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Modification - Fulu Core

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Modification - Fulu Core Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:10 pm



Name: Fulu Core

Slot: Modification.

Type: Race.

Class: -

Quantity: Limited.

Element: Earth


Description: Countless renditions and variants of Machia power cores have been created since their inception as a species, many of which can be found and acquired from Talaz Lagaar, these are generally just improvements upon base cores, however, other cores have been made that possess unique properties for the individual. The Fulu Core is the latter, being constructed out of desperation following the exorcism of Qinglong from Miharu Qinren using the remnants of the amulet used to separate the souls of the God and their destined vessel and the basic power core of Konstantin Sokolov. The initial version of the Fulu Core was the perfect definition of improvisation, the amulet being hastily strapped to the power core, performed solely due to Konstantin being on the verge of death as the amulet slowly consumed his soul.

It was only after he travelled to the birthplace of Machia, that the true and final version of the Fulu Core was made using the skills of Talaz Lagaarian engineers with the assistance of Sinese magical scholars who were paid a king's ransom to work together on the foundational concept using the amulet to power the original core while Kon in the interim relied upon a cheap substitute. Following weeks of development and refinement, the original core was reinstalled into Kon returning his original power while also giving some unusual properties that are still being discovered to this day. Most notably its ability to retain and store an additional Soul within it which in turn allows the Machia to have two at once. Renowned for their sense of humour, the group who created the core designated it as the Fulu Core due to its Daoist properties with the power core being covered in Sinese magical symbols and incantations.



  • The user must be a Machia
  • The user must obtain this item through a Commission Piece Burn Claim.


  • Dual Soul: The user unlocks a secondary magic slot for a Take-Over Soul Magic. The second magic slot may only be filled with magics that meet certain requirements set by the magic in the primary magic slot. The secondary magic may conflict in element with the primary magic.
  • Controlled Transformation: Transformation Spells from the user's magics are reduced from 10% to 5% mana per turn.


  • Disconnected from the Path: The user receives a 1 post-cool-down increase and a 20% mana cost increase to their magic when they are not transformed, when they are transformed the associated magic will lose this penalty while the spells from the other magic will increase to have a 2 post-cool-down increase and a 50% mana cost increase.
  • Limited Connection: The user can only ever transform into one of the Take-Over Magics transformations preventing them from accessing the full effects of both magics at the same time and must deactivate their current transformation before being able to transform into a different one in the following post.
  • Temperamental Core: Additional mana from other sources add to the users base mana acting as the true total mana pool instead of being considered separate mana pools. This increases the relative cost for percentage spells and allows for that mana to be lost through other means such as mana burn.


  • The modification takes up two modification slots. The user does not need to have the modification slots available at purchase. Should the user ever unlock their additional modification slot, they will immediately be filled by this pact.
  • The user’s primary magic must also be a Take-Over Magic for the Dual Soul effect to become active. Neither of the two magics can be single instance or copy magics.
  • The user does not unlock additional spell slots for their magic. The total of their spell slots must be shared between their primary and secondary magic.
  • The effects of both magics do not overlap with each other. They remain only applicable to their specific magics e.g. the effects that apply to the spells of the Kama, the Burning Arrow of Love would not apply to the spells of Zeus, the Ruler of Olympus if the user has both magics.

Last edited by Naga on Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:11 pm; edited 1 time in total


Modification - Fulu Core Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:11 pm

@Kon may claim this Commission by linking the Commission piece burn.


Modification - Fulu Core Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 6:04 pm


After the Hawken's eye has been sold I claim this as my commission piece from the commission piece burn.


Modification - Fulu Core Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 8:07 am


@Kon has claimed the Fulu Core!

Modification - Fulu Core GPIjkMz

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