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The Sword and Shield [FCM – Flames of Night]

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The Sword and Shield  [FCM – Flames of Night]  Empty Fri Oct 04, 2024 8:59 am


Yuurei had been away from the North for quite some time. He was preparing things within Seven. He wanted to have everything completed before giving his news to the people here. The Warden didn’t know if they would be happy to join him in migrating to Seven, to a place where he would call his own. He had traveled to this place hoping to gather everyone from Orchidia, Rush Valley, and the smaller villages together to give this announcement, but it seemed like things were bad right now.

The Seraphim was in the air with Renji, the two of them soaring through it as they looked down to see a bunch of stuff was happening. They were confused about how things got like this. The North was one place that had peace in Fiore. Paradise Dawn had accomplished that with their sheer strength. There was nobody in Fiore that would dare make an enemy out of this guild or cause conflict within the North that would part a target on their back. Still, it seemed like that wasn’t the case as there seemed to be a riot happening throughout the city.

“What do you want to do Yuu?” Renji had asked him.

Yuurei looked at him with a serious look on his face.

“We have to stop this before people get hurt. If I show up what will happen? I think it would descalate quickly, but we also got to make sure the Rune Knights don’t do anything rash to the civilians.” He explained to Renji.

He nodded understanding the situation they were in.

“I see, so I shouldn’t use lethal force. Well, that sucks.” Migi said to Yuurei as he would only be able to help with extending his arm.

“I will protect you, my lord. We will go down there whenever you’re ready.” He said to Yuurei as they waited for him to make his move.


#2Brone Heavyaxe 

The Sword and Shield  [FCM – Flames of Night]  Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 9:40 pm

Brone Heavyaxe

Brone Heavyaxe

Huginn and Muninn had reached Brone Heavyaxe's shoulders and whispered into his ear. Orchidia was dealing with protesters, due to the the financial problems within Fiore. The dwarf wasn't fond of dealing with politics or economics, mainly because the subjects were too complicated for him to understand, so he didn't care to put his nose into such business or give an ear to Gnicholas, who had been questioning the possible turnout of the protests. It wasn't until the protests in Orchidia escalated to riots that worsen the situation and caught the dwarf's attention.

As Brone quickly readied himself, Gnicholas took notice, and as he noticed the dwarf wasn't answering his question of what news he heard, he realized this may be a dire situation and may involve the protests, so the curious gnome followed Brone and the two of them mounted onto Noctus, the black pegasus, before kicking off into the sky.

Though Brone was still uncomfortable with flying, he did his best to bare with the anxiety so he could get to Orchidia as quickly as possible, but eventually he couldn't keep himself focused, so he would then close his eyes and hug the pegasus while the gnome took the reigns. Gnicholas found it funny that as powerful as Brone was, keeping in mind of all the adventures he had, he was terrified of flying, such a small thing, but the gnome shrugged and continued to guide Noctus in the direction the dwarf was heading. Judging by the direction, it had to be possibly Orchidia.

Eventually, Gnicholas would catch sight of something else flying in the same direction... Yuurei! "Ah! Yuurei! It is quite fortunate for us to see you!" he called out over the wind.

"Yuurei!? By Durain's beard! What ye be doing up here?" Brone called to his friend as he opened his eyes to spot the angel flying nearby, but as he spotted how high he was up, he then shut his eyes once more and hugged the black pegasus.



The Sword and Shield  [FCM – Flames of Night]  Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 6:58 am


Yuurei was wondering how to tackle all of this. He was positive that the North was doing well, but it seemed like someone had planted a seed of doubt within their region. Still, he would rectify that for sure. Through his examination of the below, he noticed a few Rune Knights that had entered the city. They were probably dispatched to handle the problem, which in his opinion, they shouldn’t have been here.

His ears twitched to the familiar voice. If he was here, then they were all here, right? He looked over to the new group as he saw Brone, almost choking the horse with wings. That was a good way to not use mana, and be on an animal that could naturally fly.

“It’s nice to see you Gnicholas too. I’m happy you’re doing well Brone, I heard a lot of commotion was happening within Orchidia and I came to put a stop to it.” He said to Brone.

“What brings you here, you also heard that there was something going on in these parts?” He asked curious to hear what he had to say.

Renji looked at Brone and noticed how long they had been apart. It was ever since they had conquered that mountain that things had never been the same.

“I will go down first and see if I can gather people in one place.” He said to Yuurei.

He would go down, but before that, he would give everybody the vision to see what everyone else could see. It was as if they were a hive mind as he descended.

“Are we going to help Renji?” He asked Yuurei wondering what he would say.

“Who’s that? I never met him before.” Anti said to Yuurei as a symbiote would form the silhouette of a face on Yuurei’s shoulder.

Renji had landed on the ground and in the middle of a bunch of people screaming and moving around the city. They all looked at him and were confused for a second wondering who this person was. It took them a few seconds to realize who he was.


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