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HipHop Lesson 1: Fan meet ups

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#1Earan F. Channtelle 

HipHop Lesson 1: Fan meet ups Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 5:44 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Footsteps echoed through the main hall as Earan was going over the book that Elise had lent them as it really felt as though they missed key topics, "IMPORTNAT MESSAGE FOR EARAN!!" closing their book they waved down the man. It was still odd that the Church had agreed to host their little meet-n-greet on such short notice even though the decorations wouldn't make anyone think it was last minute. The walls had been plastered with large posters of him from several past promotions.

As the man relayed the information Earan stood up from his table and pushed their hair back "Okay let's go meet some fans!" following the man to the main entrance of the church the sounds of people talking and singing made his heart pound. Stopping just short of the handle Earan let out a huge sigh before opening the doors. "Thank you all for coming out to this lil meet-n-greet guys it means the world to me! " the crowd was a mix of girls and boys of a variety of ages.

HipHop Lesson 1: Fan meet ups Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )
#2Earan F. Channtelle 

HipHop Lesson 1: Fan meet ups Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 6:59 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
As the fans cheered him on the anxiety and joy were at odds with one another as they did a small walk around to get everyone excited bout their small one on ones that would happen later in the day. Earan felt as though today would be a rather easy day given that it was just signing papers, making small chats, and smiling for the most part Okay this is going to be real easy for me I've done this before! he thought humming random tune. 

One fan reached over the guards and managed to grab a clump of their hair but quickly let go without much of a fuss. Having to go around the church just to get back inside was a hassle but they couldn't let the fans see that, "Okay, I'll see you guys inside for photos and chats!" As the fans formed their lines the idol started to feel the exhaustion start to creep up on them

HipHop Lesson 1: Fan meet ups Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )
#3Earan F. Channtelle 

HipHop Lesson 1: Fan meet ups Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 7:15 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
After getting back inside the church Earan took a second to breathe and also changed their clothes to something more relaxed and casual. Once all the staff finished setting up the respective sections that they needed for the rest of the day Okay let's go! I can do this! mentally hyping themself up was always like a ritual of sorts. 

Making their way to the main hall once again Earan held their Spear in hand and started singing Kick Back as they entered the main hall, the fans waited in their lines and talked amongst themselves as Earan picked which station they would get through first. 

Between the photo ops and signs the signatures seemed smaller "Hi thanks for coming today who can I make this out to?" as the signature line went on the Idol started to feel their hand give out a bit, the church assistants took notice of this and quickly paused the line to give them a moment of rest before jumping back into things.

HipHop Lesson 1: Fan meet ups Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )
#4Earan F. Channtelle 

HipHop Lesson 1: Fan meet ups Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 8:30 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
After sitting down for a moment the sound of someone breaking either a door or window echoed through the room, the staff/church memebers rushed towards the sound while Earan sat in his chair waiting for someone to request their aid. "You monster how could you take this from me!" the voice and the melody could have only come from one person who they had thought vanished years ago after certain events. 

Jumping out of their rather comfy chair as the sorcue of the disturbance made their loud and somewhat off-beat melody charge over to them. Not wanting to let this perfect day be ruined the Idol rushed over to meet this trouble maker "Ushio..." he muttered as a chair flew towards them with no warning. 

"So you think crashing my meet and great is gonna help you reclaim whats lost?" jumping to the side the summoner pushed back his hair and crossed their arms as they shuffled of the church members.

HipHop Lesson 1: Fan meet ups Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )
#5Earan F. Channtelle 

HipHop Lesson 1: Fan meet ups Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 8:55 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Ushio simply looked at Earan with more than just hatered burning within their eyes though on the other side was a carefree smile that held no hate at all.  "If you need a boost I can let you open for me once I have my next round of shows." their tone was upbeat yet all it seemed to do was add on to the anger that was already present. Walking up to their old friend Earan placed their hand on their shoulder in hopes that they could find something to agree on Why is he even here and what does he really want?

It was odd hearing them place blame on something that they didn't have any control over but it was something that could be dealt with later, Ushio looked at them and tossed their hand off as if they were hurting them or something. "This was supposed to be my meet and greet! My! REBRANDING!" the claims now placed before them now created more questions that needed to be answered.

HipHop Lesson 1: Fan meet ups Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )
#6Earan F. Channtelle 

HipHop Lesson 1: Fan meet ups Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 8:55 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Holding back their urge to laugh at the boys' reaction to the updated look Earan simply covered their mouth with their sleeve and examined him once more with Mic still in hand Could I have been wrong about him or is this simply an act he's putting on? The idea of a Ushio trying to pull over on them was laughable but it was clear that his anger was the real thing or maybe it was agitation. From Ushio's view, it may have seemed like he was simply using their clothes as a demonstration but in truth, it was yet another assessment for them to pass or fail and thus far they haven't done well. 

"Oh come now you'll never achieve anything with a mindset like that you know," placing both his hands on each hip Earans's expression didn't change from the carefree one they had before "If you truly wish to be a Idol then you have to beat me." Even though the two of them had once been a rather promising duo but the jealousy that manifested between them was more than enough to drive them apart.

HipHop Lesson 1: Fan meet ups Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )

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