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Karina Briggs

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Karina Briggs Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 11:32 am



Name: Karina Briggs

Age: 21 years old  07/22/X775

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Ethnicity, Father: Pergrandi/Bellan (Human)

Ethnicity, Mother: Fiorian (Werewolf)

Class: Adventurer

Race: Werewolf

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Sleeping Calamity

Tattoo: Palm of hand - Affair

Face: Kaina Tsutsumi - My Hero Academia


Height: 173.7cm

Weight: 125 lbs

Hair: Pink and Indigo

Eyes: Purple

Overall: Karina is a woman that stands about five foot seven, she had pink and indigo colored hair that comes down to the tops of her shoulders. Her body type is probably around average she is toned but not overly muscled. When she turns into her werewolf form her fur takes on the color of her hair. Her purple eyes are not overly strict looking and her skin is smooth and a light shade above pale. She is usually wearing a black or dark purple colored outfit with a belt that comes around her waist to keep the outright from flowing too much while she is in combat or training.

Extra: N/A


Personality: Karina is very level headed and logical when she is not in her werewolf form where she is more on a rampage and will needlessly bulldoze people in attempts to use her raw strength, she prefers to relay on her wits more than the raw power of her werewolf form. She is easy to get along with as she mostly goes with the flow of things that are happening but that does not mean that she slacks when it comes to training or sparring as she is not one to take a lot laying down as she will keep getting back up and never giving up as long as she can get back to her feet. She will defend those that she holds dear which people call her "Nanny packing" habit. She can sometimes become a bit of a control freak especially on requests that would have her and a team moving around a lot so she wants to be able to be prepared for what might lurk in the area and if they will have what they need when they go to set up their camp so no one ends up having to go hungry if she can help it that is.

  • Guns: Ever since she was young she was had a like for firearms and using them when she can.
  • Spicy Foods: Her Ballan blood has given her a want and a love of overly spicy foods

  • Whiners: She dislikes dealing with people that whine and are gloomy when they can just pick up a hobby or solve the issues they usually are complaining about with a bit of hard work.
  • Bland Food: She hates being served food that has no flavor like someone forgot how spices work.

  • Her Father: Her father was a well respected adventurer and she aims to hit that mark as well through hard work and never giving up.

  • Not Reaching Her Goal: She fears that she will fall short of being a grand adventurer like her father.


Strength: 1

Speed: 11

Constitution: 6

Endurance: 11

Intelligence: 1


History: Karina was born to two loving parents, her father was an over joyed man even though he had wanted a son he was even more excited that his wife had gotten the daughter she wanted from this. Her mother is a bigger, more well built woman who showed clear signs that she was of werewolf blood. She had no signs of being of the kin and her mother worried a bit as she was born as a runt and small for her size but her father that was a fair bit shorter than her told her mother that she would grow and she would one day be as beautiful as she was. That seemed to have calmed down her worries of the young Karina.

Once she was tall enough and sturdy enough she went to her father who loved to tell her stories of his adventurers and his gear that he had to hang up after a bad injury where he took an arrow to the knee that had kept him from further adventuring at the risk of his lost agility from the injury. He with the permission of her mother trained her on the right and wrong ways to use weapons and even let her pick a weapon that she felt that she would like to have and train to be able to use it. As the years went her father had worked her into a rather fine marksmen and she grew to be nimble and trained with her mother on how to properly use her werewolf powers once they had begun to bloom and taught her how to better control herself though she still is yet to fully master the powers of the beast she has.

Once she was old enough and she was fully sure of her choice she wanted to go out into the world and try to one day be a great adventurer like her father, her father gave to her some basic armor and a basic gun as he had agreed that would be what he did once she was ready as she didn't want to be spoiled and she wanted to start her adventure as her father did many years ago a gift of starting gear and a path to walk.

Discord: @Nav_Kaito

Reference: The many, the chosen Google


Karina Briggs Empty Sat Oct 05, 2024 2:45 pm

This character is approved for roleplay.

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