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Project Insurgency: The Seeds of Chaos [Epic]

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Project Insurgency: The Seeds of Chaos [Epic] Empty Today at 12:09 am


Name: Project Insurgency: The Seeds of Chaos

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: ???

Story: From establishing herself as the Queenpin of Dahlia's underworld, to

Rewards: Mythic Custom

  • Uplift & embolden the Dark races.
  • Stir the pot and spread rumors of a pending Insurgency throughout the country.
  • Kill some politicians & Nobles.
  • Destroy Some minor churches.
  • Establish the Akudama Syndicate Stronghold as a Safe Haven for Dark Races.
  • Solidify Zariya the ruler of the Black Market & Underworld in the Western region of Ishgar.

Required Progress:  6 A-rank and 6 S-rank quests, or the equivalent of 27.000 words.

Project Insurgency: The Seeds of Chaos [Epic] 86545

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