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Yohoho and a bottle of rum! (Solo A rank)

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Yohoho and a bottle of rum! (Solo A rank) Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 8:06 pm

Dan smiled as he worked his way through Hargeon port making sure to stop at any stores that caught his interest. After landing his ship earlier that morning Dan was determined to do his best to see everything that this place had to offer. As Dan walked he couldn't help but notice that people didn't seem to be in a very good mood as they traveled through the streets. Looking around Dan saw a man cursing as he looked at a piece of paper gripped tightly in his fists. Dan being curious slowly approached the man before speaking "Sorry to bother you but I couldn't help but notice that people around here seem to be in a ill mood would you happen to know the reason?" The man looked back at Dan before taking and deep breath and feeling his shoulders slump. "Aye I know why we've been having some trouble with pirates lately." The man stated with a frown.

WC: 160


Yohoho and a bottle of rum! (Solo A rank) Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:10 am

Dan couldn't help but frown at the answer the man has given. 'Of course it's pirates.' Dan thought as he shook his head in annoyance. Dan knew that pirates were becoming more of an issue in certain areas but he hadn't heard of Hargeon being affected yet. Looking back towards the man he noticed the crumpled paper again "Does that have something to do with the pirates?" Dan asked as the man looked down to see that he still had the paper in his fists. "Aye there have been reports of the pirate ship having been spotted out at sea mere hours ago with a large haul from a nearby civilian ship." The man stated as Dan looked at the man before nodding and saying goodbye to him. As Dan walked back towards his ship he began to think of a plan to stop these pirates before they hurt anyone else.

WC: 151
TWC. 311


Yohoho and a bottle of rum! (Solo A rank) Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:18 am

As Dan boarded his ship he quickly clapped his hands causing the ship to come to life as the sails dropped and the anchor rose. Dan watched from the bow as the ship began to hover before flying into the air in the direction of where the last sighting was. Dan watched the sea as he flew though the air before spotting what seemed to be a yellow life raft floating in the middle of the ocean. Knowing he couldn't let these people just sit out here he lowered his ship down next to them and walked over to the edge before shouting down "If anybody needs a ride I'm tossing down a ladder to climb." Dan said before tossing over the rope ladder connected to the ship. Dan watched as multiple people probably numbering around a dozen slowly climb into the boat before retrieving the ladder and turning to address the group.

WC: 153
TWC: 464


Yohoho and a bottle of rum! (Solo A rank) Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 2:14 pm

Dan looked around the various peoples faces seeing many defeated looks as he surveyed the group. Dan sighed before walking forwards "I'm glad I was able to find all of you but could somebody explain why all of you were in the life boat?" Dan asked as a older gentleman stepped forwards with a scowl "We were all on a transport ship headed to Hargeon port to deliver a shipment when we were attacked by pirates out of nowhere. The blasted sea dogs stole everything of value before putting us in that boat to drift." The man explained with a sour look on his face. Dan frowned at this information before nodding "Well luck would have it I'm tracking those pirates myself so they won't be a problem much longer." Dan said before having his ship begin floating again and heading back towards the port to drop these people off.

WC: 150
TWC: 614


Yohoho and a bottle of rum! (Solo A rank) Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 2:24 pm

After dropping the people back on at Hargeon Dan began his trip back out to sea in order to attempt to find these pirates before they could strike again. As the day continued on Dan was begining to lose hope when he suddenly spotted a large ship cresting over the waves. Dan quickly grabbed a looking glass and confirming the Jolly Roger on the ship matched the ones the crew earlier saw. Dan quickly lowered his ship just above the pirates before shouting down "ALL RIGHT YOU SALTY SEA SLUGS COME OUT AND SURRENDER BEFORE I BLOW YOU TO DAVY JONES LOCKER!" Dan wouldn't have to wait long before the crew poured out to see the ruckus. Then a man Dan assumed was the captain walked forwards "Oh we got ourselves a navy man we do." The man said which got laughs from the crew as Dan's eyes narrowed in annoyance.

WC: 151
TWC: 765

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