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Silver City [NQ 1]

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#1Lily Knight 

Silver City [NQ 1] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:15 pm

Lily Knight
In the grand city of Myras, where shimmering towers touched the skies and grand gardens adorned the estates of the elite, the Silver District stood as a beacon of wealth and prosperity. Its cobbled streets glistened in the sun, reflecting the grandeur of the aristocrats who thrived there. The scent of blooming flowers filled the air, mixing with the fragrant aroma of freshly baked pastries from the corner bakeries. Yet, just a few streets down, the Lower District painted a starkly different picture. The Lower District was a world of its own, a place where dreams faded and hopes were buried beneath the weight of poverty. Narrow alleys twisted and turned, leading to crumbling buildings that barely stood upright. The sounds of laughter were replaced by cries of despair, as families struggled to make ends meet. Despite the disparity, the people of the Lower District clung to a fierce spirit, a stubborn pride that had been forged through hardship. Lily's travels had her all over fiore and eventually she found herself in this bleak part of Myras for a quest. The warm sun above contrasted sharply with the cold atmosphere that enveloped the Lower District. As she wandered the streets, her heart ached for the people she encountered. Their tired faces spoke volumes, and their harsh reality ignited a fire within her, a determination to help in any way she could.

Lily had taken on a bit of a side gig that promised a decent payout, to retrieve a rare gemstone from a merchant who had set up shop in the Lower District. However, as she walked further into the heart of the area, she quickly realized that something else was at play here. It was here she stumbled upon a scene that would change all of her plans. Having heard some commotion ahead, voices raised in anger, and one that sounded like a cry for help Lily couldn't help herself. Drawn to the sounds, Lily pushed through the small crowd gathered around a merchant’s stall. There, in the middle of all the people, stood Lord Byron, a notorious noble from the Silver District, and next time him was his towering guard, Joe. They were engaged in a heated exchange with a frail woman named Wendy, who clutched a small child close to her side.

Lily's stomach twisted at the sight. Lord Byron, his fine clothes and polished demeanor starkly contrasting with the grime surrounding him, was trying to negotiate a deal that made her blood boil. “Please, I can’t sell my son!” Wendy’s voice trembled as she pleaded with Byron, desperation etched across her face. “He’s all I have left! I can’t!”
“Your son is nothing but a burden!” Byron sneered, his voice dripping with condescension. “My wife is ill, and we need a child. This is your chance to give him a better life!”
Lily stepped forward, her heart pounding in her chest. “You can’t do this! This child is not some item or tool to be traded! That is a human child who already has a mother!” Her voice rang over the talk of the crowd as she stepped forward.
Byron turned his gaze toward Lily, his expression shifting from annoyance to intrigue. “And who might you be, meddling in matters far beyond your understanding?”
“Just someone who knows right from wrong,” Lily replied, her voice steady despite the deep pitted feeling inside to knock the noble flat on his ass. “That boy has a mother, you can't just buy him. You’re taking advantage of her situation.”


Last edited by Lily Knight on Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

#2Lily Knight 

Silver City [NQ 1] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:17 pm

Lily Knight
Joe, a hulking figure with a brutish appearance, scoffed and stepped closer to Lily, his arms crossed over his chest. “You’d best back off, little girl. This is none of your business."
Lily felt a surge of anger, her fingers itching to channel her Dragon Slayer magic. “If you think I’ll stand by and let this happen, you’re mistaken.”
Byron’s eyes narrowed, and he gestured dismissively at Joe. “Handle this nuisance,” he ordered. Joe grinned, cracking his knuckles as he stepped forward, ready for a fight.
Wendy stepped protectively in front of her son, her voice trembling but firm. “No! Please, don’t hurt her! She’s just trying to help!”
“Get out of the way, woman!” Joe barked, and with that, he lunged at Lily.

Lily quickly tapped into her magic, feeling the familiar warmth rise within her. She focused on the earth beneath her feet, calling forth a wall of stone that erupted from the ground, creating a barrier between her and Joe. The guard slammed into it, stumbling back in surprise.
“Nice but useless magic,” Joe grunted, shaking off the shock. “But you’ll need more than that to stop me!”
“Maybe I will,” Lily retorted, summoning more earth to her side. She could feel the energy pulsing through her, ready to defend the innocent. “I won’t let you harm her or her child!”
Wendy clutched her son tightly, tears glistening in her eyes as she watched the confrontation unfold. “Please, don’t fight! Just leave us alone!”
Byron, frustrated by the escalating situation, stepped back, his expression shifting from annoyance to fear. “Joe, don’t be reckless! We need to leave now...We are drawing too much attention”
“Not without that boy!” Joe growled, adjusting his stance, determined to get past Lily’s barrier.
With a flick of her wrist, Lily sent a wave of earth spiraling toward Joe, attempting to trip him. The ground shook, and Joe stumbled but quickly regained his balance. He charged at her, ready to retaliate.

Lily braced herself, drawing on the strength of the earth around her. She twisted her hands, commanding the ground beneath Joe’s feet to rise and ensnare him. The soil obeyed, forming tendrils of stone that wrapped around Joe’s legs.
“Is that all you’ve got?” Joe scoffed, using sheer strength to break free. “You’ll need to try harder!”
As he charged again, Lily quickly raised her hands, channeling her energy into the ground. With a fierce shout, she unleashed a wave of earth magic, sending a tremor through the ground. The force knocked Joe off balance, sending him crashing into a nearby stall.
“Stop!” Byron shouted, his face pale as he realized the chaos unfolding. “We don’t need to escalate this! Just leave her and the boy!”
Lily, panting from exertion, focused her gaze on Byron. “You need to understand that what you’re doing is wrong! You can’t buy a child. He already has a home!”


Last edited by Lily Knight on Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

#3Lily Knight 

Silver City [NQ 1] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:18 pm

Lily Knight
Wendy, emboldened by Lily’s courage, stepped forward. “Please, Lord Byron! My son deserves better than to be sold to a stranger! He has a family that loves him!”
Byron’s expression wavered for a moment, a flicker of doubt crossing his features. But then, anger reasserted itself. “You’re making a mistake, girl! You think you can stand against me? I’ll see to it that you regret this!”
Lily’s heart raced as she prepared for the next confrontation, ready to unleash her magic if necessary. The ground beneath her feet hummed with energy, a reminder of her connection to the earth.

Before another attack could be made, the commotion had drawn a crowd. The people of the Lower District emerged from their homes, drawn by the shouting and the sound of destruction. Their eyes narrowed as they assessed the scene, Lily standing firm against the noble and his guard, and Wendy, desperately clinging to her son.
“Get away from them!” one of the onlookers shouted, brandishing a wooden stick as if it were a weapon.
“Yeah! You don’t belong here!” another voice echoed, and soon a wave of anger swept through the crowd. The residents of the Lower District gathered, fueled by the injustice they witnessed.
Byron glanced around, panic evident on his face as the tide shifted. “This isn’t over!” he shouted, desperation creeping into his voice. “Joe, we need to go!”

Joe, still recovering from the last attack, hesitated. “But the boy..”
“Now!” Byron snapped, his eyes darting to the advancing crowd.
As they turned to leave, Lily felt at anger, anger towards the nobles in this area at how they acted. “You can’t run from this! You can’t just walk away and pretend this didn’t happen!” she called after them.
The crowd erupted in cheers as Byron and Joe retreated, their presence fading into the distance. Lily felt a wave of relief wash over her, but it was short-lived as she turned to Wendy.
“Are you okay?” Lily asked, concern etched on her face.
Wendy nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I... I didn’t think anyone would help. Thank you, thank you so much!”
Lily smiled gently. “You’re not alone. We’ll make sure your son stays with you. I won’t let anyone take him.”

As the crowd began to disperse, a newfound sense of community filled the air. The people who had once been mere shadows in Lily’s eyes now stood united, ready to protect one another. Wendy, still trembling, clutched her son tightly, gratitude shining in her eyes. “Thank you for standing up for us,” she whispered, her voice barely audible above the chatter of the crowd.
“Of course,” Lily replied, her heart swelling with pride for the people around her. “We can’t let the rich treat the less fortunate like they’re nothing.”
But the victory was bittersweet. Lily knew that Lord Byron wouldn’t give up easily. His desperation for a child to fill the void left by his sick wife would drive him to seek other means. They needed a plan.

“Listen,” Lily began, her tone turning serious. “We need to protect your son. Byron is likely to come back, and next time, he may bring more than just his guard.”
Wendy nodded, fear creeping back into her expression
“But what can we do? I’m just a fruit seller.”
“You’re more than that,” Lily insisted. “You have the heart of a warrior. And you’re not alone in this. We’ll gather others, form a plan.”


Last edited by Lily Knight on Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

#4Lily Knight 

Silver City [NQ 1] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:25 pm

Lily Knight
Over the next few days, Lily worked tirelessly to gather allies from the Lower District. Word spread quickly about the confrontation, and people began to rally together.  Wendy took on a leadership role among the vendors, her determination igniting the spirits of those around her. She had become a symbol of hope, representing the strength that existed within the community. Everyone had already grown tired of the nobles coming to the lower district and doing whatever they pleased. No one ever helped them so it was time to help themselves.

As they convened in a small, dimly lit room above a bakery, Lily laid out her plan. “We’ll create a distraction to draw Byron’s attention away from Wendy and her son. We can’t let him get close again.”
“But how do we do that?” one man asked, uncertainty clouding his features.

“We’ll use our strengths,” Lily replied. “I know someone that can create illusions with magic, disguises that will make it seem like Wendy is somewhere else. We just need to keep them occupied long enough for her and her son to escape.”
The room buzzed with excitement as plans began to take shape. They discussed locations, timings, and tactics, all while maintaining a sense of urgency. Lily could feel the power of unity growing stronger with each passing moment.

On the night of their plan, the streets of the Lower District were alive with anticipation. Lanterns flickered along the alleys, casting warm shadows that danced across the cobblestones. Lily stood at the center of a group, her heart racing as she prepared for what lay ahead. “Remember,” she said, her voice steady but filled with emotion, “we’re not just doing this for Wendy and her son, we are going to show all the nobles that they can't have free reign here, and we’re showing Lord Byron that he can’t just take what he wants.”

With a deep breath, Lily watched as her close friend weaved their magic creating a shadowy figure that resembled Wendy and her son while also disguising Lily. Sending the illusion out and waiting as it moved in one direction, leading the guards away.
“Now!” Lily shouted, her heart pounding as the group sprang into action. They scattered through the streets, creating a cacophony of noise and chaos to divert attention. As Joe and Byron emerged from the shadows, Lily focused on the distraction she had created. “Over here!” she called out, her voice carrying across the distance. “She’s this way!”
Byron’s eyes widened as he caught sight of the illusion, and with a snarl, he ordered Joe to pursue. “Don’t let her get away!”
Lily watched as they chased the illusion, a mixture of hope and dread swirling in her chest. “Now, Wendy! Go!”
Wendy, with her son held tightly in her arms, darted in the opposite direction, her heart racing as she fled from the danger. She had never been more terrified or more determined in her life.


Last edited by Lily Knight on Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

#5Lily Knight 

Silver City [NQ 1] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:25 pm

Lily Knight
As the guards pursued the illusion, Lily knew they had only a limited window of opportunity. She turned to the gathering crowd, urgency in her voice. “We need to protect Wendy and her son! If we work together, we can drive them back!”
With a roar of agreement, the people of the Lower District rallied behind her. They positioned themselves strategically, ready to confront the noble and his guard. Lily could see Byron and Joe returning, frustration and rage etched on their faces as they realized they had been tricked. “Get that girl!” Byron shouted, his voice echoing through the narrow streets.
“Stop!” Lily called out, standing firm as the guards approached. “You will not take them!”
“Who do you think you are?” Joe barked, his fists clenched tightly as he advanced. “You think you can stand against us?”

Lily summoned her magic once more, feeling the earth respond to her call. “You don’t have to do this! You’re fighting against the people, against the very heart of Myras!”
Byron hesitated, and in that moment, the crowd surged forward, emboldened by Lily’s courage. They stood together, united against the tyranny of the rich.“This is our home!” one of the vendors shouted. “You can’t bully us anymore!”
With the people rallying behind her, Lily felt an overwhelming surge of strength. She raised her hands, channeling her magic into the ground. “You want a fight? Then we’ll give you one!”

The earth trembled beneath them as she summoned a wall of stone to rise between them and the advancing guards. “Back off, or you’ll face the consequences!” Byron’s eyes narrowed, and he stepped back, realizing the depth of the resolve before him. “You think you can intimidate me? I’ll have you all thrown in prison!" But the words had lost their weight. The crowd stood strong, unwavering in their stance.  Lily turned her gaze toward Byron, her eyes fierce. “You may have power, but they have something you’ll never understand: community. We stand together, and they won’t let you mess with their lives!”

The standoff stretched on, tensions high as the crowd awaited Byron’s next move. But as the minutes passed, uncertainty crept into Byron’s expression. Finally, he turned on his heel, shouting over his shoulder, “This isn’t over! You’ll regret this!” With that, he retreated, dragging Joe behind him as they vanished into the shadows of the Silver District.The crowd erupted into cheers, a wave of relief washing over them as they realized they had succeeded. Lily felt her heart swell with pride, surrounded by the people who had stood together to protect what was right. Wendy stepped forward, her eyes filled with gratitude and admiration.
“Thank you, Lily,” she said, her voice trembling with emotion. “You saved us.”
Lily smiled softly, knowing that it had been the strength of the community that had made the difference. “No, we saved each other. This is just the beginning.”


Last edited by Lily Knight on Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

#6Lily Knight 

Silver City [NQ 1] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:25 pm

Lily Knight
Days turned into weeks, and as the dust settled, Lily continued her quest to help the people of the Lower District. She became a familiar face among the vendors, often joining them in their daily routines. Wendy and her son found a new sense of security, and the bond between them grew stronger each day. They became a symbol of resilience, and Lily worked alongside them to empower the community further. Together, they held meetings to discuss their plans, building alliances with neighboring districts. The spirit of unity spread, and the people began to believe in their own strength.

Lily knew the road ahead would be long and challenging, but as she looked around at the faces of those who had become her family, she felt an unshakable sense of hope. They had faced the darkness and emerged stronger, and together, they would continue to fight for what was right. Those of the lower district were so grateful to Lily for helping them and giving them the strength to run off any unsavory nobles. They got together what they could and paid Lily a pretty hefty amount.


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