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Bella's Emergency [Q]

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Bella's Emergency [Q] Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 9:46 pm

The air was humid, heavy with the scent of blooming magnolia flowers as Zariya arrived at the meeting spot--a secluded garden behind the Magnolia Bathhouse. The bathhouse itself stood ahead, a complex of softly lit pools and tiled rooftops. It wasn’t the luxurious exterior or the renowned services that piqued Zariya’s interest, but rather the woman behind it all, Bella Missandra.

Though Bella appeared as a woman in her prime, Zariya knew better. The aging enchantress had kept her youthful glow for decades through a concoction of magical remedies. And now, the woman was desperate. She needed a special ingredient to keep up her ageless façade, one that only a pharmaceutical company could provide. She couldn't be seen getting her hands dirty, and that’s where Zariya came in.

Zariya walked into the garden, the long strides of her black combat boots silent on the cobblestone path. She was dressed in her usual black bodysuit, hugging her curves and equipped for combat. Her hair was tied in a sleek ponytail, away from her face. As always, she kept her composure cool, calculated.

The garden was empty, save for the tall, elegant figure waiting in the shadows. Bella Missandra emerged from the moonlit haze, her youthful appearance almost too perfect, skin pale and smooth as porcelain. Her gown fluttered behind her as she approached, the expensive fabric shimmering under the pale light.

“Zariya,” Bella greeted, her voice smooth like honey, with a hint of impatience. “I trust you’re ready for tonight?”

Bella's Emergency [Q] 86545

Bella's Emergency [Q] Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 9:49 pm

Zariya didn’t flinch at all, meeting Bella’s sharp, scrutinizing gaze. “I am. But let’s get one thing straight--if this goes south, I take no heat. You're on your own. Understand?”

Bella’s eyes narrowed slightly, but she nodded curtly. “Of course. As long as you get the job done, no questions asked.”

Zariya’s lips curled into a faint smirk. “Good.” she replied with a nod.

The Queenpin then stepped back, blending into the shadows. She moved silently, almost melting into the night, demonstrating her stealth without a word. Bella’s eyes followed her, impressed but too proud to show it.

“I see you’re as capable as ever, Ms. Onfroy” Bella remarked, crossing her arms. “The factory is heavily guarded, but I’ve timed the patrols. Three guards on rotation. I expect you to be swift and clean. Disable them if necessary, but avoid killing, please.”

Zariya nodded, her mind already shifting to the task ahead. “I'll try, but no primises. I’ll get in and out without a trace.”

Bella's Emergency [Q] 86545

Bella's Emergency [Q] Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 9:53 pm

The factory was a grand industrial building on the outskirts of Magnolia, its metal walls standing against the night sky. Zariya had already scouted the perimeter, observing the guards movements just as Bella had described. Three factory guards, weak and inexperienced, paced the entrances and patrolled the insides. They carried dummy sticks, but it was their knowledge of martial arts that made them a potential nuisance.

Zariya watched from a distance, perched atop a nearby building as the first guard made his rounds near the loading dock. He moved with a laziness that indicated boredom, the kind of guard who wasn’t expecting real trouble. The Desiertan smirked. Perfect.

Timing her move with precision, she dropped silently from her vantage point and slipped behind a stack of crates near the dock. Her steps were soundless, her body fluid as she closed in on the guard. He yawned, oblivious to the danger lurking just behind him.

In a flash, Zariya struck. Her arm wrapped around his throat, cutting off his air supply before he could make a sound. The man struggled weakly, but Zariya held firm, her grip tightening until he slumped unconscious in her arms. She lowered him gently to the ground, securing him behind the crates out of sight.

One down.

Bella's Emergency [Q] 86545

Bella's Emergency [Q] Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 10:00 pm

Zariya’s eyes darted to the second guard who was patrolling closer to the factory’s side entrance. She moved quickly, hugging the shadows as she approached. This guard was more alert, his movements sharp as he scanned the area. Zariya couldn’t afford to take him by surprise--he’d see her coming.

Instead, she used the terrain to her advantage. A small rock in her hand became a distraction, tossed across the concrete with a faint clatter. The guard’s head whipped toward the sound, and Zariya took her chance. She was on him in an instant, her hand slamming into his solar plexus, knocking the wind from his lungs. Before he could recover, she drove her elbow into the back of his head, sending him sprawling to the ground, unconscious.

Two down.

The last guard posed no real threat. He was stationed inside the factory, patrolling the narrow hallways where the supplies were kept. Zariya entered through the side door, her body moving like a shadow through the dimly lit corridors. The hum of machines echoed in the distance, masking the sound of her footsteps as she navigated the winding path toward the storage room.

The guard’s back was to her when she arrived. He stood near a row of shelves, his attention on a clipboard in his hand. Zariya crept closer, her breath steady, heart calm. In one fluid motion, she lunged, grabbing him by the collar and slamming his head into the shelf. The man crumpled to the floor, unconscious before he hit the ground.

Three down.

Bella's Emergency [Q] 86545

Bella's Emergency [Q] Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 10:13 pm

With the guards out of commission, Zariya turned her attention to the shelves. Boxes of chemicals and ingredients lined the walls, each labeled meticulously. It didn’t take long to find what she was looking for--a small, unmarked box containing the last supply of the key ingredient Bella needed. Zariya grabbed it, tucking it securely into her bag before making her exit.

The garden behind the bathhouse was even quieter now, the night deepening as Zariya returned with the box. Bella was waiting, her arms crossed and her face drawn with tension. When Zariya emerged from the shadows, box in hand, Bella’s expression softened, though only slightly.

“You’ve done well,” Bella said, her voice laced with satisfaction. “Was there any trouble?”

Zariya handed over the box, her eyes gleaming with dark amusement. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.”

Bella took the box, inspecting it carefully before nodding in approval. “Your reward, as promised.”

She handed Zariya a small velvet pouch, heavy with jewels. Zariya weighed it in her hand before slipping it into her pocket.

“If you ever need more work,” Bella added, her tone sly, “I’m always in need of someone with your…talents.”

Zariya smirked, her eyes glinting with a predatory edge. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

With the job complete, Zariya turned and disappeared into the night, leaving Bella to her vanity and the secrets she worked so hard to keep.

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Bella's Emergency [Q] 86545

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