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Luna's D-Rank Water Spells

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#1Luna Nightshade 

Luna's D-Rank Water Spells Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 2:17 pm

Luna Nightshade
Luna's D-rank Water Spells

Luna's D-Rank Water Spells Juvia-s-Water-Slicer
Name: Water Slicer
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Water Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Water/Ice
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: Luna swipes her arm and hand down, and a blue magic circle appears in front as she does so. She creates 2 to 4 curved blades made of water and ice. Each is 2 feet in size and deals 1 d rank worth of slashing damage. The damage is reduced by a 1/4 for each blade she conjures.

Luna's D-Rank Water Spells Ezgif-2-d487a08a29
Name: Water Body
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25(per post)
Requirements: Water Magic
Type: Defensive
Element: Water/Ice
Range: Self
Cooldown: 1 post long than the duration
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Small, blue magic seals appear all over Luna's body, turning it into water. In this form, Luna can freely change between semi-solid and liquid forms. While this spell is active, Luna only takes half the damage from spells of the same rank and takes 3/4 of the damage from one rank higher. Any damage from physical attacks, such as a punch or a projectile with no magical enhancement will be negated. This spell can not reduce damage from spells or magically enhanced weapons of b-rank or higher. Alternatively, in the semi-solid form, Luna can coat her body in a thin layer of ice, causing spells of elements strong against water to deal the same damage as normal. It costs 25 extra mana per post this spell is sustained

Luna's D-Rank Water Spells Water-lock
Name: Water Lock
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25(per post)
Requirements: Water Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Water/Ice
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 1 post long than the duration
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Luna stretches out her hand towards a person and a blue magic circle appears before it. She creates a large sphere of water 6 feet high and 6 feet wide to trap a person inside. While trapped inside the sphere the target will be unable to breathe and have trouble moving. The sphere can withstand up to 2 D-rank damage spells before it bursts. Any person taller than 6 ft will not be able to be trapped by the sphere. Additionally, Luna can encase the bubble in a thin layer of ice to obscure the target's vision and lower their body temperature. This spell will cost Luna an extra 25 mana per post to sustain it.

Luna's D-Rank Water Spells Water-Cane
Name: Water Whip
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25(per post)
Requirements: Water Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Water/Ice
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 1 post long than the duration
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Luna holds her hand out straight in a pose as if she's holding something. A blue magic circle appears in front as she conjures up a whip made of semi-solid water which she can coat in a thin layer of ice. The whip is about 5 meters long but can be extended up to 10 meters. Luna can use her whip to lash at someone or even bind them. The whip does D-rank slashing damage. For every post the whip remains conjured will take an additional 25 mana to sustain it

Luna's D-Rank Water Spells Luna_s10
#2Frør Valkyrie 

Luna's D-Rank Water Spells Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 12:10 pm

Frør Valkyrie

D rank spells do not exceed 5 meters in range.

Water Slicer: Spells cannot be reduced below D rank damage. This spell can only work as a one instance kind. Example: the use of the spell is just a flat D rank but your flavor it to be blades. Note this is also a single target spell as it’s presented now.

Water Body: With a D rank spell you block 1 C rank damage. That is all there is to that mechanic and that is all that will be approved at this stage. Note this is a D rank starter spell with the mana cost of 25. The extra additions will have to be removed.
Now since I see you are mixing 2 elements, note that they will be half of a spell’s rank. So in this case, your spell blocks C rank damage, 1 D=water/1 D=ice. You can note that for calculations in the further for a fight.

Water Lock: Spell Dimension: The maximum dimension of a spell is dependent on its rank, and are as follows:
D-Rank Maximum Dimension: 0.25-Meter Diameter

AoE Size: The maximum area an AoE spell can cover is limited by its rank, and are as follows:
D-Rank AoE: 1-Meter Diameter

Those are a the measurements for D rank spells. Keep that in mind.

“Additionally, Luna can encase the bubble in a thin layer of ice to obscure the target's vision and lower their body temperature.” NOTE that only light/dark can blind and require A/S rank spells to do it. There is also no mechanics for temperature here so that would have to be flavor within a fight.

Also, this looks like it is meant to be. Bind. You should word it as such. And with a bind it takes strength to break out or for your opponent to pay the mana cost of the spell. Note that instead.

Water Whip:Offense spells cannot be sustained. So they are instant. Also, you cannot mix spell types in one spell. So you cannot make an offense/supplementary(bind).
Note the D rank spell dimensions i provided up above and that D rank spells are at most 5 meters in range.

Please revise all your spells and submit the revisions in review when done.

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