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Family Ties [PDCS - Canonball/Lumikki/Sofia]

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Family Ties [PDCS - Canonball/Lumikki/Sofia] Empty Sun Oct 13, 2024 4:09 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Sofia @Lumikki | CASUAL

Alisa was enjoying this a lot more than she let on... Though she'd gotten used to the sizzling, sweltering heat of the Southern Summers, to the the thick layers of sunscreen she had to cover herself in to avoid turning into a lobster, to inevitably turning into a lobster despite her best efforts... But then came Lumikki. She clearly remembereed their drunken night together, on their plans of bringing the chill to the south in a little change of pace. And while she remembered it clearly and didn't doubt Lumi would too...

"Now that I think about it... I haven't properly shown her around the Guild Hall?", after spending the afternoon with Helena and Sofia at the beach, she made her way back to the Guild Hall, inviting her beloved bride to join her, "Fufu~... High time we give her a tour, huh babe?"

It made her smile knowing she made good on that promise, despite the high levels of alcohol in their system when that promise was made, Lumikki not only recalled it but made good on it. Alisa wouldn't have thought any less of her if she didn't, but she did, and the dark haired Icebergian couldn't help but smile as she walked back to the Guild Hall where some members of both Guilds had congregated. As the two polar opposite seasons of sun and winter met, the result was one that was far more aggreeable to her body:

"Hmmm... Maybe she's already at the Guild Hall?", now Alisa had no idea where Lumikki might be. They met up to cast the spell that turned Hargeon into this Arctic Summer they now found themselves in, but since then they'd gone to explore different parts of the festivities. Now they'd hopefully have a bit more time for each other, "We haven't found her so far which means... Likelihood of her being here increasing...~?"

Alisa was still clad in the stylish white swimsuit she'd picked out for the festival... And though glistening droplets of wetness clung to her body, she had yet to have a proper swim... The pool would be better for that then a partly frozen sea. But before she could go there... Alisa looked left, then right, hand falling on her hip... She'd been looking out for her throughout her trip back home, her left eye turned white as she took in her surroundings. Between hers and Sofia's senses, they couldn't possibly miss that stunning dark vision once she got close.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Family Ties [PDCS - Canonball/Lumikki/Sofia] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Family Ties [PDCS - Canonball/Lumikki/Sofia] Empty Tue Oct 15, 2024 12:58 pm


WORDS: 360 | Once you go Black

“WOOOOO!” A beauty with beryl eyes ready and waiting for whenever her wonder of a wife returned to the pool, Sofia Serena had picked her spot carefully to conceal herself but once she heard the sound of a familiar femme the excitement only too quickly seemed to get the better of her, and so she lurched forward with a shriek and mischief in mind.
“CANNONBAALLLLLL!!!!” The leggy lass likely not so far gone when it came to matters of drink but more than happy to make up for that with her festivity, in a moment she seemed to surge forward in a bold black one piece which left oh so little to the imagination and thrust herself into the water after a hop and perhaps a skip and jump as well, not to mention the full influence that a witch of the water could command in other to maximise the resulting eruption of fluid which she could create. Revenge was a dish best served wet, right~?

“You really think I was gonna let ya sneak in here for another spot of skinny dipping without me, babe~?” As such the ebony clad enchantress allowing the waves which she created to ebb before she emerged from the surface with a smile, those emerald eyes were full of life and excitement as she clapped them upon the form of beauty she called her bride, and revealed the reason behind this aquatic ambush with the broadest grin possible.
“This time I’m primed and ready to pounce on anyone you bring home~?” Certainly not forgetting the news she had gained only too recently about her beloved sharing one of her favourite hobbies with another woman and now only to eager to make up for the lost time therein, the splendour of the sea could only wiggle as she waited to see the reaction of her ravishing raven and so too the figure who she had brought into her realm, looking only too much like an overstimulated pup as she drifted toward the edge of the pool to welcome the pair properly…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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