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In the Capital, Discovering her Origins and Random Encounters - Yujin

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#1Elyse Charlotte 

In the Capital, Discovering her Origins and Random Encounters - Yujin Empty Mon Sep 23, 2024 11:40 am


Every Rose has its Thorns

Tag: @Yijun

Since coming To Fiore, Elyse had rarely traveled outside the country. However, when she received a letter from a relative on her mom's side of the family, inviting her to come to Sin, the fox couldn't help but have some hope. It had been years since she'd left Minstrel and never been back.

After what happened when she was 18, the idea of going back and possibly facing more persecution terrified her. Still, Elyse saw this invitation as an opportunity. So, she packed several suitcases and boarded the train from Crocus to Sin.

After riding the train for a few days, Elyse arrived in the Capital of Sin, Tianjing. The Lings, her mother's family, were actually quite well-off. Knowing the wealth they possessed was comparable to her father's family, it wasn't all too surprising they could find out where Elyse had gone after disappearing from Minstrel.

However, before going to her maternal family's home, Elyse decided to get a feel for the city. After all, this was her first time in Sin and there was so much to see and do. Surely her aunt and other relatives would understand if she explored a bit first.

Words: 196


In the Capital, Discovering her Origins and Random Encounters - Yujin Empty Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:58 pm

Yijun after returning to sin to see the monks that trained him, they had pretty much just put him up to doing errands for them. He didn't complain as that was just how they were and they cared not for his reunion though he could tell they were glad to see him even if they didn't express it in words. Once he found a bit of free time to get away he took it knowing they will be fine without him there. He walked out into the city and he wondered if there was anything fancy going on or if it was just a very lively day here, though he knows he needed to be careful of pickpockets on days like this but he was in his faction hear so he doubted many people would mess with him while he was in uniform as they probably wouldn't want to piss off Joya by preying on one of their chosen.

The smells of foods and scents of exotic perfumes in the air lead him to go that way in the crowded streets. He looked at the stalls that had bunches of baked goods, a food stalls yelling to get the attention of visitors and travelers to get them to come and take a seat and cough up money for them to pocket. Yijun having started her pretty much as a street child and a beggar for a bit knew what these smells do to people that are down on their luck and needing their bellies filled and he saw two children that where looking at the food but unable to buy and he dropped some money as he passed them and the children yelled after them about his money and he just smiled at them and told them to keep it. The two children lit up and bough some foods and headed off and Yijun kept walking the street like he didn't just do something like that.

#3Elyse Charlotte 

In the Capital, Discovering her Origins and Random Encounters - Yujin Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 10:04 am


Every Rose has its Thorns

After some "light" shopping, Elyse continued on her way. She'd bought some new dresses in traditional sinese fashion, some new shoes to go with the dresses, a beautiful traditional parasol to shield her from the summer sun. Some top quality cosmetics among other necessities. Elyse felt much better, most of the stress and fatigue from the train ride seemed to melt away with her little shopping spree.

All the shopping made Elyse feel peckish. So, she found the closest little hole-in-the-wall place she could and headed over there. However, the fox ran into a bit of trouble, as she strolled down the street to her destination, she was robbed. The would-be thief had rushed into her, stealing one of her shopping bags, and ran. "Help! Someone, please stop that thief!" Elyse shouted loudly. She was wearing heels and obviously couldn't chase the thief down herself so she figured if she made enough of a commotion, someone would naturally come to her aid. If not, she might not get back the things she purchased.


In the Capital, Discovering her Origins and Random Encounters - Yujin Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:59 pm

Yijun was still walking when he stopped and bought a couple grilled meat skewers, to eat. Yijun was just taking in the peace and enjoy the meat that he was eating from the skewers. When he saw a woman that look like she was clearly a tourist coming toward a place she was probably going to sit and eat when a thief running at full speed snatched one of her bags and Yijun wondered if the woman was able to catch the man herself or if she was one of the ones that couldn't defend herself and she had just lost her stuff. Yijun hearing her cry for help made his spear appear and he put the spear out tripping the would be thief making them stumble and crash into a crate head first stopping the person from getting away. Yijun finished the last piece of meat on his skewer then he poked the thief with the blunt end of his spear to see if they were dead or not then he took the bag.

He realized that the thief wasn't dead but soon after the guards showed up and started toward Yijun who was currently holding the bag that had been stolen as the thief was on the ground next to the crate. Yijun pointed to the thief and they went to the thief and taking them away. He then walked toward the woman and he made his spear return to the tattoo on his arm cause he doubted that he was going to need it out to return the bag to the woman unless she wanted to fight him for a daemon touching what looked like high end goods. "I believe these belong to you?" He held the bag out to the woman and he waited for her to take them from his hand and then probably return to going on his way.

#5Elyse Charlotte 

In the Capital, Discovering her Origins and Random Encounters - Yujin Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 8:21 am


Every Rose has its Thorns

After having made a commotion following the thief's crime against her, Elyse watched as a young man seemingly pulled a spear out of thin air to trip the thief, sending him head-first into a crate which naturally foiled his attempt to rob the damsel in distress. It didn't take long for local authorities to show up and arrest him. After everything was settled, the young man approached Elyse to hand her back the bag the now-caught thief had stolen. Upon closer inspection, the young man was incredibly handsome, just Elyse's type but he seemed more on the serious side.

Her ears couldn't help but twitch in excitement as her tail swayed back and forth simultaneously. "My Hero!" Elyse exclaimed as she gently dropped her bag and went to hug her savior, inadvertently pressing her plentiful bosom into his strong yet firm chest. Not a moment later she'd parted with him, leaving him with a bit of her warmth as she did so. "Oh pardon me, how unladylike. I couldn't help myself. That wretch stole the bag which contained gifts for my family. " Of course, Elyse didn't actually feel any remorse for hugging the fine young man out of the blue. He was just her type and the fox couldn't help but show the slightest tinge of desire in her gaze.

"Normally I would have stopped such a fool myself but as you can see, I didn't exactly plan my attire with running after would-be thieves in mind." She said as she hinted at the beautiful designer-heeled sandals she was wearing. Not wanting to part ways with her would-be savior, she thought of the perfect excuse to spend more time with him. "I know, since you were so kind as to help catch that rake for me, would you please allow me to treat you to a meal as thanks, please~?" Her words were as sweet as honey and the look she gave him pleading but seductive. As a bonus, she made sure he had a nice and easy view of the top of her plentiful cleavage to help improve her chances of a favorable reply.

Elyse was used to men falling for her left and right, unable to refuse if she invited them to almost anything, even their deaths. However, this man didn't seem the usual stock of fools who drooled over the fox, no, he was far more stoic and cold but his clear disinterest in her, only made Elyse want him more. Would she get the reply she hoped for? Or would this fine-looking, stoic man reject her? All Elyse could do was wait and hope.


In the Capital, Discovering her Origins and Random Encounters - Yujin Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:16 am

The man looked at her as she called him her hero. She then hugged him and he wondered why she would do such a thing as he knows that the goods in the bag were worth a lot of jewels but not really worth hugging a stranger good amount of jewels. He looked at her as she spoke about her acting unladylike about doing that and he thought it wasn't just unladylike it was weird just to hug a stranger that you don't know. He would have really just have preferred a simple thank you and then they moved on, on their own ways but it seemed that she wished to tell him that she could have handled it herself but was wearing the wrong kind of foot wear. "You sure you could have handled them all on your own? If so i would think you would know the saying of function over looks."

He was not sure to why he took what she said and then said that back to her but he guessed it was because she had made him feel uncomfortable by just hugging him like that and calling him a hero and then she looked back at him and said that she wanted to treat him to a meal for him doing what he did for her and she moved oddly, he didn't look at her chest at all as he was not interested in such actions and wouldn't be swayed by her in such a way. He sighed as he knew if he didn't accept he would look bad cause she wanted to offer him a reward for his helping of her and he would seem bad mannered if he was to just decline it. "I guess it will not harm me to take you up on your offer but please no funny business." He didn't know this woman and she had already touched him without his permission and he wanted to make sure that she understood that he was not okay with funny business happening and he was doing this to be rewarded not to be made uncomfortable.

#7Elyse Charlotte 

In the Capital, Discovering her Origins and Random Encounters - Yujin Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 2:49 pm


What Fun is Life Without a Little Chaos~?

As suspected, this man was nothing like the others she'd seduced or charmed in the past. He seemed rather annoyed with her. His harsh criticism of her poor choice of footwear was a bit insulting. After all, how was Elyse supposed to know someone would be brazen enough to rob her like that in broad daylight? She'd never been to Sin once in her 24 years of life. Yes well, I can't say I expected to be robbed in broad daylight of a bustling city. This is my first time in Sin and I'm not too familiar with its social climate as of yet, she said trying to not let her irritation show in her tone. She wanted to make a good impression on this cold, irritating yet beautiful man.

The last thing Elyse needed was to annoy him any further. Still, her pride had been hurt a little by his harsh criticisms. The fox would not soon forget to pay him back for this. First things first though. The man had been polite enough not to outright reject her offer to treat him to a meal. Although, it seemed as if her "secret weapon" did not affect him whatsoever. This only further stoked Elyse's desire to win the man over. With a pleasant and mildly friendly smile, she asked him. "Where would you like to go to eat? As I mentioned before, I'm new in town and therefore I don't know what all Tianjing has to offer. If you have a particular place in mind, please feel free to tell me.""

While waiting for his reply, Elyse remembered she had forgotten something incredibly important. Her manners, how could she have forgotten to introduce herself? All she did was hug this man whom she'd never met before and tried to seduce him without bothering to give him her name nor ask for his. It was no wonder he seemed so displeased with her. "I'm terribly sorry, I can't believe I forgot my manners, I'm Elyse, Elyse Charlotte, thank you once again, good sir, for your assistance with that awful ruffian. May I ask for your name as well?" She gave him a polite, sinese bow of respect. She hoped her sincerity would be enough to assuage some of his displeasure and coldness towards her.


In the Capital, Discovering her Origins and Random Encounters - Yujin Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 4:27 pm

He hears the woman make the excuse that she was not from here and that she hadn't figured that she was going to be robbed and Yijun sighed then spoke. "Then you are clearly not as capable as you claim and as you are not dressed as you are some common back water commoner, you have bags of expensive things, you are from somewhere with money and a big city. So you should know that big cities have rampant thieves, so coming to a big city you should already know better." Yijun didn't stand for ignorant people that talk big, get caught then make excuses for themselves. He was not getting a good feeling about being around this woman as she is just a huge walking mark with all these "Presents" for her family and that was not a good thing but he also knows he can't just leave her to her own devices as she will probably just get robbed again or if they were smart just kidnap her as she clearly has and comes from money.

He then hears her ask him where he wanted to go eat and he sighed again. "I would have thought if you were offering some one something to eat you would at least know where you are going to eat." The man shook his head as that was frustrating to have to deal with and he feels this encounter is lopsided and that was starting to weigh him down and he wonders if this is just some plot to get him to pay attention to her and it is more just making him want to walk away from her as she was feeling real overbearing and putting it on him, it was bad enough that she was a demi-human but she was just making this harder than it had to be to get through this "meeting" as he was starting to feel like it was a set up.

He heard her now talking about her name and that it was rude of her not to tell him and so on and he was not sure how he should feel about this as he really doesn't care what her name is just that she is off on a bad foot in so many ways. He sighed once again and the he spoke his own name. "My name is Yijun Aguta. Don't worry about the ruffian as you talked a big game you would have been able to handle him on your own." Yijun started walking away as he would look for a place that they could eat as she was not even responsible and capable enough to be able to pick a place for them to eat. He found a place that has a mix of different food styles as he fully expects her to be a picky eater and so he needed to pick a place that would have a wide menu so she doesn't whine they have nothing that she likes.

#9Elyse Charlotte 

In the Capital, Discovering her Origins and Random Encounters - Yujin Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 10:46 am


What Fun is Life Without a Little Chaos~?

Elyse was willing to let his initial brashness and criticisms slide on account of him being exactly her type but after he continued to insult her at every turn, the fox would not stand for it. First, he called her a "backwater commoner" and then insulted her for seemingly not knowing better about big cities and the likelihood of being robbed. To add insult to injury, when she tried to be polite and considerate of his potential preferences for food or place of eating, he had the most rude response.

At this point, Elyse didn't care if he was hot, he was an absolute cad, Elyse was far too good for this cold-hearted bastard. Even though he'd saved her from danger on account of her predicament, that was no way for a gentleman to talk to a lady, especially one of such high caliber as herself. Appalling, truly the worst, Elyse had far better things to do than keep in this man's company and continue to be insulted.

Before Elyse could open her mouth to tell him off, he brought out the big finish. He was sarcastically saying how she could have handled that ruffian herself. It was bad enough that he insulted her intelligence and lack of forethought but also called her weak. This would not stand. She ran ahead, stopping right in front of him, just a few feet away, and went to slap him as hard as she could straight across the face. "Never have I ever been treated with such utter disrespect by someone I've just met! You insult not only my intelligence and background but also my strength. I hope you rot in the abyss when you die you damned bastard!"" After she said her piece, Elyse strutted off, hailing a cab straight to her family's home.

- Exit


In the Capital, Discovering her Origins and Random Encounters - Yujin Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:24 am

Her slap hit him crisply across the face and he heard her start yelling at him and he looked at her with a smile and then he spoke after her after she had finished her angry yelling at him. "I don't remember insulting your intelligence, your background or strength. I insulted your lack of common sense, implied you're rich and seem spoiled and said that you shouldn't worry about the ruffian as you could have handled him. You probably could have handled you just let yourself be dulled and blinded by the goods you had and have." He spoke truthfully as he meant what he said but it seemed like she wasn't hearing him as she left and got into a cab and took off and he touched his cheek. He thought to himself, humans are always the same they are brash, don't listen, attempt to fake who they are to try and get you to let your guard down and she seemed to just be the same, she took no accountability for her over sights and in the end just blamed me for criticism of her words and her actions not matching how she was acting and presenting herself. Yijun should be use to humans and their cruel and untrustworthy actions but he knows they aren't all like that but after this encounter with Elyse he was going to be more distant with humans he doesn't know as this one really hurt him as he thought that maybe she could see past herself and she was kind of pretty to him but she was gone and hurt him and his trust in humans.

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