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Fractals of ember & frost[Zeno & Lumikki PPCS - Grimm Tale]

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Fractals of ember & frost[Zeno & Lumikki PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 12:06 pm

The moonlight painted the lighthouse campsite in an ethereal glow, casting dancing shadows on the tower that seemed to hold secrets of their own. Zeno, a fae specializing in nature-infused fire magic, stood atop the lighthouse looking onward, his insectile wings shimmering like a beacon adorning warm vivid colors of orange and red with a stained-glass pattern. The immense ray of light beaming from the head of the pharos circled around the perimeter of the land, piercing through the enveloping darkness of the night. The clear star-filled skies set the perfect mood for story telling and gathering with friends for a fun time.

Zeno was not the only one to think this way. A large number of people began to gather around the campsite for the momentous occasion. The voices of kids laughing and playing reach Zeno's ears. His eyes, a bright amber, scanned the gathered adventurers and their children, seeking a kindred spirit.

"Seems like the gathering is starting, huh?"
he mused, his voice a soft melody carried on the breeze. "I might just have something to contribute." Zeno smirked, perking his chest and spreading his wings open to reach full wingspan.

He leaped off from atop the lighthouse, rapidly descending from the tower. His wings slowly started to widen and flap to decelerate, circling around the smoky pillar left behind by the large campfire at the base of the tower. Before one could realize what they saw dropping from the lighthouse, it was too late, Zeno had already landed several feet away from the site. Only sparkling orange and green fairy dust remained, glittering in the moonlight as it slowly fell to the ground like snow.

Stepping forth from a rocky road path, his presence caused a subtle shift in the air to change. "Anyone interested in a partner for a chilling tale? Or perhaps you'd prefer a silent listener, someone to appreciate your storytelling prowess?" Zeno graciously asked out loud while conjuring wispy fireballs that transformed into butterflies from his fingertips, demonstrating his mastery over his magic and what he has to offer.

His words were an invitation, a challenge, and a promise all at once. For those who dared to accept, Zeno offered not just a shared experience, but a glimpse into his hidden world, a world filled with magic, mischief, and a touch of darkness.



Fractals of ember & frost[Zeno & Lumikki PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 6:29 pm



Lumikki of Iceberg


"Beware of the trickery"


   Like a curtain, the clouds pulled back to reveal the luminous moon and stars. Their beauty never lost on her, as they were akin to light shining off of snow; ethereal, silent, and peaceful. Like the view was a balm on for the lonely and isolated.

With quiet steps, the Demoness approached the lighthouse. Her little birds had passed along the rumors of a nightly celebration. One Lumi would favor above many others, the telling of stories. What a weird treat. It felt like no one ever told stories anymore... Her thoughts would wander with every step carrying her closer. It was obvious to say she was excited, but that would be the only thing about her that remained clear.

As opposed to her usual likeness, a dark skin woman with a short stature and striking features, she now garnered a new appearance. To avoid any knowing or prying eyes as she enjoyed the occasion. Taller by two feet, with pale skin and white hair. Atop of her head sat a veil that draped over her body in sheer black, while she wore a long black dress with a blue flower motif at the hem and a lacey decor around her neck and chest. This was all an illusion of course. She could not change her shape in this regard and sadly, her twilight eyes still glowed in the night. So she would pull the veil over them. All the while her Roku-bi no Tsukiko appeared shrunk as it clung to her throat.


Lumikki took a moment to observe the gathering. The warm-lit campfires drew her attention, inviting even a Queen of frost to take comfort by them; and the sounds and playful gestures of the rowdy children really made the setting come alive over the hardy laughs and mumbles of the adults. Their hushed conversations now merging into one hum that only broke in moments of excitement. Lumikki chuckled as she walked among them, trying to gauge the best place to take her seat. Admittedly, she'd want to sit closer to the water, but the lack of people at the edges made her worry that she could miss out on stories because of it.

As she pondered the ordeal over, an unnatural shimmering caught her attention from just above. It drew her eyes to a point within the trees, now calling to her so that she approaches. Lumikki, with all her effort, tried to walk over gracefully. Lumi had an inkling of an idea to just who it could be, but it would not yet be confirmed until she noticed the ghastly glow of the lovely green flames. Which flickered in place for a moment before shifting to the butterflies that were quite adored by their master. In a gesture to match their whimsy, and perhaps bewilder, Lumi conjured will-o-wisp to match the spark of his own. In a snap of her fingers, the floating blue orbs came to life, soon morphing into dancing foxes that encircled him playfully. The displays of magic, of course, did not go unnoticed. It drew the adult's eyes and the children's attention. The little ones ran about, trying to jump and catch the soaring flames, while their parents laughed and their families teased.

Soon Zeno would make his desires known, and Lumi would follow. "I could use a partner, if you don't mind my company, that is. Are your flames warmer than the campfires, I wonder." Even her voice shifted as Lumikki used her prowess in mimicry to change it. It was a tone more deep and smooth than her usual, almost sultry, but the silkiness remained even when her typical accent did not. "Could you join me by the waters? Maybe our flames could draw in the moths so that it won't be us alone. And with a small and pleasant smile, Lumikki turned around and began the walk to her desired flame. The foxes were still prancing in the air, but now they centered on her. And their icy blues would shine dazzlingly along the black of her clothes.



"When fire burns cold."

Fractals of ember & frost[Zeno & Lumikki PPCS - Grimm Tale] Nerili11

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