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Targa Tab Talham (New Year, New Life)

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Targa Tab Talham (New Year, New Life) Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 7:49 am



Name: Targa Tab Talham

Age: May 26th, X769

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Ethnicity, Father: Desierto

Ethnicity, Step-Father: Icebergan

Ethnicity, Mother: Desierto

Class: Sorcerer

Race: Vampire

Rank: C-rank

Guild: Fairy Tail

Tattoo: Right Thigh

Face: Drolta Tzuentes/ Castlevania: Nocturne


Height: 177.80 (5'10")

Weight: 54.00 kg (119 lbs)

Hair: Jet-black hair with Pink/Purple ends.

Eyes: Pink

Overall: Targa is a tall, slender yet athletically fit and lithe woman. She is an impeccable beauty. Her face is flawless, almost too perfect to belong to a human, and in fact doesn't. She has pink eyes with black sclera. She often wears black clothing and a pair of large, pin-like earrings. Drolta also has an extensive wardrobe of eclectic outfits.

Cold Weather:
Transformation: Daemon:
Dressed Up:


Personality: Targa is a kindhearted and compassionate individual, despite her vampiric nature. She is driven by a deep desire to do good and help others, using her powers to protect those in need. Targa is not the slightest bit modest about her appearance, fully aware of her beauty and not above using her considerable feminine charms to get what she wants. She has a playful confidence, often flirting her way out of trouble or into an advantage, but beneath it all, her intentions are always pure.

Though her appearance as a vampire might frighten some, Targa is quick to forgive and slow to hold grudges. She deeply cares for her friends, and her loyalty knows no bounds. Even those who have wronged her are often met with understanding and kindness, as she believes in giving others the chance to change.

Targa has a strong love for alcohol, and her tolerance is almost legendary. She enjoys the social aspect of drinking, the way it brings people together, though her love for alcohol borders on addiction. Even more than her love for drinking, however, is her passion for magic. Targa is fascinated by all forms of magic and is constantly seeking to learn more. The thrill of discovering new spells or types of magic excites her like nothing else, and she can often be found in libraries, poring over old tomes in search of knowledge.

  • Alcohol: Targa has a great love for alcoholic beverages-and a strong alcoholic resistance- such that it borders on addiction.
  • Magic: Targa is known to have an obsession with magic, even more so than she loves alcohol. She gets excited whenever she encounters a new type of magic and gets excited to see it in action. When not drinking, on a quest, or with friends she is often at the library looking up, researching and studying various types of magic.

  • Sour Foods: Targa loves strong flavors, but anything overly sour makes her cringe.  
  • Being Ignored: She hates being overlooked or dismissed, especially after growing up in her sister's shadow.

  • Post tenebras lux: Out of darkness cometh light. Targa is blessed, or cursed, with Crash Magic and wishes to bring good to the world with it, to fight evil with it. Sometimes the best defense is a great offensive.

  • Mea culpa: One of her fears is by using Crash Magic, she will lose control of it and harm those she cares about. It would bring her great remorse.
  • Alea iacta est: Another fear is that the die has been cast on her life. That one day she might give into her vampiric nature and stray to a dark path.


Strength: 5

Speed: 10

Constitution: 10

Endurance: 10

Intelligence: 61


Magic Name: Crash

Magic Element: Arcane

Magic Enhancement: Armor Piercing

Magic Description: Crash is a powerful magic that allows the user to create completely invisible shockwaves. If the user is unfocused, they may destroy objects such as houses unintentionally. By imbuing their fist with Crash, the user is able to send an enemy flying numerous meters with incredible force. It is also capable of being fired as a burst of energy at the opponent.


History: Growing up in Iceberg was complicated. The cold, the endless winters, the way the sky seemed to stretch forever. Targa often played with her half-sister Zariya, who stood tall and proud, always carrying the weight of being the Jarl's daughter. She had everything; such as respect, power, and a clear path. And then there was Targa, the half-sister, the bastard. She was never meant to be there, never really part of the family. She was the mistake her mother made when she reunited with her old lover from Desierto. The lover was someone important there, though Targa never knew exactly who. Her origins were always a mystery that no one wanted to discuss. Still, her "father" allowed her to stay, let her grow up beside Zariya, even if she was always on the outside looking in.

Life was a constant journey between Iceberg and Desierto. Targa was full-blooded Desiertan, born of the sun and sand, yet she grew up in the harsh cold of Iceberg. She spoke both languages, learned both customs, but I never truly belonged in either place. In Desierto, she was seen as a child of the north, too foreign. In Iceberg, she was always the child of scandal, the reminder of her mother's betrayal. Targa moved between two worlds, never quite fitting in either.

And then everything changed when Zariya became a vampire. Her magic, the Crash Magic that should have been her strength, was destroying Targa from the inside out. It was too powerful, too wild. It was then that Zariya made the choice to turn Targa, to save her. It wasn't out of anything but desperation, a last-ditch effort to keep her alive. To this day she still remembers the pain, the cold that seemed to seep into her very bones, the darkness that swallowed her whole. But then, there was light. she was healed. The magic that had once been her curse was tamed, her body strengthened, her life extended far beyond what she had ever imagined. She was given the power to heal, to regenerate, to live forever. It wasn't the life she had planned, but it was a life.

Shortly after being turned, Targa felt the need to get away. She loved her sister dearly, but she needed to live her own path. Seeking independence and a place to belong without scrutiny, she traveled to the Kingdom of Fiore, where she joined the Fairy Tail guild, learned their culture and language and began anew.

Discord: ZenithSage

Previous Character Application: Zenith

Previous Character Sheet: Zenith


Targa Tab Talham (New Year, New Life) Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 10:08 am

This character is approved for roleplay.

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