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Off The Rails [Brone]

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Off The Rails [Brone] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:38 am


WORDS: 400 | TOTAL: 400 | Discreet Drow

“…And then next thing you know, I'm being chased by this prehistoric beast?” Both the train and the case of ale which she had purchased for them seeming to be well underway as the steam rose overhead and both the station and the land they had started in sat rather distantly in the rear view, though Miss Blackwood had intended to use her time travelling to the northern reaches of Iceberg checking her notes and referencing facts she found that her time had been much better occupied getting better acquainted with her new 'research partner', and was indulging one of her favourite pastimes; storytelling.
“Big fellow, big fangs, though his eyes were quite scrawny? It was odd…” The beauty with the blue skin something of a braggart when given half a chance and the right kind of company, though she tended to keep to herself around most folk those who seemed worthy of her respect might find someone who was far more lively and perhaps even bubbly in a kind of crispy aristocratic and sardonic fashion, and this case seemed to be more than worthy of hearing about her exploits. Hell, maybe she even wished to impress him a little bit, now that they were getting along.

“Regardless, that was quite the trial. Scarcely escaped from that one with my hide, that was for sure…” This the reason that she seemed to be recounting yet another tale of adventure to pass the time and work the whistle enough to need it wetting, the golden gaze of the girl seemed to lift and settle on the roof of their car for a second as she let loose a sigh which one might ordinarily associate more with the memory of a loved one, and ultimately meant that Zelda was left in rather a good mood despite the absence of sleep she had the night before.
“And you? Surely a man of your adventurous character can't be out of stories yet, right~?” Not merely longing for the chance to boast of her own misspent ventures however and interested in the tale that her burly man friday had as well, there was no doubt in the mind of the azure amazon that her new ally had a tale or two which might just be worth remembering, so as a student and preacher of history it only seemed natural that she hear them as well, right?

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#2Brone Heavyaxe 

Off The Rails [Brone] Empty Tue Aug 06, 2024 9:43 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The ashen skin dwarf took a swig from one of the bottles. He released a sigh as he looked out the window, enjoying the sight of the terrain as the evening sky coated the land with a sense of wonder. Such a wonderful experience that he'll always remember; though none of his friends or niece was here to share this experience with, he was at least happy to be in the presence of good company. Brone listened to the elf's story, it all seemed intriguing, such a tale seemed woven from the detailing of these 'prehistoric' creatures, "Dhurain's beard, these things sound terrifying and wonderful" he said with a chuckle of excitement as his eyes turned to face Zelda.

The dwarf leaned in from his seat to take a more proper position to emanate an aura of cool, but being on his third bottle has provided him an aura of tipsy, his body slowly swaying, to which he had no awareness of as he spoke, "Me crew and I had fought a dragon, one big and commanded lightning, flew in from another world and changed the sky; such a battle was fantastic, I swear, the tips of me beard singed as we avoided blasts of lightning, battling the fierce beast." he began recalling the enemy with vigor as he was getting lost in his own excitement.


Off The Rails [Brone] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 1:32 pm


WORDS: 360 | TOTAL: 760 | Discreet Drow

“A dragon…?” A woman of such storied experience as Zelda Blackwood not one who was easily impressed and yet it seeming that her new friend knew just the kind of anecdote to stir her interest, the brow of the blue beauty lifted and her lashes flapped a couple of times as she digested the little revelation which she had been given, and after a moment did the same flame which the beasts they mentioned would belch seemed to fill her gaze in order to show her excitement.
“Goodness, you've been holding out on me there, Mr Heavyaxe! I want all those juicy deets!” The ravishing researcher shaking her head and smirking as she realised that she just might have been hogging the 'microphone' if the bearded figure before her had been keeping that little tale close to his chest, the dishy drow shifted in her seat and cracked open another couple of bottles as she encouraged the dwarf to tell her more about the encounter he had with nature's fury manifested, and ultimately could not deny a sense of envy for the experience he had.

“Was it during that stuff a few years back?” As such the mind of the minx sent racing by this new round of information which was offered up to her, for a moment Miss Blackwood frowned as she cycled back through the circumstances of both her own history and the years beyond it, and recognised an obvious opportunity for this particular clash between man and magnificent monster may well have occurred.
“I lament the fact that a little excursion to Midi seemed to rob me of the chance to test my skills there… Perhaps next time, eh?” In fact such a note only leaving the girl with the golden gaze feeling that she coveted his opportunity that bit more, to the lament of the lass she had been busy with her father and tombs in the deep south when all that 'fun' had occurred, and as such had returned to more civilised sections only to hear stories of the excitements which she had seemed to miss out on. Though, at least she was optimistic enough to consider her options in future, eh~?

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#4Brone Heavyaxe 

Off The Rails [Brone] Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 8:36 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone downed the drink in between his bouts of excitement as he mentioned the story. He took a moment to catch himself, surprised that Ms. Zelda wasn't put off by him, but was actually interested in his tale, "Well tell ye the truth, that beast wasn't just some overgrown lizard, the battle was intense, and lightning surged through me body with such power, I felt me inside burns, luckily I was too stubborn te let that be a loss... though after it was said and done, I took a week nap" he chuckled as he thought about the time he spent in the medical wing back at the guild hall.

The dwarf thought back to the time of the dragon attack but wasn't recalling much, "Honestly I don't remember, though I believe many things were going on" he would take one of the bottles from Zelda and tapped it against hers before taking another swig. The atmosphere was perfect; the sound of the metallic wheels rolling over the tracks, the soft light of the interior car, and the evening sky was a beautiful sight. "How de ye not fall in love with such a way of traveling?" Brone said softly as he leaned against the window.

Then he realized he was being rude, so he adjusted his posture, "And what about ye? I've talked too much already, ye must have stories of ye own".


Off The Rails [Brone] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 11:50 am


WORDS: 420 | TOTAL: 1180 | Discreet Drow

“A thunder drake? Interesting…” Perhaps the golden glint which shone in her eye not looking all that kind when she seemed to savour the story of Brone getting electrocuted in his encounter with a dragon of lighting, the bloodthirsty nature of her breed perhaps shone as Miss Blackwood nodded and imagined the battle between himself and the beast which he described, and felt her envy only growing as a result of it. Clearly it was a searing shock she was sore to miss.
“Ahahaha, I had heard of your people's hardiness. Splendid. I guess we know who's taking the lead if we find any indoor lightning storms in these tombs?” The sapphire skinned siren snickering however when he said that such injury was something he merely needed to nap off, she shook her head as she remarked upon the stories she had heard of his own heritage, and then winked as she hinted that they might exploit that tendency further if the opportunity arose. Not that she expected it to, but it was nice to keep her options open, right?

“Seems you have been seduced by the steam engine, Mr Heavyaxe? And here I thought I'd be the main attraction on this ride~?” The brow of our heroine raising when he spoke of his fondness for their current means of travel, Zelda smirked and sighed before shrugging, before playfully teasing the topic of her looks and the obvious confidence she had in them as she jokingly observed that her pride as a woman might have been dented by such overlook in his opinion.
“Oh, me? Well, I could tell you…” Sinking back into her seat soon after as he asks about her own tales however, now the foxy femme would turn her focus toward the window and the scenery rolling past it as she searched her mind for something equal to the story of dragon slaying, though as she did so seemed to pause and frown at what she saw before her.

“Do you feel as if we're slowing down…?” Barely paying attention to the march of mountains and trees past their window before this moment though noting that they seemed to be drifting by more sedately than she was accustomed when travelling by rail, Miss Blackwood glanced around herself at such realisation and shifted her position as well, in doing so seeming to realise that their inertia feels like it is ebbing away from their charge, and well before it should as well. After all, the next station was more than an hour away, right…?

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#6Brone Heavyaxe 

Off The Rails [Brone] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 10:05 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone had initially laughed along with the dark elf at the idea of a thunderstorm within the tomb, but then thought about the possibility that may be a scenario they might have to deal with; after all, in his time as an adventurer, he has come across many oddities, including a large variety of magics, "Aye, I don't mind leading the way, they call me the 'Shield' after all" a tear ran down his cheek as he bellowed a laugh.

The dwarf then blushed in embarrassment, "Well the make is..." he thought about what words he could use to describe the train, but he was never one for speech or even words, his actions usually indicated his feelings, even during conversation, "Very... sturdy" he smiled, a hand rubbing the back of his head. Truthfully, he loved the sound of metal against metal and the smooth traveling while having the comfort of a room on the go, and to top it all off, this was not aerial travel, which what made his queasy, "I don't deny yer beauty, lass, I just have a taste more for metal" he assumed he lessened the blow of his failed explanation with a good joke.

Brone didn't realize it until Zelda mentioned it. He looked out the window to see the train was indeed slowing down. He had assumed they were reaching a stop, but seeing the worry on the elf's face gave him reason to step into action, so he stood up and immediately put his hand to the handle of his golden axe on his back. Though he favored the thrill of trouble and found enjoyment through this new travel method, he doesn't know what to expect, finding himself being at disadvantage within this train. "Trouble?" he asked, though he could be simply jumping the gun.


Off The Rails [Brone] Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:27 am


WORDS: 350 | TOTAL:1530 | Discreet Drow

“Ahahahah, generally I prefer to not get hit over playing tank~” The drow raising her brow despite how she had seemed to invite her new friend saying he would be the shield for their adventure as it were, on the whole she had always preferred a note of agility and activity over the simply ability to take a licking and keep on kicking, though didn’t prove too much of a slouch in that regard either. She was certainly streamlined in her build, though from her perspective, built with her own sense of compact potential.

“I’m only teasing~” Soon after the slender siren shaking her head when he joked that he was more interested in machinery than maidens, in truth Zelda might have noted a certain curiosity as to how a dwarf man might compare in those circumstances but ultimately was just making light of the situation, which she confirmed with a smirk and a wink to him. Not that she wasn’t open to the idea, of course, but was never one who pushed to hard when the men in her life seemed easily interchangeable thus far.

“It’s unusual, for sure…” If anything that darker breed she carried seeming to show in the way in which Miss Blackwood’s eye seemed to shine with both interest and excitement at the prospect of a potential problem with their journey, for some reason the odd fellow which she had spotted at the station with his cuffs concealed lingered in her mind, and more because of a sense of intrigue at what might follow than worry or panic.
Fancy checking it out~?” As such the azure amazon seeming to pluck her dagger from her luggage and then rolling it under her sleeve for the sake of discreet outlay, the dark haired dish made no effort to hide her act from her new partner and in fact flashed him a little grin as she did so, and then slipped from her seat and touched the handle of their compartment as she decided it was high time to stretch her legs and see what was going on…

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#8Brone Heavyaxe 

Off The Rails [Brone] Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:12 am

Brone Heavyaxe

ᛒᚱᛟᚾᛖ ᚺᛖᚢᚤᚨᛉᛖ

Brone was on his toes concerning the situation, but that's usually his first instinct whenever something odd happens; in his time he has come to experience oddities, especially in the vast world of magic. He looked over to Zelda to see that she slipped a dagger onto her person, the sight of the blade was brief, but the smile on the maiden's face confirmed the dwarf wasn't the only one cautious, "I don't mind" he replied to her with a smirk. Zelda had carefully went for the compartment handle, but it was the dwarf who threw open the compartment door.

He then stepped out, looking up and down the cart, he didn't see anyone around, which wasn't too much a surprise since he and Zelda chose the cart that wasn't popularly selected. "Oy! What's going on with the train!?" Brone called out bravely. He wasn't for stealthing, given his heavy figure and armor made his footsteps noticeable, but he personally preferred that, besides, he noticed usually his presence tends to draw in the attention while others would get a chance to get avoid being noticed.

There was no answer, so the dwarf patrolled the cart, looking about, out the windows, opening the compartment doors and poking his head in to see if anyone was present. So far it's been rather quiet.


Off The Rails [Brone] Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:22 pm


WORDS: 390 | TOTAL: 1920 | Discreet Drow

Straight to the point, I suppose…? The sapphire skinned siren always hearing that the dwarves were stout hearted and straight forward and it seeming that her new friend was the typical example of such qualities, though Zelda had aimed to pursue their ambition more discreetly and perhaps daintily given how she had concealed her weapon she none the less seemed to curl her lip with amusement as her cohort barrelled forth into the next carriage, and immediately began questioning those within as to what was going on with their ebbing momentum. Though, if he expected a speedy answer he would likely be disappointed.

"We aren’t sure… The train doesn’t usually stop here, does it?"
"Cow on the line, I imagine… You know how precious the drivers are with these things…"
"So what, you just want them to mow down some poor defenceless animal…?"

Instead seeming to be met with just as much confusion as he entered with as those who were equally bewildered by this turn of events responded to the inquiry with increasingly vague thought, folk in this car seemed to gossip between one another with little intention of making much effort to actually get to the bottom of the issue, which wasn’t really anything which our lady lead had failed to expect.
“This is getting us nowhere fast, is it…?” Instead merely sighing and nudging at the arm of her ally as she arched her brow and expressed a note of disdain for the absence of answers which they had found among these chattering chicks, the golden gaze of the girl seemed to roll backward as she left them to their disagreements and discourse and took a few steps further still before hearing the sound of something which sounded far more alluring, though she doubted she was the only one.


An unmistakable crack seeming to split the peace in the air as something which Miss Blackwood immediately seemed to recognise as a gunshot seemed to ring out a car or two further on, while most might have flinched and winced and thought of rushing in the opposite direction of such a startling sound instead it only compelled a look of excitement from the dishy drow which she cast back to her comrade, before moving from a stroll to a sprint in the space of a second and charging headlong on…

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.

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