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A Difficult Travel [FCM – Refugee Plight]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

A Difficult Travel [FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Today at 7:09 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon and Hai were on the move through the forest within the outskirts of Orchidia. It seemed like there were a lot of people who had fled there. Still, they weren’t safe because there could have been random titans around the area, and the wildlife there could have taken a lot of people out. He wanted to see it play out for the time being, but then she had gotten into his head. He wished this was happening to another region because then he would have watched as bad things happened.

He was around Carmina and they were in the forest. He was on the branches of the tree as they were scouting for any survivors. The Dragon Slayer was using his nose to find them. It was the best way to scout them out and find the ones that needed their help.

“It seems like it’s just us two, for now, Carmina.” He said to her as he moved forward.

While he continued to move around he would take a sniff to try and single anybody out. That was when he heard a scream coming not too far from where they were. He sucked his teeth as it seemed like they were too late something had found them before they could. He moved through the forest to see that there was a group of people together, and it seemed like there was a random giant chomping on one of them. He shook his head as these guys were stupid to get caught.

Still, it was exciting to see the terror on their face. He would help them though before another became a victim. He closed the gap between him and that giant and he hit the nape and it would cease function falling to the ground and dropping the person who was dying. The people here looked frightened when they saw Drakkon and he had a smirk on his face.

“You guys will be alright.” He said to them as he looked over to Carmina.

“Do you have a healing spell? If not then I’ll put him out of his misery.” He said as the man was dying on the floor right now.

Drakkon only had a healing ability that benefitted him, so there was nothing he could do for this guy, but kill him on the spot.


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