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Test the Waters

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Test the Waters Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 7:44 pm

Karina got a quest to come and help a woman with her task to do gain some sample tests and then head back to a lab with the woman that fired her. She didn't see how this could be a hard mission and she smiled and hurried to the place that she was to meet the woman who seemed like she was displeased and she seemed to look Karina up and down and once she made sure that she was the woman that took the request she was shown into the testing area of the lab and Karina looked at all the fancy machines and things that the woman would use to test water levels, polluting levels, and salt levels of the waters she wondered if she was even able to help this woman in doing these tests as she was very nervous about this all and she was going to need to make sure that she didn't mess up.


Test the Waters Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 7:44 pm

Karina followed the woman as she ran the woman through the stuff she would need and how they need to be quick and keep a steady hand which was easy enough for Karina as she was use to having a stead hand with her gun. The woman she was helping was grumbling about people and how they don't take care of the sea and the live that live in it right and how they don't deserve it all and the bounties that it gives to them. Karina is guessing the woman is just passionate about her job as they got the tests set up and they waited for the results Karina looked around the lab a bit and listened to the woman go on about the sea life and how people are the worse things. Karina doesn't agree with that as humans have done a lot of good but she hates vampires.


Test the Waters Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 7:44 pm

She walked back to the table when a timer went off and Karina started to tell the woman about the results of the test and the woman was marking down the results on a paper and double checking the findings of the results as she seemed to be getting pissed off and then she told the woman that the results had gone up a bit to Karina the numbers the woman used meant nothing and seemed small but that was just to Karina. The woman started having Karina help her redo the tests so they can make sure that the results they got were right and not a false reading from something having gone wrong or something causing the increase. Karina guessed it was better to double check it than them to have a report that was not right. The woman seemed to be grumbling curses as she looked at the tests as she had done this enough to know that the results are gonna end up close to the same.


Test the Waters Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 7:44 pm

She looked to the adventurer woman and held out the reward for helping as she ranted a bit more as the results had just come in again and they were the same and this woman seemed like she was about to be on a war path and Karina got out of the woman's way and then walked over and looked at the tests and she guessed that she was not really built to be a science woman she doesn't have the brains or heart and lucked the passion. Karina with her reward in hand she started to leave listening to the woman yelling a bit and she wondered if the woman would be okay but knowing it really didn't matter as she was paid and the woman seemed to need her space and Karina was not looking to end up in the middle of something so she left to go look for more work.
(154) (637/500) (Exit)

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