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Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale]

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Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 9:22 am

Yijun walked along the beach knowing there was a beach bonfire somewhere on it as he had been told about it but he had no idea if his kind was even allowed to go and be part of it but he wanted to make sure that he got to enjoy everything that he could before there was trouble or other issues that they might have to over come and he have to go racing off with his spear in hand and hoping that he will make it through the day. He looked around at at stalls and other people that were walking around the area and he wondered if this was a good or a bad place to be alone. He was not the best around a crowd of mostly humans but he saw other races around so he tried not to bump into anyone or anything and just make the most of his time here and he got a s'more from one of the tables and he started to snack on it and look around as he got close to the bonfire.

#2Iza Bicdic 

Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 9:33 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza had been walking around Hargeon for a bit. He had been doing a lot recently and he figured this little celebration Paradise Dawn was throwing was a way to relax. He found it funny that after the entire incident in the North, they were now having a celebration. It was weird how things turned out, but he knew that soon after this was all over, he would ask to be a captain of his division.

Sylph was on his shoulder still upset with him, but she was doing her best to forgive him. She knew it wasn’t entirely his fault. Still, the jester moved around the sandy beach looking to see everyone walking around and enjoying their time. Iza had noticed someone familiar not too far from where he was, and he chuckled a bit. It seemed like he was thinking the same thing about relaxing and enjoying this downtime. He approached the bonfire and when he got close enough he spoke.

“It seems like ya came here ta relax as well Yijun?” he asked him as he looked at the fire and everyone that was there.



Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 1:04 pm

Yijun looked over to see the man that had spoken to him and saw it was Iza. "Yeah I figured with everything that has been going on I needed to take a moment and relax else I am probably going to burn out." He was just being honest as he was tired and he needed to take some time off and just enjoy himself as he didn't want to get caught up in some stupid fighting again for no reason he just wanted to enjoy himself. He keeps snacking on the s'more he was eating and he figured that probably looked bad as he had marshmallow on his hands along with chocolate. He looked to the fire and he stretched as he was not sure what the plan was or why someone would want to make a nice beach to frost over like this, he wondered about the things that were going on but the fire felt nice.
(160) (343)

#4Iza Bicdic 

Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 1:54 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza was with him now and he heard him. He nodded as he understood that because it was how he felt about everything that had happened to them.

It seemed like people were talking and they had continued to gather around in the fireplace. He would just watch them as he looked over to his friend who was eating the s’more.

“Ya it’s what I wanna do fa now. I just gotta relax and then report ta Mishiko when we get back.” He said to him.

It was then people looked at him and then at Yijun. They figured they would ask them to start things off.

“Can one of you two start the storytelling? Make sure that it's scary, apparently that is the theme others want right now.” One of them spoke up to them.

Iza looked at them confused about what was going on, but they were sitting in a place where they were supposed to tell stories.

“Do ya got a story Yi?” He asked hoping his friend could start.



Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 2:54 pm

Yijun sat and she thought about if he had a story and he had a light blub moment and he was just going to bullshit a story. "In a quaint little town, nestled between the rolling hills and the dense forest, there lived a young girl named Lila. She had a peculiar habit of collecting lost items. Every day, she would roam the streets and trails, her eyes peeled for forgotten treasures. Her collection grew from a small box under her bed to an entire room filled with a menagerie of oddities. There were old photographs, dusty toys, and even a couple of tarnished keys that no one claimed. Her mother often wondered where she found the time, with her nose always buried in a book or her hands busy with her art. But Lila had a knack for it, and the townspeople had grown to appreciate her peculiar hobby. One day Lila hadn't returned by sunset and the townspeople grew panicked, so with an uneasy feeling in their gut they set off in search of any sign of the girl. They happened upon a cave with trinkets spread across the thresh hold of what might be a den for a creature unsightly. They found not hide nor hair of Lila as if she had just been taken without a trail to follow."

He hoped that story was good enough to for the group that was there as it was the best he could come up with on such short notice, he looked to Iza as if asking him to give his own hand to the story telling as he guessed that the man must have a good one or two from his time on this mortal coil. Yijun just hoped that his story wasn't too long and boring for the others to listen to and he hoped that he had said the terms right as he used unusual terms and words he hadn't usually used.
(328) (671)

#6Iza Bicdic 

Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 7:18 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard Yijun's story and was curious to hear more of it. He had been wrapped in it, but when they got to the cave, her disappearance wanted more. Still, it looked like Yijun wanted his help to tell another story.

The jester had to think about this. He had lived a long time, and the many things he saw throughout his time was many. There was a true story that he had a creepy one and really a sad one.

“There is a Town Long forgotten to the people of Sin. This town was surrounded by a forest and life there was peaceful. Still, as time went by, so did peace. There was a disappearance that occurred once every night within the town. The people would wake up ta find out someone was missin. At first, they thought it was a coincidence, but then it started becoming a norm. The townsfolks would start locking everythin, but still, people would go missin.” He paused for a second as he wasn’t done with his story.



Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:22 am

Yijun knows that he needed to make sure that he paid attention as the other man told the story that he had in store for them and Yijun was on the edge of his seat and looked like he was nearly going to fall off of the seat he is in as he listened to the story and he felt kind of like he was being watched and Yijun heard it was in Sin he was from Sin so maybe he would know of this happening and maybe be able to learn something from it and that was something that he couldn't pass up at least not at this moment but he would been to make sure that he had some kind of idea what to expect and then a crackle of the fire scared one of the other people listening to the story and they let out a whelp that scared the guy next to him and he fell out of his chair and Yijun tried to hold back his laugh.
(172) (843)

#8Iza Bicdic 

Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Yesterday at 11:49 am

Iza Bicdic
“People started wonderin, how was this happenin? Were people leavin their homes without telling people they were leavin fa good? That was when someone started investigatin and at night when people went missin, screams could be heard. They followed the noise, and it was then that they saw something hideious. This thing was disfigured and had gone through a wall holding a person’s body. It was a bloody mess, but while the creature moved, the blood trail it left behind disappeared with it. They followed the creature wondering where it would head to. It was a den, a dark creepy one, when they got close ta it, the hideious creature jumped out from the den and snatched the person investigatin. It had two meals that night. When people woke up the next day they saw two people missin, one they knew was someone investigatin. This worried them and they tried to leave, but to find out they couldn’t. There was something keepin them there, only effecting those born there. Eventually, the town died out as the monster left nothing in its path.” He said in a dark tone, but it was true as he was there, and watched them get wiped out.


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