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Modification - Shards of the Thcalz

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Modification - Shards of the Thcalz Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:22 pm



Name: Shards of the Thcalz

Slot: Modification.

Type: Arms.

Class: -

Quantity: Limited.

Element: Earth.


Description: First found deep within the dwarven mines that dotted between the Seven and Icebergian Border, first being named Termingite for its properties to being able to detect trace minerals suitable for smithing purposes. It was used for generations in this manner and only became a tool of war by sheer coincidence when a dwarf warrior fell into a pile of the material with it binding to their flesh. This realization proved to be a golden opportunity with Icebergian Vikings pushing at the dwarven strongholds hoping to enslave them. In a long and bloody conflict, the dwarves were able to resist the hordes. During the final moments of victory, the true origins of the supposed Termingite were uncovered being none other than Shards of Thcalz, a creature whose flesh was made of rock and over time portions of their body have been decaying into what the dwarves had called Termingite. Dwarven society held mixed feelings towards the use, the shards died out as a weapon of war returned to their original role until some more pioneering foreigners trialed the shards once more for their true purpose.


  • The user must be a Guild Level 3 in Sleeping Calamity to purchase and use this item.

  • The effects of the Shard of Thcalz reflect the user's class causing Adventurers to receive the Strain of Earth effect and Mages to receive the Impurity of Earth effect.
  • The effects of Strain of the Earth and Impurity of the Earth can only cause targets mana costs to be increased up to 50% of their base mana cost.


  • Strain of the Earth: Physical attacks of the user affect the mind of the target upon harming them. The mana cost of the target is increased by 5% each time they are hit. The effect lasts throughout the topic and keeps on stacking with each additional hit. In addition, the cooldowns of the target also increased by 1 post for every 3 times that they got hit. This effect lasts throughout the topic and keeps on stacking with each additional hit.
  • Impurity of the Earth: Offensive-type and debuff-type spells affect the mind of the target upon harming them. The mana cost of the target is increased by 5% each time they are hit. The effect lasts throughout the topic and keeps on stacking with each additional hit. In addition, the cooldowns of the target also increased by 1 post for every 3 times that they got hit. This effect lasts throughout the topic and keeps on stacking with each additional hit.
  • Augmented Belief: The Shards of the Thcalz does not count towards the modification slot of the user.
  • Detection of Metals: Those possessing the Shards of Thcalz is capable of detecting anything that is considered metal in substance within a 25 meter range, even that which has been concealed through invisibility.

Hidden Effects

  • Great Impurity: After possessing the Shard of Thcalz, the user begins to feel comfortable and learn the metrological benefits of them allowing their metal detection abilities to extend from 25 meters to 50 meters, this is unlocked at Guild level 4.
  • Magics Pressure: Strain of the Earth and Impurity of the Earth now increased mana cost by 10% per hit from 5% and increases 1 post-cool-down every 2 times from 3 times, this is unlocked at Guild level 5.

#2Knuckles Shi 

Modification - Shards of the Thcalz Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:34 pm

Knuckles Shi

buying for 2.5mil

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Modification - Shards of the Thcalz Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:45 am

@Knuckles Shi has purchased the Shards of the Thcalz for 2,500,000 jewels.

Modification - Shards of the Thcalz GPIjkMz

Modification - Shards of the Thcalz Empty Sun Jun 23, 2024 10:54 pm


buying for 2.5 million

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Modification - Shards of the Thcalz 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Modification - Shards of the Thcalz Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 9:31 am

@jikan has purchased the Shards of the Thcalz for 2,500,000 jewels.

Modification - Shards of the Thcalz GPIjkMz

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