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A Nightly Greeting?(Social.)

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A Nightly Greeting?(Social.) Empty Today at 11:07 am

At least with Elise being in the north and the knowledge of being a woman who was only out at night and known for being a hunter, It left her life interesting twists at times.

For Elise it was the evening to evening people who merely look past her while they moved on their way. Other times it was what other interesting people might seek in the night as well. Most of the days Elise was alone just taking various notes, Preparing files of information, Or coming up with plans to deal with something herself.

It was just the run of the mill day for her. But to anyone else Elise was just thing hunter in the north and at times she was a little rude even if helpful. But it all mattered to each person who spoke with her. But as always a smoke of a cigarette started now.

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