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V. Grenadier Bracers

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V. Grenadier Bracers Empty Fri May 31, 2024 4:39 pm



Name: Grenadier Bracers

Slot: Weapon.

Type: Gauntlet.

Handling: One-Handed.

Class: Mythic.

Quantity: Limited.

Element: Fire

Damage: +80.

Durability: 3x S-Rank.


Description: Previously owned by a powerful fire mage, The Grenadier Bracers can be worn by fire users and those adept with explosives to store their power and release it in a volley surprising their opponents and leaving carnage behind in its wake


Requirements: None.

  • Intelligence: +100

  • Redirected Focus: When worn the users mana pool is slowly drained by 500 Mana per turn while their Offensive spells are reduced by one rank.


  • Double the Trouble: The user is capable of purchasing two of the Grenadier Bracers and wielding both at the same time if they can use their off-hand slot.
  • Stored Explosives: Each turn the Grenadier Bracers store explosive power within it allowing the user to release it through the Release Blast Spell attached to it, this is the equivalent of 1x S-Rank per turn and can be stored up to 4x S-Ranks worth of damage.
  • Magical Influence: The users magic and enhancements impact the spells attached to the Grenadier Bracers, if the user does not possess a magic then the spells attached on this item will cause damage over time equivalent to one rank lower lasting for three turns, this effect reapplies whenever the user deals fire-based attacks upon those impacted.


  • Name: Release Blast
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: None
    Requirements: Grenadier Brace
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: ~
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user may pull the pin on the Grenadier Bracer causing the stored energy within it to be released as a powerful blast in front of them approximately the same size equivalent to the amount stored within, due to the destructive nature of the blast, the Grenadier Brace receives damage to it equivalent to half the amount released from it.

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