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As Above, So Below. [Yujin]

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As Above, So Below. [Yujin] Empty Yesterday at 9:38 pm

Nahla frowned as the heavy downpour of rain kept her firmly in place at a beautiful little cafe off the main road of the pristine " Heavenly Capital " of Sin. The Demi-God wanted to explore more but while she was enjoying herself a sudden downpour of rain nearly washed her out. Had it not been for her loyal aids she would have been soaking wet and very miserable. " We should have purchased an umbrella... " Nahla spoke in her native tongue mainly to herself but loud enough for her aids to hear. The two aids looked at each other and one of them vanished off into the rain,  the other pulling out a chair for Nahla to sit in. Since there was nothing she could do about the rain she looked around the establishment and admired the décor and architecture. It was very different than what she saw at home, yet still it was beautiful and she felt a deep pressure releasing sigh come over her body as she took it all in.

" See it was nice to make a quick stop here. We can take a boat too..Um... " Nahla couldn't remember exactly the plan and before she could make too much of a fool of herself her aid pulled out a map from her pocket and laid it on the table. " Thank you... Ah yes here. Our next stop is Minstrel. and then from there Fiore. " Pushing the map towards the aid who quickly rolled it up and removed it from Nahla's sighed deeply, ordering her aid to get food and drink for her. Nahla was not yet familiar with Sin's language so she was thankful to have such fully educated and strong aids by her side.

As the aid spoke with the waitress two men came in holding a black box, the two men were speaking a language Nahla didn't understand so she didn't pay it much attention as she continued to stare out of the cafe's window. As the men walked by her table one of the men must have lost his balance and his grip because he would soon drop the box and out slithered three large black snakes with iridescent  scales. The snakes hissed violently as they slithered near Nahla who at this point had noticed they were there but was paralyzed with fear. No one moved and the two men spoke to Nahla who couldn't understand a word that was being said. Tears began to silently run down her cheeks as her aid translated the words to her. " Two of them are harmless, but one is not. Please don't make any sudden movements.. "

Taking in slow but deep breaths she calmed herself. She wouldn't let something like this rattle her, not when her father was a god. Shooting a look at her aid that said in so many words " Fix this. " Nahla was not in the mood to play a game of charades with these men who stupidly would bring snakes into an establishment like this. She could feel two of the snakes gliding up her leg while one slithered over her feet. Their bodies were very heavy and every so often she could feel their little tongues flicker back and forth over her skin, probably to see if she was food.


As Above, So Below. [Yujin] Empty Today at 3:27 am

Yijun was walking around the city with a long hooded cloak on to keep himself dry from the rain. The chill in the air and the rain wetting the street made Yijun figure he should stop for a hot chocolate in a near by cafe or have some tea both would help to get the chill out of him he figured. As he got closer he saw a small crowd had formed near the cafe and he wondered why there would be a crowd unless they were having a special or something or had someone important in the cafe. He got up to the cafe and he looked in seeing the woman and the snakes and he blinked then made his way into the cafe. He walked past her attendants who he swore looked to him in fright.

He looked at the woman who was clearly crying with the snakes on her, he was unsure if she was crying in fear or if the snakes moving on her tickled her body and he spoke in Fiorian unsure if she is from around here, but figuring as she is dressed quite differently than other people and had two people dressed in a similar style to her. "Just stay calm I will handle them." His hand touched her and a body shield swept across her body, then he pointed his finger at the snakes and started debuffing the snakes to slow them and draw their attention to himself.

He put his hand out and a spear appeared in his hand, he then used his foot to put the box they were in up right. He used the blunt end of his spear to slowly and carefully push the danger noodle away from her as he was dealing with the dangerous one first as he was part of the research division in his faction so he was well learned on creatures as well as other studies one might need, though he hadn’t gained the captain spot yet he was not going to give up. He got the dangerous snake into the box then he kneeled and got the other two snakes off of her the body shield making sure the snakes didn’t bite her. He got them back into the box and closed it and his spear disappeared back into his arm tattoo. He looked up at the woman while still kneeling and spoke again even if he was unsure if she could understand him.

"Are you okay? Were you bit or hurt?" The body shield he had on her was ended and he looked at her legs as if she got hurt he would use healing magic but she would probably have to point out where she was hurt at.

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