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Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap]

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Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:23 am

Yijun had heard that the person that the rioters and knights were talking about was from the west of the country and so he set out this way and he thought Iza was coming with him but he was not sure where in the crowd the Jester had gotten to as he was not sure there if he might have found a lead but Yijun was trying to blend in himself so he can find out if he heard anything of the person they were looking for and if they were here in one of the clubs or off hiding somewhere. So Yijun was going through a few shady clubs or that is the plan. He wasn't hearing much just getting strange looks from some people that were walking around in the club so he kind of wondered if he had been made when a couple of hot wood elf girls sat near Yijun and they seemed to be sizing him up for what he was not sure but he was acting like he didn't see them.

#2Iza Bicdic 

Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:38 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza had heard things about someone in the West who had started all of this. How he or she did that, he didn’t know. It was quite questionable that it affected the North, but here he was. Still, he was intrigued to see if they could find who was responsible for all of this right? Well as time went by, he would make his way to Oak Town. This is where they would start and he was not too far behind Yijun, but he would keep himself away for the time being. He was trying to see if he could find somebody who was actually a part of this fiasco that was going on.

He would hear the conversation of others go on, but it was just that conversation. It was nothing important, which he was disappointed in. He wondered if Yijun was having a better time in gathering information than him. Still, he knew he would head over to him soon, he just needed more time.



Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 8:46 am

Yijun looked at them and then he spoke. "Is there something I can help you with?" The two women looked at him with a grin and one bit her lip as she did. Yijun was not sure if he was gonna get hit on or taken at this look that she was giving him but he needed to think of a way to stay here and not be taken off and away. The wood elf with black hair spoke with the red haired one kept an eye on him. "Yeah we were wondering how you feel about having a night with two lovely ladies all to yourself~" The red haired wood elf that had been biting her lip was now beat red and Yijun thinks he sees it, they were aiming to wing man for the red haired elf to try and make a move on him while testing if he was a guy that was moral or not.

Yijun spoke back and he smirked as he was going to act a bit out of character like he would be into it to see how they react. "Well I am young and you both are quite beautiful, I guess I could allow you two a good work out~" His voice was charming and smooth and now even the black haired elf had gone beat red in the face from it.
(236) (413)

#4Iza Bicdic 

Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 9:54 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza had continued to be quiet as if he wasn’t there. It seemed like they were having conversations about Phantom Lord. It seemed like these guys were the ones behind all of this, but where could he find them? He wasn’t sure, but it seemed like he had something though. This was better than before as now he had a group’s name behind it. The people who were talking looked around, but they wouldn’t be able to spot Iza.

The jester had already left the area and he would move around where he had last spotted Yijun. Sylph on his shoulder she would see him from the distance with two women.

“Seems like he’s popular with the ladies.” She said to Iza.

The jester moved over to the group, probably spoiling the moment for him as he walked over to his ear.

“Seems like the people who might be behind all of this is a group called Phantom Lord.” He whispered to him.



Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 4:03 pm

Yijun saw Iza coming and he got ready for the man to start getting mad at him for goofing off and talking to women but the man didn't say anything about it but gave him info instead and he saw the women beside him both look to Iza and the black haired one giggled and then spoke. "Oh are you a friend of this stud here? How about a double date with us?" The woman looked Iza up and down and then saw the small woman that was with Iza and she tilted her head wondering if that was a spirit that was with the man and how he would have a spirit was he an ancient one? She wondered by she was going to wait and see what the man said to her offer even if he was going to deny her.

Yijun got up as he saw someone looking around and then walking toward a booth and the red headed elf saw Yijun do this and she followed him as he went over to a booth and sat down so he can over hear what they were talking about at the next table over and he looked at the woman that had followed him and he wondered if he could use her and then he shook his head to get the thought out of his head.
(230) (643)

#6Iza Bicdic 

Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Fri Sep 20, 2024 4:58 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza looked over to the two women with a smile on his face as he looked at the ladies. He was going to get angry but noticed these two beautiful ladies were elves. Still, even though their occupation was distasteful, he could not judge because he was living with the humans.

“Ah yes, I am with him, beautiful elves. I don’t think we have time fa that, unless that is what ya want ta do Yijun.” He asked him as he was fine with this if this would get them more information about the Phantom Lords.

Sylph heard Iza compliment these women. Since they had been together, she had never heard him do that for a woman. She had flown to the two of them and looked them in the eyes. What made them different than the other women in this world? Then she remembered he called them beautiful elves, which made sense. She moved back to his shoulder where her face puffed because she wanted to be complimented too.



Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Sat Sep 21, 2024 8:11 am

Yijun was listening to them talk about how great their master was for being able to spread so much chaos and how they were going to try and get on their good side and maybe get some kind of promotion and be some kind of figure head. It was mostly just garbage but the red headed elf woman was still looking at him even though she could kind of tell he was not really interested in her and was too busy listening in to the conversion with the other table, she wanted to speak up and rat him out for wasting her time but Yijun looked at her with a smile and she could feel her chest get warm and she wasn't sure why this man looking at her like that even if she knew he wasn't here for those kinds of games had made her feel like this and she wanted to know more about him but she would guess he was not going to give her that chance.
(170) (813)

#8Iza Bicdic 

Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Sat Sep 21, 2024 8:24 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza looked over to the side and he noticed that Yijun had left him alone. He would chuckle a bit as the elf with black hair was with him. That sucked, and he didn’t care about this right now. If he wasn’t with Sylph or he wasn’t doing his job he would have entertained this woman. Still, when he spotted Yijun it seemed like he was doing his own thing, and he figured he would ask this woman something.

“How does an elf with ya stature find herself working here? I would imagine a noble in the elf community would have claimed ya as their wife. I must have been out of the forest fa too long. I thought four hundred years wasn’t too much, but it seems like it is. I heard there is a guild around hea that is spreading chaos throughout these lands, do ya know anything bout it?” He knew it was Phantom Lord, but he wondered if she would give him information since he was an elf too.



Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Mon Sep 23, 2024 8:00 pm

The black haired elf woman looked at him and tilted her head. "I don't work here, I was just out on the town with my friend when she saw him and nudged me to help her try and talk to your friend." She pointed at Yijun and her friend that had moved over there. "I was just being a wing woman. You mean phantom lord? Yeah they are the dark guild around here, preferred when eternal nightmare was around, at least they were less creepy around the women in this area." She visibly shook at the thought of how they treat people around her and the way she had seen the leader of that guild walking around with slave women like it was normal or acceptable.

"They are bad news if I were you I would keep my nose outta their business." She looked at her friend working as cover for the daemon as he was listening in on the talk he was hearing about some of the stuff that was going on from that dark guild and she wondered how her friend will react when the daemon just leaves her high and dry alone as black and red haired elves are not that popular with people they all want the blonde and blue eyed with huge chests.
(224) (1,037)

#10Iza Bicdic 

Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 6:53 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard her words and he chuckled a bit. He rubbed the back of his head a bit embarrassed about what he had said. Still, she was beautiful, and he figured someone like this wouldn’t be out here. It seemed like the guild Phantom Lord was residing here. That was interesting and they might have truly been the reason why all of this was happening.

He nodded when he heard her warning, but he wasn’t going to listen to it.

“I see, my mistake. Ya just beautiful and I figure it incorrectly. Still, thank ya for the information. I think I’m pretty capable myself. I don’t know if I can handle the Guild Master, but I can probably take on his minions.” He chuckled when he said that to her.

Still, what were they going to do now he wondered.

“Alright screw it, let’s go with ya friend and enjoy our time in the meantime.” He said to the elf as he would walk with her to Yijun and the girl.



Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 9:34 am


The woman at hearing him call her beautiful reddened up in the face a bit, it seemed that old dogs can keep their charm and when the man said they should join the other two she nodded and followed along with him. The man that was talking had now walked off leaving them with nothing really more to do than to just look at the table. The red haired elf smiled and she ordered the table some drinks and then moved a bit closer to Yijun as she was not going to give up as she had to keep trying and her red hair was proof of her undying will to do this and she giggled to herself a bit at saying that. Yijun looked at her and the drinks arrived and Yijun wondered what was going to happen from here, should they just relax and drink and enjoy the music or should they get up and leave now and keep looking for the signs and proof of the dark guild here that had caused a major issue for all of the people.
(183) (1,220)

#12Iza Bicdic 

Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 1:07 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza would get to the table, and he would see Yijun and the girl. It seemed like they had gotten drinks for themselves. That was good and he figured that they would be able to relax for a bit. They had been working hard after all.

“We can hang out with the girls right now. Information will come when they come, I guess. Fa now we shall have some relaxing time.” He said to Yijun.

It was then he would take a seat, and the girl would sit down next to her friend. Sylph was not enjoying this at all, but she figured that Iza was just enjoying his time right now. The jester was just hoping that information would fall on their lap. He felt that if they continued looking for stuff, it would never come their way.

“I will get ya oldest stuff for myself.” He said to their server as he had gone off to get Iza what he wanted.



Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 7:32 pm

Yijun looked at the other and he wondered if this was really Iza in front of him as Iza was usually get the mission done and move on. "Oh did the black haired elf strike your fancy?" Yijun used a bit of a teasing tone and the woman next to him went a bright red in the face as she was not ready for the other man to have said that so suddenly. The red haired eld nudged the daemon and he looked at her. "Excuse you?" Yijun spoke as if he was in some way offended that she had just nudged him like that after he said that to Iza. He was not sure what her problem with him was and he was going to make sure to not really bother with her if he didn't have to as he was not out here looking for a one night stand with someone as he wasn't a man with loose morals and he wanted to find his one if such a person even existed for him.
(180) (1,400)

#14Iza Bicdic 

Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Thu Sep 26, 2024 7:04 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard him and he laughed a bit. She didn’t catch his fancy, but she was an elf, and he figured he would entertain her. This was also going to allow us to move around places more smoothly with them. They looked like people on dates even though Iza was wearing his weird outfit.

He saw the interaction with Yijun and the other elf, and he elbowed him on his gut slightly. It wouldn’t hurt but he would feel it and he looked over to him.

“Why does it matta if I fancy her or not? I think ya should pay attention to her, or else I can entertain them both.” He said to Yijun as he had a smirk on his face.

He looked over to the one he was talking to and figured he would ask her a question.

“Sa, ya said the Guild Master has slaves with em? That’s different what kind?” He asked curious to hear what she would say.



Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Thu Sep 26, 2024 12:01 pm

The black hair eld went a full bright red at hearing Iza say he might just entertain them both as she hadn't expected that either it seemed that she had found herself in some trouble here as she went from the wing woman to the one being hit on. "Yeah she usually has two slaves with her I know one is a god but the other I am not sure of. Do you really think you could handle us both at the same time or are you all talk?" Yijun and the red hair elf looked over to the woman as it sounded like she wanted to see him try and Yijun wondered if Iza was even into woman as he hadn't asked as it really wasn't a big deal to know one way or the other but he guessed he was going to find out in a second as Iza got called out by the black haired elf and Yijun sipped his drink and waited.
(168) (1,568)

#16Iza Bicdic 

Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Thu Sep 26, 2024 12:19 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza had looked over to everyone as he wondered what they were going to do. The server had brought his drink and a drink for the girl that was there. He would drink him without a problem. It was strong, but it was smooth. It was good and just how he loved it. He could tell his comment had caused the girl to become embarrassed, and his attention looked over to the woman as she spoke about the Guild Leader of Phantom Lords.

She didn’t stop there but made a comment about what he had said. He laughed a bit as that was an interesting question. It was like she was not opposed to the idea. That was interesting and he figured he would answer the question truthfully.

“I have lived a long time. I have done many things. A woman is one of them. A group of women is something I’ve indulged a few times, so ya I think I can handle two.” He said to her with a smile on his face.



Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Thu Sep 26, 2024 3:37 pm

The black haired elf looked at Iza. "With a silver tongue like that how are you not married?" She asked him this teasingly and Yijun got up out of the both as it was clear he was just going to be a third wheel in this talk and he didn't need to be doing that as the old man deserved sometime to have fun and not have a young one cramping his stuff or playing third wheel to this thing that was happening. The red haired elf looked at her friend and then she also got up and followed Yijun as she was still determined in trying to talk to him, she just needed to find her voice.

Yijun looked at her and then she spoke, and she had an accent that Yijun seemed to recall from somewhere but he couldn't put his finger on it. "You are nice and stuff please allow me to keep with you for a bit?" Yijun just nodded her and him walking around dancing and such should be fine so he took her to the dance floor of the club.
(190) (1,758)

#18Iza Bicdic 

Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 7:25 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza chuckled as he noticed that Yijun had got up from the seat. He shook his head, it seemed like his friend didn’t like that he was doing this. He was about to say something but noticed the elf get up to follow him. That was when he relaxed and looked over to the woman to reply to her.

“Well, that is because I don’t wanna marry. I been travelin fa some time. I learned that this world is cruel and that the human race is polluting it. So until that is fixed, marrying someone is out of the option.” He said to her as he drank his drink.

He put his drink down on the table and his ear twitched a bit. He was listening to people talk about a ritual about to happen soon. He thought about getting more information on that, but he figured it would come naturally.

“So, why aren’t ya married? Someone as beautiful as ya could have been a fine candidate in a noble house.” He said to her wondering what she would say.



Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:35 am

She looked at him when she spoke of humans polluting the earth, she disagreed with that a bit and she spoke. "I kind of disagree with that, yes humans have done bad but they are not the only ones that have done that, letting things like that stop you from happiness and finding and growing a family is a sad thought. Dragons have also done bad, but they also did good in teaching people to fight back. Elves have done good but they have also done bad, like killing half bred children, I lost a sister to such things." The woman looked down at the ground as she remembered her sister that was take because she was a half bred and killed in cold blood by elves, she doesn't hate them but she also doesn't forgive them for the way they killed their own kind even if they were mixed with the race of another, they were seen as impure and put to death like they had some disease, she was almost killed as well as she had black hair which was bad luck in some cultures of elves that usually have lighter colors like blonde or earthy brown.

"My hair color would have held me back from that as the elf village I was born in saw my black hair as bad luck so I was not allowed to get such honors and once I got tired of the looks they gave me I left there for this country." She was not looking at Iza any more as she was remembering things she had not thought about for a very long time. Yijun and the other woman were still just having fun off on the dance floor.
(292) (2,050)

#20Iza Bicdic 

Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 9:48 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza chuckled hearing her disagree with him. He was fine with that, and it wouldn’t change his mind. His dislike for humans had come with the years of his being alive. He nodded, but it wouldn’t do a thing because his past differed from her past.

“I see, that’s sad to hea. But humans are the pollution, dragons no longer live in this realm or little ta none. Humans are the race that have done the most with the little lifespan that they have been given. Their negatives are much more than their positives.” He said to her giving his reasoning, but not going into detail about it.

He heard her words and he rubbed the back of his head. She must have lived in a tough village if that had happened to her.

“I see, that sucks ta have ta live in a community that does not accept ya.” He said taking more of his drink and he heard someone talking more about a ritual happening soon, but where he needed to find out.



Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 12:24 am

The woman heard him and she realized that he was right they do but they are also tempted heavily as well to become servants to monsters and beasts that were never meant to be dealt with. She just nodded to his reasoning and he sat back and sipped from her drink, she was not sure that she should have been able to have been talking to this man like she was as she shouldn't probably be bothering him with her issue of the place she was from as she was seen as lightly cursed by her people like a showing of death and hate.

Yijun keeps partying and having fun with the woman and he wondered if there was a reason that she had picked him as he was not sure if there was something about him that would have lead her to him like that. He figured himself a bit more scary and stand offish that she wouldn't want to be getting close to him like she was and he maybe just needed to loosen up and just enjoy the club they were in and stop being a worry wart.
(191) (2000+)

#22Iza Bicdic 

Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:48 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza watched the girl as she seemed to have been fine with his words. He could see she was drinking and he had leaned back on his chair as he grabbed his cup. He was listening to the people behind him talking about this ritual time. It seemed like they were going to try and summon something dark or at least offer something to this darkness.

The wood-elf shook his head because even though he knew about the ritual, he didn’t know where it was. He drank some of his drink and he looked at her with a smile on his face.

“So I gotta assume, are ya out around hea fa ya friend ta have fun?” He asked her wondering what she would say.

He wondered why she was here. It seemed like she was trying to help her friend find entertainment, but was she also looking for it? His ears twitched thought as the information he was hoping for might come true.



Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:30 am

"Well a lady got to have some fun herself but yeah she needed some time out and about as well." She smirked at him as she wondered if he was talking to her like she thought he was talking to her. She kind of dug this elf and they way he thinks even if there was a divide in their thought processes and how they look at the world but she thinks that she could be fine with that, plus with his age he will have the wisdoms of how to make sure that she had a good time with him and she bit her lip a little wondering if this was really going to happen or if she was just getting her hopes up at he would see her in such a light.

Yijun saw the elf woman get bumped into and saw that she had been pick pocketed from the person that had ran into her and Yijun went after the person with her following behind him not knowing why he had just taken off after the other person unknowing that it was thief or that she had been robbed by them and Yijun was chasing after them.
(202) (2000+) (exit)

Last edited by Yijun on Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:09 am; edited 1 time in total

#24Iza Bicdic 

Clubbing in Enemy territory? [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:44 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard her word, and he figured as much and there was no shame in that. He was also listening in on what these guys had said, and he found the location where they were going to be doing this ritual. That was good and he figured he would have a little bit of fun with this woman before they had to continue on with their job.

“Let’s go enjoy our time.” He said this to her as he got up from his seat.

He had drunk all of the alcohol that was in his cup, and he walked over to her. It was then he held his hand out for her to grab. He would be guiding her around and having fun. Sylph was upset with all of this, and she had to figure out how to become his size so that she could be seen this way as well. Iza would also tell Yijun the information that he had obtained when they met up with each other.



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