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The Flaming Beauty Vs The Wandering Dragon Slayer (Green)

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The Flaming Beauty Vs The Wandering Dragon Slayer (Green) Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 7:13 pm


Kaito entered the arena, today he was going to be sparring with a woman he hadn't seen in a bit and he wondered if they had gotten stronger. Kaito was going to hold back a bit in the fight so he didn't just end this in one blow but he needed to get more training himself so he could better his swordsmen ship and he was hoping that maybe taking on the woman might help him to fight better, it was more about getting the finer detail down more than learning but Kaito wanted to make sure that he got in a bit more practice before he attempted to take on the the test to advance. He waited at his gate putting on his equipment not putting on the new glove weapon that he had gotten as it was a sword fight he wanted not to muddy the waters with other weapons that he wasn't trying to master so he could make the most of this last finer detail match.


The Flaming Beauty Vs The Wandering Dragon Slayer (Green) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 3:10 pm

It seemed now Nasira was left in a new situation that some would consider an illogical thing to do. But for Nasira it was never about the win or loss it was entirely about what one could learn, So here she was in an arena in Seven and preparing to do something she figured she was okay at, which was sword fighting but she was just going to improve no matter what.

So here she was facing off again some one she had met before. While it had been a long time a go, she did not mind when the offer came across her table. There was no chance she had to win in this situation. So she would already have to take the loss into account.

Nasira collected her things and started heading towards where she was told to go to. To prepare to face what she signed up for.


Nasira Spread:


The Flaming Beauty Vs The Wandering Dragon Slayer (Green) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 5:22 pm


Kaito looked at the woman as she enter the arena and he smiled at her as he was happy to see that she had accepted and that they can spar and have fun here in front of the people that were in the arena to see them and see what they could do as his was a fight but not one that Kaito was going to over do. "Nice to see you made it miss, please feel free to go all out on me and I will do my best to make this enjoyable for you as well, I believe in you!" Kaito readied his sword and he went toward the woman and he was going to hold back on his strikes as she didn't want to hurt her or end this fight to quickly. She had used her time to come here and accepted to face him which probably took a lot of guts so he needed to make sure that he was going to show that her respect for that and he needed to make sure that he was not taking her too lightly as she could still have something up her sleeve as he had never fought her before.
(204) (374)

Kaito's spread:
"Action Log:


The Flaming Beauty Vs The Wandering Dragon Slayer (Green) Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 3:18 am

Nasira normally the quiet and collected type almost seemed to find this interesting, Maybe she needed to take this more casual then how she assume most sparing sessions were far more serious. But suppose that was some one long gone in her life always made it."Oh? you can make all out combat fun?"Nasira did ask to merely see what was going to be said to her. Not because she did not trust what would be said to her, It was because she just wanted to be sure. Nasira was always a woman of few words. She had been some what improving over the years how much she spoke.

it was just something she had not entirely use too but some what took stride."I suppose, If anything. Trying to have fun with this might be the better option."Nasira at least would try to make her she would keep that in mind after all there was an over all major skill gap, Nasira some what knew she had no chance.

Suppose taking in stride and have fun being the entire statement she focused on was entirely a good thing to keep in mind. Since he was running towards her, Nasira really taking this this seriously quiet yet. So she when Kaito started running towards her. Nasira so she would just thrust a stab at him while him while he was running towards her.



The Flaming Beauty Vs The Wandering Dragon Slayer (Green) Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 6:53 am


Kaito had nodded to her and he was wanting her to do what she could and enjoy herself and he closed his eye that shows weaknesses so that he can better match her attacks blow for blow and and not instantly break her weapon. Kaito would hold back his strength as he swung his sword to meet her, and her thrust at him his sword turning to nature on contact with her light element sword. Kaito then would back step quickly as he is expecting her to come back on the offense on him. From his times of meeting her he has seen her grow and start coming into her own and that thrust she did was proof of her growth as a thrust was a more targeted attack with a fine spot of impact, where as a swing takes time and is easier blocked as it as a more telegraph to it then a straight thrust like she had attempted on him.

Kaito kept his sword at the ready for her to come and make her own attack on him if she wanted to or maybe she would play more defensive against him as she knows that he is strong. "You are starting to blossom into a swordswoman huh? Even though I held back a little you still matched my hit." He smirked at her after he had finished saying that to her as she had told him before she was looking to pick up the sword but Kaito was not sure if she really was going to do so.
(263) (637)

Kaito's spread:
"Action Log:


The Flaming Beauty Vs The Wandering Dragon Slayer (Green) Empty Fri Oct 04, 2024 12:54 pm

It seemed Kaito would remark what she had done, Nasira almost seemed to what to take this casually while she still felt it was far more serious then she needed too. But you could not break many habits that would drilled into your head."Is that all it took? Maybe she was harder on me, Than I thought."Nasira could remark, Not really thinking that she herself also took things a lot more serious as well compared to other people. but she tried to be a good sport about it.

But suppose while Nasira was an extremely blunt and to the point woman, She would even some what feel like letting her own humour."I think your being to nice to me, After all. Surely I do stand no chance at all."Nasira really did not know how to make jokes she just knew how to slightly toy with a person.

But maybe that was a good thing, learn other things. She was always worried about self control. When at other things there was other things in her mind that bothered her."If it's casual play, Then play until the end it shall be."Nasira seemed to chuckle about it slightly. It was now time to maybe see if she could truly just unwind from just being serious all of the time.

Suppose that just mean while she was going to lose, there was not hard feelings about losing, it just meant it was a learning experience and she tried something, About it really. It was a nice little moment of pause before Nasira would just try again. Nasira would merely step forward towards Kaito and just take a wide horizontal swing at Kaito with her sword. It was a general and easy to dodge or counter attack from her.



The Flaming Beauty Vs The Wandering Dragon Slayer (Green) Empty Fri Oct 04, 2024 5:50 pm


Hearing what the woman said he laughed softly then spoke. "Yeah I held back but here I will actually give you a bit more of my serious then. Still do not count yourself short I just have more practice and time in growing my body and how I use it. You can also reach my level if you want to some day." He opened his eye to show the woman's weaknesses in herself and her equipment and he watched as she came in on him and he readied himself and he met with her sword again and his sword changed element again to nature to hit on her light blade and this time his swing clashing with her blade was stronger and a notable amount of damage was done to her sword making it look like it couldn't stand another attack like that and he smiled at her.

"Time for you to come at me one more time and lets end this there. Show me your burning soul!" He was trying to get her hyped up or excited as she had done well with this little sparring session that they were having and he sees potential in the woman that she might not see in herself as yes he out powered her but he can see that she is not that far off of being able to get her weapon training journey on the road if she wished to do so. He stood ready for her to make another attack on him with her best and he knows that she can do it .
(267) (904)

Kaito's spread:
"Action Log:


The Flaming Beauty Vs The Wandering Dragon Slayer (Green) Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 8:10 am

It seemed really as if he was trying to brighten his spirits, Nasira over all still had her normal harden resolve and still some what over all was just going to have be herself. while most's spirits would try and seem a bit more light hearted. Nasira almost seemed to merely just smile slightly about it.

While she felt a good sense of what that trying to be shown. What kind of spirit Kaito wanted to have her feel, But she was kind of just raised and shown to be. It was a shame Nasira was just raised to be a collected, calm at times even suppose to shown to be emotionless. Suppose not much was really getting Nasira to open up. But at least what she did.

A person always needed to work through a few things. But suppose she would just play along. It was a bit of a show. There was inspiration and Spirit, But she was always going to be serious of know. So it was just one last swing, as she figured it was not going to last much longer. So she would raise her sword high, Vertical swing downward towards him, It was simple but still trying in the end to do something.


Nasira Spread:


The Flaming Beauty Vs The Wandering Dragon Slayer (Green) Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 9:30 am


Kaito smiled as he sees the spark in her and he knows that she always told him of her training and that her master was a strong unwavering one but it seemed that the woman had that in spades on her own. Kaito seeing the woman coming at him and went at her as he was going to try and strike her as well a one for one and he wasn't going to hold back and he moved right into her strike his armor taking the hit and lessening the effect of the attack on it self and then rebounding damage from the attack back to her weapon and Kaito used the blunt side of his sword to hit the woman that was in front of him to end this fight as he knows that she is strong but he knows that his hit was stronger and would end with the woman being unable to keep going unless she had some kind of hidden power that she could call upon to get back up.
(174) (1,078)

Kaito's spread:
"Action Log:


The Flaming Beauty Vs The Wandering Dragon Slayer (Green) Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:23 pm

It was almost like Nasira new the entire time she really had no chance, but it was just maybe the chance just felt nice, But she was best and it was that she never really left it to bother her in the first place, Even if she had still kind of left herself as she was normally expecting it to be. Defeated, It was not much. But Nasira did not seem better.

In some manner the building of spirits and praise did help. Because in even with her thoughts, Some one would have told her it was entirely pointless to do this in the first place and it was embarrassing. Suppose this was how Nasira was far different from them. She did know there was a lesson to learn. Defeat was normal, After defeat just pick up and carry on with your life. It was just a normal wat of life.



Nasira Spread:


The Flaming Beauty Vs The Wandering Dragon Slayer (Green) Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 5:27 am


Kaito would make sure to help her out of the arena to the crowds cheering for her and her fight against the dragon slayer and he was going to make sure that she got something nice to eat and that they could enjoy and maybe catch up if she wanted to. Kaito can tell if she puts her mind to it she might just be a scary swords woman in the future. He thinks that he had finished his training journey but that didn't mean it was the end he would still need to get better and find weapons that he could enjoy and wield with pride and that was in thanks to her who had given him the last bit of some control he was going to need to make it count so he didn't over do it and accidently kill someone not matter their strength Nasira should be proud and he hopes to one day face her again and see what she had learned since last they clashed weapons.
(171) (1,249) (exit)

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