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Akane Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 5:16 pm



Name: Akane

Age: 22 (October 13th, X774)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual

Ethnicity, Father: Unknown(Tengu)

Ethnicity, Mother: Joyan(Human/Deceased)

Class: Hunter

Race: Daemon

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Guildless

Tattoo: Left shoulder blade(crimson red)

Face: BellaBlues Studio - Passionate in Crimson(Art)


Height: 5'5"

Weight: 121 lbs
Hair: Ebony

Eyes: Onyx (Turn crimson when angry)

Overall: Akane is a beautiful, almost ethereal young woman with long, black hair that is a bit messy. Her skin is as white as snow, making her hair and onyx-like black eyes seem more striking. Akane is taller than average in terms of age and gender but is also physically in good shape.

Akane doesn't like to show off her skin so for the most part, she wears outfits that cover most of it. However, one piece of clothing is signature to the daemon and that is red jacket with feather and hydrengia accents sewn into the fabric. Typically, Akane wears black or red shirts, sometimes white. Never will you see her walking around in sleevless tops or low-cut anything.

Extra: Nothing of note


Personality: Not the most expressive or friendly person you’ll meet. Akane is at her core, a solitary person, preferring the company of just herself. The woman is the type of person who wouldn’t hold back against anyone who annoyed her, making them the victim of her sarcasm and biting scorn. In fact, you could say that Akane is paranoid. She doesn’t believe that other people don’t have any hidden or ulterior motives when acting kind or friendly.

To Akane, everyone is always looking out for themselves first and others come second, if not third. So, she does the same. If someone asks her for help, she’ll ask how much her help worth to them is. If someone says they want to help her when she looks to be struggling, she’ll ask why. They say never look a gift horse in the mouth, but Akane shoves her head to look right inside as much as she can regarding others’ “kind” gestures.

This isn’t to say that Akane is incapable of befriending or trusting other people. It’s just given her history she’s very selective and slow about it. To those who Akane views as friends or people she doesn’t hate, she’s more openly expressive and less intense. To people Akane holds dear, she is very protective and loyal to those people. Akane does not take things like betrayal of trust lightly. If you have earned this woman’s trust, you had better value it more than your own life because if you ever stop, her trust isn’t the only thing you’ll lose.

Akane didn’t have much growing up the way she did, so she’s never been able to understand how some people throw their money at useless things like expensive clothing, jewelry or other wasteful luxuries. People who have money to throw around like that should have to spend a day in the shoes of someone like her so maybe they’ll appreciate what they have more.

As a bounty hunter, Akane takes her job very seriously, hunting down wanted criminals who are also mages is such a rush. It feels so good to apprehend someone causing chaos or wreaking havoc and turn them into the authorities. It’s one of the few things that the daemon enjoys doing. Not to mention the pay isn’t half bad either.

One of the reasons Akane isn’t very expressive is because the demon blood in her veins and her obscura trigger violent behavior in her whenever she’s in an emotionally high state. In these situations, Akane becomes blind to her surroundings and acts on pure instinct to cause chaos and destruction. Anyone who gets near Akane while in this state is bound to get hurt if not mortally wounded. Hell, she once killed a man with her bare hands when in her demonic state.

In order to combat this, Akane will practice things like meditation or be physically active for long enough to tire herself out. It not only lets her control her demonic side and violent outbursts but also keeps her feeling refreshed and in good physical condition for her job. Aside from that, Akane does not have all that many hobbies she really enjoys. She likes to spar with guild mates to keep her on top of her game. Other than that, Akane is a big foodie.

Having grown up how she did, Akane is by no means a picky eater. Any food she can get, whether its chewy, sweet, crunchy, spicy, hot, cold, it doesn’t matter so long as it tastes good. Although, Akane does have a slight preference for dishes from her homeland. Particularly dishes like cold udon or yakisoba or even omelet rice. They remind her of her mother’s cooking and are one the few things that make her genuinely happy.

Things like love and romance are mostly lost on this daemon. All she ever knew about that was that her mother made “love” to men who paid her money and Silvia never taught her about such things. Seeing people be all lovey-dovey or sharing food with each other confuses the hell out of her. That isn’t to say that Akane would never fall in love or find a mate. However, it would need to be with someone she had a very close and trusting relationship with as friends to even consider the idea.

A very blunt person, Akane is the type to tell you exactly what she thinks without holding anything back. You ask the woman what she thinks of you, and she happens to not care to much about you or your existence, Akane will straight up tell you that without a second thought. If you’re getting on her nerves or bothering her, the daemon will literally tell you to f*ck off or more likely scream it at you depending on how sour her mood is.

Although Akane does her best to keep her emotions in check, there are times when she gets pissed enough to be violent physically towards someone that has pissed her off enough to warrant it. For example, if someone were just to blatantly block a doorway without moving, she’d kick them out of the way, even if there was someone in front of them. What does she care? If they didn’t want to get kicked, they shouldn’t have blocked the door.

Akane is someone who despite all her self-discipline, will occasionally indulge in vices such as smoking and drinking. She says it takes the edge off when she’s been having a bad day. Thankfully she can hold her liquor well and doesn’t get drunk easily. However, once she’s had a few glasses, her demeanor will change from its usual unfriendly manner to a more light-hearted one, making the daemon more sociable and open.

All in all, Akane is a complicated woman with a heavy past, one who will make the most of every day she’s given and not take shit from anybody, regardless of who they are. She will fight for what she believes in and cherish those she decides who are worthy of her time and trust. That is who Akane, is.

  • Food: A big foodie with nothing she really dislikes with a preferece for Joyan dishes. Akane is at her happiest when she's chowing down.
  • Money: Having grown up, needing to scrape by, Akane is happy she can make so much money by helping lock up crazy assholes who cause problems.

  • People: Akane is not what you would call a people person. She's met few that were genuinely "good" and not full of shit so she tends to avoid them.
  • Luxury: She thinks there wastful and meaningless and can't understand people who throw their money pretty much down the toilet for all that crap.

  • Success: Akane wants to be successful in her work and life so hopefully someday she can retire to tthe woods somewhere peaceful and not have to worry about anything.

  • Failure: Her failure to protect her mother, left Akane deeply scarred, as a result she fears she might fail to protect or save someone she cares about again.
  • Herself: Akane is scared of herself more than anything. She regretted letting her demon blood take control her back when she was still a kid and she fears that one day it will take complete hold of her, changing who she is at her core.


Strength: 5

Speed: 5

Constitution: 5

Endurance: 4

Intelligence: 11


Magic Name: Nullification

Magic Element: Arcane

Magic Enhancement: -

Magic Description: Nullification Magic is utilized for nullifying any magical attacks within an area from the user. The user has no actual spells for this magic except for a single spell which allows to negate any spell within a certain radius of them at the same cost of mana as is incoming in that radius. The user can use the spell to even nullify an A-rank spell, even if they are only D-rank themselves, as long as they can pay the amount of mana to cast the spell after any mana reduction they have. The Nullification spell becomes easier to use depending on the rank of the user. While it requires movements at first, eventually the user becomes capable of nullifying anything without using any motion the moment it comes into their range.
  • Enemies within 5-25 meters of the user, range increase relative to the users rank, do not receive any cool-down or mana reduction to their magic or item spells regardless of source.


History: Born and raised in Yaezu Port of Joya, Akane and her mother Akemi didn’t have much. It didn’t help that Akane’s father had been out of the picture since before she was born. Having been the product between a demon and human, Akane was different from other children. What’s more is that, in order to put food on the table, Akemi, her mother worked in the red-light district at night. Having the blood of a demon running through her veins and a sex worker mother, made most folks look down on the mother-daughter pair despite the lot of them not being much better off.

As Akane grew up, she was ostracized by most of children whose families had warned them to stay away from the prostitute’s daughter. The mothers of those children openly spoke ill of and gossiped about Akane’s mother, even when the pair would we be out in town to shop, people who they passed would laugh and whisper. This caused Akane to distrust most people from a young age.

Seeing all these hypocrites pick on her mother, made Akane very, very angry. So much so, that whenever someone tried to talk ill of Akemi to Akane, she would lose her cool and start beating on them physically. Kids in her neighborhood who tried harassing her, housewives who stood around gossiping boldly. Many people began calling her a “demon child” for how incredibly violent Akane was.

Soon enough both mother and daughter were being equally ostracized but despite that the people started to talk less and less openly about Akemi for fear of Akane coming after them if she caught wind of their words. Akemi couldn’t help but worry for her daughter who now had such a vicious reputation but couldn’t bring herself to convince Akane to stop.

After all, Akemi was kind and softhearted, someone who didn’t have the courage to refute the people’s gossip of her. All the woman wanted was to make sure she kept a roof over their heads and decent food on the table so that her precious daughter could grow up healthy and strong.

When Akane was about 13 years old, she decided to do whatever she could to help her mother out. Thankfully not everyone in Yaezu Port was afraid of her or despised her mother. Some few small local business owners seemingly understood the pair’s circumstances and offered Akane menial jobs.

From sweeping the storefront to washing dishes, to moving heavy boxes, Akane worked her butt off to bring home any extra money she could. Since most kids around were afraid of her none of them tried to take her wages or extort her. After all, Akane was the infamous “demon child” who beat up anyone who looked at her funny or so the rumors went.

Seeing Akane work so hard, Akemi couldn’t be prouder. So, when it was Akane’s 16th birthday, Akemi bought a very special present for her precious daughter. There was one day when they were out shopping that Akemi noticed Akane’s face glue to a shop window where a very beautiful red jacket was on display. It had hydrangeas and bird wing accents sewn in the sleeves and back.

Seeing how much Akane seemed to want it but denied her desires when asked, she went and bought it to surprise Akane on her birthday. When Akemi got home, she wrote a letter to Akane and stuck it in a box under her bed along with the jacket. Then got ready to leave for work.

Akane was excited since her birthday was fast approaching. She hurried home from her last job to try to catch her mother before she left for work but alas, she was too late. Akemi had already left but, there was dinner waiting on the table with a note telling Akane to heat it up when she got home and to wait for her tonight as she had a surprise for her.

Per her mother’s note, Akane patiently waited up for her mother to come home. Akane ate the dinner Akemi had left for her and cleaned up some around the house, time seem to pass slowly while Akane’s excitement and anticipation for her surprise grew. It was around midnight when the daemon child began nodding off until there was an abrupt knock at the door.

The knock snapped Akane wide awake as she got up to answer the door not thinking it could be dangerous due to drowsiness. When Akane opened the door, there stood a tall man in a black suit-like hakama, wearing a black hat that obscured his face slightly. Once she’d opened the door the man took off the hat to reveal he had black hair and was starting to go bald. The man gave her a slight yet respectful bow.

Akane, who wasn’t used to being shown any kind of respect, spaced out for a moment before returning the bow with one of her own. The man then introduced himself as Shigeo Saimori, the manager of the place her mom worked. He asked if she was Akemi’s daughter to which she warily said yes.

Shigeo gave another bow and apologized to Akane, he told her that Akemi had passed away, a customer she’d been serving earlier this evening went mad being high on opioids and strangled her to death. Upon hearing this, Akane’s heart sunk. How could her mom be dead? Why didn’t anyone save her? This must be a bad dream, a nightmare. All these questions and thoughts raced through Akane’s mind.

The man said he was sorry for her loss and handed Akane a shabby box with her mother’s effects from the prostitution house along with a small urn, inside was supposedly her mother’s ashes. So not only did they not save her from the drag addled madman, but they also even had the nerve to cremate her mother without a second thought. Now, Akane wasn’t just in despair and denial, now a new emotion was brought forth, one that was seemingly buried somewhere deep within. It was unbridled rage. It was as if her demon blood awakened in her.

Before the man could react, Akane had jumped on him, grabbing him by the throat knocking him to the ground. Her once pure onyx eyes, looked crimson, as she mercilessly strangled the man. She wanted him to feel the same things her poor mother felt. Helplessness, powerless and fear. It was like an adrenaline rush. Akane squeezed as hard as she could, until she could no longer feel the man’s pulse.

She’d just killed a man but instead of freaking out, she barely felt anything as she kicked and spat on his corpse. She left his corpse outside her doorstep, not caring if anyone found him and freaked out. Akane then went back to her mother’s bedroom and jumped on her bed and dug her face into the blankets, smelling her mother’s smell. Akane then decided to look under the bed where her mother usually kept the emergency money.

What she found instead was a red cardboard box. Akane pulled it out and opened it. Inside she found a letter addressed to her in Akemi’s handwriting and under it the red jacket she’d been eyes just a few weeks ago. Confused, Akane opened the letter and read it. It was full of words of love for Akane, telling her happy birthday and how proud she was for trying to help and thanks for growing up to be so strong despite their circumstances.

Before she knew it, tears were spilling onto the paper, Akane lifted a finger to her cheek to find she had started crying without realizing. It just fully sunk in that her mother was gone, that she would never come home, cook for Akane, hug her or call Akane her baby girl. All of that warmth, gone. Akane subtle tears turned into loud sobs as the tears began to spill out like a waterfall.

Akane cried herself to sleep from exhaustion. Passed out on the floor of the bedroom, Akane dreamed of her mother and there happy moments. She woke up the next morning when the sun filtered through the window, hitting her face. Her tears had dried, but she felt almost nothing. She then looked at box lying next to her. Akane pulled out the jacket and put it on. A perfect fit, the one and only material thing Akane ever wanted since she was little but what a price it came at.

Akane had no other family or friends to rely on, what’s worse, she’d just killed a man in cold blood. What was the point in staying in Joya. Before she killed the messenger, he had mentioned that her mother’s killer was thrown in jail. She may be physically strong but, even Akane wasn’t dumb enough to try breaking into a jail for revenge.

With all that in mind, Akane decided to leave Joya. Where she would end up next, not even she knew, nor did she really care. Akane only cared about getting the hell out of Yaezu Port and Joya. During her travels to find someplace new to call home, she met a bounty hunter by the name of Silvia Shura, a Half-Joyan human with no magic but a hatred of mages.

Silvia saw a familiar look in the youth’s eyes, one she had once experienced when society and the whole world had been cruel to her. Seeing their similarities between them, Silvia offered to take Akane in under her wing. Akane, who had no family, no money and barely spoke anything other than Joyan, took the woman up on her offer, albeit hesitantly.

At the time Akane was still a minor so naturally she needed someone to look after her whether she wanted that or not. The two women’s relationship started out as one of necessity. Akane didn’t trust Silvia one tiny bit. She was a human and from her homeland where almost everyone there treated Akane and her mother with contempt.

Yet over time, Akane came to learn that Silvia was nothing like those bastards in Joya. She was completely different and even reminded Akane of her mother, just a little. During their time together, Silvia taught Akane many things, languages, how to read, write, how to properly fight. Before meeting Silvia, the young daemon only knew how to fight on instinct alone making use of the boons granted by her demon blood she so despised. However, she learned quickly under her adoptive mom’s tutelage that it wasn’t good enough.

When Akane was around 18 years old, Silvia taught Akane about her line of work. She thought her young charge might make a decent bounty hunter if given time and enough training. The child seemed to have an aptitude for nullification magic, much to Silvia's dismay, even so she offered Akane the chance to get into her line of work. An opportunity that the daemon jumped at.

From then on, Akane took lessons in tracking, fighting strategically, etc. Then when Akane was about 21, she became an official bounty hunter who like, Silvia, specialized in hunting mages. Akane and Silvia eventually went their separate ways. Silvia left to go traveling and find more targets for bounties while Akane decided to remain guildless to not have to actively socialize with others while doing her work.

Discord: Elyse

Reference: Returning member

Akane Akane_11

Akane Empty Sun Sep 15, 2024 8:51 pm

This character is approved for roleplay.

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