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Destruction in Orchidia [FCM – Titanic Horrors]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Destruction in Orchidia [FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 1:49 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had gotten the girls out of the area as the Rune Knights had given them difficulties. Still, while they had seemed like they were safe something had occurred. The trio were in the air and as it seemed like the Rune Knights were taking care of the remaining rioters, something was heading toward Orchidia. It was huge and soon enough they would all see that there were a pack of giants making their way to the city. It was as if someone had calculated this would happen. His eyes widened as he couldn’t believe the sight.

This couldn’t be real right? He didn’t think the North would ever see giants again. Still, it seemed like someone wanted revenge, and from where he was he could tell that someone had planned this. The way they ran together was as if someone was leading them toward Orchidia.

“Well, it seems like things are getting crazier as it seems like big things are destroying Orchidia. I wondered who hates the North so much to be able to do this without the monster trio able to prevent this from happening.” They said to the girls as he was referring to Brone, Lumikki, and Yuurei.

He looked around to see buildings being destroyed as the Rune Knights were fighting against the newfound threat. It also seemed like civilians were also getting caught in the middle of this. The Chaos was beautiful as he saw smoke appearing in several locations in Orchidia. He shook his head as he could hear the scream of the Rune Knights.

“Carmina can you help me fight off these giants? I kind of am enjoying the scenery, but I don’t want this place to be totally destroyed since Lumi runs this domain. Maple do you want to stay on my back or do you want me to put you down on a roof?” They asked wondering what these two would say.

He soared through the sky looking at a place to put them down. They were too high in the air for any of these giants to touch them, or even notice them. He was fine with that as he was trying to find a place to put the girls down, but at the same time figure out how he would be fighting all of this.

Drakkon and Hai were ready to fight. He would save people, but he would cause destruction while doing so.



Destruction in Orchidia [FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 8:38 am

Carmina saw what was happening and saw the damage they were doing to the forest around as well. When he asked her to help she nodded and once he let her loose she grow wings and she called out to Rey. "Maple if you want to stay out here with us you can ride and direct Rey." Rey comes flying over as fast as he can and he saw the giant monsters as well and he started firing blasts of his magic at the monster knocking them over. Carmina flew around and took aim with her palms and fired magic that was mixed with different elements to see if she could narrow down an elemental weakness in them if they have one. She was not sure if that would really matter but it would give her an idea of what element of spell that she could use to help keep them down or at least slow them down for them to be able to handle them better. She knows that she can't make anything grand or crazy but she was going to keep herself moving and firing blasts at the monsters that she was flying around and attacking them with the spells but nothing was seeming to work.

Carmina guessed she was going to have to change up her idea and use spells she was not sure would work and she made defensive spells that would be used to trip the giants and make them slow down as she had no other ideas that she could use to make this matter. She was worried as she glided through the air and hoped that maybe Rey was having luck and she saw that his spells were at least were knocking them back but it was meaning little to nothing as they were too big so it was like only sliding them back only a little at a time and she was worried about this now as there was nothing she could do as she was still very weak and that was something that she needed to fix, she hoped that Drakkon could teach her to be strong. She had deep doubts about that but she knows that she had to believe in something but she knows that doesn't always mean the best but she needed to believe as she could feel something in her chest growing even if she couldn't do more she had all she needed in her heart maybe.


Destruction in Orchidia [FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 10:10 am

It seemed Maple would continue witnessing and learning various lessons in life about how many people from other nations and places often displayed. In this case it seemed like there was more ruin to come, IT would be the normal process of witness things in nature and all that cycled with it. But she had to ponder it more, Ponder that people where equal parts of the monsters as animals where, It was the only way she really could. It seemed she had options to ponder over, While she saw things she had never seen before, But alas she figured it was one of many things she would eventually learn.

It seemed it was time to choose and figure out which she wanted to do. So she figured she would take some kind of charge and just merely mentioned."Put me on the roof."Whatever Maple had planned she did not seem to disclose right away, but she apparently wanted to go on the roof figure out from there, But she wanted to be on the roof at least. It was just stage one of Maple just observing these beings she had never actually seen before, these were not things in stella, It was odd and interesting to see here.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Destruction in Orchidia [FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 10:30 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would put the girls on the roof now that they had told him where they wanted to go. He looked over to Hai and he would roar, having the sound resonating throughout the city. It was then that Drakkon had transformed into a more dragon-like creature. His eyes stared at the giant that had been attacked by Carmina. It seemed like things would go well. He saw one of them coming toward them and he took his Enma swinging his blade and bringing forth his Dimensional Slash. It rushed toward the giant cutting it in half. His eyes look at a group of them doing something weird.

He soared through the sky as he made his way to see what they were doing from above. When he got there, he could see that they were munching on a couple without hesitation. He shook his head, they were dead, he couldn’t sense anything from them.

It was then he would toss his katanas in the air and he would clasp his hands together and summon a blazing orb. He would stretch it with one hand and turn it into an arrow. He launched the arrow to the group of giants and it would pierce one before exploding and consuming the other ones that were near it. Their screams could be heard throughout the city, and then silence.

It was then he noticed something had launched something at him, but it wouldn’t hit. He was too high up in the air to be hit by normal means. He looked at the giant and he would take a deep breath before releasing the devasting black flames out of his mouth and toward the creature that had attempted to attack him. It would be charred up, but not finished off. That was when he flew toward the monster, and he cut it down without hesitation.

It was taken out right then and there and he looked around to see what other mess was happening due to these giants.

“Someone does not like Paradise Dawn Father. I wonder who it is.” He asked Drakkon.

Of course, Drakkon didn’t have an answer to this which made him curious to find out about it as well.


Spell Used:


Destruction in Orchidia [FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 4:47 pm

Carmina watched as this man was casting more magics at the giant monsters that were around and she absorbed them for later to use and learn for her own uses but she was not sure how she should go about it and she would need to take her time to do so as she was not that strong still. She used the flaming breath type spell that she had seen Drakkon use there on a different giant and it seemed to be useful. "You are going to have to show me where to get a strong weapon maybe in a dagger form." She knows that she is not strong so a gauntlet would probably be a poor choice for her to use a dagger is light and something that she could conceal on herself and pull when she needed it and that would help her keep a leg up on everything.

She would cast the slash with her hand in a slashing motion instead of with a weapon and she instantly felt that magic was too strong and and she didn't try to see if the other was as well to strong for her but the slash tore through the giant she had hit with the flames and she was happy that she could do it but she knows that there was somethings that needed to be gained here and she needed to get stronger so she wasn't getting so worn out so fast in these fights while she used the magic that she had seemed and that she didn't know how to fully keep yet that she could seem to feel being stored within her mind and she wanted to make it matter and really show the man what she could do.

Rey was bashing into the giants with it's body as well as blast the creature backward and into the other giants that were coming and it was really slowing them down and he wondered if the woman was safe but he knew that he couldn't take his eyes off the fight or the giants would get him and then if they got him they would be able to easier get to her in the air behind him and he wanted to trust Drakkon but he that the man was using the woman for his own twisted gains and that was not something he was going to let happen so easily.
(405) (817)

#6Go D. Drakkon 

Destruction in Orchidia [FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Today at 7:10 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was fighting these giants as if they were nothing, but at the same time, it seemed like Carmina was doing her best. It seemed like there were a lot of them, and he could tell that she didn’t have a lot of mana. Still, she had help from the giant lizard flying in the sky, which was good. He looked over to see where Maple was, but he couldn’t find her. What the hell, where did she go? It confused him and he tried looking for her with his nose, but no matter where he flew he couldn’t catch a whiff of her.

This was insane, one second, she was there, and then the next she wasn’t. It was then that he was hit with a rock from below. He was high enough to not get hit by this or so he thought, but something was able to reach this high. He lost his balance for a second as he was falling from the sky, but before it could fully take effect, he stopped his descent and flew back into the sky.

His eyes scanned the area where it had come from. It was then he saw that there was a titan that was bigger than the rest. It seemed annoyed with him, and he could only spark a smile as it seemed like this one had more intellect than the others.

It was then he brought out Enma’s power as it spread throughout the area that he was in. It would harm every giant that was around him, killing the smaller ones, and irritating the bigger ones. He didn’t like the one that had hit him, so he decided to pay that one a visit. He soared through the sky as it had noticed him. it would launch a barrage of rocks at Drakkon, but each time it happened he dodged it.

It was then he would swing his blade and even though he harmed the damn thing it was still standing. He looked back to see that his neck had hardened and he smiled as he took up to the air.

“Father, it seems like this one is strong. Also, I don’t think these guys have Maple, she just vanished. I know this is weird we need to find out what happened.” They spoke to each other.

He looked over to Carmina and he smiled at her.

“I can see if I can find something for you dagger-wise. You can always go to Yuurei, I heard he’s a blacksmith.” They said to her as they looked at the giant he was fighting.



Destruction in Orchidia [FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Today at 9:05 am

Carmina was tossing the spells and doing what she can with what she had and that wasn't a lot left. She focused the reserve spells that she had gotten from her eye looking through other places and meetings and used the spells to throw back the giants that had been closing in on her and then Rey based into a giant that took a jump at her and he got hurt but he kept going. Carmina heard Drakkon say something about someone named Yuurei. "Is that the guild master of this region? Or the ex one that is allowing this to happen and take place in the first place with little to no sign of someone coming around to help to route them besides the Rune Knights that are getting tossed like a salad in a tumbler?"

Carmina had no idea if this man knew what a rock tumbler is or what it is used for so she might have been a bit out of her element with trying to make a comment. "I am not sure if he would help someone like me with such a task in the first place. Giving me a weapon would probably be like him arming an enemy and that probably wouldn't fly in this kind of thing." The woman got to Rey and barely got on the companions back before her mana gave out and she nearly dropped Rey seemed to speed up and fire more blasts of thunder, water and wind out to keep the giants back from getting to her. The woman that was with them had seemed to have faded from her memory and that was strange but Carmina had no time to worry about it but an image was burned into her mind of a woman she didn't know but her magic acted like she knew and there were more like phantoms in her memory from other people that they had seen that had now been gone from the world like they were never there and the made Carmina feel a bit sick as her power was seeming to be causing her head to hurt.

She focused her mind forward as she had her friend keep fighting and dodge attacks that were coming at them from the giants that were running around the forest and trying to eat people that weren't them Carmina needed to keep going here.
(403) (1,220)

#8Go D. Drakkon 

Destruction in Orchidia [FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Today at 10:31 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard her words and he sucked his teeth as he wasn’t sure they weren’t allowing this to happen. It must have been something that not even they could have prevented.

“Yes, he is the ex-guild master within this region. I don’t think he or Lumi allowed this to happen. I’m pretty this came as a surprise for even them.” He said to Carmina.

Still, the Rune Knights were being tossed like a salad indeed, which he found funny. Still, he would crack his neck as he did have a monster to beat up this time. When he was about to step forward, he heard her speak again. He looked at her and chuckled a bit more.

“You think so? I’m sure if you pay him, he will give you the item. After all he is a Blacksmith, so they usually equip anybody who is willing to pay them I think.” He said to her as she was probably right, but it never hurts to ask.

Still, now he moved over to the giant that had withstood his attack. He moved close to the monster, swinging his Yamato and a bunch of dimensional slashes would appear around the giant. It took more damage, but it did its best to protect its neck. The Dragon Slayer watched as it tried to grab him in the air by jumping, but it wouldn’t be able to reach him.

“You look stupid trying to grab me. You need to gain wings if you want to do that.” He said to the creature.

It was then that it roared and started launching a bunch of rocks toward him. he already knew that he could be reached by this creature, so he dodged the incoming attack this time. He closed the gap between them and Drakkon watched it as had tried to take a bit out of him. He dodged the attack in the air and he counterattacked the attack swinging both his blades on the neck of the creature. This time when he did that, the stone that had covered and protected his neck would break apart and he flew upward to avoid the incoming attack.

It was not happy with what Drakkon was doing, but he was fine with that. He had been doing his best and he planned on taking it down. The buildings it was breaking through were indeed exciting. The amount of destruction it was causing to fight Drakkon was beautiful.

“Things are going well, but we should end this soon and help anybody trying to leave this city to Rush Valley.” They said to each other as they looked at the frustrated giant.



Destruction in Orchidia [FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Today at 1:40 pm

Carmina heard what the man said about them probably not letting this happen but it didn't look like they were stopping it either which has her a bit on edge about it still then the man spoke about the man taking payment for his services. "I hope he is a decent guy and not one of those "I will take my payment out of your body~" I have no idea about him really as I haven't met him" She was just honest as she held tight to her companions back as she was tired but being able to have time to rest and hopefully not use much more of her mana and take her time so that she will be able to get back out and fight but she doesn't think that she will be making it that place today as she had over done it but she knows that she needed to rest and conserve her energy for now.

Rey was dodging attacks and rocks that were flying at him, he would blast a few that would have probably ended up going toward the city but he was also trying to save a bit of his mana in case they ended up needing it later to protect Carmina from danger as he was not sure if Drakkon would really come to her aid if push came to shove and the way out was closing Drakkon would probably save his own skin. Rey wasn't going to let that happen he was getting mad as he whipped his body smacking away more of these big creatures and he can feel that this fight was not getting anywhere but he knows that giving up in not a choice as she might die if he does give up or give into his wounds here. She was hoping as hard as she could that Rey wouldn't get too hurt but they were out numbered out here and there was no sign of Paradise Dawn out here.

She ate a snack from her bag and she felt happy she had eaten a joy cookie that she had gotten from Kaito so long ago that she had forgotten was a thing and she took aim and lobbed some fire balls and she hoped that she wasn't going to die here but the cookie was helping her to feel uplifted and not so down so she needed to keep her chin up and her eyes forward.
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