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The Temperance Tarot: Targa

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The Temperance Tarot: Targa Empty Today at 3:17 am

The landscape of Fieros Girdle was something straight out of a nightmare. Jagged columns of black rock pushed up from the scorched earth, covered in glowing veins of lava that looked like they were alive. There was this constant rumble underfoot—a reminder that the earth was restless here, dangerous. The air was thick, hot, and felt like it was clawing at her throat, making every breath a struggle. Luckily for Targa she was a vampire, and had a little more resilience. At least that was her up, but alas, deep underground, there was a concentration of mana that fed the volcanoes, keeping them active, belching smoke and magma into the sky. The whole place was a mess of reds, oranges, and heat; like the world was on fire. It would serve to push even her body to the bring of possible collapse. Targa was here to train, to train her body. She heard that if she could survive even a little bit here, that her resistance to make would grow.

WC: 171


The Temperance Tarot: Targa Empty Today at 11:34 am

Targa had picked this place on purpose, either because she was stubborn or just plain crazy. Mostly likely a bit of both. She wasn't like most people, and she was here to prove it, even if it broke her. She'd been prepping for months as she pouring over maps, talking to scholars, even finding elementalists who knew a thing or two about the Girdle's mana fueled volcanic madness. She knew magic, sure, and her connection with darkness magic gave her a bit of an edge in harsh places. But even with that, Fieros Girdle was something else entirely.

She learned real fast that she could just stop breathing if she wanted and it helped with the burning sensations in her chest, make her throat feel better, but the magic was still seeping into her, still causing her harm, just a bit ablated. She would look at all the sacks she brought with her. All of them filled to the brim with blood bags she had purchased from hospitals. She heard that there were magical creatures here but she didn't know how powerful they were and wasn't going to bank on them being a food source.

WC: 200
TWC: 371


The Temperance Tarot: Targa Empty Today at 11:43 am

She stood at the edge of the wasteland, her boots scuffing against the charred earth. Her cloak flapped in the wind, her face wrapped up to keep the worst of the smoke out. She took a deep breath, though it stung, and closed her eyes to center herself. She'd think to herself, why did I just breathe? I don't have to breathe but it's habit at this point.  This was it. This was where she'd find her limits, where she'd either get stronger or break trying. She wondered if her sister would be able to find her if she died here, if anyone would find her. The thought made her sad as she considered that she might perish here without her family, friends and guildies knowing.

"Alright," she muttered, opening her eyes to the blazing inferno in front of her. "Let's do this."

WC: 155
TWC: 526


The Temperance Tarot: Targa Empty Today at 4:34 pm

Her first steps were careful, as if she was scared or nervous. The columns of volcanic rock jutted out at odd angles, like some massive creature had tried and failed to tear its way out of the earth. Pools of lava bubbled between the columns, heat blasting up like an open furnace. It was treacherous, scary, dangerous, but Targa moved steadily...She wasn't going to back down.

She wasn't just here to get through the landscape, she was here to test herself and to get a little more powerful, to adapt to the heat, the choking mana, and the danger of it all. Sure, she had magic, deep, crash magic that pulsed in her veins. But this wasn't about that. This was about how far her body could go, how much her spirit could take. Because what was the use of magic if she didn't have the physical strength to back it up? If all went well, she'd become resistant to magic, even a little bit and that would help her out since her magic couldn't create defensive spells or even buff her. All it could do was attack and destroy.

WC: 197
TWC: 723


The Temperance Tarot: Targa Empty Today at 4:37 pm

Hours went by as she moved across the wasteland, her clothes soaked in sweat, her breathing controlled-stopped really. It took a little mental focus on her end to not reflexively breathe as she had her entire life. She didn't even really have lungs anymore and her breathing was more out of habit from when she was human. Every step seemed to take more out of her, her muscles straining under the relentless heat. The ground shifted beneath her feet, and the air seemed to pulse with mana, making everything feel unsteady, unreal. She felt overwhelmed by all of it, all the the heat, the pressure, the noise of the earth itself...but she kept going.

She found a narrow ledge, a path winding up the side of one of the larger lava columns. The climb was steep, the rock face sheer, with only small handholds. She squinted against the ash that blew into her face and started to climb. The rock was hot, even through her gloves, and her fingers ached as she pulled herself up. Every muscle burned, but she pushed through it. Pain meant progress, and that was what she wanted.

WC: 195
TWC: 918


The Temperance Tarot: Targa Empty Today at 4:42 pm

Halfway up, she paused, her body looked to be covered in blood. It was the first time she had actually sweated as a vampire and it turned out that she sweated blood. It was odd really, but then again it's all her body was really made of at this point. She didn't drink water anymore, only blood. She didn't really have most her organs, just her brain, heart and stomach. As she looked out over the inferno. It was...beautiful, in a brutal, untamed way. She wiped the sweat and ash from her forehead, clicked her teeth with grit, and kept climbing. She wasn't done yet.

By the time she pulled herself to the top, her body was trembling with exhaustion. She collapsed on her back, staring up at the sky, which was barely visible through the haze of smoke. The sun was just a dim orange glow. A smile tugged at her lips. She'd made it this far.

WC: 164
TWC: 1082

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