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Dragon's Meeting [PPCS - Grimm Tale]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Dragon's Meeting [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:44 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had been trying to do a few things to get stronger. He had become the Guild Leader of the Dragon Order, so he figured he could try and recruit people. That would be hard for him to do, but he figured he could try. How would he do that? Well, he had thought about it for a bit and he decided to see what this celebration with Paradise Dawn and Blue Pegasus was about.

He didn’t think the North had tides with this guild, but it seems like they did. He heard from Yuurei his distaste for Blue Pegasus, so this must have been Lumikki’s doing. Well, he didn’t care as he was going to use this celebration to hopefully recruit someone.

The first thing had something to do with the nighttime. there was a campfire that had a few people sitting around it. He didn’t know who he would meet here, but he was hoping it was someone strong. It wasn’t just that, but he was hoping that it was someone who had Dragon Slayer abilities.

Hai was with Drakkon as he was quiet as they approached the place, and he saw people together. They were speaking their stories and had sticks with marshmallows on them and chocolate ready to squish them. He took an empty seat as Hai was next to him. He looked at the snack and then at his father.

“Father, can you get me one of them?” He asked him waiting for him to answer.

“Yeah I got you with one of them right now.” He said to Hai as he would grab one of the sticks, then the chocolate.

He had squished the marshmallow with the chocolate, and he had given it to Hai. After he had done that, he would listen in on the story that was around him. It was about a creepy killer who kept appearing behind people when they were chased by him.



Dragon's Meeting [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:55 pm

Tōga’s visits to Hargeon were infrequent, marked by a lingering disquiet that clung to him like a persistent shadow. His memories of this coastal city were intertwined with Michael, a dear friend and a pivotal figure in his early days as a mage and Rune Knight. Their last meeting had left a bitter residue; Michael's eyes, usually so clear and steadfast, had been clouded with pain and a turmoil that Tōga felt powerless to mend. He understood the hard truth that help could only be accepted by those ready to embrace it, and Michael wasn’t there yet. So Tōga waited, ready to step in when the time was right.

Yet, dwelling on past sorrows was no way to live, and Tōga was determined not to let these memories dampen the potential for new experiences. As he stepped into Hargeon, a familiar sense of adventure began to rekindle within him. His smile broadened with each new interaction; from securing a place to stay to exchanging pleasantries with the locals and grabbing a quick bite, each step was a stitch in the vibrant tapestry of his travels.

With a light heart, Tōga made his way to the beach, slipping off his boots to let the sun-warmed sands tickle his toes. The beach was alive with the joyous loudness of families and friends reveling in the seaside escape, a stark contrast to the conflicts that had dominated his recent months. Laughter filled the air, mingling with the rhythmic crash of the waves—a soothing balm to his battle-weary soul.

As he wandered along the water’s edge, a familiar scent snagged his attention, tugging at the corners of his memory. He followed it through the crowd until his eyes locked onto a figure that made his heart skip.

Drakkon-san!?” he called out, his voice laced with surprise and a tinge of disbelief. The sight of an old acquaintance in such an unexpected place sparked a myriad of questions, but for now, thrill at the reunion was enough to put all concerns momentarily aside.

wc: 358

#3Go D. Drakkon 

Dragon's Meeting [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 1:10 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon continued to hear the story of this killer. He had always been right behind his victims, but he never killed them right away. Instead, the thrill of chasing them was what he had enjoyed and when they had given up it was when he had killed them.

While he was hearing this story, he caught the scent of someone he had not seen in a long time. Well, he did see him recently, within the void, but that really didn’t count. All Drakkon could tell was that he had gotten stronger, but he knew that because of all the spells he was able to obtain from him through knowing of his existence.

It was then he had heard his name being called out. This made him turn with a smile as he was glad to see Toga. He had gotten up from where he was, but Hai stood sitting eating his S’mores.

“Toga is so nice to see you again.” He said as if he genuinely meant this.

He had a huge smile on his face as he could see that he had definitely grown. If anything, he was almost as strong as him, well actually if they fought it off right now, with no spells, no tricks Drakkon was sure he would lose. Still, with the bond with Hai, he had become a force to be reckoned with.

“You have gotten so much stronger since I last saw you. Wait a second…” He had to smell him again.

He did smell Toga, but the scent of his powers was not the same as before. He licked his lips as if he wanted a taste of it, but he refrained from that for now.

“I see, you have gotten stronger than before. Hell, you even have a different power of slaying Dragon. How did that happen, tell me sit down, tell me about your adventures.” He said as he showed him an empty spot for him to sit in.

Of course, Drakkon would tell him what he had been up to if he wanted to know as well.



Dragon's Meeting [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 6:09 am

The dissonance of Hargeon’s nightlife did little to mask the unexpected, yet familiar presence of Drakkon, surrounded by the vibrant throng of the bustling city. For Tōga, it was as if fate itself had orchestrated this reunion, setting the stage with a random yet profound precision that seemed to whisper of greater forces at play. “Ahh, Drakkon-san! Long time, no chat!” Tōga called out with genuine surprise and warmth. Their paths had diverged significantly since their last earnest exchange, shadowed by the void that had briefly entwined their fortunes. Reflecting on their initial meeting, Tōga recognized the profound transformations both had undergone. Drakkon's reputation carried whispers of turmoil and tumult, a stark contrast to Tōga's burgeoning role as a defender and knight. Yet here, amidst the laughter and lights of Hargeon, such distinctions faded under the banner of old acquaintances reuniting.

You have a keen sense of smell on ya, Drakkon-san!” Tōga remarked as he settled into the seat next to his fellow dragon slayer, his face breaking into a broad, inviting smile. The air was thick with the salt of the sea and the tang of adventure, a perfect backdrop for tales of magic and mystery.

It’s a bit of a long story, really,” Tōga began, his voice tinged with the excitement of sharing. “There was this island, you see, wrapped up in cultist plots under the guise of reviving a sun god. Turns out, it was all the plotting of a demon. I got wrapped up in the whole mess, and well, it changed me.” His words tumbled out in a rush, a cascading flow of adventure and transformation that was difficult to neatly package. The ordeal had not only tested his mettle but had reshaped his very essence.

I’m still getting to grips with the new powers it awakened within me,” Tōga continued, his smile softening into a reflective grin. If Drakkon’s senses were as sharp as they once were, he might detect the subtle divine aura that now clung to Tōga, a testament to his brush with godly forces, marking him as a demi-god among mortals.

I do tend to ramble on, haha! But enough about me—how have you been?” Tōga shifted the focus, genuinely interested in Drakkon’s own journeys and transformations. His demeanor open and inviting, ready to delve into the past but more eager to understand the present standing before him in the form of an old friend who had walked similarly complex paths.

wc: 452 [ 810]

#5Go D. Drakkon 

Dragon's Meeting [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 7:15 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard him and he laughed a bit while rubbing his nose. The young man had the scent of many dragon slayers past him for quite some time. He had a lot of their scent as well, as Toga could even take in his old powers as well.

“Why thank you, it’s easier to take that in when I've been absorbing the powers of other Dragon Slayers. When the power of Inferno I have is screaming out to the person I got it from, it kind of gave me that conclusion.” He said to Toga.

It was then he explained the situation and what happened. That was interesting, demons were always plotting, he knew that from Toge, his best friend who was now a part of him. Then there was also Lumikki, but she was more settle than the others.

“I see, you gained a stronger power, interesting, maybe in the future you can share that power, I might not be able to wield it like the others, but like Kaito, and Ryuko, the spells that you have would be useful in my journey.” He said to Toga with a smile on his face.

When he heard that he was getting used to his powers, Drakkon thought about sparring with him. It would be good for him and get the kinks out of the way and find his weakness on top of that.

“It’s okay if you kept talking Toga, I was fine listening. As for getting used to your powers, we can always spar whenever you want, so you can understand your powers more.” He said to him as he thought about what to say to him.

“I have been collecting. I have the powers of all the Dragon Slayers I want, but always ready to make adjustments when needed. The ability of six Dragon Slayers to be one is amazing if I say so myself.” He paused for a second.

“From there I found out what happened to my best friend. It seems like he wanted to become a Demon, and father foiled his plans and I unknowingly devoured him. I’m now leader of the Yakuza Clan in Joya and well the Guild Leader of the Dragon Order in Pergrande.” He explained to him that he didn’t mind letting Toga know about his affiliation with the Yakuza organization.

His job as a Rune Knight was in Fiore, and that organization was in Joya, out of his jurisdiction. Hai looked over to the two and Drakkon forgot.

“Ah yes, this is Hai Gone. He’s a Dragon that came from a Dragon Egg. It’s something we’re given eventually when we join the Order. He’s like my son, well he’s my son in my eyes.” He said to Toga as he spoke a lot, but paused so Toga could gather it all.



Dragon's Meeting [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 6:21 am

Drakkon’s ability to absorb and manipulate the powers of other dragon slayers had always sparked a mixture of awe and unease in Tōga. His own journey from a fledgling fire mage to a wielder of the formidable Supernova power marked him as a disciple of a single draconic force. Yet, here he stood, opposite a mage who seemed to collect elemental abilities as one might collect rare gems, each a different hue of devastating power.

It’s still so crazy to think about someone else wrestling with the same magic that manifests in me when I use it, hahaha.” Tōga chuckled, his voice echoing lightly in the open air. The realization that there existed a hierarchy among their kind, with dragons like the one that had bestowed the Supernova upon him ranking among the ancients, had only recently dawned on him. This primordial tier was a realm of unimaginable power, and Tōga wondered if Drakkon's arsenal reached these mythic depths as well. “We’ll definitely have that rematch soon! I've been itching to balance the scales from our first spar!” Tōga’s grin was wide, his eyes twinkling with the promise of a friendly challenge. His defeat in their initial meeting had been thorough, a humbling encounter that had driven him to new heights of mastery. Now, seasoned and significantly more potent, he was eager to see how the scales would tip in a second clash.

You’re heading the Yakuza now?” Tōga’s expression shifted to one of mild concern, a furrow forming between his brows. “That’s quite the surprise, especially back in Joya. I hope you’re steering them towards something... better than their old reputation suggests.” His tone was cautious yet hopeful, betraying his deep-seated loyalty to his homeland, which had already endured more than its share of strife.

And you're leading a guild, too? And a father to a dragon?” Tōga’s surprise morphed into admiration, tinged with a hint of envy. “It sounds like you’ve really carved out a formidable path since we last met.” Each revelation about Drakkon painted a picture of a life vastly different from his own, yet parallel in its depth and complexity. As Tōga considered these revelations, he couldn't help but feel more intrigue with Drakkon, forged in the fires of their shared heritage and the solitary paths they had chosen within the sprawling chains of magic, repute and power.This evening was already turning out to be something far more interesting then what the dragon slayer originally thought.

wc: 456 [1,266]

#7Go D. Drakkon 

Dragon's Meeting [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 6:52 am

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon heard his words and he laughed, but he had put his pat on Toga’s shoulder. He had a genuine smile on his face. There was one thing he learned through his journey getting stronger, he had Toga to think for it.

“Well, without you Toga, my arsenal of spells would not exist. You are one of the main reasons why I am strong today. I could have had all of the Dragon Slayers abilities, but if you did not exist, then that would just be it.” He said to Toga as if it was true.

He must have had about six or eight of Toga’s spells possibly even more. It was then he heard Toga’s words, one that made him happy to hear. A rematch would be nice, he could see that new power of his.

“I’m sure it will be great, you aren’t the same guy I met before. You’re much stronger than you were before. Pretty sure if we just used swords and not our Dragon Slayer powers you have me beat pretty easily.” He said to Toga as Drakkon knew strength wise he was weak.

He had focused on other stuff first before working on his raw power. It was also the fact that he had Hai that he knew he didn’t have to focus on it yet. His thoughts were out of his head as he looked over to him and he nodded at him.

“Well can’t say that I am. I mean we do protect those who need protecting, and we don’t harm any Joyan people unless they deserve it.” He said to Toga being completely honest with him.

Drakkon could hear it, the interest in what he had been up to. He chuckled a bit as he wasn’t even looking for any of this. He was looking for answers and a new home and this just all landed on his lap. He was grateful and lucky.

“I got to say I got lucky. My father was the head of the Yakuza, before me, I just didn’t know. He’s um, a primordial god, so I didn’t expect him to be there. As for becoming the Guild Leader I guess my strength is why I am leading things now.” He paused for a second and then looked at him with a seirtous look on his face.

“Not going to lie, with things how they are, I can use another strong Dragon Slayer by my side. The former Guild Leader is taking care of business, and I can’t do it on my own. As someone with your power, things can easily go our way at any time. Also, if you join Dragon Order, we would gift you a Dragon Egg for you to bond, care and hopefully if chosen make the Dragon hatch like Hai did here. Still, I’m pretty sure you get offered a lot of stuff like this all the time Toga, you are strong don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.” He explained to Toga.

He knew it was a stretch, these two were on two different sides of a coin, but he figured a Guild filled with people that had Dragon Slayers abilities sounded cool right?



Dragon's Meeting [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 11:49 am

The unique mechanics of Drakkon's powers never ceased to baffle Tōga. The notion that someone could absorb the abilities of other dragon slayers yet remain unable to craft his own spells was a paradox that piqued his curiosity to no end. "It's crazy, you know? You can take on the powers of others, but can't create spells of your own. I guess there's a balance to everything," Tōga mused aloud, his tone a mixture of wonder and bemusement. "I mean, managing to devise spells with all those acquired abilities must be an overwhelming task. Just mastering my fire spells keeps me busy enough." He exclaimed with a soft laughter.

Tōga's gaze lingered on Drakkon, his expression a blend of admiration and intrigue. "I've grown stronger, but I see you haven't just been sitting around either. Our next clash on the battlefield will definitely be something people would wanna pay to see!” His voice carried a buoyant, competitive edge, though deep down, he harbored reservations about facing someone with the capacity to harness the essence of other dragon slayers. The complexity and potential power Drakkon wielded were formidable, and Tōga knew he would need to be fully prepared and perhaps even more proficient with his own abilities before engaging in such a confrontation.

"Your father is a what now? A primordial god?" Tōga blinked, trying to wrap his mind around the concept. The hierarchy of gods was a new realm of thought for him, one that expanded his understanding of the mystical world they inhabited. "So, is that how you became a demi-god? I can smell that divine energy coming off you," he added with a chuckle, acknowledging the shared thread of divinity that now linked them both, albeit his ascent to demi-godhood had followed a different path.

As Drakkon floated the idea of joining his guild, Tōga tilted his head, his hair shifting with the movement. "Trying to recruit me, huh?" he asked, half-joking, half-serious. "An egg does sound intriguing, and being around other slayers does have its perks. But, you know, I'm not sure I can step away from the Knights just yet. They're counting on me, and it wouldn't feel right to leave them hanging." He said, his smile still present despite the solemnity of his words.

Despite his reservations, curiosity got the better of him. "I'd love to hear more about your guild, though. More information never hurts, right?" Tōga leaned in, genuinely interested in what Drakkon had built, knowing that any endeavor led by such a potent force in the dragon slayer community was bound to be remarkable.

wc: 482 [1,748]

#9Go D. Drakkon 

Dragon's Meeting [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 12:56 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon nodded hearing his words. It was true there was indeed a balance; he was only as strong as the strongest Dragon Slayer. If they didn’t exist, then his powers would be a laughing stock. Still, that was not the case, so he didn’t have to worry about that. Yes, learning how to use the spells he obtained was a hard task. It was because he had to incorporate all of his enhancements within his spells that made it harder even if he had absorbed them.

“Yes, it is sad that I cannot make my own spells, but between Slayers like you, Kaito, and Ryuko, I don’t have to worry about that. You guys are strong, and with that I am strong. I of course, like you said have to train the spells and incorporate my abilities into them.” He said with a smirk on his face.

Drakkon had an evil smile when he heard the next part. Yes, a place where people would pay to watch them fight. Yes, the arena would be the perfect place for them to go to. The place Yuurei had taken a liking to was a place where they could show off their skill.

“Yes, we can do that. The Arena in Seven provides us a place where we can entertain spectators from all over.” He said to Toga, wondering if he was fine with that.

Drakkon could hear the surprise that came from Toga about him being a Demi-God.

“I was born a Demi-God, and not gifted the power. My Father is the God of Chaos one of the Primordial Gods. And I can smell your Demi-God even though it was not there before, so I can only assume a God has appointed you as one of their champions?” He asked curious to hear what he would say.

Drakkon’s ear twitched and he understood where Toga’s duties stood, but he wouldn’t give up.

“I see, I think Fiore is a country ready to fall, do you think not? Things aren’t going well. If I’m right, the only three guilds that will be left standing are Fairy Tail, Guardian Compagnia, and Blue Pegasus. You guys are losing your strongest Guild, Paradise Dawn as they're moving to another Country. Yuurei seems to be enjoying his new life in Seven. I don’t see why not join me, even if your loyalties lie with the Rune Knight.” He paused for a second.

“If anything Toga, aren’t you the one holding the Rune Knights together? If you weren’t there wouldn’t it crumble? I know there are others, but if a battle were to appear and you guys had to do something, wouldn’t you be the only one that could handle someone like me, Yuurei, Lumikki, Brone, Astrid, Mishiko, and even Knuckles? All people who could if they wanted to attack Fiore without any attachment to the place now.” He said to him.

He noticed that he had been irrational about the decline, even if he didn’t do it directly, but his words were more than enough.

“Sorry about my words, I don’t mean to upset you, nor rile you up. I am kind of upset you kind of declined my offer. Still, the guild is a Dragon Slayer Guild, we don’t have all Dragon Slayers, but we have people who wield or who are in the process of getting Dragon Slayer-like abilities.” He paused for a second as he took some alcohol in.

“We are situated in Pergrande, but it's all good, would you like to join me elsewhere? I heard there are other stuff to do in these festivities that Alisa and Lumikki have created?” He said to him as he drank more.



Dragon's Meeting [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 2:13 pm

Tōga's laughter rang out, resonant and full of genuine amusement as he recounted his experiences in the Arena of Champions. "I've had my fair share of ups and downs there. Lumi-chan and Yuurei-san really handed it to me—weren't exactly my shining moments," he chuckled, brushing off the memory of his defeats with the ease of a man who saw each setback as a stepping stone rather than a stumble. "I'd jump at the chance to spar with you there someday!" he added, the spark of challenge lighting up his eyes, a testament to his undying spirit and readiness for whatever battles the future might hold.

Discussing the realm of gods and their progeny, Tōga shrugged lightly, his smile spreading wider. "Honestly, I don’t know much about the gods either, and the whole having kids thing was news to me too! This power I’ve got, it kind of just came with the new dragon slayer magic. Where it came from? That’s a mystery I haven’t cracked yet!" His laugh echoed again, easy and carefree, underlining his acceptance of the unknown elements in his life.

However, the atmosphere subtly shifted as Drakkon’s reaction to Tōga’s decision not to join his guild became apparent, casting a slight pall over their previous banter. Tōga’s expression sobered a little as he acknowledged the gravity of their roles in these turbulent times. "Fiore is teetering on the edge, which is why I feel more compelled than ever to stay. If any threats emerge, I want to be on the frontline, defending and making a difference," he stated firmly, his commitment to his duties as a Rune Knight unwavering despite the allure of new adventures.

The mention of potential adversaries by Drakkon didn’t shake Tōga; instead, it steeled his resolve. "I have to believe in my strength and the power of those who stand with me. We’ll face whatever comes." His confidence was not just bravado but a deeply ingrained belief in his own capabilities and those of his allies.

Changing the subject, Tōga nodded towards the bustling city around them. "I'm definitely up for exploring more of what this place has to offer. Lead the way, Drakkon-san!" His voice carried a renewed enthusiasm, ready to take on whatever the night might bring with the same vigor he approached everything else in his life.

wc: 430 [2,178]
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