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III 光の胸当て(Chest plate of light)

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#1Yuuki Hashimoto 

III 光の胸当て(Chest plate of light) Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 4:52 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto


Name: 光の胸当て(Chest plate of light)

Slot: Armor

Type: Chest plate

Class: unique 30

Weight: medium

Quantity: Custom 1

Element: n/a

Durability: 1X S-rank


Description: White steel with teal edged accents

Measurements: Custom fit chestplate


Requirements: None.

  • +30SPD

  • See Forge Regulations.


  • Effect #1: Percentage Attribute Boost: You receive a 10% increase to speed.
  • Effect #2: Knock-Back Reduction: You only get knock-backed half the distance

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Rarity Uniqe
  • Item Type chest plate
  • Weight/Handling (medium)
  • Bonus Attributes (+30spd)
  • Bonus Damage (if applicable)
  • Bonus Durability (if applicable)
  • Effects (2)
  • Spells (if applicable)

Total points Acquired:30
Total Points Spent:30


III 光の胸当て(Chest plate of light) Empty Sun Sep 15, 2024 9:55 am

Yuuki has Claimed chestplate of Light.

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