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The Era of La Luna [Moon Tarot]

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The Era of La Luna [Moon Tarot] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 1:43 pm


The Hargeon Lighthouse stood tall and proud against the darkened sky, its rotating beacon a steady pulse of light cutting through the thick sea fog. The shallow waves lapped at the jagged rocks that surrounded the lighthouse, casting faint echoes that mingled with the whispers of the wind. Hargeon’s coast, always so full of life during the day, seemed haunted at night—a perfect hunting ground for creatures of the dark. And tonight, the air was thick with their scent.

Rhea Alvarez, Rune Knight Sergeant and Light Dragon Slayer, crouched low behind a weathered boulder. Her sharp, golden eyes scanned the narrow path leading up to the lighthouse. It had once been a symbol of hope for weary sea travelers, a place of guidance and safety. But now, it had become something far darker, an apex of dread where the creatures of the night gathered to prey on those foolish enough to venture close.

“Are you sure this is the right place?” Lector whispered beside her, his small feline frame trembling despite his bravado.

Rhea glanced down at the Exceed, his red fur glistening under the moonlight. “I can smell them, Lector. They are close. Stay hidden when the fight starts.”

Lector huffed, trying to mask his nervousness with arrogance. “I could handle a few vampires myself, you know.”

Last edited by Rhea on Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:08 pm; edited 1 time in total


The Era of La Luna [Moon Tarot] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 1:47 pm


Rhea smirked, gripping the hilt of her dagger, God Hunter, with one hand while the other adjusted the fit of her black dragonic claw weapon on her left arm. Her senses were heightened in the stillness of the night. The scent of blood, decay, and the stale air of undeath clung to the wind. It wasn’t just vampires. There was something… ancient here.

“They are using the lighthouse as a feeding ground,” Rhea muttered, narrowing her eyes as she rose to her feet. “I can feel them circling. We need to finish this quickly before they take another victim.”

With a swift movement, she advanced toward the towering structure, her steps light but determined. The ground beneath her feet was uneven and damp, the sea mist mixing with the earthy scent of moss that clung to the rocks. Above, the lighthouse’s beacon rotated lazily, its light slicing through the fog every few seconds like the slow blink of an ancient eye.

As she approached the base of the lighthouse, Rhea caught sight of her targets. Three vampires lingered near the entrance, their glowing red eyes scanning the horizon. Dressed in ragged, dark clothes, their pale skin and elongated fangs glistened in the faint light of the moon. They moved with the fluidity of predators, unaware of the hunter that was about to descend upon them.


The Era of La Luna [Moon Tarot] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 1:57 pm


Rhea wasted no time. Her body moved with the grace of a seasoned warrior, and in an instant, she was upon them.

The first vampire didn’t even have time to scream. Rhea's clawed weapon tore through its chest, severing bone and sinew with ease as light magic erupted from the wound, reducing the creature to ash. The second vampire, faster than the first, lunged at her with a snarl, fangs bared. Rhea spun on her heel, her dagger catching the moonlight as she plunged it into the creature’s heart, unleashing a surge of magic that sent a shockwave through its body, disintegrating it in seconds.

The last vampire, sensing its impending doom, attempted to flee, its inhuman speed carrying it toward the darkness of the cliffs. But Rhea was faster. She raised her clawed hand, and with a shout, released a concentrated blast of light magic, a beam of pure radiance that struck the vampire mid-leap. The creature screamed as it was engulfed in the brilliance, its form turning to dust before it could reach the safety of the shadows.

Rhea stood still, her breathing steady despite the intensity of the fight. The cold sea breeze blew strands of her dark hair across her face as she surveyed the battlefield. The vampires were gone. Their presence had tainted the lighthouse for too long, but now the air was clean again—or as clean as it could be on such a haunted night.


The Era of La Luna [Moon Tarot] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 2:00 pm


beneath her triumph lay a sense of unease. The battle had been quick, but the taste of ash and decay lingered in the air, a grim reminder of the lives lost to these creatures of the night. Rhea’s heart ached at the thought of innocent souls caught in their grasp, unaware of the danger that lurked just beyond the lighthouse’s light.

As the last remnants of the vampires faded into the ether, she lowered her weapons, the adrenaline coursing through her veins giving way to a more sentimental reflection. She had fought fiercely, as she always did, yet questions began to stir within her mind. What drove these creatures to haunt the lighthouse? What darkness had forced them to turn on their own kind?

The lighthouse stood tall, its beam rotating steadily, yet the stories surrounding it echoed in her mind. Ghost ships and an ancient keeper, perhaps a guardian who had long since succumbed to despair. Rhea sighed as she considered the souls of those lost, the ones who had once relied on this beacon for hope. They, too, had stories that deserved to be told, and she would honor their memory by continuing to fight against the darkness that sought to consume their world.


The Era of La Luna [Moon Tarot] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 2:03 pm


“Let’s keep moving, Lector,” she said, her voice steady, but her thoughts racing. “There may be more lurking in the shadows.” She took a step toward the lighthouse, a renewed sense of purpose igniting within her. The night was far from over, and Rhea was ready to confront whatever lay ahead.

“Rhea…?” Lector’s voice trembled behind her.

Rhea didn’t respond immediately. A sudden wave of dizziness swept over her, and the world around her began to blur. The lighthouse, the rocks, the very ground beneath her seemed to shift and distort. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she staggered, reaching out for something to hold on to, but there was nothing.

“Rhea! What’s happening?” Lector’s panicked voice seemed far away, as though he was calling to her from a great distance.

The darkness closed in. And then...nothing.

A silence enveloped her, heavy and suffocating, as if she had been submerged beneath the depths of the ocean. Time lost all meaning, stretching and twisting like the shadows around her. She felt her consciousness slipping away, caught in a tide that had no regard for her fight, her struggles, or her dreams.


The Era of La Luna [Moon Tarot] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 2:10 pm


When Rhea opened her eyes again, she was floating in a vast expanse of stars. She was weightless, suspended in the infinite void of space, her body stripped bare of any clothing or armor. There was no sound, no sensation of time, only the distant glow of stars and the looming presence of the Moon.

The Moon, impossibly large and luminous, filled her vision. Its craters and surface glowed with an ethereal light, casting long shadows across Rhea’s bare skin. She blinked, trying to understand what was happening, but the surreal beauty of the moment was overwhelming. She had never felt so small—so insignificant—beneath the grandeur of the cosmos.

“Where… am I?” she whispered, her voice echoing in the emptiness.

A soft, melodic laugh filled the space around her, though she couldn’t pinpoint its source. The sound was both comforting and unnerving, like the distant chime of bells in the wind.

“You’re not lost, Rhea,” a voice replied, gentle yet commanding. “You’re where you need to be.”

Rhea’s eyes widened as a figure began to emerge from the glow of the Moon. It was a woman, tall, graceful, and luminous. She was as naked as Rhea, her body bathed in soft silver light that seemed to ripple and shift like the surface of water. Her hair flowed like liquid moonbeams, and her eyes, glowing with ancient wisdom, locked onto Rhea’s.


The Era of La Luna [Moon Tarot] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 2:21 pm


“I am the Moon,” the woman said, her voice carrying a weight of authority that made Rhea’s chest tighten. “And I have been watching you.”

Rhea’s mouth went dry. She had faced down vampires, bandits, and even the wrath of wyverns, but this was something else entirely. “The Moon? I—I don’t understand.”

“You will,” the Moon replied, her silver eyes narrowing slightly as she approached. “You are my chosen, Rhea. The one who will usher in a new era.”

Rhea shook her head, confusion twisting her thoughts. “Chosen? For what? I don’t even know where I am—what’s happening? Why are you showing me this?”

The Moon smiled, a knowing smile that sent shivers down Rhea’s spine. “Because, child, you need to see what has been hidden from you. You need to understand the truth of your legacy, and the path that lies ahead.”

Before Rhea could respond, the stars around her began to shift and blur. The vastness of space contracted, pulling her into a vortex of light and shadow. She felt herself falling—not physically, but through time itself. The Moon’s presence surrounded her, guiding her, as the world around them rewound.

The first thing Rhea saw was her father, Mzuma. She gasped as his image formed before her, younger, fiercer than he would have been now. He stood at the head of a rebel force, his eyes burning with the fire of defiance as they faced down the forces of Bosco. This was the Stellar resistance the battle she had only heard about in whispers, the battle her father had fought to free their homeland from colonizers.


The Era of La Luna [Moon Tarot] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 2:24 pm


Rhea’s heart clenched as she watched. She could see the toll it took on him, the sacrifices, the losses. Her father’s fight had been righteous, but it had also been brutal, filled with bloodshed and betrayal. His victory, though significant, had come at a great cost, a cost that had been passed down to her.

“Your father fought bravely. A dragon among men,” the Moon whispered beside her, “but his time is over. His rebellion, though noble, was part of a different era.”

The scene shifted again, and Rhea found herself standing at the dawn of Stella’s colonization. She saw her ancestors—proud, resilient, and defiant as they fought against the invaders who sought to claim their land and heritage. She saw the colonizers’ greed, their relentless desire to strip Stella of its resources, its magic, its soul. The suffering of her people was palpable, and it burned deep into Rhea’s spirit.

“Why are you showing me this?” Rhea asked, her voice trembling with emotion. “What do you expect me to do?”

The Moon turned to her, her eyes glowing with an ancient power. “Because you are more than just the daughter of a revolutionary. You are my chosen. The days of the Sun Emperor are gone. The time of the Moon has come.”


The Era of La Luna [Moon Tarot] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 2:27 pm


Rhea stared at her, speechless.

“You are the Moon Empress, Rhea,” the Moon declared, her voice echoing through the void.

“It is your destiny to lead, to reclaim what was lost, and to bring balance where there has only been oppression. The Sun has ruled for too long, and now… it is time for you to rise.”

Before Rhea could fully comprehend the gravity of the Moon’s words, everything around her began to blur once again. The stars, the vastness of space, the Moon herself—all began to fade into a swirling vortex of light. Rhea felt herself being pulled back, the sensation of falling overtaking her once more.

She awoke with a sharp gasp, her heart pounding in her chest. The familiar scent of the sea filled her nostrils, and the cold night air brushed against her skin. She was back on the rocky shore near the lighthouse, her weapons still by her side.

“Rhea!” Lector’s voice was frantic, his small paws shaking her shoulder. “Are you okay? You just… you just collapsed out of nowhere!”

Rhea blinked, disoriented, her mind still reeling from what she had just experienced. She looked up at the sky, the Moon hanging silently above them, its glow more intense than before.


The Era of La Luna [Moon Tarot] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 2:31 pm


“I am fine, Lector,” Rhea said softly, though her voice held a new weight, a weight of knowledge, of responsibility. She glanced at her companion, offering him a reassuring smile. “I’m fine.”

But deep down, she knew that everything had changed. The path before her was no longer the same. She was no longer the same.

The Moon had chosen her. And the reign of the Moon Empress had begun.

The gravity of the Moon's revelation settled in her bones, intertwining with the lingering adrenaline of the battle. Her mind swirled with images of her father's struggle, the scars of colonization, and the flickering memories of Stella's history, each moment echoing within her. She felt a surge of power pulsing through her veins, resonating with the light magic she wielded—a connection that transcended time and space.

Lector's worried gaze pierced through her contemplation. “Are you really okay? You seemed… somewhere else,” he pressed, his brow furrowing with concern.

Rhea’s heart softened at his worry. “I am. There’s just so much ahead of us,” she replied, fatigue slowly consuming her. “And I have no choice but to face it all.”

[Moon Tarot: AQUIRED]

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