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The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani]

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#1Felix De Luca 

The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Empty Sat May 06, 2023 5:11 pm

Felix De Luca
Felix counted each coin in his hand carefully. "Twenty four, twenty five..." He quietly said to himself before slipping the money into his pouch having confirmed he'd not been cheated. A smile grew upon his face as he put said bag into his pocket and walked along the road. "They don't con with coin around here." Grand Harbor was a good town for a mercenary like him. It seemed like every man, woman and child had a job for him, each willing to negotiate to his heart's content about the exact payout. From Felix's understanding this exchange of work and commerce was being pretty pushed by the government around here. Chances are one day they wouldn't need to appeal to foreign mercenaries like him as much, so for the time being he ought to stick around and take advantage of the present.

Felix was renting a little apartment near the center of Grand Harbor, one of many that had been newly constructed to appeal to foreign workers. He'd managed to become quite familiar with the area around it - he knew which streets would get him out of the neighborhood the fastest, he knew the best places to buy supplies and he knew which of his neighbors were eligible bachelorettes. But perhaps most importantly of all, he knew which taverns were worth spending his time in and which weren't. Tonight's destination was The Flying Boar - the best in the area. While he did occasionally visit The Winking Robot, a rowdy but fun place or The White Ale, a more generic but still good type of establishment, he found that on some nights he enjoyed the more peaceful, less crowded vibe that The Flying Boar gave off. It was tucked away in a little street corner between bookstores and antique shops. Easy to miss, unlike the two others he had considered, with their big signs and well placed locations right on major street corners.

But that was the thing about The Flying Boar. Less people came, but each one found it for a reason. Perhaps they were curious, perhaps they were lost, perhaps they were crazy - there was nobody generic here, not that he had met since arriving. One man from two nights ago had so many tales of monster-slaying accidents that he might as well write a best-selling book about it, and another was a master painter who only came to such a quiet tavern thanks to that refined contrarianism that so many of the finest artists possess. Felix would almost say he was the least special man there, but that was a lie - he thought far too highly of himself to ever admit that!

Felix took his seat at the counter, the barkeeper smiling on approach. "Ah, Felix! Been half a week since we last saw you, eh? Though you might've finally gotten bored of this little place." Felix didn't even need to order his drink, the bartender already making it as he walked in. 'Heh, you're far too humble. This place is the strangest thing on Earthland, bar none." The bartender passed Felix his favorite as he spoke. "As flattering as always my friend. I've got to go fetch something from the cellar - if I could be less humble for a moment, do you mind watching the bar to make sure nobody gets some smart ideas in the few minutes I'm gone?" He asked, Felix making an affirmative sound as he drank. "You don't even need to ask." He'd finally say as he lifted the cup away from his lips. [color:4c9d=ff99cc]"I won't take my eyes off the back for a single second."

The bartender's smile turned even warmer. "Thanks a million." He'd say, hurrying past the door that led to a place that only the employees could go. Felix then had his eyes on the bar for a single second... before quickly setting them free on the rest of the building, seeing just who was here tonight.


The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Empty Tue Jul 18, 2023 6:12 pm



The Sylvan Fay

Atani hadn't been in Talaz Lagaar long, just long enough to settle and understand her role in the crisis that currently befell the land. Much of what was going on went far beyond her abilities as a mage, but the one thing she was still able to do was help those impacted by the plague. Even with her magic on the fritz, she had years of medical training beneath her belt, something that the so-called "doctors" of Talaz Lagaar sorely lacked; she was still able to help in ways dozens of others could not. Atani's stay in the land was not all work, however. In addition to a vested interest in the Fractured Sky phenomenon, she also made it a point to familiarize herself with the inner workings of the Mechanical City. If that just so happened to bring her to a bar in the Grand Harbor, so be it.

A small place tucked in the corner of the city streets, The Flying Boar, piqued the wood elf's interest. She hadn't necessarily heard many things about it, but at first glance it seemed to be a kind of place she'd frequent back in Orchidia... It couldn't hurt to take a peak inside.

The bar didn't appear to be busy at all. Whether that meant this place was a hidden gem, or just not that good at all, Atani would just have to find out for herself. She approached an empty seat at the bar top, but strangely enough, it didn't seem that the bartender was there. The mage's green eyes darted around as they tried to find where to get some service.

@ Felix

The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#3Felix De Luca 

The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Empty Tue Jul 18, 2023 6:51 pm

Felix De Luca
Old guy. Old guy with an eyepatch that made him seem mysterious. Construction worker. Construction worker's girlfriend. She was cute. Good for him. Washed-up... comedian? His suit was rather funny. He looked like someone had just stolen all of his money and half his pride though, poor guy. Felix assessed each of the customers around the bar, finding none of them particularly interesting. It didn't seem like there were any women worth chasing either, at last not without having to worry about a contruction beam being rammed into his stomach while he slept. But then that all changed. She walked in.

There were many things that could make a person's appearance stand out. Clothing was one of them - a good example being the old man with the patch. A person's facial features or hair could as well. As could their body. In Felix's experiences Fiore had, quite frankly, a lot of very exceptional and unique people. This was especially true among mages and adventurers. It seemed like everyone had the fashion sense of a play's main character. Some of the hairstyles he had seen looked more like a pretentious artist's sculpture. Faces were often at least alright and so many women had a ridiculously large chest that it wasn't really ridiculous anymore.  But this girl was different. She was different because she surpassed so many in all of the right ways.

Her hair was tastefully short yet its bright blonde color was a delight to look at. Her top was well chosen and the bright blue worked well with both her hair and eyes. But Felix would be lying if he said those took up the majority of his attention. Instead it was when she walked past him towards the other side that he knew he had to speak to her. He had seen countless people in his life as a wandering mecenary. But never before had that side of someone been so perfect - and in the perfect outfit no less. It turned out that he would spend a hell of a lot of time looking in the complete opposite direction of the bar.

Felix turned to face her. "Bartender's out for now, but I can tend to you." His lines were about as usual - a mix of horrible and bad, somehow finding their mark despite the arrow being made of duct tape and straw. He quickly invited himself behind the counter, playing at being a bartender and grabbing a glass effortlessly, as if he had worked here for many years. "Tell me your name and you'll get a discount." He flashed her a smile, raising an eyebrow a little bit. "What can I get you, Ms...?"


The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Empty Tue Jul 18, 2023 8:17 pm



The Sylvan Fay

While Atani scanned the restaurant, no doubt looking quite lost, a young man-- he appeared to be around her age-- took notice of the elf. And now that she was paying attention, she of him. Atani gave him a once over, a swift look up and down as he stepped behind the bar to help her out. The way he spoke, the way he dressed, he didn't seem like one of the locals who more often than not reminded Atani all too much of Bosco. He was quick. Charming. He made no hesitation to try and get her name. And hell, if she really was going to get a discount out of it, why not play along?

"What can I get you, Ms...?"

"Atani," she replied with a grin of her own. "I don't know, what's good at this place? Mr... "

Though he didn't sound to be from Bosco or Talaz Lagaar, he certainly knew his way around the bar. Or at least, he appeared to. In any case, she found it safe to take the gamble and trust his judgement. Still, she couldn't help but wonder...

"Are you... from around here? Talaz Lagaar? Or... " Hopefully her skepticism was apparent enough. They were, after all, speaking in perfect Fiorian, but the man seemed to be quite at home behind the bar with a glass in his hand.

@ Felix

The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#5Felix De Luca 

The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Empty Tue Jul 18, 2023 8:31 pm

Felix De Luca
Felix had spoken with quite a number of people since he had gotten here and almost all had been multi-lingual in some way so he had begun to just assume people would know one of his languages. He was lucky enough to not have to switch over. "De Luca. Felix De Luca. As for what's good in this place..." Felix turned back towards the shelf, reaching up towards a bottle near the top without hesitation. It was a rather easy task for someone as tall as himself. "Is this. You might be telling me your secrets in a few minutes though." He jokingly warned, spinning around and opening the bottle. It was rum. The liquid poured somewhat quickly into the glass yet he still managed to pull the bottle away at just the last second before the entire counter was soaked. "Name discount's 50. Beauty discount's 50. Go ahead." He gestured at the glass, smiling even wider at her before slipping the bottle away. He would probably have a bit later, especially if she brought it up.

"No, I'm not from around here. I guess you could call me a... wanderer looking for work. It's hard to focus on work in a city as amazing as this though. Would be like eating a salad first when there's a steak right there." Contrary to his words Felix didn't actually harbor any distaste towards salads. "And yourself?" He turned around again, stepping forward towards the part of the counter she sat at and resting one of his hands on it. Even when leaning on the counter the sheer height difference between the two was very apparent. He looked down on her eyes, admiring their color. It was a rare color where he was from. "Fiorian elf, I take it? What do you plan to do all the way out here? I certainly hope it's me."


The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Empty Tue Jul 18, 2023 10:03 pm



The Sylvan Fay

Felix De Luca. Quite the Fiorian name. Ignoring the fact the two were speaking the language fluently between one another, it appeared her assumption had been correct. She eyed the man curiously, raising a brow as he reached for one of the top shelf items. The label was of some brand she had never seen nor heard of in Fiore, but she could make out the word 'rum' somewhere along it. It wasn't her usual poison, but what was in a place like this.

"Damn, that's quite the pour." Atani watched as Felix filled the glass with the expensive liquor to a level just shy of the rim. Needless to say, she was shocked to hear it was free. Flattered, of course, but shocked nonetheless.

"You're sure?" She was already raising her glass. "Cheers, then."

Atani brought the glass to her nose. She gently wafted the dark liquid before taking a sip. It was sweet-- sweeter than her usual mead-- but with deeper tones. "Hmm, good choice," she complimented before setting the glass back down. Felix then went on to explain how he was a 'wanderer.' Someone just looking for work. She gazed up as he leaned in towards her.

"Athalran, actually," she corrected, propping her chin in the palm of her hand. "But Fiore too, more or less. And as for that... " Atani gently laughed and shook her head. "Do you always come on this strong to girls?"

If he replied with something as cheap as 'only the pretty ones...' Gods, she was going to need all the rum in her glass for this one.

@ Felix

The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#7Felix De Luca 

The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Empty Tue Jul 18, 2023 10:19 pm

Felix De Luca
Felix was rather happy to hear that Atani approved of his pouring skills. In truth he had once served as a bartender for a while after receiving an injury on the job. that prevented him from fighting. It was a rather amazing and relaxing way to spend a few months. "Athalran? Never been there, but I will one day. Far too many interesting places in the world sometimes... hard to make room for each one." In a sense he talked as though he was muttering to himself. While Felix would certainly love to visit every single location in the entire world he knew it was impossible. He hoped he'd get to visit somewhere as signifigant as Athalran eventually though.

Felix smirked to himself and let out the smallest of half-chuckles at her reply. He was a bigger fan of her every second. "I'm not that forward with any girl at all." He placed his other hand on the counter now, leaning slightly down towards her - though definitely nowhere near close enough to be right up in her face. "A body like your's isn't one I'd associate with anybody but... a goddess, perhaps." It was perhaps one of the boldest things he had ever said within 5 minutes of meeting someone but he couldn't help himself. It was also among the cheesiest, yet it really didn't feel that way. For some reason or another this particular lady just made him unable to stop himself. Why? Even he had moment of ocassional self-restraint. The fact of the matter was that he knew exactly why. That same reason why would probably cause him to say and do at least 12 other stupid things by the end of the hour. "Anything else this mere mortal can do for you?" He asked, his eyebrow raised.


The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Empty Tue Jul 18, 2023 11:24 pm



The Sylvan Fay

"I'm not that forward with any girl at all."

Yeah right.

Felix inched ever so closer. Atani took another sip of her drink. She chose an awful time to do so, considering Felix's next choice of words. A goddess? The elf nearly choked. She reflexively shifted her hand from her chin to her lip in an attempt to cover a cough that never came.

"Oh, I like this one," Yuan teased from within her mind. Atani could almost see the wicked smirk she doubtlessly had on inside of there.

"A goddess, huh? That's a first." It made the girl wonder just how many times Felix has tried that line before; furthermore, how many times it actually worked. It came out all too effortlessly for him not to have pondered it before. Calling himself a mortal all but confirmed it. Or proved he really was that naturally cheesy.

"I suppose you can pour yourself a drink, seeing as I'm not finishing mine any time soon. And it doesn't really look like you're playing bartender for the other patrons here."

Which meant he probably wasn't really on duty for the bartender... Wherever they were.

@ Felix

The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#9Felix De Luca 

The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Empty Tue Jul 18, 2023 11:53 pm

Felix De Luca
"If it's a first then clearly nobody's been looking at the right angle." He had to wonder if she knew about how amazing it was. How much it completely trumped all the competition no matter where she went. She had to have, right? Then again, people on Earthland were weird sometimes. "I see your... divine sight has also clued you in~" He joked, the face of being a bartender being thrown out the window as he went to search through the bottles again. "I'm the bartender's favorite, so I get to watch after the bar while he's gone. Though depending on how you look at it his opinion could be upside down." Felix began drinking straight out of the bottle almost the moment he found it. Good stuff. He never quite liked glasses, as barbaric as such a line sounded.

"I'm sure he'll understand." He winked, leaning on the corner of the counter which was pretty close to Atani anyways. "So what brings you to this bar specifically, Atani? I find it very interesting in some respects. Everytime I come here I always think about how everyone's... weird." Feliix took yet another drink as he started to shove more of the stuff all the way down his throat. Clearly he had no more intentions of holding himself back. That bartender was taking wayyyyy too long to get back. "Beauty aside, nothing stands out as weird about you... yet. Go on, spill your secrets. Spill your heart too, if you don't mind. Felix doubted she would just start talking so early and so easily, but you never know. He had found that a mix of charm and luck had gotten him many places before - and he had felt incredibly lucky since the moment he saw Atani walk in.


The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Empty Thu Jul 20, 2023 7:52 pm



The Sylvan Fay

Atani watched as Felix took a bottle of his choosing and drank it straight. Somewhat amused, somewhat skeptical, maybe a tad appalled. Even if he was the bartender's favorite, that was quite the bold move.

Well, he knew what he liked, she supposed.

"When I go out to new places like these, I guess I try to find something familiar in them, you know? This place reminded me of this quiet tavern I would sometimes go to when I lived in Orchidia-- if you know that area."

Atani took another sip of her drink and crossed her legs beneath the bar. A smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. She wasn't anywhere deep enough into her glass to start pouring her heart out to some stranger, even to someone as handsome as Felix. It would take much more than cheap flirts and free drinks to get her talking.

"You're still far from getting my secrets just yet, but we can start out with something else first... For instance, you called yourself a 'wanderer?' Me, I'm a mage by profession, which has its own fair share of wandering." With a twirl of her hand, a spiral of glowing water spun around the limb before disappearing into the air.

@ Felix

The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#11Felix De Luca 

The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Empty Tue Aug 08, 2023 11:55 pm

Felix De Luca
"I can't say I know Orchidia that well, but I've been there at least a couple times. Too mossy for my tastes, I think. I'm more of a desert or snow town kinda guy. Port towns are cool too." Felix considered ranking every archetype of town but he stopped himself. He'd have to say that forest towns were definitely low on the list though. Best not mention that to an elf. "As for my profession, it's technically a mercenary. Served for a pretty reputable company of them, but everyone else got a little too old for that life. So now I look for new jobs myself. It's a good excuse to go to many places and meet cute elves in bars, you know." He smirked at her, taking another drink. He felt so forward tonight. Why? If he fumbled this girl then he'd be missing out on the best rear in all of Earthland, hands down. But he never really considered if he'd fail or not. He was him. He'd succeed before the night ended, obviously.

"But tell you what. I can tell just by the way you look that you've had countless handsome young men approach you and tell you how they're oh-so well traveled. But let me show you I'm more than just well-traveled. Ask me about any detail about a town in Fiore and I'll give you a completely true answer. Go on, think of a little quiz for me. If you manage to beat me I'll let you ask me a question that isn't boring." He joked, wondering if she'd even bite. Most people would probably take a moment to think of some challenging piece of trivia about a country. He just hoped to god it wasn't about Orchidia. "Same goes to me. If I get it right I might open up a secret from that chest of your's." His eyes moved down a little bit. "Treasure chest, of course."


The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Empty Wed Aug 09, 2023 9:53 pm



The Sylvan Fay

Desert or snow kinda guy? Atani hardly liked to entertain the thought.

"Really? I suppose those have their own certain charm," she offhandedly said, though she didn't quite mean it. They would just have to agree to disagree there.

Atani listened as Felix explained what he did for a living. A mercenary, huh? From the sounds of it, he was completely freelance. It wasn't something out of the ordinary, especially for people from Fiore, but to Atani who had practically been part of a guild for her entire career, she couldn't imagine doing anything else.

"Oh, is that so?" she playfully raised a brow to his comment and took a sip from her glass. "You ever considered joining a guild?"

Surely he'd at least have thought about it, especially if he was indeed as well-travelled as he claimed he was.

"Alright then..." She eyed him carefully, not quite knowing what to ask him just yet. "I'll be nice and skip Orchidia, so how about... ?" She thought for a moment or two, then settled on something from a town she hadn't visited in years.

"Ever been to Dahlia?" she began, "What sort of things lurk in the forest there, in Aldenwald?"

@ Felix

The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#13Felix De Luca 

The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Empty Wed Oct 04, 2023 3:16 pm

Felix De Luca
"Joining a guild, huh?"" Felix had never really been one for the more organized structure of a guild. While he was part of a band of mercenaries in the past something along those lines was much more informal than a guild. Guilds seemed to fancy themselves as being important and structured while a group of mercenaries was really nothing more than a group of greedy men looking to tackle jobs as a group rather than risk having their head blown off in the pursuit of a few thousand jewels. "Can't say I have before. No guild's ever been interesting enough to sign up for - besides the one you're a part of, if there is one?" He raised his eyebrow, smirk rising. He'd do just about anything for this chance, even get a tacky tattoo.

Felix was of course rather familiar with Dahlia. He'd been there less than some other towns in Fiore but he tended to remember it more. It was the kind of place that you couldn't forget - for all the wrong reasons. At the very least it wasn't boring. "While I'm sure you'd like to hear there are ghosts, that kind of fantastical answer is rather booring." Felix delivered the pun without any real fanfare, almost as if he barely noticed he made it himself. "No, the lycans are what you'll actually find. Hideous beasts - they're your antonym for sure. Now let's see..." Felix was bold to assume he had the right answer and pressed his fingers to his mouth gently, thinking of what exactly to ask her. There were far too many things he was curious about. Ultimately he decided to let her pick the secret - it was a good way of learning how her mind worked, what things she was most willing to give up. It gave him clues on the things she was actually hiding. "Your choice. Give me a secret. One you think I'd like."


The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 10:21 pm



The Sylvan Fay

There was a time in her life when Atani would have found it strange to be averse to the prospect of joining a guild. After all, she had joined one at such a young age. But after everything she's been through-- after Lamia Scale and Infinity Wolves-- gods, she was a Rune Knight now for Sayha's sake. A Rune Knight. Hearing Felix's question, she sat back in her chair.

"Sadly not," she simply said. "I used to be, but not anymore."

The Magic Council didn't count. They were a governing body, not a guild, and Atani rarely saw necessity in telling a stranger she belonged. Beyond that, she did not elaborate. She also did not find necessity in dumping her past onto a stranger, lest he truly wanted to know about her guildship.

Concerning her question about Dahlia, Felix answered it correctly, albeit a tad unsavory.

"Hideous beasts - they're your antonym for sure."

Many regarded lycanthropy as a curse. And Atani, unfortunately, knew a thing or two about being cursed. But she supposed she understood where Felix was coming from. In any case, it was her turn to give an answer of her own-- confess a secret.

"Hmm." She pondered on it. The elf had many secrets, many of which required far more explanation than she was ready to give, but there was one that could work.

"Earlier, you called me a goddess?" She could almost feel Yuan rising to attention at the mention of the word. "I... may have recently acquired the power of one."

Though she didn't quite know how to prove it, not without transforming before him, and she did not yet feel her control of Yuan was good enough to safely do so in a civilian setting.

@ Felix

The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#15Felix De Luca 

The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 10:44 pm

Felix De Luca
"Well, the power you hold over me is certainly that of..."" Felix's instinct to instantly throw another line out was interrupted by a thought. A season traveler like him heard many tales. It was not as though there wasn't a precedent set for people who had been spirited away by a god or demon before. Who's to say the lady in front of him wasn't another who had been made the host of one? Felix's gaze grew more contemplative, as though he was - for the first time this conversation - not thinking as a male but rather as a normal person. Crazy how that works. "Stories around Fiore would suggest you're most certainly not the first." He commented, now clasping his hands a little while leaning on the counter.

Felix studied Atani as though he was staring down a patient at a clinic. "What makes you think so exactly?" He asked, looking at her from the side now. Nice profile. "Not much difference between a nutjob and a blessed person these days. Guess there never was one, come to think of it..." He alternated to the other side. "Still though, you seem a little too moderate to be crazy..." His words were now like mutters. He had noticed how calmly Atani had been reacting to his endless attempts in the past few minutes. Most would either jump on board or abandon ship within the first couple. "But you certainly have me intrigued. So? What's your theory?" Felix had certainly seen a great deal on his travels but one touched by the gods was not among them. This chance was not one he could pass up. Even if it was probably a fluke. "Did some goddess get jealous of your body and decide to rent it for herself or something? Or was it the other way around?"


The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:38 pm



The Sylvan Fay

Atani rolled her eyes at what she expected to be yet another tacky comment from Felix, but much to her surprise, his voice trailed off. Her gaze softened, then drew inquisitive. He... seemed to be taking her statement seriously now. He conceded she wouldn't have been the first to have the power of a goddess-- that was true. Atani knew of many mages with such power. He then seemed to question if this was a matter of fanaticism or divinity, for there was "not much difference between a nutjob and a blessed person these days."

That was also true.

He asked what her 'theory' was. Well, it was less of a theory and more of a fact, but the mage was happy to entertain his thoughts. As she was thinking just how to word her explanation, Felix vouched a surprisingly accurate guess as to how she obtained her powers, so much so that the shock was evident on her face.

"Actually... you're not too far off." She slowly sipped on her drink as she contemplated just how much she was willing to share. Felix had already guessed a lot. There wasn't too much harm in divulging more, but she couldn't exactly spill the details of what happened in the Void.

"I found something here, in Talaz Lagaar, that led me to a deity. She was trapped so I freed her... sorta. You could say she gave me some power as a 'gift' but it's ah... complicated."

"It's not really," Yuan replied in her mind, but Atani pushed the thought aside. It was. At least for the purposes of this conversation.

@ Felix

The Best Places are Often Overlooked [Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

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