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A Nightly Greeting?(Social.)

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A Nightly Greeting?(Social.) Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 8:07 am

At least with Elise being in the north and the knowledge of being a woman who was only out at night and known for being a hunter, It left her life interesting twists at times.

For Elise it was the evening to evening people who merely look past her while they moved on their way. Other times it was what other interesting people might seek in the night as well. Most of the days Elise was alone just taking various notes, Preparing files of information, Or coming up with plans to deal with something herself.

It was just the run of the mill day for her. But to anyone else Elise was just thing hunter in the north and at times she was a little rude even if helpful. But it all mattered to each person who spoke with her. But as always a smoke of a cigarette started now.


A Nightly Greeting?(Social.) Empty Sun Sep 22, 2024 11:56 am

Chishio was lost. She didn't want to admit it, preferring to say this was just the area's fault itself, rather than making a mistake.

She had been walking aimlessly for a bit. She had passed the same woman several times now. Was she quickly walking around in circles? The woman she had passed by several times now was pretty but also came off as off-putting. White and purple aesthetic. She was slim yet, curvaceous, but also seemed familiar with this city. Chishio would not let anyone intimidate her, and this included the woman she had seen a few times now. Chishio gave a slight sigh. She turned around and approached her from the back.

"This area is complicated. Do you mind telling me where I am?" Chishio walked up to the woman and quickly got to the point. She wore the same clothes as she always did. Her long hair in a single giant braid that bounced behind her was the only difference.


A Nightly Greeting?(Social.) Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 5:32 am

She would get a question, seemingly from behind her. Not that Elise would think anything was going to be to worried about. But Elise also thought many things and considered a lot. In return it seemed at times while Elise might seem scary to meet when the sun was down, if one was truly lost. Elise would actually help."You are with in the general streets of Orchidia."

While a plain answer Elise did have a point."You are just a bit more lost, Because it is night time."Elise was at least trying not to be rude, She was just here taking a walk and smoking between various jobs that most people might not be remarkable.

But as the cigarette in her mouth was gone she just as quickly, pulled out another one, lit it up with a snap of her fingers. Figured she would offer to help this lost elf."But, If you really are lost, Let me help you. Where are you trying to go?"Elise had the time to spare.


A Nightly Greeting?(Social.) Empty Thu Sep 26, 2024 3:24 pm

General streets of Orchidia. Ok. Chishio would nod and pretend to understand.

The woman proceeded to say she was lost because it was nighttime. Was that a good explanation? Uh. She'd just pretend it was. It didn't seem like a comment she could warp to be offended by. It was too factual and neutral to elicit a toxic response.

"I'm trying to get to my hotel," Chishio would start saying. Well, there were a lot of hotels here. That sounded incredibly ambiguous and vague. She tapped her chin in memory as an attempt to be more decided, "I think it sits next to a pub called Charlie's Liquor and Bar."

Wow, that's a good response Chishio! Good job!

"Do you recall where that is? Could you walk me there? If it's not too far."

If the woman before her agreed to assist, regardless of the response, Chishio would begin to attempt to follow her.


A Nightly Greeting?(Social.) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 1:33 pm

Luck's favour, or if Chishio does believe in any form of deity their god's favour seemed to be with them at this time, Since there was a few things Elise knew to do just in case she was too tired to make it back to her guild. She actually mapped the city, Eventually learned it all in her head and kept track most of the land marks."I might know exactly what place you are talking about." Elise seemed to make sure she was joining her just incase.

Since she never knew for sure, Elise did have a wonderful habit of sometimes making people some what uncomfortable with Elise at times because she was a bit of an oddity after all she was just awake and out only at night. But alas she seemed to be prepared to follow Elise."If you do trust me, I can lead you there."Even then she would be sure to show some kind of kindness.

"I would off you a cigarette too, I just unsure if your the smoking type." She would just see over all out of politeness, She had plenty of her horrible habit to spare, But she was use to people not really smoking aside from her, But the offer still stood for her.

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