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New Beginnings in Night City

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New Beginnings in Night City Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 8:17 am

It was another wonderful receiving day for the Desierto Trading Company, at least it would be in the Grand Harbor branch, there were several exciting shipments coming in from Fiore and Desierto, both by water and by air, and Ikanbi signed off on them just as the sun had started to go, it wasn't quite beginning to set yet, but it wasn't quite as high in the sky as it might have been had it been earlier in the day. There were lots of textiles coming in today, stones, metals, fabrics, woods, and wines. Quite the import, most of it was going directly to one manufacturer not terribly far from where Ikanbi had set up the Mechanic's Warehouse.

Ikanbi herself was just walking about at this point, she had set things up nicely and the operation was mostly running itself, but she still showed up every once and a while and helped out with some things. Today she had physically helped move a lot of the cargo, helping the lowest form of employee with the physical labor.

She had been asked why she didn't just hire automatons for everything, but her response had been something horrid and filled with curses and exclamations about taking away peoples wages. That being said, she had given them some help, there were two automatons among the crew that helped with the more grievous and heavy tasks, and over time Ikanbi had developed more and better ones as she softened up to the idea, and she moved up the lowest humanoid workers into better positions where they instead would oversee the robotic workers.

This came to fruition this day, truly, when Ikanbi and the human workers were unloading cargo with the robots side by side. Normally, they would have just let the robots handle it, but it was a particularly large load today and there was a concert everyone was eager to go to later.

So, they sped up the work and together they got everything loaded into Grand harbor right nicely.

The lot of them made there way through the harbor and broke off into smaller groups as they filtered out into the different streets, most of them making there way to the concert on the far south east end, far from the docks. Ikanbi however stayed much much further to the west, heading to a little shopping area she had grown rather fond of that was right on the water. It had several different little shops in it, arms dealers, black market wares, medicines, doctors, clothes, fishing supplies, boat supplies, bike supplies, and most importantly food.

There was this one particular spot that Ikanbi loved a lot, it had this spicy rice with this very black chicken, hot and sweet peppers, deliciously cooked onions, spicy sauce, and the whole thing was smothered in spicy cheese.

It was a lot of food, and it was so, so delicious, and it was calling her name right then.

New Beginnings in Night City BgYy4ZU

New Beginnings in Night City Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:15 pm



Rhea’s steps were slow but deliberate as she walked the desolate streets of Talaz Lagaar. The city was now a hollowed-out wasteland, with only scattered remnants of its former self; a few open shops and the quiet hum of forgotten machinery. Her body felt heavy, weighed down not only by the sickness that gnawed at her but also by the overwhelming flood of knowledge from the Tome of Forgotten Memories. The book floated next to her, its pages flickering as though they were alive.

Her snowy white locs, once a vibrant violet, brushed against her cheeks as the wind swept through the empty streets. Her eyes, now an unsettling gray with flickers of blue, scanned her surroundings absently as she walked beside Lector who flew just above her shoulder, his expression unusually concerned. Since meeting the moon, the vibrant connection she once had to light element mana was gone, leaving her with a feeling of emptiness but focused on the task at hand. She needed to find the Immortal Sun.

But first, the major needed to regain some of her strength. The small restaurant ahead, the last of its kind in this forgotten place, called to her like a beacon. She had frequented it often in her very short time here, relying on its warmth and sustenance to keep her going. She’d made sure to stay hidden, communicating only with her mother for updates, hoping the assassins who once hunted her would stay far away.

As Rhea and Lector approached the door, her thoughts clouded by the ancient knowledge from the Tome, she barely noticed the stranger in front of her. They collided, her weakened body stumbling slightly before she steadied herself. Rhea's head snapped up, her gray eyes locking onto the figure in front of her, an unfamiliar woman with an air of confidence about her.

"Oh. My apologies...I didn't see you there," Rhea muttered, her voice low but sharp, her hand still resting on the floating book beside her. Lector, his wings fluttering, narrowed his eyes at the the stranger.

"You alright?" he asked Rhea, his voice tinged with his usual arrogance but softened by worry.

"Y-yeah. I'm okay." Rhea straightened, brushing off the impact, her gaze still fixed on the stranger.


New Beginnings in Night City Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:47 pm

The young merchant from Desierto turned to more fully face the soul that had dared to collide with her so clumsily, but was surprised to find another regal being such as herself, or at least it certainly appeared so. Before her stood one of the most gorgeous elves that Ikanbi had ever seen. Nico popped it's head out from Ikanbi's bag to peek at the two of them.

Well, an elf is certainly a long way from home, but then, so was Ikanbi, no? She adjusted the ruffles at the bottom of her top and smoothed it out before her introducing herself. "Oh, sorry I didn't realize I was in the way." She said rather apologetically. She really hadn't, truly. She had been so focused on getting food she had become blind to the world around her. How naive, one could get mugged easily enough that way. She checked her pouch instinctually then, making sure nothing was missing. "Sorry, sorry, you don't look like the kind but then you never know..." She said as she checked her bag.

"Oh, uh, anyway, I'm Ikanbi." She said finally. "Are you hungry? I was just about to grab a bite."

New Beginnings in Night City BgYy4ZU

New Beginnings in Night City Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:56 pm



Rhea’s gaze lingered on the woman before her, taking in her appearance with a quick sweep of her eyes. Brown skin that seemed to glow in the dim light, short locs framing a face that was strikingly beautiful and she radiated confidence and poise. For a moment, Rhea was surprised, not just by Ikanbi’s beauty, but by the simple fact that someone else was here in Talaz at all. This place was a ghost town, a ruin left to crumble.

"Hello Ikanbi...You are... the first person I’ve seen here," Rhea muttered, her voice quiet, laced with exhaustion. She coughed lightly, pressing a hand to her mouth before continuing, "It is strange to see anyone, given the state of this place."

Her grip on the floating Tome tightened as she steadied herself. Even though her body felt weak, her mind was racing with thoughts of the Immortal Sun artifact. She glanced back at Ikanbi, taking a moment to assess her again. This woman didn’t seem like the kind who frequented war-torn ruins, which only added to the strangeness of their meeting.

"I am Rhea Alvarez, Rune Knight Major." she said, her voice rough from the illness that had been eating away at her. She cast a glance at the restaurant door, her hunger barely registering behind the fog in her mind. "Hungry I am. We haven't eaten all day." Another cough, this one harsher, interrupted her words, but she quickly composed herself again.

Lector hovered just above her shoulder, eyeing Ikanbi suspiciously, but said nothing for now. Rhea gave a slight nod. "After you." she smiled, gesturing for Ikanbi to walk through the door.


New Beginnings in Night City Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 8:02 am

Rhea was right about one that, that was most certainly true. Talaz Lagar was a ghost down, but, Ikanbi had hopes to change that. Ikanbi had a vision, she could see it so clearly in her mind's eye. She saw a great capital trading center, an amalgamation of scientific and magical marvel, the fusion of magic and science together in a utopian futuristic wonderland.

The future was now, and it was in Talaz Lagar! Or at least, that's what it felt like to Ikanbi. She could feel it, the whirring of the machines and the hum of electricity. Here in Talaz Lagar, electricity and magic became one and the same, it was a vibrant fuel that emboldened and empowered the city. Yet, things were....dreadful and dreary. Why?

The population had dwindled. Various different reasons, really, but, the fact of the matter was that with so much of the population gone, so much of the old property was available for grabs.

The very inn they were grabbing food at was under Ikanbis eye as well. It could do with a little cleaning up, but it could surely make a fine hotel with the right work put into it.

Ikanbi's mechanical eye trained on Rhea for a moment as Rhea mentioned their position within the Rune Knights. "Oh, how about that, Colonel? I'm Captain Ikanbi, Ikanbi Liivuduntiz." She let out with a grin and shook Rhea's hand politely, softly. They were, easily, the two most stunning people in the room. Granted, the bar wasn't set very high, for their were not that many people to speak of.

"You have a rather sizeable mana pool." Said Ikanbi bluntly after staring at them momentarily. Actually, she could tell from a glance that Rhea was incredibly, notable more formidable than herself. Perfect, that meant Ikanbi was in safe hands, especially a Rune Knight.

"Bring her something good would ya?" Ikanbi hailed the innkeeper as they sat at the table. A nice dark red wine, from Desierto. Ikanbi had already made a delivery here last week, she was a regular.

New Beginnings in Night City BgYy4ZU

New Beginnings in Night City Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 11:03 am



Rhea’s eyes widened slightly as Ikanbi introduced herself, and suddenly the name clicked into place. She had heard bits and pieces about Captain Ikanbi Liivuduntiz in passing. Mostly whispers, but enough to know she was dealing with someone who was more than just a Rune Knight lackey. Rhea offered a warm, albeit tired, smile in response.

“Major, actually,” she corrected softly, her voice still somewhat hoarse from the illness that had taken hold. “Although, you should check back in with me a few days from now. The Knights seem to push me up a rank every week or so for reasons I hardly understand,” she added with a quiet laugh, trying to maintain some humility. “In any case, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Ikanbi. I've heard a thing or two.”

The Tome of Forgotten Memories, which had been floating silently at The Sorceress's side, closed itself with an almost sentient grace before securing itself at her waist. Rhea couldn’t help but widen her eyes slightly when the captain mentioned her mana pool. The precision of that observation made her wonder if it was some form of magic, or perhaps it had something to do with the fact that Ikanbi was, from what she’d heard, partially mechanical. Rhea kept her thoughts to herself, but she made a mental note to remember that ability of hers.

You see, the Major had been trying to train herself to sense the mana and power levels of others, but it was no easy feat. Some people just seemed to have an innate talent for it, like Ikanbi perhaps. As the three of them sat down at the table, Ikanbi hailed the waitress, and before Rhea knew it, a glass of red wine was set before her. She looked at it for a moment, surprised by how quickly it had arrived.

“Oh,” she said, gazing down at the drink before her, “I don’t drink much, but I guess I could use one... or seven.” Her laugh quickly turned into a brief coughing fit, and she pressed a hand to her chest to steady herself.

“Hey! What about me? I don’t get a glass of wine?” Lector piped up, his tone filled with mock indignation.

Rhea sighed, giving her Exceed companion a knowing glance before sliding her glass over to him. “Here, my friend. Take it. You’re unbearable sober anyway.”

Lector grinned triumphantly as he pulled the cup toward him, and Rhea sat back with a slight smirk, her thoughts swirling between the strange new companionship and the heavy burden of her quest. For now, the wine might dull the storm raging within her, even if just for a while. "So, Ikanbi. What are you doing here?" her eyes settling on her inferior, with a gaze that was suddenly more colder and sharper than before, as if trying to pierce through her very soul.


New Beginnings in Night City Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 11:33 am

"Ah, Major, my apologies."

What wasn't Ikanbi doing in Talaz Lagaar? She had, so far, done a lot to try and help to turn the place around. What businesses she could help she did, and there were many that were in desperate need of it. When she had arrived a months weeks ago the Harbor and been a slumhole. It was still a slumhole, only, now a lot more trade and commerce ran through the area. It had been really easy, truthfully. Using Talaz as a middleport between the surrounding areas was easy enough to establish by using the Desierto Trading Company as a bargaining chip.

Indeed, being able to leverage her own standing and finances with the backing of the company meant that Ikanbi had no real problems taking over a few old markets and ruffling a few feathers. It had been a successful little operation so far, she had done a great job of turning the Mechanics Workshop into a bustling and lively little place. The import business was, as it were, booming.

"I just came here a few months ago, ive been using my business and connections to try and fix the place up a little bit. It's...got a lot of room for potential. There's a few diamonds in the rough here." Ikanbi took a sip of her wine.

"I've set up a trade route with the Desierto Trading Company and turning a lot of the losses in profit and product into gains." It was a lot of work, really, and she hadn't slept very much since she had arrived in Talaz Lagaar.

"What about you?"

New Beginnings in Night City BgYy4ZU

New Beginnings in Night City Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 7:53 pm



Rhea leaned back in her chair, studying Ikanbi as she spoke of her ambitions for Talaz Lagaar. There was an undeniable magnetism that came with ambition and drive. It was a quality Rhea respected, one she recognized in herself. As Ikanbi described her plans to revitalize the slum-like harbor into a hub of commerce, Rhea’s mind wandered to thoughts of the long game. The way Ikanbi maneuvered, turning a barren place into an opportunity, made Rhea smile softly. Perhaps Ikanbi sought to rule here in some capacity, to leave her mark, and if so, Rhea couldn’t help but admire her for it. But then again, maybe she was just projecting her own desires onto the captain.

"Oh, quite the businesswoman, hm?" Rhea finally said, her tone laced with admiration but still tempered by her natural reserve. "Turning a wasteland into a diamond-studded opportunity. I have to say, I respect that. It’s rare to meet someone can see the potential in what is widely considered ruined."

The Sorceress took the drink back from Lector, the playful Exceed pouting but letting it go. The wine was a bit stronger than Rhea expected, a tang that warmed her throat and chest as she sipped. She let the glass rest on the table as she considered her next words carefully. She wouldn't to reveal too much, not yet. But perhaps there was more to this conversation than just pleasantries. Ikanbi might prove useful to her. And maybe Rhea, in turn, could help Ikanbi push her vision for Talaz even further?

"As for me," she began, her voice smooth, with a calculated warmth that always carried an undertone of authority, "There are artifacts of interest to me. Items with history, power, hidden in places long forgotten by most. I’ve been tracking one in particular, and I thought Talaz Lagaar would provide some clarity, but unfortunately, I have found nothing worth noting. So there's that."

The Elf's silver eyes flickered toward Ikanbi, carefully gauging her reaction before taking another sip, this one bigger than the last. "You said this was Desiertan wine?" she coughed.


New Beginnings in Night City Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 8:44 pm

They were graced with more drinks, thankfully, so there was now plenty to go around. Ikanbi's feline companion poked their head out to see what all the ruckus was but was silent and remained staring between Rhea and the Exceed dependent on which one was talking or moving, grabbing their attention. Ikanbi listened as Rhea praised her for her risk taking and let on a little about how she had come to Talaz Lagaar herself. It was of no particular consequence she had thought, but, perhaps the two of them could get some work done together after all.

She took a sip from her glass, "Yeah, it's got a weird heat to it." Ikanbi had perked up though. "Ah, a fellow treasure hunter are you? How lovely! You know, I was in the Collective Mind before they assimilated into the Rune Knights...collecting...I guess you could call it, is a little hobby of mine." Ikanbi said somewhat sheepishly whilst making a face and looking away before looking back and grinning. "Yeah we had gotten a whole bunch of folks together to go looks for this thing for Kon in the desert, it was...rather annoying actually come to think of it."

Ikanbi recalled just how exactly the expedition had gone.

"That isn't to say all the digs are terrible!" She added.

"I'm sure you can find something of use while you're here, or someone."

New Beginnings in Night City BgYy4ZU

New Beginnings in Night City Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:28 pm



When Ikanbi mentioned finding someone or something of use, Rhea let a smile tug at her lips—one that bordered on playful yet held an edge of mystery. “Perhaps you are that someone...” she mused, her tone walking that fine line between suggestive and purposeful. Was she flirting? Or simply alluding to her search for the artifact? The ambiguity in her voice kept it from being easily interpreted.

Rhea’s gaze flickered over to Ikanbi’s cat-like companion, catching Lector staring at him with a deadpan expression. The odd feline's spaced-out whiskers, large head, and cream-colored fur, which reminded Lector a bit of mucus, earned no small amount of confusion from her Exceed partner. The Sorceress smirked to herself, refocusing as Ikanbi spoke.

"I’ve heard of Collective Mind and the merge with the Rune Knights," Rhea said, her Stellan accent like warm honey. The tome at her waist pulsated faintly as she leaned back. "If they hadn’t merged, I’d probably be sitting with them instead. The whole idea of independent knowledge-gathering has a certain appeal." Her eyes lingered on Ikanbi for a moment, catching the other woman’s enthusiasm for the topic. But when Kon was mentioned, something deeper piqued Rhea’s interest. She took a slow sip of her drink, her silver eyes glinting as she mulled over Ikanbi’s words.

But Rhea didn’t dwell too long in the mystery. She tilted her head slightly, feigning casual curiosity. "Oh right. Collective Mind was led by Colonel Sokolov. You know him well?" Her voice was smooth, the question disguised as idle conversation about a fellow Rune Knight. But in truth, she was fishing, gauging how much Ikanbi knew about the former general, information that could be useful in more ways than one.


New Beginnings in Night City Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 1:43 pm

For a moment Ikanbi was very quiet and merely gazed at Rhea with great interest, her mechanical eyes trailing down and then back up to meet her eyes. "I've been known to be someone for someone from time to time." Her voice was calm and even, soothed, relaxed. The alcohol would have helped her here tremendously if it were still potent to her the way it should be, but she would digress. Being a machine wasn't without a few downsides after all. That being the case...

Oh, right right, The Collective. Ikanbi had been incredibly fond of the idea of The Collective, she'd been a founder of it even. "Yes, yes...The Collective." She had loved it so. "I had been a founder of The Collective, it was the only guild that ever really called to me. I don't really belong with the Rune Knights I'm afraid."

"There is much money to be made here, lots of things need fixing and there are people willing to pay, and, lots of creatures need dealt with too, the Hunting Party nearby has work for basically anyone."

New Beginnings in Night City BgYy4ZU

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