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III. Darkness & Divinity [Pt.1 | SQ]

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III. Darkness & Divinity [Pt.1 | SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 12:54 am

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
Word of Zariya’s return to the underground world had spread like wildfire. Her name had once been  dwindled into a whispered threat in dark alleys, but now it was spoken with equal parts fear and reverence. Old allies, former foes, and new rivals all discussed her in secret, their whispers carried on the wind. She wasn’t as infamous as Erebus, not yet, but being in close proximity to him was enough to send ripples through the spines of those involved in underworld dealings. Her reputation, though not as widespread, struck worry deep into her opponents and rivals. The mere mention of her sent people into panic, and that’s how Zariya liked it.

Tonight, everything was finally coming together. The Akudama were beginning to rise again. Stationed in Hosenka City, they were steadily rebuilding from the ashes, piecing together what was left from the days of the fallen Syndicate. In Dahlia, Zariya had solidified her presence by taking over the Tora Mob’s former base, turning it into the Akudama’s new Dahlia-based headquarters. The once grandiose estate of the short-lived Tora Mob now bore the mark of her reclamation. Her underlings moved efficiently through the space while organizing the production of drugs and trafficking weapons, all under her careful eye.

The Vampiress moved quietly through the halls, her steps purposeful but unhurried as she oversaw the operation. Her attention, however, was mostly fixed on the Red Crystal narcotic that she had brought back from Hosenka City. It was a potent substance, one that had the potential to reshape the underground market if used correctly. Zariya studied it closely, her mind electrified with possibilities. The power it could bring, the influence it could buy, the sheer control over those foolish enough to indulge...it was all within her grasp. She'd just have to give it a name.

Just as her mind began to wander on all that could come from this crimson crystal, one of her underlings approached. His expression was tight with urgency and eyes flickered nervously as he stopped in front of her, bowing slightly in respect. She hated these types of lackeys. He could have at least pretended to have some balls.

III. Darkness & Divinity [Pt.1 | SQ] 86545

III. Darkness & Divinity [Pt.1 | SQ] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 1:07 am

The only truth that matters is the one you shape with your own hands. The rest is just noise.
"Boss," he started, his voice low but steady. "The church… they’ve sent a request for a meeting."

Zariya raised an eyebrow, her fingers still brushing over the small vials of Red Crystal on the table in front of her. The church had power in Dahlia City, she knew that much, but she had yet to have a direct confrontation with them. She could feel the weight of the underling’s words lingering in the air between them.

“Who’s requesting it?” she asked, her voice smooth, controlled, although there was a flicker of annoyance. The Desiertan wasn’t one to bend to anyone’s demands, not even those with power as vast as the church. After all, she came from a background of kings and queens, she bowed to no one.

"A man named Bishop Loughlin," the underling replied, shifting uncomfortably. "He’s… young, but apparently he’s got a lot of influence. They say he’s… strict."

Zariya leaned back slightly, her lips curving into a small smile. Young and strict? That didn’t seem like much of a threat. However, she wasn’t one to underestimate anyone, no matter how inexperienced they might be. The church’s influence in Dahlia was undeniable, and ignoring their request could stir up unwanted trouble.

“Alright. Thank you, Jace.” she said, standing up, her voice laced with amusement. “I suppose I should meet this Bishop Loughlin.”

She then gestured for six of her underlings to accompany her as she prepared to leave, and in no time they were off. The walk to the church was quiet, the night air cool against her skin. Dahlia City was alive, pulsating with the kind of dark energy that thrived in places like this. The streets were rampant with the smell of smoke and sin, blood and death, abandoned by Fiorian nobles. It was the perfect atmosphere for someone like Zariya to build her empire.

To be continued...


III. Darkness & Divinity [Pt.1 | SQ] 86545

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