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One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.)

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#1Faris Iraious 

One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.) Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 3:27 pm

Faris Iraious
There was something grim about rumours and following them, In this case Faris was following of a rumour of some one he felt like, Well rather he almost needed to talk too. Not just for himself and what ever lingering damaged will he had left in him. But because this woman had been through the same thing as he did. He knew this woman by name.

And he worried about what had become of them after hearing she had been hiding there apparently. But while Faris had been getting better with the help of Zelda. Faris almost felt nervous about this small venture of his. For if he was right. This woman would think he is here to bring her back on a ship.

Faris was taking a gamble, A gamble to make sure this woman knew, He was a live and free. that some one would support her if she needed it. But Faris already internally had his doubts. After all rumours of this woman's uncontrollable madness that something sticking in his mind as well. Faris was almost considering taking up the strongest kinds of drink to dull his mind of his nerves. But he had not reached that point yet.


One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.) Empty Sun Sep 15, 2024 1:41 pm


WORDS: 310 | TOTAL: #### | Discreet Drow

“You really do take me to the nicest places, Iraious…” Perhaps there being no greater contrast between the crimson maned warrior and the cobalt curiosity whom he had managed to take as a lover a none to distant time ago, the voice of Zelda Blackwood seemed breathy and bored and chocked full of a sense of sarcasm as she slipped into place next to her latest pet, and seemed to largely ignore or perhaps disregard the tension that the young man felt as she looked around their rustic setting with her golden gaze guarded by darkened lenses and her lip curling slightly with discontent.
“How very… Quaint…? Let us hope the locals smell better than the air, hm?” Never one who much begrudged a trip away from the beaten path to pursue some manner of academic prize or chance to indulge her adrenaline but most typically drawing the line at farm land, the blue beauty took a long draught of air through her nose and decided that she would be well served to ensure that was the last time she did such a thing, before rounding on the redhead and making little effort to conceal her contempt for their locale.

“So why are we here again…? You’re not going to pull out a bottle of moonshine and suggest we romp in a barn, are you~? Well, on second thought…” Ideally seeking to escape it sooner rather than later and return to some manner of reasonable civilization, one had to question just why this thrill seeking intellectual had opted to accompany the lad given the apparent disinterest which she had shown to her purpose, though perhaps from one perspective there was something a teensy tiny bit sweet about her actions. I mean, she might not have been the most strident form of moral support, but at least she had put her scantest effort into things. That was progress, right~?

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#3Faris Iraious 

One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.) Empty Sun Sep 15, 2024 5:36 pm

Faris Iraious
It seemed Zelda saw better things in this situation Faris however was entirely lost in his thoughts and nervous, Far more nervous then. Faris seemed to actually be unable to hide the fact he was nervous and uncomfortable and nervous. It was clearly on his face.

Poor Zelda had to deal with the weaken state of some one who normally did his best to act his strongest."Yes....Nice place."His focus was not even at the time what Zelda's idle conversation was. Faris seemed to actually be going and walking a very particular way. Like he was told to walk this path way.

But he would stop for a moment after Zelda asked where they where going. Faris stopped for a moment. All he merely did was kiss Zelda on the forehead."Trust me Dear, I generally plan better areas for that need."Faris seemingly was trying to collect his thoughts to prepare himself.

But he would still explain."And I promise you, After this...talk if it goes well. I may find a way make it slightly more enjoyable. You deserve more then basic moonshine, Do not let anyone tell you otherwise."The Faris she was use to talking to and being around was clearly there, But it was a Faris personal mission and he needed to explain it.

Placing both of his hands upon each of her shoulders."I am here to talk to some one....some one who also sailed with the captain who hunted that kraken."Faris mentioned, keeping in mind this seemed to be Faris almost trying to face a part of his fears, This was one step."This woman...is also some one who went on more trips with that captain...She apparently is in hiding because she no longer is apart of the recent crew that set sail to fight it again."He was not really being dramatic about it, If anything his nerves set to a calm feeling only because he was trying to toughen himself up.

"Captain use to called her Patches, Sometimes Patty, Patricia was always a quiet and stoic woman...But when apparently this last trip out, Captain and her where the only two to live, Patty was also trying to not longer ship out and was kidnapped."Faris now was going to reveal why he was so nervous.

As while it led to mentioning this woman was kidnapped."She is apparently madness ridden, She has been known to get into fist fights and pull a gun on some one while being up at days at time."So in other words, Faris was walking willingly head long into danger face his fears.

Yet he was here because he wanted to help her."...I need to see if maybe...Just maybe, I can help her move on...much like I need to move on.."The major flaw was Faris did not know the full extent of this woman's condition. It Faris took it as a means to improve himself.

While helping some one."Rumors I heard, she is prone to getting into fist fights, She hears voices in her head, Sees things that isn't there."So in some manner there was actually a degree of danger. So even if starting affection was because he was trying to be himself when he pulled Zelda close enough to him and kissed her again."So, Thank you for coming along. I will have to go to the markets and grab all I can to spoil you in some manner."Faris almost did not entirely expect her to come with him, But she did.

Then she would let go of her for now, Then start walking again. Seemingly preparing himself for whatever he was walking into the more each step.



One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.) Empty Yesterday at 12:42 pm


WORDS: 410 | TOTAL: 720 | Discreet Drow

“Well, I suppose a one off hay in the hair romp with my new boy toy wouldn’t be the end of the world, especially if your business here proves less than satisfactory~?” The leggy lass left to consider the matter for a few moments and deciding that the benefit of experience and perhaps the added eroticism which might come with it would see her enjoying at least one more rural activity, though her dashing redhead had seemed to dismiss the idea of them indulging such base activity and had perhaps a higher purpose in mind for them the minx could not deny the allure of the idea, and affirmed it as a way in which they might be able to alleviate some stress and tension should they need it. I mean, it was good to keep her options open, right?

“Goodness, she sounds like she might be quite the handful, dear~” As seemed to be typical when the lad began to explain things Miss Blackwood seeming to grow quiet however, while the golden gaze of the girl was guarded and largely kept upon the less than impressive scenery which their new venue had to fail to show off that didn’t mean she wasn’t listening, and as Faris affirmed the unhinged nature of their would be host she did not deny that she could sense trouble a brewing from the description.
“Ohhhhh, is that why you needed some ‘muscle’~?” Not that she was all that inclined toward retreating in the face of such difficulty and if anything it seeming that her interest and perhaps even her excitement grew when she found out that this ‘Patches’ was likely to prove problematic, the sapphire siren could only smirk as she recognised her own particular brand of skills when I came to dealing with people, and toyed with the idea that this was why she had a welcome on this particular venture.

“I’ve been known to put on quite the show when it comes to girl on girl, you know~?” Seeming to smirk all the while and prove herself a source of dauntless confidence and perhaps even a note of mischief to contrast the concern which was plaguing her cohort, whether this was because of an effort to reassure him or a mere manifestation of her almost unending self-assurance and with that self-possession she might never reveal, but at the very least one might reckon her sassiness might prove an able distraction from the deeper woes, eh?

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#5Faris Iraious 

One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.) Empty Today at 11:47 am

Faris Iraious
Faris did chuckle a bit again and merely asked."Oh? is that really important to do at this time? and here I thought you would preferred something something admit less risky of being kicked out of."Faris mentioned while he was on his search."And we can spend as much as we need as possible in the act."Faris said this because in some manner while they seemed for the most part are opposites at times in their personalities, they really cared for one another and valued being happy. Even if she was a wild card Faris suggested what he did because Faris seemingly enjoyed their time in a private setting.

Even with a bit of a tease about it."After all, who need I might be a bit sneaky with you."Faris hinting at other things he had done before. But it was something he had not tried to do in while do some kind of odd trick to spice things up in a while. But Faris' focus had been on a few other things. But if this all worked out, he was going to try and spoil her slight or more then slightly and she just didn't know it yet, he still needed to piece it together.

Faris even seemed at least he was doing things his way and some what adapted. As for the handful comment."A different kind of handful, compared to what we do normally."Faris seemed to tried to laugh to get his nerves settled. Stopping his search for a moment, Teasing her by merely running one of his fingers across Zelda's stomach like he was some what being a pain."Your a good kind of handful for what we like each other for."Faris winked at her then continued to what was next.

He was being logical for the most part, While it seemed over all this felt like a couple's walk, But Zelda as back up was a blessing even if not his first thought."For the most part yes, It will be useful in case I need her off of me."Faris started with, For what he was about to explain after all it shows maybe what else he was worried about."Last thing, I heard about Patty was her managing to rig a cargo box with a rope to beat some one into a wall..."So Faris was going the warning in which he assume Zelda was ready to handle.

But breaking the tension while they walked to an opening area he was looking around."As much as I could enjoy that, The only woman I want to spend that kind of time with is you my dear."Faris seemed like he could be the wild large group of women type, but he was almost wholesome with wanting to be with one woman."I am here to try and help her...but not take her close off."With that before he continued on to look at the more open part of the would humour Zelda's slightly dirty distraction, by finding a part of clothing that could be separated and jokingly pulled on it for a moment.

Then turned back around and started searching again. So far the more open stretch of street seemingly did not have any sign, but there was in the distance some one seemingly in the fidel position seemingly lost in their thoughts.

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