in the study room located underneath the main hall stairs. He was tasked with delivering a letter directly to her as soon as possible. The contents of the letter contained the mission details of her new assignment. Zeta took a long sigh as she looked up from the book that she was deeply invested in.

“How can I help you today, Aster? Fun news from the big boss?” Zeta teasingly joked as she knew he was there on business to deliver a mission to her.

He approached Zeta with his usual stoic facial expression, leaving only a foot of distance between them. He then extended his hand forward in a robotic fashion to hand her the letter. She graciously took the letter from his hand and unraveled it.

WC 203


The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:09 pm

“Let us see what we have in store this time around” Zeta said sarcastically, deeply exhaling.

The letter reads as follows:

Greetings Zeta,

I hope you are doing well. This mission will have more weight than other missions you have taken.

One of the winners of our auction who came to pick up their prize decided to steal from the manor. Quite the audacious act from such a parasite. They had the gall to think they got away with it. Little did they know that they were tracking them back to Luluhawa Island.

We just got informed from Herman and his people that this same character stole something from his estate too. As to what he stole is unknown to us but you will find out once you meet with our client Herman to discuss the necessary details. Be sure to get back what he stole from us or find out what he has done with it. Do what must be done.

That concludes the mission's details.

WC 167


The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:17 pm

“Looks like we got somebody who thinks they are a top-class thief on our hands. I may not have a deep connection to my family's belongings but I do find such acts distasteful” Feelings of disgust rose in Zeta causing her to clench the letter tightly. The bottom right section of the thin paper easily crumbled in her hand. “Aster let's go pay Herman a visit, I haven't been this psyched up for a mission in a long time”

A small smirk broke the stone face Aster usually wears. Seeing Zeta fired up and ready to cause some chaos always put him in an overly positive mode. He raised his hands and then snapped his fingers loudly, the room around him and Zeta instantly turned pitch-black black. The form of the objects in the room all sunk into the depths of darkness before being replaced by new shadowy objects. Zeta stood up feeling the couch beneath her sinking into the floor.  More and more objects took shape before the veil of darkness was soon removed. What felt like a minute or two was instantaneous from other people's perspectives outside the black box.

“I never get tired of seeing that, you should do it more, Aster” Zeta happily suggested to the fairy adorned in a butler's outfit.

WC 216


The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:31 pm

After Aster’s spell finished casting he and Zeta materialized in the estate of Herman similar to the last mission. The difference this time was they appeared to be in the courtyard instead of his main office.

“Why couldn't you bring us here the first time”

Giving Aster a smug look and followed with a snide comment Zeta marched ahead and entered the estate's main hall. A few guards were spooked by the sudden voice of Zeta and her appearance as they were not informed of her showing up, especially not out of thin air.

“Heya guys, mind taking me to see Herman if he is not too busy for my company?” Zeta gave them a warm big smile while holding her hair tie between her teeth and adjusting her hair.

“S-sure, we can go inquire for you. But do know it be much easier if you at least use the front door or secret entrance. We are on high alert as is Zeta.” The guard pleaded while holding onto his knife after being surprised by Zeta.

WC 176


The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:35 pm

“Hmmm, I will give it thought, but it makes good practice you know, We got thieves running around after all. If I was able to slip in easily and undetectable maybe that is what good old Mr. Sticky Fingers did.” Shrugging her shoulders to the guard, finishing the final tie to her hair.

“You sure make a lot of noise every time you visit you know, Zeta” Looking down from the top of the stairs were Herman and his maid. She shyly waved to Zeta before turning back to head off to the kitchen to prepare some refreshments.

“It is always a pleasure to be graced by your presence Zeta, Aster, please make your way to my study.“ Zeta turned around to see Aster directly behind her like a stone statue. Smirking at him then blows a cloud of miasma into his face.

“Personal space, heard of it big man”. Just as quickly as Zeta spoke to Aster he retorted with a firm negation.


WC 165


The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:38 pm

“C'mon cmon you two. I’d rather we discuss the important details before the tea gets cold and we burn any more daylight."

The two nodded their heads just before making their way up the main hall stairs. The stairs were covered in a nice savory red rug that matched the mansion's decor. A large chandelier hung overhead at the foot of the stairs. As Zeta took her steps up the stairs she could not help but look around and be enamored by what she saw. The layout in which the Mansion was designed was reminiscent of what she had seen in books relating to that of Seven but with a Caribbean touch to make it all feel more vibrant and refreshing while staying polished and well-sculpted. Since this was her first time seeing it during the day it allowed her to see it for all its glory. It was roughly the same size as the Hunter’s manor but the inner design, color, and atmosphere were completely different. After finally reaching the top of the stairs she shook his hand and formerly greeted him, same with Aster.

“I must say, Mr. Herman, your estate is beyond fantastic. With so many expensive-looking paintings, vases, and ornaments hanging about I am curious what the thief's target was to steal if not all these other things. Must have been something powerful in nature.”

WC 229


The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:03 pm

Herman gave off a weak laugh after hearing Zeta’s comment. As Herman approached the study with Aster and Zeta the door swung open inward, A pale-skinned girl in a maid outfit with long white hair and red eyes stood in the doorway graciously greeting the trio.

“Greetings Master Herman, Lady Zeta, Lo-Sir Aster. Welcome to the study, sister Allison, and I just finished cleaning and preparing it for your meeting.” the short-stature vampire girl politely stated as she gently bowed, lifting the corners of her puffy skirt. She stepped to the side gesturing for the trio to enter the room.

“Thank you my charming Lily” Herman let Zeta and Aster enter the room before him then patted Lily on her head gently. Cutting their master and servant approbation act short Zeta commented on something she found peculiar.

“A vampire and a druid servant. You have quite the combination stationed here for you, Herman.” Zeta mockingly said while walking into the vast room, filled with droves of books, and a big long table with couches surrounding it. At the end of the table, Allison the shapeshifting maid, stood beside a jewel-embellished couch as if waiting for her master.

Wc 197


The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:09 pm

Everybody took their respective seats at the table to begin the meeting. Allison prudently prepared tea for everybody while Lily closed and locked the door securing the room.

“Sorry for the delay but yes, thank you for coming all this way Zeta, Aster. The thief in question was one of my newly hired guards. He was with us for nearly a year and used that to get closer to the vault. What he stole was a relic we call the ‘Moon Tear’. It can alter the cycles of the moon which inadvertently messes with the tides of the water.” Herman paused for a moment to take a sip of his tea. Zeta and Aster all were drinking their cup of tea in unison. The sweet berry aroma from the tea filled the room making everything feel warm, light, and refreshing. Zeta and Herman made a satisfying sigh as they finished drinking their cup of tea and immediately requested more for Allison.

“Truly delicious girls, ya provide nothing but the best…ahem. But as I was saying, He was in charge of night patrol and used some kind of magic to impersonate me to trick my lovely maids into getting access to the vault. With it being the time of annual inventory, he sure picked the best time to do this” Herman sulked, taking another sip of his tea.

Wc 227


The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:16 pm

“So any clues on how to track him? Last known locations?or Any possessions he may have lying around here. Specifically something decent. You see I have a powerful sense of smell” She proudly stated grinning ear to ear. “Now that you mention it, I guess we can take you to his room that we give all our guards, that should be more than sufficient.” Zeta nodded in agreement and stood up from the couch.

“Let us get started then” Lily and Allison both looked at Herman waiting for his approval.

“I agree, we should not waste any more time. He is certainly a threat that should not be underestimated and needs to be apprehended immediately” waving his hand to the two maids, giving them approval to escort Zeta to the room.

“Before you go, the name he went by here was Jacob, hope that helps” Zeta gave her thanks and followed the two maids to Jacob's room where she was immediately able to pick up on a consistent scent.

Wc 170


The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:19 pm

Aster decided to lend a hand to Zeta by scouting around town and asking people questions. Due to his fairy abilities, he could see through lies and disguises. Zeta took to the outskirts visiting the beaches and offroad areas to see if she caught a whiff of his scent, but was unsuccessful.

Just when Zeta started fearing the worst, fearing Jacob could have left the island already, Aster approached her from behind a boulder on the beach.

“He is at the pier, Posing as the captain of the sea vessel. Make haste, Zeta” Summoning a rift behind him, Aster walks into the darkness and Zeta follows after him. The portal took her to a spot behind a hut a few streets from the pier.

“Thanks, Aster. I got it from here” Zeta ran off down the street toward the direction of the pier. The salty, briny smell of the sea hit Zeta like a truck. A scent she was growing familiar with but still found it disgusting. This smell was especially prominent at the pier. Small groups of people could be seen crowding around the port entrance. Zeta concealed herself to prevent any attention from being drawn to her.

WC 199


The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:26 pm

Once she successfully snuck into the port area without being detected Zeta quickly made her way onto the parked ship. Sailors were onboard cleaning and standing around, With her being invisible she was easily able to make her way throughout the ship's interior to reach the captain's quarters. Not picking up on Jacob's scent the whole time, she stopped and took a moment to stop and think of where he could be.

“The captain has been in an overall happy mood lately despite the storm that is approaching, Don't you find that a bit weird?”
“Yea, he is usually much more serious and stern and on our asses when storms are inbound. Maybe he got his rocks off or something, hahaha”
“You may have a point there. There are a lot of beautiful ladies on the isles, maybe I will try my luck too, hahaha”

“Hmm, definitely seems the captain is not the real one. Such characteristic changes are alarming, but where is he?” Zeta walked to the intersection of the ship to look at the wall map to figure out where to go next.

“The cargo hold sounds like a good option to try next” Zeta rushed down the white-painted iron corridors heading for the cargo hold.

Wc 202


The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:30 pm

Zeta was forced to weave left and right carefully avoiding the sailors standing around in the corridor. Some of the sailors felt the wind of her rushing by them and felt spooked as if it was a potential ghost or just the air current flowing through. Suddenly the scent of Jacob was in the area.

“He is near, but where” Zeta thought as she followed the scent tracking it to the cargo hold.

Large barrels and boxes of cargo occupied the cargo hold of the ship. Barrels were on the right side and boxes were on the left. Two strong scents were coming from the right side, Jacob’s and a whole new scent. Whispers of a man could be heard behind one of the steel beams in the cargo hold.  Zeta crept up to the location where the whispers were coming from. The whisper grew clearer the closer she reached. A well-dressed man wearing black pants, a white shirt, a blue jacket, and a captain's hat was speaking into a barrel.

“Sorry cap but I need to steal your face so I can get out of here. I'll keep you alive so don't be so mad. This moon tear relic has some crazy abilities to it. I can't wait to test it out.”

Jacob takes out the moon tear relic and holds it up to get a good look at it.

Wc 228


The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:45 pm

Seeing this Zeta conjured mana within her hands forming a blade-shaped mist of miasma. It overlayed her hands and then she charged at Jacob impaling him through the side of his neck with her miasma blade from her right hand. She then stabbed him through his back forcing the blade to protrude through his chest. The miasma burned his flesh and eroded the areas pierced.  

Jacob was shocked by the sudden sharp pain coursing through his neck, chest, and back. Each exhale caused severe pain from the penetrated areas. The pain only rapidly increased as he was hyperventilating from the confusion of what was going on with his body. The miasma was seeping from her blades into his body mixing with his bloodstream and dissolving his organs.

Zeta roughly twisted both her hands causing the blades to tear and twist the penetrated areas of Jacob's body. Zeta made sure to cause him as much pain as possible before he perished from this world. With one more jerk of her hand, Zeta decapitated the man and sliced his body in half.

Wc 180


The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:49 pm

After Jacob's head was removed from his body the face-stealing effect of the talisman wore off revealing his real face. Holding his head up high by his hair Zeta stares into his lifeless eye “I hope you had your fun while it lasted” Zeta bends over to pick up the Moon tear and soul talisman relic, placing them in her pocket. She dropped his head where his body was lying and coated both his head and body with a thick murky pool of miasma that completely dissolved all the evidence including the blood.

“Now for the captain” Zeta looked into the barrel that Jacob was talking into and saw a tied-up naked man unconscious inside. “What a poor state you are in” Zeta cut the barrel open and the captain's bindings. Dragging him to the first steel beam facing the entrance to the cargo hold and propping him up against it.

“Take care Cap, I will get somebody to come get you” Zeta kissed the captain on his forehead then made her way to the entrance of the cargo hold and opened the door. She pulled the alarm that was next to the room alerting the crew on board there was an emergency within the cargo hold.

Wc 207


The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:50 pm

A wave of sailors stormed the corridor leading to the cargo hold to see what was going on. Zeta quickly hid in the nearest room under the bed while still staying concealed. The area was congested with rowdy sailors screaming and yelling at finding their captain in such a state. The commotion took a long time before it calmed down, it felt like an eternity for Zeta and her mana was tapping out. Once the room became empty Zeta made her quick escape.

After finally getting off the ship and into the town her veil fades and she collapses to her knees. Her heart was pounding and her legs and arms felt weak. Her chest was pounding, she could feel a darkness swallowing her from within. Using the last bit of her mana she restrains it.

Allison, Lily, and Herman approach Zeta. “Are you ok, Zeta? Quick bring her back to the mansion!”

WC 153


The Equivalent Exchange of a Thief Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:16 pm

-the next day-

Zeta awoke in a bed that was as soft as clouds. The room was bright and smelled of french vanilla. Sitting up in the bed and looking around, Zeta was curious where she was but then she recalled seeing Herman and the two maids before passing out.

“I must be back at the estate”

Throwing the blanket off her she swings herself out of bed and heads to the door. Feeling a soft sensation of dizziness she catches herself.


She shakes it off and takes a deep breath before opening the door. Waiting in front of the door was Aster with his stone mug of a face as usual.

“Hey Aster, I rested enough and need to go over the mission with Herman”

Aster shakes his head. “No need. I recovered the relics from your pockets and confirmed everything with Sir Herman. The mission was a double success for Sir Herman and the Hunter’s Manor. Very good job Zeta. Rest now” Aster snaps his fingers and teleports her back to her bedroom back at the manor.

Zeta’s eyes widened and before she knew it she was back at the manor. Letting off a huge sigh.

“Its almost like I never left” She crawls back into bed and falls asleep.

WC 213

TWC 3135

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