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All that Glitters isn't Snow-Sophie-[PPCS - Skating Rink]

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#1Yuuki Hashimoto 

All that Glitters isn't Snow-Sophie-[PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 7:51 am

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yumi sat on Yuuki's shoulders watching people zip around the rink, she was practically buzzing with excitement which was not unusual for the pixie, since everything was a new experience after her head injury which caused her to lose her memories. Yuuki laughed at her excitement "Calm down Yumi, I would not want you to fall and get hurt." he said full of mirth and warmth even though it was down right frigid outside. "Do ya think... they'd let me do that?" Yumi asked acting some what shy and reserved which was uncommon for her "Well if they had skates in your size maybe, but we can always ask." He said with warmth as he smiled at her

Yuuki Approached the rental counter and asked the lady behind the desk if they had skates in the pixies size, she nodded and went off to get them. Yumi had jumped off his shoulder when the lady had confirmed they did indeed have her size and was now buzzing around above his head  "You keep going that fast and you're gonna get dizzy again." he said with a grin which you could see the blush on her cheeks as she slowly settled back down on to his left shoulder clearly embarrassed. Yuuki Reached over poked her cheek " You know I was only teasing you." He said warmly as the lady returned with the skates and handed them to him. Yumi's embarrassment was gone the moment she seen the skates and the excited buzz she had earlier had returned as Yuuki made his way over to a bench to help her put the tiny skates on.

Yumi glided down off Yuuki's shoulder to come to rest on the bench for before sitting down and kicking her legs excitedly 'She's just like a kid somedays.' Yuuki thought as he unlaced her boots and set them neatly under the bench before slipping a ice skate on her left foot lacing it up and then doing the same to the right "You know, you're probably gonna fall a lot, Right?" he asked curiously as he glanced at her eyes to see her honor colored orbs were more vibrant than usual "Probably.....But it looks so fun!" she said with enthusiasm as she tried to stand up before Yuuki stopped her knowing full and well if she had she would have fell flat on her face.

Yuuki picked the pixie up by her tiny little waist and placed her on the other side wall into the skating rink which had rails that were adult and child height for beginners to hold onto "Yumi, if i were you id hold on to the rail until you get the hang of it, other wise you're just gonna be miserable later." he said warmly she gave him a quick nod before taking off while holding on to the rail. She was kind of awkward at first as she lost her balance a few times but holding on to the rail kept her from completely falling, eventually she made a few laps around the ring before  she got brave enough to let go of the rail and from that point forward there was no stopping her as she began to zoom around the rink.

Yuuki Watched fondly from the rail wishing that was something he could do but at his impressive height, he did not think it would be wise for him to be out there, mainly because if he fell he could really end up hurting some people and Yuuki was against senseless violence; He was never one to start a fight but he would be the one to finish it or at the very least they would remember him. Yuuki rubbed his hands together before blowing on them trying to warm them up, he really should have bought some gloves at one of the stores before coming out here.

post word count:649


All that Glitters isn't Snow-Sophie-[PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 7:06 am


WORDS: 410 | Snowy Succulence

Oh~? Well, well, well… The brilliant blue eyes of one of the town’s hosts seeming to fixate upon a familiar form who made sore thumbs look rather inconspicuous thanks to his size, Sophie Sauveterre smirked as she spied someone she might never have expected while lacing up a pretty and well made pair of skates which she had brought for the occasion, and found herself swelling with a sense of mischief because of it.
Might as well make a memorable entrance, hm~? Heading to the rink on the urging of the glory which ran her guild in no small part because of her expertise when it came to this arena, objects to decorate one’s mantle had been a passion for this perky pinkette in the cooler climbs that her parents position had taken her to in her youth, and so now with no small sense of mischief clear in her mind she sought to take full advantage of that fact but gliding onto the ice and building up a rather significant head of steam as she set off.

“Hap…!” The slender siren suddenly like a rocket and whipping about the frigid field to build up some momentum, with her legs carrying her as fast as they ever could on the streets or perhaps ever more so the magenta minx waited until she was about to stride past the monument-sized man and then vaulted into the air, whilst twisting as she did so. As such found both springing and spinning as she took off like a bird in flight and like kicking up bot the padded coat which she wore and the pleated skirt which hung from her waist as well, the coquette was like a corkscrew until finally hitting the smooth surface once more and bringing herself to a halt with a smile upon her face, and perhaps an air of breathlessness as well.

“Welcome to the ice, Mister and oh, Mrs Yuuki as well~?” Panting just that teeny tiny bit due to the lack of recent practice and perhaps the sense of exhilaration which she felt as well, after a few beats and the chance to let the rise and fall of her chest settle the stunning skater seemed to smirk at her acquaintances as she noticed that the lad she had met in Joya was once more accompanied by his diminutive chaperone, and winked as she greeted them. Looked like today’s ‘watch’ was going to be an interesting one, hm~?

Smart is the new Sexy

- Sophie Sauveterre

credit to nat of adoxography.

#3Yuuki Hashimoto 

All that Glitters isn't Snow-Sophie-[PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 4:31 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki had been watching Yumi dart around the rink and she seemed to really be enjoying herself, Yuki wondered if someone of his size could move around the rink so effortlessly or if he would just be a inconvenience everyone around him by just being in the way in his inexperience. Yumi skated to a halt at the rail in front of him beaming with a happiness that reached her eyes "Yuuukiiiii, are you gonna come skate?" she asked curiously as Yuuki thought about her request "Probably not Yumi. I am more of a risk to others out there at my size." He said warmly and genuinely as he reached down to pat her little head 'I cant even hold the rail.' he thought to himself.

Yuuki had been so focused on Yumi he had almost missed a familiar leggy form glide out on to the ice 'Sophie!' he thought excitedly to himself as he felt his pulse quicken touch as he watched her pick up speed and begin a series of jaw dropping acrobatics before coming to a stop in front of him Yuuki was in awe and she glided up to the rail, Yumi however let out a barely audible 'Hmph' crossing her arms and looking away jealously. Yuuki didn't know it but the little pixie had not been able to get a wink of sleep when the two of them were last together and had to suffer their flirtatious exploits for she did not want to embarrass Yuuki.

Sophie seemed to playfully welcome them to the ice as Yumi skated away jealously leaving the two alone "Well I certainly did not expect to see your gorgeous self out here." he said giving her a warm smile as he reached out to attempt to playfully boop her nose "I will admit I was wondering when I would get to see you again after are Joyan date; however I am delighted you are here." he said warmly as his sapphire like orbs locked on to hers his eyes alight with mischievousness as he wondered if things would escalate from their previous encounter.

"I will say you surprised me with that acrobatic series you just performed." he said in a warm and genuine manner "Do you perhaps think you could teach me how to skate? I would have been out there already but the rails too short for me to grasp." he said sheepishly and hoping that him asking her for guidance was not something that would turn her off from him.

Post Word Count:422
Thread Word Count:1,041


All that Glitters isn't Snow-Sophie-[PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 8:30 am


WORDS: 410 | Snowy Succulence

“Oho, unexpected~? And here I was thinking you’d sought out my happy little home~?” The brow of the belle on blades lifting as the boy who she had met in the east confessed his astonishment at seeing her here, while Sophie herself was perhaps a little astounded as well given the coincidence she was merrily so, and soon seemed to tease him on the fact that he had met her in what might have been considered the closest thing she had to her ‘home’. Literally in fact, as she teased her skirt up a little way and rolled her thigh high down sufficiently to show off the guild mark which she carried, and spelled out her allegiance to Hargeon.

“Ahahaha, WOW, you’re surprised to find I’m more than a pretty face~? That sounds a bit rude~” The magenta minx seeming more than happy to toy with him a little when next Yuuki admitted his shock at seeing her perform so well on the ice, while perhaps it had been true that their meetings in Joya had done little to imply her ability on skates all the same the temptress couldn’t help but twist his words a bit, and then showed a mock sense of outrage for being judged upon her appearance.
“What’s he like, eh Yumi~?” Grinning all the while and through that implying the absence of sincerity she had toward the feeling ultimately, once more she couldn’t help but notice how the small soul who so often accompanied this towering figure was sulking about what she could only assume was her interruption, and so the pinkette made an effort to engage the pink sized pixie in part because she didn’t entirely like them being on bad terms.

“My, my, is this your first time~?” Not that she wouldn’t take full advantage of the situation and the man who she was privately rather happy to see in fact, when next the lofty lad admitted that he wasn’t so experienced when it came to skating Miss Sauveterre couldn’t help but snicker, and tilted her head as she likened his status to something a little more risqué.
“Don’t worry, I tend to be gentle with cherries~!” Certainly not leaving the matter there however and moving in closer to her would-be student and let loose a little purr and a wink meant only for him, before offering out her paw and biting her bottom lip as she accepted his request, and invited him to place his faith and balance in her hands…

Smart is the new Sexy

- Sophie Sauveterre

credit to nat of adoxography.

#5Yuuki Hashimoto 

All that Glitters isn't Snow-Sophie-[PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 8:49 am

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki smirked as Sophie's words as she teased him about his surprise and her thinking he had intentionally sought her out "If only I had known where to look." He said giving her a playful wink as his eyes glanced down to catch her hiking up her skirt and rolling her thigh high down which caused Yuuki's pulse to quicken as she showed off her guild mark to him, but said situation was quickly allowing his mind to wander into more intimate territory, luckily for Yuuki Sophie spoke yet again dragging him for away from such carnal thoughts and desires, at least for now anyway.

Yuuki's ears twitched at her playful chiding as she feigned outrage at Yuuki's previous praise "To be fair our previous encounters have been more intimate in nature and less suited for showing off talents." he said warmly with a taunting smirk. Yuuki couldn't deny the fact that he found her strikingly beautiful and not just her face and long legs, though both were highly alluring, but Yuuki also found her witty playfulness and sense of humor highly attractive as well as she was able to stimulate his mind and not just his visual appetite as well; which was something Yuuki found refreshing and enjoyable.

Yumi blushed at Sophie's question as she was not exactly privy to Yuuki's carnal wants or desires as it was something that rarely came up in conversation she did how ever know one or two things "Yuuki likes long legs, pretty eyes and witty humor." she said to Sophie in an attempt to get back at Yuuki for openly flirting with Sophie as she shot Yuuki as teasing smirk "Oi! Yumi why you got to out the things I enjoy." he asked in mocking surprise his ears twitching as he gave Sophie a playful wink.

Yumi ignored Yuuki's question as her plan had backfired and instead of embarrassing Yuuki she was now embarrassed her face flushed and warm. Yuuki's attention was diverted off the pixie when Sophie began to tease him about not knowing how to skate asking if it was his first time which caught him off guard causing his cheeks to slightly flush red as his ears twitched more Yuuki was about to respond to her teasing when she took it a step further telling him that he didn't need to worry as she was gentle with cherries as he blushed a bit more at the innuendo indicating she maybe knew of his inexperience; however Yuuki was not gonna get off balance so early as he fired back with some teasing of his own "Oh? Looking to take more than one first time are ya?" he said teasingly and with a wink noticing that she was biting her lip as she offered her hand which he gladly accepted as he let her take the lead as he wondered what he would do if she actually did attempt to take his first time.

Post Word count:493
Thread Word Count: 1,534


All that Glitters isn't Snow-Sophie-[PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 5:51 pm


WORDS: 440 | Snowy Succulence

“Teehee, if you think that book signings and guided tours are intimate affairs, I worry what you might make of me after a few drinks~?” The bubbly belle arching her brow at his comment about the coziness of their meetings thus far, once more it seemed that Sophie would take a rather libertarian approach to his words or perhaps one tainted with wickedness, and teased the lad on the subject of what might happen should they really get the chance to indulge a place of privacy and the pleasures which might come along with it.

“Really~? Now… Isn’t that interesting?” The stunning skater feeling some surprise however when her fellow femme seemed to speak up on the tastes of her partner with a seeming intention of joining a common cause of mischief, the fuchsia fox couldn’t help but feel a little flattered by an assessment which hit rather close to her home when it came to her lengthy lower limbs and penchant for wordplay, and cocked her head because of that.
“Now, now. Don’t listen to him. We should team up, all girls together~? Might be fun bullying him, right~?” Waving her hand however when her would be student dismissed the actions of his pint sized partner however, the perky pinkette flashed a wink to the pixie as well as a grin which was rife with devilry, and nodded to her shoulder as if to beckon her toward more amenable company, and perhaps a wing which might see her better able to deal with the man they had in common. Proverbially speaking of course, due to her lack of more obvious fluttering appendages.

“Wouldn’t be the first~” The magenta minx meanwhile taking a rather matter of fact approach when they discussed the matter of claiming certain introductory events, she remained cool and coy as she gripped the hand which she was given and then kicked off from the ice at a rather sedate pace, offering the tall young man the chance to benefit from her balance as she guided him on to help him relax and build his confidence.
“For the ice either. I know of another cherry that found itself popped thanks to some scintillating chemistry upon it~?” All too aware of how overthinking things might blight one in this medium and for that reason offering up something other than how his feet were doing for Yuuki to think about, Miss Sauveterre seemed shameless as she admitted that she felt something of a connection with the act of skating and perhaps more amorous pursuits, and especially so as through veiled means the vixen revealed at least some of how she had taken that important step in her ’development’…

Smart is the new Sexy

- Sophie Sauveterre

credit to nat of adoxography.

#7Yuuki Hashimoto 

All that Glitters isn't Snow-Sophie-[PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 1:49 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki smirked slightly as she teased him about his opinion of what intimate was "I mean, we could always find out." Yuuki said with a grin that met his eyes as he wondered too himself if he actually could handle her after a few drinks, recalling their first encounter where she had him off balanced the entire time, although most of that was thanks to Yumi's mischief which gave Sophie the wrong idea or opinion about the pair, when in reality Yuuki thought of Yumi like a little sister, thought Yuuki was uniquely curious how the bubbly upbeat woman would act after a few drinks.

Yumi still smirked with a almost haughty look on her face when Sophie spoke in surprise at Yumi revealing some of Yuuki's preferences in women to the much taller woman "He also likes his ears and hair played with." Yumi said with a Cheshire grin up at Yuuki in response to him chiding her about outing his likes before her attention turned back to the taller woman who seemed to offer an alliance as the small pixie noticed the wink and grin at the same time "Sure why not! If Yuuki wants to flirt in front of me like this, I have no problem telling you his deepest darkest secrets." she said with a wink as she floated up and sat gently on Sophies left shoulder.

Yuuki's face flushed a tad red at Yumi stating he liked his ears and hair played with, information he was sure Yumi found out when he had been drinking as he was a talker when drinking. "Uhhhhh." was all Yuuki was able to utter in embarrassment as Sophie guided him out onto the ice and stating Yuuki wouldn't be the first with little context to tell him which first time she was talking about, Yuuki hoped she meant it was not the first time teaching someone how to ice skate however it certainly could have been taken in another manner which just the mere thought off made Yuuki's face feel warm and he could feel his pulse quicken.

Yuuki wondered what would happen if the two ever genuinely ended up alone together and just how far or fast things would proceed when his musings were cut short when Sophie yet again spoke confirming his suspicions as she indicated for the ice either, while also seeming to hint that this wasn't the first time she seen a cherry popped on the ice causing Yuuki to gulp at the implications his mind not even on skating now as felt the warmth of his hand against hers as the tempo of his heartbeat seemed to increase with in his chest "Um... err.... are you talking about me or perhaps someone else ?" Yuuki asked in a nervous but curious tone as Yumi noticed the embarrassment on Yuuki's face she leaned down to Sophies left ear and whispered "Yuuki's a Virgin, he gets shy at even the talk of coitus." she said impishly and only loud enough for Sophie to hear.

Post Word Count: 507
Thread Word Count:2,041


All that Glitters isn't Snow-Sophie-[PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Sun Oct 13, 2024 6:30 am


WORDS: 480 | Snowy Succulence

“Does he now~?” Always one who had a soft spot for those pointy little ears and as such feeling a greater thrill in knowing of the apparent sensitivity which Yuuki had in them, the mind of the magenta minx seemed to be occupied for a moment by all kinds of nibble-related imagery as she imagined herself taking full advantage of such a vulnerability, and as such was left nibbling that lower lip once more as she weighed up the possibility of doing so.
“You’re quite the devil on my shoulder, Yumi~!” Such chance only seeming to grow now that she had an ally in her alluring endeavours thanks to the support and seated position which the impish fairy seemed to assume, Miss Sauveterre couldn’t help but liken the position of the lass to certain forms of comical or ironic imagery and loved the feeling of having a woman who had been on the inside, and rewarded her new partner in mischief by raising a palm for the girl to clap in the style much accustomed to those of devout brothership.

“Ohhhhh, just a little prior experience, shall we say~?” All the more amused as it seemed that their combination and the potential therein was starting to make the tall figure beside them seem that bit more of a wallflower, Sophie grinned back at him as he asked about the comments she had made about her association between icy antics and those of more salacious nearing and tipped her head, seeming to say plenty with the knowing look in her eyes even if her mouth was a little less candid in expression.
“O-Oh my… Is he really~?” That being said even one so bubbly and bold as this blue eyed belle being caught by surprise as her fellow femme seemed to show no such discretion in what she said next, the lashes of the lass seemed to flutter and with them so too did her face warm a bit when her impish ally seemed to confirm exactly what she had been thinking, and all the while did the perky pink pegasi feel her sense of excitement growing at the potential in this connection.

“Say Yuuki, how long were you thinking of staying in Hargeon, I wonder~?” Perhaps it a little on the unseemly side but sensing something of a prize in the purity which Yumi had revealed, though Miss Sauveterre wasn’t too sure why a young man with looks as good as this might not have had the chance to become fully versed in matters of human interaction, but she certainly sensed some thrill in the notion of teaching him a bit in that area too. For that reason only all the more interested in his presence here and how long it might linger, suddenly she was wearing a catlike smirk and looking at the lad like he was a cornered mouse, and boy did she feel hungry hm~?

Smart is the new Sexy

- Sophie Sauveterre

credit to nat of adoxography.

#9Yuuki Hashimoto 

All that Glitters isn't Snow-Sophie-[PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Sun Oct 13, 2024 6:18 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki blushed visibly at Yumi revealing what he personally enjoyed and the platonic places he didn't mind being touched "Y-yumi." Yuuki stuttered his face radiating such a warmth he thought he would melt as Yuuki noticed Sophie nibble her bottom lip wondering what she planned to do with the information Yumi had just given her as there were plenty of possibilities, and based off their prior interactions Yuuki was slightly worried how she might act on that information as she was definitely not one Yuuki would consider shy in the slightest.

Yuuki noticed the Cheshire grin on Yumi's face and Sophie commented about Yumi being the devil on her shoulder causing Yumi to giggle as she gave Sophie a high five with her tiny hand "I know all kinds of secrets about Yuuki. He tends to talk in his sleep." she said with a mischievous giggle. That was the first Yuuki had heard of speaking in his sleep and if that were the case what had he uttered in his sleep that Yumi would have heard or even remembered and the thought of this slightly terrified Yuuki. "D-do I now?" Yuuki asked with a slight nervous stutter as he gave Yumi a mortified look.

Yuuki tried to calm down as Sophie answered his question about if she was talking about his cherry or someone else, she basically stated that it was just a little prior experience which made Yuuki wonder what kind of experience she was indeed referring to as he felt the warmth starting to leave his face as he noticed the grin gracing her beautiful face as he also noticed a look in her eye that confirmed which kind of experience she had been referencing which caused Yuuki to swallow hard.

Yuuki was trying to gather his thoughts and regain his composure when seemingly out of the blue sophie exclaimed surprise asking Yumi is he really, which confused Yuuki as he had not heard Yumi speak; but he had also not seen her whisper in Sophies ear so Yuuki was not privy to what information Sophie had just learned about him.

Sophie seemed to ask out of nowhere how long Yuuki had planned on staying in Hargeon in a seemingly curious manner, "I had not really planned on being here for more than a few days, however I could stay around quite a bit longer if it means enjoying more of your company." he said warmly and with confidence until he noticed the predatory grin on her face which made his ears twitch nervously and made him wonder just what she was thinking or planning to do with him.

Post Word Count:441
Thread Word Count: 2,482


All that Glitters isn't Snow-Sophie-[PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Yesterday at 11:45 am


WORDS: 360 | TOTAL: 2100 | Snowy Succulence

“Excellent, we should definitely talk more, just the two of us~?” The pink prankster certainly feeling like the persistence which she had shown toward the pixie partner of her new friend was paying off now in spades, though they had met with a little friction initially it was for Miss Sauveterre nice to know that she and Yumi could get along all too well when they had the right topic to bond over, and as she purred toward the small soul with approval as she encouraged the opportunity to have a proper chat without prying ears nearby.
“Let me know when you have chance for a coffee, okay~?” In that spirit seeming to lower her voice into a whisper that only one so close as this intriguing imp might be able to hear, not only did she affirm that very notion of the two of them conspiring but the act also served a double purpose given how suspicious the young man in this trinity of triumph was becoming, since there seemed to be very little chance of him overhearing what she said. Just two girls plotting, it would drive him wild, no doubt.

“Oho, don’t be in such a rush to leave, Yuuki~” Not that the cerise siren wasn’t only too happy to apply a little more of a direct approach when it came to tantalizing the tall figure however, though anything more than the day itself was welcome news for this wicked woman to wreak her wicked effects upon the lad at the same time, Sophie cautioned him against leaving all that quickly now that she had been given the opportunity to engage him much closer to her home turf.
“I’d love the chance to get you properly broken in…” Smirking all the while as she did so and suddenly breaking into a much quicker pace with her skates, she snickered and smiled as she only too clearly could feel like a sinuous spider drawing the boy into her web, all that she could do was giggle and bite her lip as she gave him a teasing affirmation of her desire to spend a little more time with him. And likely, not upon the ice either…

Smart is the new Sexy

- Sophie Sauveterre

credit to nat of adoxography.

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