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Land Yet Explored.(Social.)

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Land Yet Explored.(Social.) Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 6:31 pm

Maple was continuing her continuing efforts to see as much as Pergrande. So much so she always ended up place they most people have not been at yet. It was a fair distance away from the capital and even from home.

Drugigrad was perfect for Maple it was fairly different and older feeling in nature. But it was town build of people living through some of the hardest stuff. In some manner Maple almost felt it was a duty to visit it once to see entirely what the people where like and how it was.

While it was an old city, Maple would try to some what connect with these people. They would be equally as important. But Maple would also assume she would not be here alone for too long. Even if these people were not most likely a threat. After all she had some one else she said she would meet again.

#2Go D. Drakkon 

Land Yet Explored.(Social.) Empty Sun Sep 15, 2024 5:30 pm

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon was within another area of Pergrande. He figured he would meet her again, but he wasn’t sure. Still, the spells he was trying to learn would be easier than the others, which was fine with him.

Hai was with him and he was leaning on one of the buildings around him. Drakkon wanted to see what this place was about as he was training to master his next spell.

The Dragon Slayer had closed his eyes as he was thinking about Zeta’s spells. He had consumed these two from her after he had won against her. He thought about how she would use them and once he was ready, he would begin the procedure. He looked over to his hand as he was focusing mana into it and then he decided to snap his finger.

When he did that, a magic circle would appear under him without a problem, and he could see something happening to him. His body had become a different color, and it was as if he had turned into miasma. It allowed him to travel in a different direction and the area he was in. He would become solid again and he had a smirk on his face. That was an interesting spell to have, and he was glad to have learned that.

148|125 Trained Phantasma Dash


Land Yet Explored.(Social.) Empty Yesterday at 4:30 am

And here he was Drakkon yet again testing spells to the wondering eye of Maple, Well it was a repeating cycle it was always a good thing Maple in some manner trusted the rough man that was Drakkon. The seemingly opposites got along for the most part and Maple would continue to just keep it going.

Maple at least was not a fool, She would not stop in or around the magic circle on the ground while Drakkon was training his spells."Have a new list of interesting spells to train do you?"Maple asked because it was always just so interesting to see. It was almost its own form of learning and self improvement.

While Maple did not know the darker sides of Drakkon, much like the darker sides to Pergrande, She took everything at least at face value. Maple did not know apparently Drugigrad, Did not like her future wife and considered her an enemy. But alas Maple was not a threat in her mind. So everything seemed find at this time.

#4Go D. Drakkon 

Land Yet Explored.(Social.) Empty Yesterday at 8:07 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was about to start the mastering of another spell, but he looked over to the person who approached him. When he heard her words, he had a smirk on his face as he looked over to her.

“Yeah, I have about four more spells I have taken from other Dragon Slayers but have not mastered. I figured I would do that since Ryuko wanted me for something a few days from now.” He said to Maple.

It gave him a reason to stack his arsenal with all the spells he could master.

The next spell was basically the same thing as the previous one, but two-dash spells were far better than one. He would use them whenever he needed to, but having them was for the best.

He closed his eyes thinking about it, and with that, he opened them. He would snap his fingers with ease as he transferred his mana into his fingertips. When that happened, the mana was used to create the magic circle underneath him. The circle appearing beneath him would become complete, and the next part of the spell would occur.

Drakkon’s body would become a bit transparent in the color purple, and he would be able to move in a specific location without a problem. He chose to end up next to Maple for a bit. He would move quickly as his body returned to how it originally was as he looked at her with a smirk on his face.

“An easy spell to master and make my own. I wondered if I should do the hard one or the easier one now.” He said out loud thinking about it.

149|125 Trained Phantasmal Pursuit

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